Top 10 Best Songs from the Aladdin Franchise
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Top 10 BEST Songs From The Aladdin Franchise
Hop on your magic carpet and get ready to sing along! Welcome to MsMojo and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Songs from the “Aladdin” Franchise.
For this list, we’ll be going over the best tunes from the “Aladdin” films, animated series, and stage musical, based on the accompanying visuals, as well as how memorable and catchy they are.
“Aladdin” (1992)
What better way to introduce the music of the “Aladdin” franchise than with the song that’s essentially its introductory theme? “Arabian Nights” sets the mood and the setting of Agrabah with evocative lyrics that promise mystery and adventure. Though most famous for being the opening of the first animated film, as well as for having some of its lyrics modified following complaints about stereotyping, the song also acted as the intro theme for the animated series and the 2019 live action flick. These versions are rather short, but the one from the “Aladdin” musical transforms a mood piece into a huge opening number. With comedy, a chorus of singers, and complex choreography, the 2011 number enchants, delights and sets the stage for the play ahead.
“Aladdin and the King of Thieves” (1996)
Sa’luk, the second-in-command of the Forty Thieves, tries to convince the rest of his cohorts that he would be a better leader to them than Aladdin’s father, Cassim. While he initially starts out by beating them up, the criminals eventually come around to the idea. The lyrics are full of the thieves reveling in their dirty deeds as Sa’luk reminds them of what they used to stand for while encouraging them to follow him. The fact that they sing the whole thing while fighting and stealing from one another only adds to the wonderfully villainous overtones of the song.
“Aladdin” [Musical] (2011)
The first song to originate from the “Aladdin” musical on our list, “These Palace Walls” is sung by Princess Jasmine and her ladies in waiting. The sheltered young lady sings of her burgeoning desire to see more of the world beyond what she’s known and her handmaidens express their own differing opinions on what she should do. The music and vocals move deftly between quick and light to majestic and soaring; making for a wonderfully diverse song that’s a joy to listen to and will have you wanting to broaden your own horizons.
“Aladdin” [Musical] (2011)
Sticking to the stage again, this number from the musical is a duet that features Aladdin and Jasmine singing of their mutual desire to travel and escape their current lives. The imagery they conjure of distant landscapes explored together is wonderful and the strong vocals of both of the actors helps drive the song, while the music itself acts as an undercurrent. “A Million Miles Away” brings the two characters together through their shared dreams in a manner that’s quite romantic and arguably even more effective than the film’s exposition.
“The Return of Jafar” (1994)
Following Jafar’s return from being imprisoned in a lamp, the Genie attempts to defeat him, only for Jafar to prove himself more adept at using the magical abilities they share. The villain then proceeds to put Genie down through song with some creative and imaginative lyrics, while simultaneously leading him through the kind of surreal situations filled with pop culture references that the Genie himself usually employs; effectively beating Genie at his own game. Perfectly sinister and full of fantastical imagery, “You’re Only Second Rate” is a first rate villain song for Jafar.
“Aladdin” [Musical] (2011)
Originally written for but cut from the animated film, this track is sung by Aladdin himself to his difficult-to-please mother. Tragically, this song proved nearly autobiographical for lyricist Howard Ashman, who had written this tune before his death, and wasn't around to fight for it once the "mother" storyline was left on the cutting room floor. Thankfully, it saw the light of day on Broadway. In "Proud of Your Boy," Aladdin expresses his regret for the lifestyle of thievery that he partakes in, being well aware of his faults, yet still promising that he’ll try to do better to make her proud of him. With music that gradually builds and some powerful vocal notes, “Proud of Your Boy” is a song that anyone can relate to - and will probably hit you right in the feels.
“Aladdin” (1992)
After stealing a loaf of bread, Aladdin leads a group of guards on a madcap chase around the city to evade capture and to keep his meal. The song helps establish Aladdin’s character, particularly his cheeky and devil may care attitude, while also providing a heap of comedy. Even the slower reprise soon after reveals Aladdin’s aspirations and how hurt he is by the labels lobbied at him by the angry townspeople. With its quick,catchy pace and memorable lyrics, “One Jump Ahead” is a song anyone can jump into, regardless of whether they’re a law-abiding citizen or a street rat.
“Aladdin” (1992)
To help make an entrance for Aladdin upon turning him into a prince, the Genie and seemingly half the town of Agrabah deliver this over the top number while holding a parade through the streets for the purported “Prince Ali”. The Genie heaps praise on the supposed royal, which succeeds in hyping up the crowds. Even Jafar remembers enough of it to use his own version of it when exposing Aladdin later on in the story. Overall, “Prince Ali” is a world-class tune that will have you bopping along to the beat and totally falling for their ruse.
“Aladdin” (1992)
While trying to win over Princess Jasmine, Aladdin takes her on a magic carpet ride, and the duo engage in this duet about the thrilling and beautiful sights they see in the world around them -while also expressing their shared romantic dreams. “A Whole New World” combines gorgeous scenery and enchanting and unforgettable lyrics with music to create what is arguably one of the greatest and most iconic love songs ever written, and one that perfectly encapsulates young romance. Although it may have won the Oscar for Best Original Song and it is utterly amazing, we’d argue that there is one more tunefrom “Aladdin” that’s even better.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
“There's a Party Here in Agrabah”
“Aladdin and the King of Thieves” (1996)
“Forget About Love”
“The Return of Jafar” (1994)
“Diamond in the Rough”
“Aladdin” [Musical] (2011)
“Aladdin” (2019)
“Aladdin” (1992)
To help sell Aladdin on his usefulness, the Genie launches into this bombastic and surreal song in which he tells of his magical abilities. The animation in the original film is frenetic and jaw-dropping in its creativity, much like Robin Williams’ signature off-the-wall comedy. “Friend Like Me” is an utterly show stopping number no matter the medium though; the stage version features practical magic tricks and references to other Disney songs within it, while Will Smith’s interpretation in the live action movie has its charms as well. All in all, “Friend Like Me” is iconic to the franchise and we ain’t never heard a song like this anywhere else.
Hop on your magic carpet and get ready to sing along! Welcome to MsMojo and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Songs from the “Aladdin” Franchise.
For this list, we’ll be going over the best tunes from the “Aladdin” films, animated series, and stage musical, based on the accompanying visuals, as well as how memorable and catchy they are.
#10: “Arabian Nights”
“Aladdin” (1992)
What better way to introduce the music of the “Aladdin” franchise than with the song that’s essentially its introductory theme? “Arabian Nights” sets the mood and the setting of Agrabah with evocative lyrics that promise mystery and adventure. Though most famous for being the opening of the first animated film, as well as for having some of its lyrics modified following complaints about stereotyping, the song also acted as the intro theme for the animated series and the 2019 live action flick. These versions are rather short, but the one from the “Aladdin” musical transforms a mood piece into a huge opening number. With comedy, a chorus of singers, and complex choreography, the 2011 number enchants, delights and sets the stage for the play ahead.
#9: “Are You In or Out?”
“Aladdin and the King of Thieves” (1996)
Sa’luk, the second-in-command of the Forty Thieves, tries to convince the rest of his cohorts that he would be a better leader to them than Aladdin’s father, Cassim. While he initially starts out by beating them up, the criminals eventually come around to the idea. The lyrics are full of the thieves reveling in their dirty deeds as Sa’luk reminds them of what they used to stand for while encouraging them to follow him. The fact that they sing the whole thing while fighting and stealing from one another only adds to the wonderfully villainous overtones of the song.
#8: “These Palace Walls”
“Aladdin” [Musical] (2011)
The first song to originate from the “Aladdin” musical on our list, “These Palace Walls” is sung by Princess Jasmine and her ladies in waiting. The sheltered young lady sings of her burgeoning desire to see more of the world beyond what she’s known and her handmaidens express their own differing opinions on what she should do. The music and vocals move deftly between quick and light to majestic and soaring; making for a wonderfully diverse song that’s a joy to listen to and will have you wanting to broaden your own horizons.
#7: “A Million Miles Away”
“Aladdin” [Musical] (2011)
Sticking to the stage again, this number from the musical is a duet that features Aladdin and Jasmine singing of their mutual desire to travel and escape their current lives. The imagery they conjure of distant landscapes explored together is wonderful and the strong vocals of both of the actors helps drive the song, while the music itself acts as an undercurrent. “A Million Miles Away” brings the two characters together through their shared dreams in a manner that’s quite romantic and arguably even more effective than the film’s exposition.
#6: “You're Only Second Rate”
“The Return of Jafar” (1994)
Following Jafar’s return from being imprisoned in a lamp, the Genie attempts to defeat him, only for Jafar to prove himself more adept at using the magical abilities they share. The villain then proceeds to put Genie down through song with some creative and imaginative lyrics, while simultaneously leading him through the kind of surreal situations filled with pop culture references that the Genie himself usually employs; effectively beating Genie at his own game. Perfectly sinister and full of fantastical imagery, “You’re Only Second Rate” is a first rate villain song for Jafar.
#5: “Proud of Your Boy”
“Aladdin” [Musical] (2011)
Originally written for but cut from the animated film, this track is sung by Aladdin himself to his difficult-to-please mother. Tragically, this song proved nearly autobiographical for lyricist Howard Ashman, who had written this tune before his death, and wasn't around to fight for it once the "mother" storyline was left on the cutting room floor. Thankfully, it saw the light of day on Broadway. In "Proud of Your Boy," Aladdin expresses his regret for the lifestyle of thievery that he partakes in, being well aware of his faults, yet still promising that he’ll try to do better to make her proud of him. With music that gradually builds and some powerful vocal notes, “Proud of Your Boy” is a song that anyone can relate to - and will probably hit you right in the feels.
#4: “One Jump Ahead”
“Aladdin” (1992)
After stealing a loaf of bread, Aladdin leads a group of guards on a madcap chase around the city to evade capture and to keep his meal. The song helps establish Aladdin’s character, particularly his cheeky and devil may care attitude, while also providing a heap of comedy. Even the slower reprise soon after reveals Aladdin’s aspirations and how hurt he is by the labels lobbied at him by the angry townspeople. With its quick,catchy pace and memorable lyrics, “One Jump Ahead” is a song anyone can jump into, regardless of whether they’re a law-abiding citizen or a street rat.
#3: “Prince Ali”
“Aladdin” (1992)
To help make an entrance for Aladdin upon turning him into a prince, the Genie and seemingly half the town of Agrabah deliver this over the top number while holding a parade through the streets for the purported “Prince Ali”. The Genie heaps praise on the supposed royal, which succeeds in hyping up the crowds. Even Jafar remembers enough of it to use his own version of it when exposing Aladdin later on in the story. Overall, “Prince Ali” is a world-class tune that will have you bopping along to the beat and totally falling for their ruse.
#2: “A Whole New World”
“Aladdin” (1992)
While trying to win over Princess Jasmine, Aladdin takes her on a magic carpet ride, and the duo engage in this duet about the thrilling and beautiful sights they see in the world around them -while also expressing their shared romantic dreams. “A Whole New World” combines gorgeous scenery and enchanting and unforgettable lyrics with music to create what is arguably one of the greatest and most iconic love songs ever written, and one that perfectly encapsulates young romance. Although it may have won the Oscar for Best Original Song and it is utterly amazing, we’d argue that there is one more tunefrom “Aladdin” that’s even better.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
“There's a Party Here in Agrabah”
“Aladdin and the King of Thieves” (1996)
“Forget About Love”
“The Return of Jafar” (1994)
“Diamond in the Rough”
“Aladdin” [Musical] (2011)
“Aladdin” (2019)
#1: “Friend Like Me”
“Aladdin” (1992)
To help sell Aladdin on his usefulness, the Genie launches into this bombastic and surreal song in which he tells of his magical abilities. The animation in the original film is frenetic and jaw-dropping in its creativity, much like Robin Williams’ signature off-the-wall comedy. “Friend Like Me” is an utterly show stopping number no matter the medium though; the stage version features practical magic tricks and references to other Disney songs within it, while Will Smith’s interpretation in the live action movie has its charms as well. All in all, “Friend Like Me” is iconic to the franchise and we ain’t never heard a song like this anywhere else.
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