10 Things Only REAL Fans Noticed in the Fallout TV Series
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Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re taking a look at 10 references and Easter eggs only “Fallout” fans probably recognized in the show.
The Junk Jet
The Junk Jet is one of those odd weapons that you can either take or leave. Really, it isn’t one of the best weapons of any “Fallout”, but it’d still be strange for a new entry to leave it out. So, it was nice to see that the show made sure to include in at least one episode. It actually makes an appearance in the very first episode! One trio of raiders roaming the wasteland carry a Junk Jet around, firing it at anyone blocking their path. They did not last long before the Ghoul took them down.The…Jet
For those unfamiliar with “Fallout”, no, there was not another Junk Jet that was just a jet. There is really a substance people in “Fallout” use called Jet. We see its use as the raiders attack Lucy’s vault, and you can sort of tell what it's used for. Created from the fumes of brahmin poo, jet gives users a rush of adrenaline, giving them a temporary increase in their strength. However, frequently using the stuff can lead to ramifications such as having hallucinations. So, in the games, it’s best to use only in case of an emergency.Assaultrons?
In the second episode, we are given a montage of Lucy exploring the wasteland (and a rather lengthy one at that). While in the middle of a sandy desert, she comes across the buried husk of what seems to be a robot. But “Fallout” fans know that is no ordinary robot. That is an Assaultron, one of the deadliest robotic enemies of the Wasteland, right behind Robobrains. Was this cameo hinting at what’s to come in Season Two?You’re S.P.E.C.I.A.L.!
While many “Fallout” fans will know the term “special” as an acronym for the seven key stats for characters, the games do directly address it albeit in a more PSA/self-help manner. For instance, the party favors you get in “Fallout 76” are all placed at different booths that teach each stat. “Fallout 4”, on the other hand, uses a book called “You’re SPECIAL!” as a means to invest in your stats. Finding it after the blast can also grant you one skill point in any stat you choose! But what about the show? Well, roughly halfway through into the fourth episode, you’ll be able to spot a poster of it in the background.Food Fit for a Wanderer
The “Fallout” show can definitely talk the talk and walk the walk, but real fans would get the finer details right. Well, the showrunners are definitely fans of “Fallout” because they went so far as to include the food featured in the games! In the second episode, you’ll see a can of Cram get cracked open and later on, some delicious iguana-on-a-stick. The third episode also features a tasty-looking case of Yum Yum Deviled Eggs. And yet, we didn’t see a single box of Sugar Bombs. Not even a bottle of Nuka-Cola Quantum. So sad.Power Suit Detailing
One seemingly specific detail in the second episode happens when Maximus asks Titus about his T-60 power suit. Initially, this just seems like an awkwardly funny moment between the two, but there is a striking detail in here. Tempered lining is actually an armor mod in “Fallout 4”, but it only can be applied to Raider and Trapper armor. Not only that, it is also used to increase damage resistance and energy resistance. So, Maximus needs to brush up on his stuff a bit more.The Water Chip
Roughly forty minutes into the third episode, viewers can spot a peculiar looking item called a “water chip”. This device is used to water purification machines running properly in the vaults, and it’s something the franchise often neglects. The only this has ever been directly acknowledged was back in the very first “Fallout” game. The main story involved your vault’s water chip breaking, forcing your vault to send you into the Wasteland in search of a new one. A water chip is obtainable in “Fallout 2”, but it doesn’t serve much purpose.Super Duper Mart
The second we saw this location in the fourth episode, we could hear all those “Fallout 3” fans screaming in excitement. Truth be told, it isn’t something truly specific to “Fallout 3”; it’s just another one of the franchise’s many fictional brands. But it sticks out to some of us because one of the earliest missions in the game involves entering a desolate Super Duper Mart that is hiding a group of Raiders. Not much happens here, but the layout is unique enough to resonate with us. Plus, some of us managed to get the Protectron to off them all for us. It kind of shows the different approaches “Fallout 3” allowed us to take in combat.Mr. House
On the surface, the meeting with Vault-Tec and various other businessmen looks to be nothing more than a sinister meeting of executives. However, there is one familiar face in the room that had us fans freaking out. That CEO of RobCo with his fancy getup and bushy mustache? That man is Mr. House, and as his talk implies, he’s a gambling man, specifically a gambling man ruling a city of casinos with an iron fist. The only difference here is that he doesn’t seem to have been computerized yet like a corrupt Walt Disney. But given how much time passes between then and the events of the show, could things have changed? The show does take place fifteen years after the events of the game, but anything could have happened. Speaking of which…New Vegas
To outsiders, that final shot looked like it was just a hint of a new setting to expect in the show’s second season. To longtime fans, though…it was so much more. That city shown in the final moments of the first season was none other than New Vegas, the most famous and popular city among “Fallout” fans. The main attraction of the 2010 game “Fallout: New Vegas”, this city housed several factions that ran their own casinos. It also houses one character who plays an early part in the campaign, Benny, who was voiced by the late Matthew Perry. From the robot sheriffs to the possibility of seeing Benny, there are so many questions we have as to what role New Vegas has in the show. Guess we’ll just have to play the game again to form our own theories.Did you spot any of these references for yourself? Let us know down in the comments, and be sure to subscribe to MojoPlays for more great videos everyday!
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