Top 10 Cartoon Characters That Can Never Be Redeemed
cartoon characters who can't be redeemed, cartoon characters beyond redemption, animated characters who can't be redeemed, cartoon villains who can't be redeemed, animated villains who can't be redeemed, south park, family guy, the fairly oddparents, avatar: the last airbender, the simpsons, samurai jack, the joker, american dad, spongebob squarepants, eric cartman, stewie griffin, animated, cartoon,
Script written by Nick Spake
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Cartoon Characters Who Can’t Be Redeemed.
For this list, we’ll be looking at characters from animated shows who have committed so many heinous deeds that it’s hard to imagine them ever being absolved.
Are there any cartoon characters YOU think are beyond redemption? Let us know in the comments!
#10: Sheldon J. Plankton
This one-celled organism has two goals: to conquer the fast food industry and then the world! In his relentless pursuit of the Krabby Patty secret formula, Plankton has played many mind games with SpongeBob, including literally taking control of his brain. In another instance, he put SpongeBob’s brain in a robot, all in the name of the Chum Bucket. SpongeBob attempts to show Plankton the meaning of friendship and F.U.N., but his diabolical tendencies always win out. Plankton is arguably at his most devious in the first movie where he succeeds in stealing the Krabby Patty formula and taking over Bikini Bottom. Mr. Krabs is nearly executed for Plankton’s crimes, but the villain ultimately winds up in the Institution for the Criminally Tiny.
#9: Azula
Zuko has one of the best redemption arcs in any medium, but his sister is another story. At a young age, Azula demonstrated signs of great callousness, smirking at the idea of her grandfather dying and her father ascending the throne. As a teenager, she not only masters firebending, but also the art of manipulation. During the Coup of Ba Sing Se, she almost succeeds in killing Aang, which would’ve ended the Avatar Cycle forever. Azula proves to be her own worst enemy, however, alienating her allies and losing her mind in the process. While Kuvira is every bit as ruthless as Azula, at least she surrendered and took some responsibility in the end. Azula, meanwhile, continues her tricks even after the Hundred Year War.
#8: Roger Smith
Between framing Kevin Bacon, almost drowning a baby, and being responsible for the apocalypse, there aren’t enough golden turds in the world to make up for what Roger has done. The way he casually walks away from almost every atrocity he commits, it’s clear that remorse is a foreign concept to this alien. Even ignoring all that, Roger would warrant a place on this list with just one persona: Ricky Spanish. Ricky earns his reputation as the most hated man in Langley Falls, kicking old ladies and setting petting zoos ablaze for fun. It’s really saying something when even Roger is appalled by one of his own personas. Ricky even manages to convince the eternally optimistic Steve that some individuals are simply incapable of change.
#7: The Joker
In the DCAU, no hero has a greater rogues gallery than Batman. Where many of Batman’s foes have their sympathetic and identifiable moments, though, the Joker is straight-up scum. Terror is a game to the Joker and he relishes every depraved act he inflicts upon Gotham. If we had to single out the worst thing the Joker has done in this continuity, manipulating Harley and pushing her out of a window would certainly rank high. Yet, it doesn’t get much darker than the time he kidnapped Robin and warped his mind. It’s not the “Death in the Family” storyline, but it’s every bit as unsettling.
#6: Aku
Some irredeemable characters are a product of the environments that they grew up in. Aku’s name literally translates to evil, however, which tells you everything about his nature. From the moment this shapeshifting being gains sentience, his sole purpose is to spread his unspeakable evil. Many of the characters on this list merely try to take over the world. Aku not only succeeds in his plot for world domination, but he reigns supreme for thousands of years. Samurai Jack seeks to prevent this dire future by traveling back to the past, challenging Aku at every turn. Aku’s actions are only made darker when you consider the Cartoon Network Shared Universe Theory. Submerging the world into darkness is one thing, but destroying Townsville is truly unforgivable.
#5: Charles Montgomery Burns
Since “The Simpsons” has been on for over thirty years, we don’t have enough time to go over all of Mr. Burns’ sins. In the “Who Shot Mr. Burns” two-parter alone, however, he enrages the entire town, blocks out the sun, and - most despicable of all - attempts to steal candy from a baby. Burns has channeled the likes of Cruella de Vil, the Grinch, and Satan himself. Even when Burns seemingly turns over a new leaf, he ends up sweeping the sea clean. He’s also not above trying to drown a ten-year-old boy, whom he previously ran over with his car. We don’t understand how Smithers could love such a wicked man or why the U.S. government would trust him with a trillion dollars.
#4: Fire Lord Ozai
Where Zuko takes after his mother, Azula is definitely her father’s daughter. Both are sadistic; however, the damage that Fire Lord Ozai causes is on a much grander scale. After scheming his way onto the throne, Ozai almost finishes what his predecessors started. Overthrowing the Earth Kingdom isn’t enough; inspired by Azula, he plots to burn the Earth Kingdom down and rise up as the Phoenix King. Ozai would’ve succeeded too if Aang hadn’t stripped him of his bending abilities. Genocidal aspirations aside, Ozai lost his shot at redemption when he physically and emotionally scarred his son to teach him a “lesson.” Even behind bars, Ozai still finds ways to throw the world out of balance.
#3: Vicky
Between Azula and Vicky, actress Grey Griffin has a knack for voicing irredeemable characters. If Timmy Turner had even remotely competent parents, his babysitter would’ve been hauled off by child protective services a long time ago. Heck, if any adult in Dimmsdale paid more attention, she’d be in jail. Since almost everyone is oblivious, Vicky is free to bully Timmy to ridiculous degrees. If Vicky could, she’d take over the world in a heartbeat. Given her limited resources, though, she usually settles for torturing young children and loving every minute of it. Whenever Vicky does get her hands on a magical power source, she uses it to spread chaos like wildfire. Sorry, Vicky, but losing a turtle as a child hardly excuses your actions.
#2: Stewie Griffin
Honestly, every major character on “Family Guy” is worthy of a spot on this list. Where the other Griffins became irredeemable over time, though, Stewie is the only one who’s been a bad seed from the beginning. Stewie has gone through various changes since the pilot, but his desire to see his own mother six feet under hasn’t wavered. On a few occasions, he’s come close to offing Lois, but she always gets back up. And attempted murder is far from Stewie’s worst offense. He’s beaten up one family dog over money and disposed of another over a teddy bear. Stewie has senselessly taken numerous lives over the years, although watching his therapist perish from a heart attack is perhaps his cruelest moment.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Ren Hoek, “Ren & Stimpy” Franchise (1991-)
Ren Is Beyond Help
Bill Cipher, “Gravity Falls” (2012-16)
For Unleashing Weirdmageddon, Among Other Things
Queen Chrysalis, “My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic” (2010-19)
Not Even Friendship Can Change This Changeling
Angelica Pickles, “Rugrats” (1991-2004)
Taking Out an Innocent Lamp In Its Prime, That’s Hard Time
Demona, “Gargoyles” (1994-97)
Basically Lady Macbeth with Wings
#1: Eric Cartman
How irredeemable is Cartman? Well, one year he was so bad that he actually owed Santa presents. What Cartman does to Scott Tenorman’s parents is reason enough to reserve him a permanent spot on the naughty list. He’s been responsible for countless other deaths, mostly hippies. What do you expect from a kid who’s fixated on becoming the next fuhrer? Of all the people in South Park, Kyle and Butters are probably the ones who Cartman has wronged the most. Would you rather be locked in a bomb shelter for almost a week or sent to an ICE detention center? In more recent seasons, Cartman has made an attempt to be more sensitive. It’s never long, however, until he reverts back to his wicked ways.
Top 10 Cartoon Characters Who Can't Be Redeemed
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Cartoon Characters Who Can’t Be Redeemed.
For this list, we’ll be looking at characters from animated shows who have committed so many heinous deeds that it’s hard to imagine them ever being absolved.
Are there any cartoon characters YOU think are beyond redemption? Let us know in the comments!
#10: Sheldon J. Plankton
“SpongeBob SquarePants” (1999-)
This one-celled organism has two goals: to conquer the fast food industry and then the world! In his relentless pursuit of the Krabby Patty secret formula, Plankton has played many mind games with SpongeBob, including literally taking control of his brain. In another instance, he put SpongeBob’s brain in a robot, all in the name of the Chum Bucket. SpongeBob attempts to show Plankton the meaning of friendship and F.U.N., but his diabolical tendencies always win out. Plankton is arguably at his most devious in the first movie where he succeeds in stealing the Krabby Patty formula and taking over Bikini Bottom. Mr. Krabs is nearly executed for Plankton’s crimes, but the villain ultimately winds up in the Institution for the Criminally Tiny.
#9: Azula
“Avatar: The Last Airbender” (2005-08)
Zuko has one of the best redemption arcs in any medium, but his sister is another story. At a young age, Azula demonstrated signs of great callousness, smirking at the idea of her grandfather dying and her father ascending the throne. As a teenager, she not only masters firebending, but also the art of manipulation. During the Coup of Ba Sing Se, she almost succeeds in killing Aang, which would’ve ended the Avatar Cycle forever. Azula proves to be her own worst enemy, however, alienating her allies and losing her mind in the process. While Kuvira is every bit as ruthless as Azula, at least she surrendered and took some responsibility in the end. Azula, meanwhile, continues her tricks even after the Hundred Year War.
#8: Roger Smith
“American Dad!” (2005-)
Between framing Kevin Bacon, almost drowning a baby, and being responsible for the apocalypse, there aren’t enough golden turds in the world to make up for what Roger has done. The way he casually walks away from almost every atrocity he commits, it’s clear that remorse is a foreign concept to this alien. Even ignoring all that, Roger would warrant a place on this list with just one persona: Ricky Spanish. Ricky earns his reputation as the most hated man in Langley Falls, kicking old ladies and setting petting zoos ablaze for fun. It’s really saying something when even Roger is appalled by one of his own personas. Ricky even manages to convince the eternally optimistic Steve that some individuals are simply incapable of change.
#7: The Joker
The DC Animated Universe (1992-2006)
In the DCAU, no hero has a greater rogues gallery than Batman. Where many of Batman’s foes have their sympathetic and identifiable moments, though, the Joker is straight-up scum. Terror is a game to the Joker and he relishes every depraved act he inflicts upon Gotham. If we had to single out the worst thing the Joker has done in this continuity, manipulating Harley and pushing her out of a window would certainly rank high. Yet, it doesn’t get much darker than the time he kidnapped Robin and warped his mind. It’s not the “Death in the Family” storyline, but it’s every bit as unsettling.
#6: Aku
“Samurai Jack” (2001-04; 2017)
Some irredeemable characters are a product of the environments that they grew up in. Aku’s name literally translates to evil, however, which tells you everything about his nature. From the moment this shapeshifting being gains sentience, his sole purpose is to spread his unspeakable evil. Many of the characters on this list merely try to take over the world. Aku not only succeeds in his plot for world domination, but he reigns supreme for thousands of years. Samurai Jack seeks to prevent this dire future by traveling back to the past, challenging Aku at every turn. Aku’s actions are only made darker when you consider the Cartoon Network Shared Universe Theory. Submerging the world into darkness is one thing, but destroying Townsville is truly unforgivable.
#5: Charles Montgomery Burns
“The Simpsons” (1989-)
Since “The Simpsons” has been on for over thirty years, we don’t have enough time to go over all of Mr. Burns’ sins. In the “Who Shot Mr. Burns” two-parter alone, however, he enrages the entire town, blocks out the sun, and - most despicable of all - attempts to steal candy from a baby. Burns has channeled the likes of Cruella de Vil, the Grinch, and Satan himself. Even when Burns seemingly turns over a new leaf, he ends up sweeping the sea clean. He’s also not above trying to drown a ten-year-old boy, whom he previously ran over with his car. We don’t understand how Smithers could love such a wicked man or why the U.S. government would trust him with a trillion dollars.
#4: Fire Lord Ozai
“Avatar: The Last Airbender” (2005-08)
Where Zuko takes after his mother, Azula is definitely her father’s daughter. Both are sadistic; however, the damage that Fire Lord Ozai causes is on a much grander scale. After scheming his way onto the throne, Ozai almost finishes what his predecessors started. Overthrowing the Earth Kingdom isn’t enough; inspired by Azula, he plots to burn the Earth Kingdom down and rise up as the Phoenix King. Ozai would’ve succeeded too if Aang hadn’t stripped him of his bending abilities. Genocidal aspirations aside, Ozai lost his shot at redemption when he physically and emotionally scarred his son to teach him a “lesson.” Even behind bars, Ozai still finds ways to throw the world out of balance.
#3: Vicky
“The Fairly OddParents” (2001-07)
Between Azula and Vicky, actress Grey Griffin has a knack for voicing irredeemable characters. If Timmy Turner had even remotely competent parents, his babysitter would’ve been hauled off by child protective services a long time ago. Heck, if any adult in Dimmsdale paid more attention, she’d be in jail. Since almost everyone is oblivious, Vicky is free to bully Timmy to ridiculous degrees. If Vicky could, she’d take over the world in a heartbeat. Given her limited resources, though, she usually settles for torturing young children and loving every minute of it. Whenever Vicky does get her hands on a magical power source, she uses it to spread chaos like wildfire. Sorry, Vicky, but losing a turtle as a child hardly excuses your actions.
#2: Stewie Griffin
“Family Guy” (1999-2003; 2005-)
Honestly, every major character on “Family Guy” is worthy of a spot on this list. Where the other Griffins became irredeemable over time, though, Stewie is the only one who’s been a bad seed from the beginning. Stewie has gone through various changes since the pilot, but his desire to see his own mother six feet under hasn’t wavered. On a few occasions, he’s come close to offing Lois, but she always gets back up. And attempted murder is far from Stewie’s worst offense. He’s beaten up one family dog over money and disposed of another over a teddy bear. Stewie has senselessly taken numerous lives over the years, although watching his therapist perish from a heart attack is perhaps his cruelest moment.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Ren Hoek, “Ren & Stimpy” Franchise (1991-)
Ren Is Beyond Help
Bill Cipher, “Gravity Falls” (2012-16)
For Unleashing Weirdmageddon, Among Other Things
Queen Chrysalis, “My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic” (2010-19)
Not Even Friendship Can Change This Changeling
Angelica Pickles, “Rugrats” (1991-2004)
Taking Out an Innocent Lamp In Its Prime, That’s Hard Time
Demona, “Gargoyles” (1994-97)
Basically Lady Macbeth with Wings
#1: Eric Cartman
“South Park” (1997-)
How irredeemable is Cartman? Well, one year he was so bad that he actually owed Santa presents. What Cartman does to Scott Tenorman’s parents is reason enough to reserve him a permanent spot on the naughty list. He’s been responsible for countless other deaths, mostly hippies. What do you expect from a kid who’s fixated on becoming the next fuhrer? Of all the people in South Park, Kyle and Butters are probably the ones who Cartman has wronged the most. Would you rather be locked in a bomb shelter for almost a week or sent to an ICE detention center? In more recent seasons, Cartman has made an attempt to be more sensitive. It’s never long, however, until he reverts back to his wicked ways.
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