10 Video Games With The MOST Endings
video games with the most endings, video game endings, video game multple endings, baldurs gate 3, 428: Shibuya Scramble, Star Ocean: The Second Story R, Detroit: Become Human, Princess Maker 2, Time Travelers, BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend, The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Nier Automata, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Video Games, Adventure Games, mojo,10 Games with the MOST Endings
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’re looking at video games with the most possible outcomes.
“Nier: Automata” (2017)
PlatinumGames’ terrific action RPG follows themes of struggle and free will. And one of the many ways in which it navigates those themes is through its multiple endings. “Nier: Automata” features 26 different conclusions, specifically for each letter of the English alphabet. To reach its true finale, players must complete Endings A through E, which actually isn’t too big of an ask. Endings F through Z, on the other hand, are completely optional. Most of them are Game Over screens from losing fights or doing something you shouldn’t, like self-destructing on the Androids’ space station, dooming them all. But as many of them require very specific criteria, they still take a lot of effort to reach.
“The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” (2015)
Talking about possible endings in RPGs can be a little tricky. The main story of “The Witcher 3” features three different outcomes, all of which revolve around Geralt’s adopted daughter, Ciri. However, depending on your choices regarding multiple NPCs and quest lines while you played, you can earn a variety of different epilogues, turning 3 endings into 36. Some of these are small updates on the well-being of characters you chose to help or not. Others detail huge locations in the game’s world, and the impact you had on them and who’s left in charge. This way, the player feels as if they’ve influenced the larger world rather than just the hero’s personal story.
“The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe” (2022)
Once again, the subject of free will results in a ton of outcomes. “The Stanley Parable” placed players in a mysterious office building with only a snarky British narrator to keep them company. Where Stanley ended up depended on whether or not you chose to follow instructions at multiple instances. Most of the fun came from reaching its many endings and seeing how it affected your next playthrough, if at all. The original version included 19 different endings, but the creators went above and beyond for the “Ultra Deluxe” edition. Entirely new ones were introduced while others were expanded on, bringing 19 up to an impressive 42.
“BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend” (2011)
Many fighting games naturally feature a lot of endings; in addition to a main story finale, most characters on a roster will get a short conclusion to their personal story. But when it comes to “BlazBlue: Continuum Shift,” the developers went the extra mile. There’s a true ending unlocked after beating the story mode with specific characters. However, not only does each character get their own ending, they get several. Some bad endings are unlocked by losing certain fights, while some alternate ones are unlocked based on key decisions. Some characters even have joke endings unlocked in the middle of their stories. The updated “Extend” version added new story elements and characters, resulting in a total of 62 possible endings.
“Time Travelers” (2012)
In this Japan-only Adventure game, players must use time travel to stop a second disastrous attack in a futuristic Tokyo. The way it plays with endings is quite different from most games. Players have a ton of choices to make, and making a wrong one can lead to one of many bad endings. However, you can then reverse the outcome through time travel and continue the story, while all of your decisions are represented on a handy flowchart. Your final choice leads to one of two true endings, but there are also 69 possible negative outcomes to experience.
“Princess Maker 2” (1993)
“Princess Maker 2” is one of the more interesting sim games out there. You play as a famous warrior who is given a young girl to raise as their own by a deity. From ages 10 to 18, you’ll make all kinds of choices for the child, including their education and social life. The game ends when she comes of age and chooses a profession, though your decisions also affect how happy she is and whether or not she gets married. Your ending score is determined by what the game deems a successful career and life, with a variety of outcomes ranging from Queen to Court Jester to Harlot to Princess of Darkness. All in all, there are 74 possible lives for your daughter to take on.
“Detroit: Become Human” (2018)
Developer Quantic Dream has become known for choice-heavy narratives that can go in multiple directions. And “Detroit: Become Human” is, so far, the peak of the studio’s design philosophy. Set in a futuristic world, players control three different androids as they struggle with free will (yes, here we are again) in a world that treats them like second-class citizens. Since there are so many decisions to be made across three separate storylines, some players ended up with vastly different outcomes than others. There are 85 possible conclusions to reach in “Detroit.” Many of them do overlap and only feature minor changes. But there are still around 40 distinct endings you can reach.
“Star Ocean: The Second Story R” (2023)
“The Second Story” is a beloved entry in the “Star Ocean” series, having received both a remaster in 2008 and a remake in 2023. Blending elements of sci-fi and fantasy, it follows a soldier who must make it back to Earth while stopping a universe-wide plot across different planets. The RPG places a lot of emphasis on your choices, not just as a way to progress but to decide how your characters end up. The original version featured 86 different endings. However, the 2008 remaster added 13 new ones, all of which were retained for the 2023 remake.
“428: Shibuya Scramble” (2008)
This cult classic adventure game is noteworthy for a few reasons. It’s entirely in live-action and its crime-centric plot spans different genres depending on which of the five characters you’re playing as. Being that it’s mostly a visual novel, gameplay consists of reading and making key choices along the way. Because of its design, the developers made sure to make the plot as tantalizing as possible, but also included a plethora of outcomes based on how you chose to interact with it. While there are more than 100 narrative paths to go down, there are 87 possible endings to unlock.
“Baldur’s Gate 3” (2023)
Admittedly, the different endings of “Baldur’s Gate 3” are a special case. You have the Good and Evil endings, whether you choose to fight against or take control of the final threat. And you can end the game early in Act II by having Gale blow up both your party and the villains. However, because there are so many choices to make and paths to go down, Larian estimates around 17,000 possible variations to reach. Some may be minor, brought on by a single choice in any given companion’s storyline. Others can be major, like the absence of allies in the final battle because you didn’t complete their quests or chose to kill them. The game excels at player freedom. But 17,000 is still ridiculously impressive.
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