Top 10 Best God Modes in Video Games
best god modes in video games, best video game god modes, god mode, video game modes, hardest video game modes, hardest video games, overpowered video game characters, powerful video game characters, Sonic the Hedgehog, The Sims, Twisted Metal 2, Saints Row, Minecraft, Doom, Konami Code, GTA 5, GTA V, Grand Theft Auto 5, Skyrim, Elder Scrolls, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Video Games, Adventure Games, mojo,
Script written by Biswajit Guha
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 God Modes in Video Games.
For this list, we’ll be looking at modes in video games that make us mere mortals feel godlike. We’re looking at everything that gives you a taste of absolute power, from cheat codes and in-game items to entire games.
Which god mode is your favorite to let loose in? Let us know down in the comments!
Everyone knows that Sonic’s gotta go fast and his god mode is no different. In the original game, you can become invincible for a glorious twenty seconds. In this mode, nothing can harm Sonic except for boredom and bottomless pits. You can earn this power-up by smashing sparkling monitors that are sprinkled throughout the game. The sequels give us a more visually spectacular god mode. All you need are the seven chaos emeralds and at least fifty rings. Sonic can then turn into ‘Super Sonic’; an anime-esque transformation that lets you blaze through courses without slowing down. The only downside is you use up a ring every second until you’re back to being blue.
The funny thing about god mode in the Sims is that it’s pretty much the whole game. Believe us when we say that watching over and guiding your creations is more thrilling than it sounds. The player is near-omnipotent and can create, shape and end lives with just a click. You do what YOU want to do. Do you want to change a Sim’s career entirely? Want to change who your Sims marry? Feel like what’s missing from their lives is a good fire? You can do all of that! Having that much of an influence over your Sims can get to you so we recommend a ‘Sims Detox’ every now and then.
How can you possibly make destroying cars more entertaining? Just hold the shoulder buttons while pressing up-down-left-right-right-left-down-up and get ready to wreak havoc with reckless abandon. The Twisted Metal series puts you in the driver’s seat of a nearly indestructible weaponized death machine so why wouldn’t you want infinite health, infinite turbo and unlimited weapons for a little more fun? You can blow off some steam with lots of missiles and napalm without worrying about taking damage. Plus, it’s also a great way to try out new moves that would be too risky without god mode.
The Saints Row series can get excessively goofy in the best way. Without using any cheats, you can call in an airstrike on anyone or even commit insurance fraud. This is why giving us that extra bit of freedom with cheats makes so much sense. If you type ‘turkeyburgers’ in your in-game cellphone you’ll be able to take rockets to the face or jump off buildings without a second thought. Mix in the infinite sprint and weapons cheats to take the insanity to a whole new level the next time you go berserk through the streets of Steelport.
Endless resources? No fear of dying? The ability to fly? It’s time to let your imagination flow! Minecraft’s ‘Creative Mode’ is technically a god mode and takes the struggle of survival away so players can focus on, well… being creative. You have the ability to take to the skies and build magnificent structures out of thin air. While most other god modes primarily let you unleash tons of mayhem, which we love, Creative Mode gives you the choice of a more constructive path. Sometimes players might want to take it easy and just make something, especially without the fear of creepers.
One of the pioneers of god mode, “Doom” popularized the concept and it seems fitting since you have to kill unholy enemies. You can either pick up an in-game power-up that would grant you 30 seconds of invulnerability or you could type in ‘IDDQD’ and dish out some divine devastation. When you’re using god mode, you don’t take damage and the little Doom Guy icon at the bottom of your screen gains glowing eyes to let you know you’re in for a fun time. The 2016 reboot stayed away from an actual god mode since it is falling out of fashion but classic Doom will always have your back.
Once god mode started becoming popular almost every first-person shooter had it, but what Rise of the Triad managed to do is flip the formula a bit. You can grab this upgrade at certain levels and it’ll last for 30 seconds or you could make it last forever by enabling cheats and typing ‘CHOJIN’. While in god mode you are incapable of taking damage, you can fly and you can shoot white balls of energy that can clear a room before you can take a look around. Shooting your enemies with bullets and rockets is great and all but we’d take energy projectiles every time.
Up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-B-A and just like that, you’ve used one of the most iconic cheat codes of all time, the Konami Code. It was created by Kazuhisa Hashimoto, one of the developers of a game called “Gradius”. He had to play through the whole game to check for bugs. The only problem was that he couldn’t get very far and so he created a cheat code just for testing the game, and that’s how the Konami Code was born. For some reason, this code was left in the game and players found out. It was so popular that it snuck its way into other Konami games, non-Konami games, TV shows and movies.
Let’s face it, going on a rampage in GTA V will never get old but a few cheats here and there can spice things up. With a couple of inputs or by dialing specific numbers on your in-game phone, it’s possible to unlock plenty of items and abilities for your next visit to Los Santos. Whether it’s changing the weather or super jumping in the air and freaking out a helicopter, this game has you covered. The only catch about being a bullet sponge here is that it only lasts for five minutes so try to make the most of it. Also, you can’t get achievements while using cheats so rampage responsibly!
Being launched into the air by a giant is a humbling experience that most players learn to love but what if you want to just explore the land of Skyrim? By using console commands, you can take in the sights while enjoying fresh dragon fire. If you’re as much of a hoarder as we are, you’ll love toggling god mode on instead of slowly walking all the way to a chest. There’s something so satisfying about instantly feeling light after being completely encumbered. These cheats truly let you play this RPG as you want to, and in this case, as an unbeatable dragon-born god.
Top 10 God Modes in Video Games
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 God Modes in Video Games.
For this list, we’ll be looking at modes in video games that make us mere mortals feel godlike. We’re looking at everything that gives you a taste of absolute power, from cheat codes and in-game items to entire games.
Which god mode is your favorite to let loose in? Let us know down in the comments!
#10: “Sonic the Hedgehog” franchise (1991-)
Everyone knows that Sonic’s gotta go fast and his god mode is no different. In the original game, you can become invincible for a glorious twenty seconds. In this mode, nothing can harm Sonic except for boredom and bottomless pits. You can earn this power-up by smashing sparkling monitors that are sprinkled throughout the game. The sequels give us a more visually spectacular god mode. All you need are the seven chaos emeralds and at least fifty rings. Sonic can then turn into ‘Super Sonic’; an anime-esque transformation that lets you blaze through courses without slowing down. The only downside is you use up a ring every second until you’re back to being blue.
#9: “The Sims” franchise (2000-)
The funny thing about god mode in the Sims is that it’s pretty much the whole game. Believe us when we say that watching over and guiding your creations is more thrilling than it sounds. The player is near-omnipotent and can create, shape and end lives with just a click. You do what YOU want to do. Do you want to change a Sim’s career entirely? Want to change who your Sims marry? Feel like what’s missing from their lives is a good fire? You can do all of that! Having that much of an influence over your Sims can get to you so we recommend a ‘Sims Detox’ every now and then.
#8: “Twisted Metal 2” (1996)
How can you possibly make destroying cars more entertaining? Just hold the shoulder buttons while pressing up-down-left-right-right-left-down-up and get ready to wreak havoc with reckless abandon. The Twisted Metal series puts you in the driver’s seat of a nearly indestructible weaponized death machine so why wouldn’t you want infinite health, infinite turbo and unlimited weapons for a little more fun? You can blow off some steam with lots of missiles and napalm without worrying about taking damage. Plus, it’s also a great way to try out new moves that would be too risky without god mode.
#7: “Saints Row” franchise (2006-)
The Saints Row series can get excessively goofy in the best way. Without using any cheats, you can call in an airstrike on anyone or even commit insurance fraud. This is why giving us that extra bit of freedom with cheats makes so much sense. If you type ‘turkeyburgers’ in your in-game cellphone you’ll be able to take rockets to the face or jump off buildings without a second thought. Mix in the infinite sprint and weapons cheats to take the insanity to a whole new level the next time you go berserk through the streets of Steelport.
#6: “Minecraft” (2011)
Endless resources? No fear of dying? The ability to fly? It’s time to let your imagination flow! Minecraft’s ‘Creative Mode’ is technically a god mode and takes the struggle of survival away so players can focus on, well… being creative. You have the ability to take to the skies and build magnificent structures out of thin air. While most other god modes primarily let you unleash tons of mayhem, which we love, Creative Mode gives you the choice of a more constructive path. Sometimes players might want to take it easy and just make something, especially without the fear of creepers.
#5: “Doom” (1993)
One of the pioneers of god mode, “Doom” popularized the concept and it seems fitting since you have to kill unholy enemies. You can either pick up an in-game power-up that would grant you 30 seconds of invulnerability or you could type in ‘IDDQD’ and dish out some divine devastation. When you’re using god mode, you don’t take damage and the little Doom Guy icon at the bottom of your screen gains glowing eyes to let you know you’re in for a fun time. The 2016 reboot stayed away from an actual god mode since it is falling out of fashion but classic Doom will always have your back.
#4: “Rise of the Triad: Dark War” (1995)
Once god mode started becoming popular almost every first-person shooter had it, but what Rise of the Triad managed to do is flip the formula a bit. You can grab this upgrade at certain levels and it’ll last for 30 seconds or you could make it last forever by enabling cheats and typing ‘CHOJIN’. While in god mode you are incapable of taking damage, you can fly and you can shoot white balls of energy that can clear a room before you can take a look around. Shooting your enemies with bullets and rockets is great and all but we’d take energy projectiles every time.
#3: Konami Code
VariousUp-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-B-A and just like that, you’ve used one of the most iconic cheat codes of all time, the Konami Code. It was created by Kazuhisa Hashimoto, one of the developers of a game called “Gradius”. He had to play through the whole game to check for bugs. The only problem was that he couldn’t get very far and so he created a cheat code just for testing the game, and that’s how the Konami Code was born. For some reason, this code was left in the game and players found out. It was so popular that it snuck its way into other Konami games, non-Konami games, TV shows and movies.
#2: “Grand Theft Auto V” (2013)
Let’s face it, going on a rampage in GTA V will never get old but a few cheats here and there can spice things up. With a couple of inputs or by dialing specific numbers on your in-game phone, it’s possible to unlock plenty of items and abilities for your next visit to Los Santos. Whether it’s changing the weather or super jumping in the air and freaking out a helicopter, this game has you covered. The only catch about being a bullet sponge here is that it only lasts for five minutes so try to make the most of it. Also, you can’t get achievements while using cheats so rampage responsibly!
#1: “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” (2011)
Being launched into the air by a giant is a humbling experience that most players learn to love but what if you want to just explore the land of Skyrim? By using console commands, you can take in the sights while enjoying fresh dragon fire. If you’re as much of a hoarder as we are, you’ll love toggling god mode on instead of slowly walking all the way to a chest. There’s something so satisfying about instantly feeling light after being completely encumbered. These cheats truly let you play this RPG as you want to, and in this case, as an unbeatable dragon-born god.
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