The 10 Darkest Moments In Lego Games

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Script written by Josh McLean

The Darkest Moments In Lego Games

Hey there! Josh here with MojoPlays, and today we’re digging up the darkest moments in Lego video games.

For this list, we’ll be looking at topics you wouldn't expect Lego to touch on! Sometimes it's more about what the moments imply, as opposed to what’s shown. E.g. Nuclear testing.

Believe it or not, these pretty plastic people have some skeletons in their closet! The following footage is not for the faint of heart, so grab a torch cause it’s about to get dark in here.

Before we begin... Do you have any idea how much footage we had to comb through for this video? Hours... HOURS OF LEGO PEOPLE grunting at each other! So please, for my sanity, don’t forget to subscribe! And, leave me a comment down below on which one of these moments haunted you the most... Let’s go!

The Brickster's Crimes

Enter the antagonist of the Lego Island series. He commits grand theft auto more than a few times, stealing police vehicles, breaking out of jail, raiding police headquarters, kidnapping, not to mention all the property damage and general terrorism. Plus, he tries to murder the young hero of the LEGO Island series. You may know him, first name “Pepper”… Last name, “Roni”. Brilliant. In Lego Island Xtreme Stunts. It’s all played for laughs, sure, but as we’ll discuss in a minute, Lego characters do indeed die. So if the homicidal Brickster here were successful, this would be a much different storyline. This mini fig is not to be trusted, and as far as Lego villains go, he’s one of the most sinister.

Ponda Baba's Death (The Cantina Incident)

Look, there’s no shortage of death in the Lego Star Wars games. We got, Jango, Qui Gon, the entirety of Order 66. But none hit as hard as Baba here, in terms of the tone presented. Who the heck is Ponda Baba you’re saying aloud? He's the alien Obi Wan kills in the Cantina! Yes they gave him a name, yes there are in depth breakdown videos of his species, yes I watched them... Baba here was clearly having a bad day already, he’s WEEPING in this scene! So a spilled drink was the straw to break the Ponda’s back, he pulls a gun on Luke, only to die as slowly as a Lego figure can. First he loses his arms, it takes him a moment to process this, then Ponda’s eyes go cold and distant... You can tell at this moment, he’s seeing the face of Lego God. Finally succumbing to his fate, he decapitates himself by falling backwards, toppling over into pieces. And if you don’t believe me that this was one of the most gruesome scenes in Lego, it was enough to make a Wookie hurl.

Destroying Sokovia

Even the Lego Avengers were destined for the Sokovia accords! Politics in Lego… Who knew? They blew up an entire country! They blew the heck out of it! Sure the people were evacuated, but the homes of hundreds and some animals were destroyed in a comical explosion! It's a Lego spinoff after all, they didn't have to obliterate the place like in the MCU! Those poor Russian mini figures will have to rebuild with whatever they are lucky enough to carry. Strike one for the Lego Avengers. I have a sinking feeling Lego Wanda has some trouble ahead of her if the story mirrors that of the film franchise. Poor thing.

Live Disintegration

No doubt about it, Voldemort's death in Lego Harry Potter is gnarly! At least he’s a bad guy, it’d be straight up upsetting to see this happen to anyone else. This bizarre moment transitions to HD, as oddly realistic Lego pieces fall off of Voldey here. The beady little eyes especially creeped me the eff out! For some reason, a frame from this scene could easily have originated from a “creepypasta”, but no, this is just how they wanted to depict it. Even worse, he’s clearly alive throughout this transformation which I can’t imagine feels anything close to good. Like, if all of a sudden I was hit with a blast that made me turn into sliced meat, I wouldn’t be too happy.

Lego Neurotoxin

All I can say about this one is that it was an interesting detail to include the mass killing of employees using lethal gas... Thanks Glados! It’s a pretty terrifying concept! We don’t exactly know the biology of a Lego figure, but they must need oxygen, implying they have lungs. Or perhaps, merely an entry point to their Lego brain from their mouth in order for the gas to do its business. Glados has other schemes for our plastic pals too. Electrocution, incineration, straight up being shot. The inclusion of the Portal franchise means all sorts of Lego torture chambers ™, exist. FuUuN!

The Tri

This is some Resident Evil stuff right here! It's like that one episode of Spongebob when they all get teleported into each other… Gross. This crime against nature is the merging of Metal Beard the pirate, Robin from Batman, and Frodo the hobbit, along with some scrap pieces of other characters. Lord Vortech is truly a wicked being for dismembering our once lovable sidekicks like this. You can imagine for yourself the potential grisly fan art that could be made if this creature was created from the actual characters, and not the Lego versions... Thankfully our companions are restored and rebuilt, but I’d hate to live through a timeline where I was basically human centipede-d into a three headed bird-thing. Now, yeah, I get you can combine Lego toy figures together IRL, but we never expected to see it happen in-game, and to the innocent Robin of all people too?

Padme Dies In Childbirth

So along with suffering from internal organ damage, perishing from Lego-childbirth ™ is very much present in-game as well. You know those games of “What fictional universe would you want to live in”? I’m starting to think we should steer clear of the one made entirely of bricks, and death. Mother to Luke and Leia, Padme leaves two crying newborn children in the hands of some alien. Our droid friends are cheering nearby, though, not fully realising what’s happening. At least she seems to pass quickly, though, couldn't they have just made her pop into some sort of ghost-like form instead of THIS? At least both of the kids survived… Though, not before clearly understanding what happened to their only parental figure. Oof, I prefer when a stork just brings the kids in children's media.


Aha! The Lego World is NOT the utopia you think it is! These streets are hard, even for a Lego figure. We don’t see a ton of this specific man who’s fallen on hard times. But for every mansion or island owning figure, there are some of these people too. Though for all we know, he has a perfectly good home in this universe and just likes sleeping on the streets, because Lego tries to keep it light hearted. That said, it doesn’t change the fact that crime runs rampant in the Lego-verse. Have you seen all the Lego criminal figures? They must have a poor system in place for getting folks back on their feet, instead of wallowing in a life of crime. Heck, a Lego figure struggling enough will turn to gang life too. The place is practically a police state. Look no further than the Lego City Undercover games, Cops here do whatever they want! Hijack anything you want! Plus there’s a benefit to destroying people's property when collecting money. What exactly is Lego trying to say here?...

Broken Family

"Everything is" not "awesome", when you're being raised like Harry Potter was... Lego men and women can still be cruel to their young children despite their usually plucky appearance. I mean even Lego Robin is an orphan so Lego Child Protective Services must stay busy... The overall mean-ness of uncle Vernon is played off as goofy yeah, but in some way does open the door to exposing children to some dark stuff. Harry is never seen doing anything explicitly wrong, but is punished for it by his guardians, presumably just because he’s not biologically their own. Again, It's Lego, they could change the plot if they really wanted to, and have his guardians not be spiteful of his existence when living with them. Raise your Lego kids right everybody! Lest they learn the ways of magic and come back to wingardium leviosa you into the sun!

Finally, what you’ve all been waiting for. This grim detail has sat underneath our noses since 2008, and opens up a can of Lego worms you once never thought possible.

Lego Fascism

Sure, they changed the flag (barely), and they’re only known as "enemies". But they're clearly depicted with blonde hair, blue eyes, and are a part of a facist oppressive group. They are- well you know who’s… Which implies an even darker past surrounding these little figures. Not only were they stealing relics and trying to murder Lego people, but they’ve been seen testing atomic bombs. Why do Legos need atomic bombs? Lego World Wars of course! Their mere existence in Lego Indiana Jones means the following may be canon: Lego Pearl Harbour, Lego Germany under facist rule, Lego Terrorism, wait we already confirmed that one… That’s dark. The list goes on… But at least they get some of their comeuppance on screen everytime you play the game! Man o’ man, you never know what to expect Lego to cover next!

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