10 Karens Who Faced Justice in 2024 So Far

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Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re looking at bonkers moments involving the rudest, most entitled, or most unhinged people to have caused havoc in 2024 so far. We’ll explore the shocking moments that brought them to infamy and the cosmic consequences.

Hammer Time

No one likes rising prices, but there are far better ways to deal with it than one guy did in June 2024. Upon visiting the Taste of Heaven Espresso bikini coffee stand in Seattle, Washington, a male Karen was livid that the price of his order had increased. So, he verbally took it out on the barista and owner, Emma Lee, at the drive-thru. After she handed him his beverages, he threw the water and coffee at the window. Lee wasn’t going to let that tantrum go without repercussions. As the guy got in the car, she leaned over and slammed a hammer on the windscreen like Thor. On top of being banned from the stand, he's also been reported to the police.

The Subway Savior

With a hankering for a sandwich at lunch, Gabriel Pitzulo walked into Subway in Indianapolis, Indiana, in March 2024. However, on top of the freshly baked bread smell, he was also greeted by a furious Daniel Saunders yelling at staff, throwing items, and apparently spitting. As Saunders went to leave, Pitzulo employed his high school wrestling skills. Afraid that Karen might be looking to get something to hurt the worker, Pitzulo tackled him to the ground. While Sanders tried to bite him, Pitzulo simply held the angry customer until the police arrived and took control of the situation, charging him for his tantrum. Hopefully the Subway wrestling hero never has to pay for a sandwich again.

Harp Hater

Buskers play their instruments and/or sing to the public, asking for nothing but a tip if you enjoy it. But some Karens like to make a non-problem a big problem for no reason. In May 2024, Robyn Hearts uploaded a TikTok video of her busking struggles in Harrow, England. She was strumming her harp when the disembodied demon voice of a Karen appeared. She threatened to report Hearts to the local council for “begging” and not having permission. Even though the musician clarifies that she has permission for what she’s doing, the Karen won’t have it. Getting nowhere, Hearts laughed at the woman. The internet has dragged Karen for her dreadful behavior and praised Hearts.

Bus Brawl

Some Karens try their best to get services and items for free and then throw a tantrum when that doesn’t happen. But the opposite happened in Los Angeles, California, in May 2024. A Karen got onto a Dash bus, a free fare service. She then offered to pay the driver a dollar to use it. However, the driver declined the cash since it was gratis. Well, that caused Karen to attack the driver. Footage of the battle of the bus swept online as the driver got the woman off the vehicle, and a scuffle ensued. Eventually, the employee got the upper hand, and Karen's things were chucked at her. Later on, Karen was arrested.

Racists in the Sky

Airplane cabin staff travel all over the world, dealing with passengers from various races and backgrounds. Yet, somehow, some can still be racist, as evidenced by a video recorded in 2022 but which did not get noticed until March, 2024. The short clip showed a white woman, Holly Walton, mimicking a Chinese accent and offensively stretching her eyelids at the camera, operated by Lauren Bray. Apparently they were mocking a Chinese family who struggled to order drinks. Unsurprisingly, the video drew outrage from the public and their employers, British Airways, who called them in for a meeting and fired them. A friend of Ms. Bray’s claimed the video was “manipulated” by a feuding colleague, so there may be more to come about this.

Unleashed Racism

In Los Angeles, California, dogs need to be on a leash when in public areas. Well, some Karens think laws like that don’t apply to them. In February 2024, Cindy released a TikTok of her interaction with Denise Olin, a neighbor she seemingly had issues with. As she was walking her dog, she noticed Olin’s dog was unleashed and asked her to put one on the pup. Instead of making this simple, law-following request, Olin went off on a racist rant, telling Cindy to “go back to China.” While Cindy has been an immigrant for 20 years, she doesn’t have Chinese heritage. The video went viral, and according to Olin, the police spoke to her and she apologized.

Intoxicated & Idiotic

When intoxication and Karen-ness mix, everyone is in for a bad time. In June 2024, a very under-the-influence Luana Otoni attempted to get on a plane at the Belo Horizonte International Airport in Confins, Brazil. However, after the lawyer showed her boarding ticket and approached the jet, she stumbled. With that, the staff stated she was too intoxicated to fly and got her stuff from the plane. Did she take it well? No, of course not. Otoni screamed racial insults at the staff and belittled their job. She even attacked a worker, all while another employee watched and did little to intervene. Otoni soon had to use her lawyering skills after the police turned up and arrested her for her dreadful behavior.

Mean in Mississippi

You know what’s noisier than a child grumbling in a restaurant?A Karen yelling about it. In June 2024, on her TikTok account, Madi released a series of videos about her Karen experience while dining at the Mexican restaurant Jalapeño Grill in Mississippi. Even with the other diners on Madi’s side, Karen screams obscenities at her for having the audacity to bring her child for food(!) Some good Samaritan customers even stood between them to stop Karen from getting physical. At one point, Karen complains that the kid’s noise made it difficult for people at her table to hear her, which they’re probably grateful for. Eventually, security officers arrived. After she refused to leave, they detained Karen until she was arrested by the cops.


The trad-wife trend has been gaining traction in conservative circles. To each their own. But not when they use their platforms to attack folks. In June 2024, Lilly Gaddis was cooking something while chatting to the camera on TikTok. People looking for tips were in for a shock when she began ranting about gold diggers and then casually slipped in a racial slur. People reacted with outrage, and Gaddis’ sarcastic apology video didn’t help. Due to this terrible publicity, her employer, Rophe of the Carolinas, a home health care service, publicly fired her. Gaddis later ranted about freedom of speech, which doesn’t excuse someone from consequences, and later begged for sponsorship by using the same slur again.

Fashion Police

It’s a rarity when the joke phrase “and then everyone clapped" is actually used in real life. Yet, that’s what happened in April 2024 at a restaurant in St. George, Utah. Ida Lorenzo had taken exception to Avery Leroy’s skirt. She pulled it down without warning, using children seeing the outfit as an excuse and flashing her state ID badge as an authority. Later, when speaking to the cops, Lorenzo told them she got a standing ovation in the restaurant after this. Rather than give her a parade for her imaginary heroics, the police charged her with battery. On top of her legal woes, Lorenzo was fired as a legal secretary for the Utah Attorney General’s Office, a position she’d only had for a month.

Which recent year has produced the most infamous Karen moments so far? 2015? 2020? 2013? 2021? 1816? Or another year? Let us know below!

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