Top 10 Best Songs From Big Mouth
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Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Best Songs From Big Mouth.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the catchiest and most outrageous original songs from the Netflix animated series.
What’s your favorite musical number from Big Mouth? Let us know in the comments below.
#10: Code-Switching
"A Very Special 9/11 Episode"
“Big Mouth” has made it clear that there’s no aspect of puberty that it’s afraid to touch. Throughout the seasons, however, it’s shown that it’s equally adept at tackling a wide range of issues and themes. In season four, a visit to Missy’s extended family has her questioning what her racial identity means to her. DeVon has some insight to share with her about his experience as one of the few Black kids at school, but his lesson in code-switching underscores a very real and problematic pressure felt by many people of color. The song is catchy as hell and it's easy to get caught up in the fun of it all, but what DeVon is describing is also an exhausting way to live.
#9: Who Needs a Boy?
“My Furry Valentine”
In this extra long Valentine’s Day special, songwriter Mark Rivers treats fans to an extra large serving of musical fun. “Valentine’s Day” cuts right to the core of the pressure and disappointment so often associated with the holiday. And “Changes”, an alternate version of the show’s theme song, is one of the most beautiful performances in “Big Mouth” to date, thanks to Maya Rudolph’s incredible voice. When the credits roll on the episode though, it’s Matthew and Jessi’s duet that really stays with you. With some banter from Connie and Maurice, the pair sing an old-timey ode to friendship that’s sure to ring true with anyone who finds themself single on Valentine’s Day.
#8: "Life is a F@#$ed-Up Mess"
"I Survived Jessi's Bat Mitzvah"
Inspired by the group dance number “The Electric (Slide)”, this song is a whole lot of fun. What makes it such a standout, however, is the jarring contrast between the overall energy and the lyrical content. As Jessi learns on the day of her disastrous Bat Mitzvah, sometimes there’s nothing you can do but laugh in the face of the bad stuff. There’s comfort in the chaos when you learn to let go. It’s an important lesson, but more importantly, it’s one helluva good time! When your parents fight in front of everyone and you wind up with Coach Steve as your DJ, what else can you do but sing and dance your way through it? Thanks for the pep talk, gang!
#7: Everybody Bleeds
“Everybody Bleeds”
“Big Mouth” often uses musical numbers to really hammer home the central theme of an episode. Rarely has this been truer than with “Everybody Bleeds”, which is both the song and episode title. There are few people who can honestly say that getting their first period was a forgettable experience. It’s a life event that, unlike so many others, simply cannot be scheduled. In hindsight, it might make for a good story, but in the moment well, you really hope it doesn’t happen on a field trip to the Statue of Liberty. After punching Jay in the throat, Jessi rides the bus home to the tune of a slow jam sung by none other than… a tampon! It’s graphic, but it’s also extremely relatable.
#6: Cafeteria Girls
"Cafeteria Girls"
Another title song, “Cafeteria Girls” takes its name from Nick and Andrew’s seventh grader romantic interests. But here’s the thing boys! They’re not just romantic interests. These girls have names (broll: Izzy and Misha), feelings and desires. Heck, as it turns out, they even have their very own show, “Cafeteria Girls!” “Big Mouth” is a very meta series, so it was only a matter of time until they gave us a show within a show. But who could’ve predicted that a fake show would have such a catchy and memorable little theme song? “Cafeteria Girls” is so short we were hesitant to add it to our list. But the theme music becomes a recurring gag throughout the episode—which arguably gives it a leg up on longer songs.
#5: Guy Town
"Guy Town"
The bachelor lifestyle is often romanticized. And that’s exactly what the divorcees and single dudes of Guy Bilzerian’s “Guy Town” do in this song. In reality, “Guy Town” is run down, sleazy and altogether gross, but the musical number it inspires is an undeniable hit. It’s got the zany, feel good energy of an ‘80s or ‘90s sitcom. But instead of a family frolicking in a park or getting into wacky hijinks in the kitchen, the men of Guy Town are buying lube and trimming an erotic topiary garden. Guy Town is just about the last place you’d actually want to live. But based on this song… yeah, this is a spin-off that we’d genuinely watch.
#4: Disclosure (The Musical)
"Disclosure the Movie: The Musical!"
It’s easy to forget that "Disclosure the Movie: The Musical!" was not, in fact, the season 3 finale. It was just so good. As far musical episodes go, however, this was the last of the season and boy did the “Big Mouth” songwriter Mark Rivers ever go out on a high note! Between “Disclosure” and Missy’s two separate musical numbers, this episode gives “Glee” a run for its money. The episode opens with Caleb providing an introduction to Bridgeton Middle School’s new theater production—a musical adaptation of the 1994 erotic thriller “Disclosure”. It’s a wildly inappropriate choice, but it’s hard to argue against the resulting songs (and stinging commentary). It’s ridiculously exposition heavy and a great parody of high school musicals in general.
#3: "Sex on a Lady"
“Steve the Virgin”
Hit songs come and go, but “Sex on a Lady” has burned itself into our collective minds. Coach Steve is a gift to comedy. He’s a walking quote machine—each word that comes out of his mouth is somehow funnier than the last. But when he starts singing… that’s when the magic really happens. In this unforgettable season 2 episode, Coach Steve finally loses his virginity—to Jay’s mom no less! In the lead up to the big moment, Steve and his hormone monster, Rick, sing about well... we’ll just let them do their thing (broll: sex on a lady). There are a lot of creative ways to describe intercourse, but “sex on a lady” sets a new bar for hilarity. May we never hear the words “make thick” ever again.
#2: I Love My Body
"What Is It About Boobs?"
When one of their classmates begins developing earlier and more obviously than the other girls, Jessi and Missy find themselves suddenly self-conscious about their own bodies. Now, one of the biggest ways in which “Big Mouth” has pushed the envelope is with cartoon nudity. Even so, we were not prepared for this musical number and the sheer amount of animated flesh that would accompany it. Netflix might be able to get away with it, but sadly we can’t; you’ll just have to watch for yourself. Skin parade aside, “I Love My Body” is just a really, really solid and well-written song. Empowering and reminiscent of “I Will Survive”, this song is a bop with serious disco vibes.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
I Used to be Her Favorite - "The Funeral"
Not Many Jokes Here, Just a Heartfelt Song From a Son Who Feels Abandoned.
The Slut Walk - "Girls Are Angry Too"
A Great Song About Sexism & the Male Gaze
The Spectrum of Sexuality - "Cellsea"
A Magician, Ghosts & a Boner Hat. What’s Not To Like?
Poop Madness - "Poop Madness"
Take a Journey Down the Rabbit Hole Into Andrew’s Gastrointestinal Nightmare
Shame - "Dark Side of the Boob"
A Rocking Lesson in Self-Consciousness From the Shame Wizard!
#1: Totally Gay
“Am I Gay?”
The show might be called “Big Mouth”, but the biggest thing here... are the personalities. And in the history of music, there have been few figures with a bigger personality than Queen singer Freddie Mercury. Funnyman and director Jordan Peele is credited with Mercury’s voice work, but when it comes time to sing, he handed off the mic to vocalist Brendan McCreary for a spot on impression. From the instrumentation to the vocals (if not the lyrics), the resulting number feels perfectly at home in the Queen catalog—it even earned an Emmy nomination! Crass, catchy and empowering, this song encompasses everything that we’ve come to love about the music of “Big Mouth”, even if Mercury himself didn’t actually identify as gay. If only every sexual identity crisis could be as fun as this one!
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