Another Top 10 Dumb Things Said By Celebrities
celebrities, celebs, quotes, quotes, dumb, dumb quotes, funny, stupid, another top 10, elizabeth hurley, kanye west, 50 cent, justin bieber, john lennon, christina aguilera, lindsay lohan, arnold schwarzenegger, britney spears, top 10, WatchMojo,
Script written by Nick Spake.
There’s no shortage of stupidity in this world and a good chunk of it is derived from famous people. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for another top 10 dumb things said by celebrities.
For this list, we’re taking a look at more ridiculously idiotic comments provided by some of the biggest stars in the world. If you’re wondering where Jaden Smith is, keep in mind that we already represented all of his tweets in our list of the top 10 dumb things said by celebrities.
#10: “So, where’s the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?”
Y’know that old adage that there are no stupid questions. Well, Christina Aguilera proved that to be false upon asking, “Where’s the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?” We’ll give you a hint, Christina. The answer is right there in the festival’s name. The Cannes International Film Festival is annually held in Cannes, France. Where else would it take place? That’s like asking where the New York City Marathon is being held. The answer is giftwrapped. What, did you just assume that the films being screened were all about tin cans?
#9: “I’d kill myself if I was as fat as Marilyn Monroe.”
Although most women would have killed to be Marilyn Monroe in the 1950s, Elizabeth Hurley would have killed herself if she was “that fat.” First of all, Elizabeth, Marilyn was voluptuously curvy. Secondly, don’t you think offing yourself over a little fat is kind of overreacting? Third, do you really want to endorse the notion that if a girl isn’t an anorexic walking stick then there’s something wrong with her? Last but not least, you are aware that Marilyn Monroe allegedly committed suicide, right? This is why gentlemen prefer blondes.
#8: “Whatever they have in Korea, that’s bad.”
In 2011, the Biebs still wasn’t old enough to vote and wasn’t sure which party he would side with even if he could, stating “I’m not sure about the parties” in an interview with Rolling Stone. There was one thing this teen idol turned bad boy knew for sure, though: “Whatever they have in Korea, that’s bad.” Gee, that’s almost as eye-opening as his wise words about the “great girl” who was Anne Frank. Whether he was talking about North Korea, South Korea, or Korea as a whole remains unclear. Just so you know, Justin, there’s a big difference between those neighboring countries.
#7: “WHY is everyone in SUCH a panic about hurricane (i’m calling it Sally)..? Stop projecting negativity! Think positive and pray for peace.”
As Hurricane Sandy killed hundreds of people, destroyed thousands of homes, and cost billions of dollars in damages, Lindsay Lohan took to twitter and asked the world what all the fuss was about. Sorry if we killed your buzz, Lindsay. As much as we’d like to “stop projecting negativity,” the rest of the world can’t help but be a little distraught over this natural disaster. But we’ll be sure to “pray for peace” as soon as you learn to properly use capital letters.
#6: “I guess I’m gonna fade into Bolivian.”
When a toddler mixes up two words like “Bolivian” and “Oblivion” it’s adorable. When a full-grown heavyweight champion like Mike Tyson mixes them up, it’s hilarious. After taking a mad beating at the fists of Lennox Lewis, Tyson feared that his career was over and that he was destined to “fade into Bolivian.” To be fair, Tyson was probably - and understandably - out of it. On the other hand, he’s never exactly been a master of public speaking. While the years that followed were tough on the boxer, at least he hasn’t totally faded into oblivion - or Bolivian for that matter.
#5: “My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live.”
Sweet beautiful Kanye summed up his ego in a nutshell with this quote. The self-proclaimed god’s gift to the world would spend all day looking at himself in a mirror if possible. Only then could he remedy his inner agony of never being able to witness the divine revelation that is his live performance. We’re all so fortunate god picked such a giving, compassionate, and selfless soul to be his vessel. Seriously, though, get over yourself.
#4: “I’ve never really wanted to go to Japan, simply because I don’t like eating fish and I know that’s very popular out there in Africa.”
Japan + Fish = Africa? That’s just bad math. Even a preschooler that’s never seen a map will comprehend the inaccuracy in Britney Spears’ statement. Aside from her mistake in not realizing Japan has a variety of other foods besides fish, Spears apparently never paid attention in geography class since Japan and Africa are, like, 10,000 miles apart. Another fun fact: You don’t need to travel across the sea to get from the U.S. to Canada, Brit Brit, so your dream of traveling across seas “like to Canada and stuff” will have to wait for another trip.
#3: “We’re more popular than Jesus now.”
In the 1960s, The Beatles were the biggest stars on the planet. No matter how big your band gets, though, you probably shouldn’t compare your popularity to that of Christianity. Worse yet, you definitely shouldn’t say: “Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn’t argue about that; I’m right and I’ll be proved right. We’re more popular than Jesus now; I don’t know which will go first—rock ’n’ roll or Christianity.” The supposedly smart Beatle made this cardinal error, sparking the infamous Beatle Boycott, where their records were burned and songs were pulled from radio. But, while Lennon’s assertion will forever remain infamous, at least it’s made for some funny satire.
#2: “I think gay marriage should be between a man and a woman.”
While running for Governor of California back in 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger was naturally asked about his views on gay marriage. The bodybuilder-turned-action hero-turned-politician-turned-action hero again apparently wasn’t aware that same-sex marriage requires two people of, y’know, the same sex to function, saying that “it should be between a man and a woman.” Granted, Arnie was probably just rushed and misspoke. Given how silly and contradictory this statement is, though, it’s hard to believe he was elected the Governator a couple months later. So, wait, which is it anyway: is he pro or anti-gay marriage?
Before we groan at our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- “When you say I committed adultery, are you stating before the marriage of 1996 or prior to?”
Deion Sanders
- “I’ve been noticing gravity since I was very young.”
Cameron Diaz
- “I hate geographical names for children.”
Katie Hopkins
- “I make Jessica Simpson look like a rock scientist.”
Tara Reid
- “Pandora.. Whoever you are!! Thank you!! I get tweets about you playing my music all the time!!”
#1: “Im a get me one of them bitches from a third world country. At least she won’t have high expectations. Heres a clean glass a water baby lol”
We’re really, really hoping that when 50 Cent tweeted this, he meant a dog and not a human being. Seeing as how that’s likely not the case, it’s safe to say 50 Cent doesn’t have much respect for the poor... Or for women, come to think of it. Yeah this one’s a double whammy: making fun of the suffering in third world countries AND objectifying women? Nailed it. Well, at least she likely won’t know that you haven’t been relevant for like a decade.
Do you agree with our list? What celebrity quotes made you lose faith in humanity? For more entertaining Top 10s published every day, be sure to subscribe to
Another Top 10 Dumb Things Said by Celebrities
There’s no shortage of stupidity in this world and a good chunk of it is derived from famous people. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for another top 10 dumb things said by celebrities.
For this list, we’re taking a look at more ridiculously idiotic comments provided by some of the biggest stars in the world. If you’re wondering where Jaden Smith is, keep in mind that we already represented all of his tweets in our list of the top 10 dumb things said by celebrities.
#10: “So, where’s the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?”
Christina Aguilera
Y’know that old adage that there are no stupid questions. Well, Christina Aguilera proved that to be false upon asking, “Where’s the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?” We’ll give you a hint, Christina. The answer is right there in the festival’s name. The Cannes International Film Festival is annually held in Cannes, France. Where else would it take place? That’s like asking where the New York City Marathon is being held. The answer is giftwrapped. What, did you just assume that the films being screened were all about tin cans? #9: “I’d kill myself if I was as fat as Marilyn Monroe.”
Elizabeth Hurley
Although most women would have killed to be Marilyn Monroe in the 1950s, Elizabeth Hurley would have killed herself if she was “that fat.” First of all, Elizabeth, Marilyn was voluptuously curvy. Secondly, don’t you think offing yourself over a little fat is kind of overreacting? Third, do you really want to endorse the notion that if a girl isn’t an anorexic walking stick then there’s something wrong with her? Last but not least, you are aware that Marilyn Monroe allegedly committed suicide, right? This is why gentlemen prefer blondes. #8: “Whatever they have in Korea, that’s bad.”
Justin Bieber
In 2011, the Biebs still wasn’t old enough to vote and wasn’t sure which party he would side with even if he could, stating “I’m not sure about the parties” in an interview with Rolling Stone. There was one thing this teen idol turned bad boy knew for sure, though: “Whatever they have in Korea, that’s bad.” Gee, that’s almost as eye-opening as his wise words about the “great girl” who was Anne Frank. Whether he was talking about North Korea, South Korea, or Korea as a whole remains unclear. Just so you know, Justin, there’s a big difference between those neighboring countries. #7: “WHY is everyone in SUCH a panic about hurricane (i’m calling it Sally)..? Stop projecting negativity! Think positive and pray for peace.”
Lindsay Lohan
As Hurricane Sandy killed hundreds of people, destroyed thousands of homes, and cost billions of dollars in damages, Lindsay Lohan took to twitter and asked the world what all the fuss was about. Sorry if we killed your buzz, Lindsay. As much as we’d like to “stop projecting negativity,” the rest of the world can’t help but be a little distraught over this natural disaster. But we’ll be sure to “pray for peace” as soon as you learn to properly use capital letters. #6: “I guess I’m gonna fade into Bolivian.”
Mike Tyson
When a toddler mixes up two words like “Bolivian” and “Oblivion” it’s adorable. When a full-grown heavyweight champion like Mike Tyson mixes them up, it’s hilarious. After taking a mad beating at the fists of Lennox Lewis, Tyson feared that his career was over and that he was destined to “fade into Bolivian.” To be fair, Tyson was probably - and understandably - out of it. On the other hand, he’s never exactly been a master of public speaking. While the years that followed were tough on the boxer, at least he hasn’t totally faded into oblivion - or Bolivian for that matter. #5: “My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live.”
Kanye West
Sweet beautiful Kanye summed up his ego in a nutshell with this quote. The self-proclaimed god’s gift to the world would spend all day looking at himself in a mirror if possible. Only then could he remedy his inner agony of never being able to witness the divine revelation that is his live performance. We’re all so fortunate god picked such a giving, compassionate, and selfless soul to be his vessel. Seriously, though, get over yourself. #4: “I’ve never really wanted to go to Japan, simply because I don’t like eating fish and I know that’s very popular out there in Africa.”
Britney Spears
Japan + Fish = Africa? That’s just bad math. Even a preschooler that’s never seen a map will comprehend the inaccuracy in Britney Spears’ statement. Aside from her mistake in not realizing Japan has a variety of other foods besides fish, Spears apparently never paid attention in geography class since Japan and Africa are, like, 10,000 miles apart. Another fun fact: You don’t need to travel across the sea to get from the U.S. to Canada, Brit Brit, so your dream of traveling across seas “like to Canada and stuff” will have to wait for another trip. #3: “We’re more popular than Jesus now.”
John Lennon
In the 1960s, The Beatles were the biggest stars on the planet. No matter how big your band gets, though, you probably shouldn’t compare your popularity to that of Christianity. Worse yet, you definitely shouldn’t say: “Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn’t argue about that; I’m right and I’ll be proved right. We’re more popular than Jesus now; I don’t know which will go first—rock ’n’ roll or Christianity.” The supposedly smart Beatle made this cardinal error, sparking the infamous Beatle Boycott, where their records were burned and songs were pulled from radio. But, while Lennon’s assertion will forever remain infamous, at least it’s made for some funny satire.#2: “I think gay marriage should be between a man and a woman.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger
While running for Governor of California back in 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger was naturally asked about his views on gay marriage. The bodybuilder-turned-action hero-turned-politician-turned-action hero again apparently wasn’t aware that same-sex marriage requires two people of, y’know, the same sex to function, saying that “it should be between a man and a woman.” Granted, Arnie was probably just rushed and misspoke. Given how silly and contradictory this statement is, though, it’s hard to believe he was elected the Governator a couple months later. So, wait, which is it anyway: is he pro or anti-gay marriage?Before we groan at our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- “When you say I committed adultery, are you stating before the marriage of 1996 or prior to?”
Deion Sanders
- “I’ve been noticing gravity since I was very young.”
Cameron Diaz
- “I hate geographical names for children.”
Katie Hopkins
- “I make Jessica Simpson look like a rock scientist.”
Tara Reid
- “Pandora.. Whoever you are!! Thank you!! I get tweets about you playing my music all the time!!”
#1: “Im a get me one of them bitches from a third world country. At least she won’t have high expectations. Heres a clean glass a water baby lol”
50 Cent
We’re really, really hoping that when 50 Cent tweeted this, he meant a dog and not a human being. Seeing as how that’s likely not the case, it’s safe to say 50 Cent doesn’t have much respect for the poor... Or for women, come to think of it. Yeah this one’s a double whammy: making fun of the suffering in third world countries AND objectifying women? Nailed it. Well, at least she likely won’t know that you haven’t been relevant for like a decade.Do you agree with our list? What celebrity quotes made you lose faith in humanity? For more entertaining Top 10s published every day, be sure to subscribe to
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