10 Unsolved Bible Mysteries

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10 Unsolved Mysteries of the Bible

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’ll be discussing 10 Unsolved Mysteries of the Bible.

For this video, we’ll be addressing the most enduring and mystifying questions surrounding stories from the Christian Bible.

Which of these mysteries captures your imagination? Let us know in the comments!

Where Is the Ark of the Covenant?

Fans of the “Indiana Jones” franchise know this supposed relic and artifact all too well. The Ark of the Covenant is thought to be a golden chest that’s said to contain some of the Israelites most sacred treasure. But…where is it now? The Books of the Maccabees states that the prophet Jeremiah buried the Ark in a cave, yet the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church has claimed to possess the Ark in the modern day. Meanwhile, every Orthodox church in the Ethiopian region possesses its own replica of the Ark, bringing up more questions as to the authenticity of these claims.

What Is The Beast?

No, we’re not talking about the end-time Beast of Revelation, that’s foretold by the Bible to rise up prior to Armageddon. Instead, a lesser-known but no less curious “beast” is mentioned in the Book of Job, and its name is Behemoth. Behemoth and another monster named Leviathan are both referenced in Job. They are chaotic entities that were created by God during the time of Adam and Eve. However, neither Behemoth nor Leviathan possess many references after this point in the Bible. What happened to them, and where are they now? Were they Biblical analogies for dinosaurs? Are they, too, due to take part in the great battle detailed in Revelation? No one seems to know.

The Wealth of Ophir

The Biblical King Solomon was reported to have traded with the Kingdom of Ophir, a port city that was said to harbor wealth in gold, silver and more. To date, however, geographers and mapmakers are still unsure as to the exact whereabouts of Ophir. Modern day theories detail Ophir as a once-popular trading route that could’ve been located within the area of Sri Lanka, India or The Philippines. It isn’t only in the Old Testament where Ophir is mentioned, either; yet its true existence today feels like more of a myth than anything with a solid answer.

The End-Times

In addition to the chaotic warfare detailed in the Book of Revelation, there is also a period of time that’s labeled “The Millennium.” This is, according to Revelation, a thousand-year period of Jesus’ reign upon the Earth. However, there’s no specific time-table for this reign, and many Biblical scholars remain unclear on its true meaning. Some Christians believe in some sort of end-time event, where Jesus Christ will return to the world as King. Others believe The Millennium to be more of a metaphor with regards to the Christian message. Or, could we be currently living, in The Millennium, with the End-Times soon to follow? Who knows?

Jesus’ Missing Years

The Biblical life of Jesus Christ takes a huge jump from his birth and early childhood, straight into his adult life as a preacher and prophet. However, there’s still a chunk of Christ’s life that remains undocumented. The SBS Television Network in Australia attempted to shine a little light on this subject back in 2017, with an article that offered up some theories. The article details a 1894 discovery of what purported to be manuscripts authored to Jesus Christ. These were claimed to have been found within a Tibetan monastery, leading some to believe that Jesus traveled the Earth, seeking knowledge. Other stories claim that Jesus might have spent time in Japan and the U.K., although concrete evidence has yet to surface.

Where Is the Holy Grail?

The location of the Holy Grail ties into the subject of Jesus visiting the United Kingdom, specifically with regards to a saint named Joseph of Arimathea. Both the legend of Joseph and the Grail are intrinsically linked to the theory that Arimathea was actually located somewhere in England, potentially what is now Glastonbury. The Grail itself is said to be the cup utilized by Jesus at the Last Supper, and the Bible says that it was Joseph who assisted in burying Christ after his crucifixion. However, where is the Grail now? Conspiracies and theories abound as to its location, to the point where the word “grail” is now commonly used to describe something that’s coveted, to the point of obsession.

Is Eden Real?

The Garden of Eden is thought of as a fictional paradise where we want for nothing, and everything is idyllic. Was Eden fictional, though, or was it a real place? It’s a fascinating question, and one that still comes up for Biblical scholars around the world. There is conjecture that claims Eden may have once been located within the Persian Gulf region, due to a passage in the Book of Genesis that references the Tigris River. There’s also an idea that Eden is a mindset, a feeling of innocence that’s connected with a closeness to God. Still others claim that it was the Holy City of Jerusalem that once birthed civilization. We will likely never know for sure.

When Was Jesus Born?

The Biblical life of Jesus Christ is one that’s full of questions. In addition to the aforementioned mystery of Jesus’ missing years, there’s also the lack of an exact date for both his birth and death. Granted, holidays such as Christmas and Easter both celebrate these events, but their position on the calendar year is more symbolic than specific. Additionally, there’s a disconnect as to what’s mentioned in the Bible and what’s been written down within Roman census data of the day. Herod the Great is mentioned in the Bible, yet the census places his official death and Jesus’ potential birth in remarkably close proximity. Scholars today generally place Jesus’ birth at around four, five or six B.C., but there’s nothing concrete.

The Missing Books

The modern day Bible wasn’t the only text that was considered sacred to the Israelites. There are a number of other Books and authors mentioned in the Bible that have somehow become lost over the years. The Book of Numbers references one of these lost books, The Book of the Wars of the Lord, which is believed to be a collection of poems. These poems may be similar to the Skalds of Norse Mythology, in that they are said to detail wars fought by the armies of God, against the enemies of Israel. The idea that the Bible may, in fact, be incomplete is one that captivates many, particularly those who hunger for more esoteric knowledge of the era.

The Name of God

There is a lot of back and forth with regards to terminology used to pronounce the Name of God. The Tetragrammaton refers to the letters YHWH (or sometimes YHVH), and it’s supposed to be how one spells God’s name. However, some Christian writers have pronounced the Tetragrammaton as “Yahweh” or “Jehovah,” while Jewish cultures often replace the Tetragrammaton with “Adonai” or “Ha-Shem” which translates to “The Name.” God was written in the Bible as revealing his name to Moses, yet actual pronunciation of The Name was generally limited to acts of prayer within the Temple of Jerusalem. Today, with the Temple destroyed, historical documentation of the Tetragrammaton’s correct pronunciation has been lost to the sands of time.

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