Another Top 10 Celebrity Conspiracy Theories

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Another Top 10 Celebrity Conspiracy Theories

We go from the sublime to the ridiculous. Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for another top 10 celebrity conspiracy theories!

For this list, we’ll be looking at the bizarre - and sometimes strangely believable - beliefs about some of the planet’s most famous people. If you don’t see your favorite celeb theory here, be sure to check out our first video of the top 10 Celebrity Conspiracy Theories, which features more peculiar, improbable and impossible ideas.

#10: The Illuminati A-List

Originally founded in the 1700s as an enlightened secret society in Bavaria, the Illuminati has always been shrouded in mystery of some kind. Today, however, theorists have transformed the order into a ritualistic melting pot for rich and famous musicians, film stars and politicians. Essentially, the theory is that powerful and influential people are working together to brainwash the masses toward a New World Order of totalitarian rule. Jay Z and Beyoncé, Kim and Kanye, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Barack Obama, Emma Watson, Celine Dion, Daft Punk, Lil Wayne, Miley Cyrus and even the entire cast of “Boy Meets World” have all been suggested as members at one point or another.

#9: Khloé Kardashian Is O.J. Simpson’s Kid

Keep up with this. Long before the Kardashians were reality TV megastars, the family found their first slice of fame during the notorious OJ Simpson murder trial. Robert Kardashian, father to Kourtney, Kim, Khloe and Rob, was part of the team representing the one-time NFL star on the extremely high profile case, but there are rumors that OJ had even closer links to the family. Claims that Simpson is Khloe’s father have regularly arisen, helped along by his willingness to do DNA testing. But, at least publicly, the family insists that Robert is Khloe’s real dad - end of story. Probably.

#8: Suri Cruise Is an Alien

Ever since she was born in 2006, the spotlight has been stuck on Suri. As the daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, her upbringing was never going to be ordinary. But, when the first photos of the family emerged, after a long period of post-pregnancy secrecy during which some people doubted Suri even existed, the Internet was awash with otherworldly rumors. Her distinctive look coupled with her parents’ penchant for saying weird things and doing even weirder things led some people to believe that Suri was an alien. We’ve seen Tom Cruise do some unbelievable things on screen, but could he have really fathered extra-terrestrial life? Surely, some things are impossible.

#7: Nicolas Cage Is a Vampire

“Con Air”; “Kick Ass”; “Leaving Las Vegas” – The Nic Cage back catalogue is undoubtedly impressive. But, according to an entrepreneurial eBay seller, the Oscar-winning actor is hiding an incredible secret; he’s a vampire. In 2011, Jack Mord listed for sale an 1870 post-Civil War photograph of an unidentified man, with a $1 million price tag. Mord claimed that the photo showed Cage miraculously alive and well more than 140 years ago. The resemblance is spooky but Cage has continually laughed off the accusations, insisting that, contrary to popular belief, he does have a reflection and he doesn’t drink blood.... or so he claims.

#6: Andy Kaufman Is Alive

The list of ‘dead celebs that might not actually be dead’ is long, and mostly filled with far-fetched theories. But the Andy Kaufman idea is at least based on some form of reasoning. The comedian and cult entertainer died of cancer in 1984, but was famous for staging elaborate pranks and for unflinchingly sticking to character, sometimes to an uncomfortable point. As a result, there are persistent rumors decades on that Kaufman faked his own death. Believers hold that he’ll one day reappear to complete the grandest hoax of them all, and deliver the most surreal punch line in showbiz history.

#5: Jim Morrison Is Alive

In his hedonistic heyday, Jim Morrison was one of the most influential musicians on the planet. When he died in Paris in 1971, aged 27, the world mourned an all-out rock star. However, doubts about his death began just days after his passing, as a closed casket meant that very few people actually saw his body. Since Morrison had joked about faking his death to live again as ‘Mr. Mojo Risin’, some believed he had simply escaped to a far-off country. The theory that Morrison still walks among us continues to resurface even in recent years, while a series of clips claiming to show Morrison as an ageing New York City hippie having made headlines the world over as recently as 2016.

#4: Elvis Presley Is Alive

This ‘back from the dead’ conspiracy is arguably one of the most famous, recurring celeb rumors of all time. Officially, Elvis Presley died at his Graceland home on August 16th, 1977. But theorists question Elvis’ ‘irregular heartbeat’ cause of death, and say that the body seen during his funeral was a waxwork. Questions have also been raised and conspiracies born out of Vernon Presley’s move to keep his son’s autopsy report sealed until 2027. Since his death, Elvis has supposedly been ‘seen’ in and around Graceland, roaming the streets of Ottawa, Ontario, and most notably, with Muhammad Ali in 1984.

#3: Marilyn Monroe Was Killed by the CIA

A blonde bombshell, dead at 36 from an overdose ... at least that’s what they told us. Others argue that Marilyn Monroe was actually murdered by the CIA or FBI, following alleged affairs with John and Robert Kennedy. Per these theories, Monroe was a potential scandal, and someone who knew too much about top level US politics. Another theory has it that she was killed by the mafia, who was either working on behalf of the Kennedys, or trying to frame them. Then, of course, there's the suggestion that she never died at all but was instead forced into hiding to escape fame. In 1982, an official review supported the original overdose verdict, yet many remain unconvinced.

#2: Beyoncé Faked Her Pregnancy

Wild rumors always seem to float around Queen B, what with her being in the Illuminati and demonically possessed and all. But, the biggest question marks hang over her first pregnancy, which many believe she faked. Serious rumors started when Beyoncé appeared on Australian TV and her baby bump seemed to fold during an interview. Theories gathered pace when the due date for Blue Ivy routinely changed, when very few definitive pregnancy photos were released, and when Jay Z and Beyoncé reportedly hired out an entire wing at a Manhattan hospital to ensure absolute privacy - or secrecy - during the birth. The couple has always dismissed the idea, but there is something mighty strange about that disappearing belly…

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
- Avril Lavigne Died & Was Replaced with a Lookalike
- Prince George Is the Antichrist
- James Hewitt Is Prince Harry’s Dad

#1: Kurt Cobain Was Murdered

The body of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain was found on April 8th, 1994, dead from a supposedly self-inflicted gunshot wound to his head. Following a seemingly less-than-thorough police investigation, the belief that he was killed has rumbled on. Many of the allegations are leveled at his widow, Courtney Love, who, so the theory goes, killed or arranged for Kurt to be killed, as he was on the verge of writing her out of his will. A reported lack of Kurt’s fingerprints on the gun, inconsistencies with his suicide note, and the incapacitating levels of heroin in his bloodstream all suggest that he didn’t shoot himself. But if he didn’t, then who did? And why?

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