Top 10 Characters in Comedy Shows that the Other Characters Hate

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Script written by Nick Spake

Top 10 Comedic Characters the Other Characters All Hate

The audience might not hate them, but we can understand why everyone else on the show does. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 characters on comedy shows that the other characters all hate.

For this list, we’re taking a look at characters nobody can stand because they’re annoying, conceited, useless, or just ‘cause. Deep down, some people might secretly harbor affection for these characters. In the long run, though, they always get more hate than love. However, the hatred directed towards them must be portrayed in a comedic fashion. We’ve also excluded villains from this list because being hated is just part of their job.

#10: Jerry Gergich
“Parks and Recreation” (2009-)

Although he’s a klutz and farts on occasion, Jerry’s kind heart and dedicated work ethic should more than compensate for his minor shortcomings, right? Apparently not, as even his most caring co-workers at the parks department will go out of their way to ridicule Jerry. They don’t even know the poor guy’s real name. While he’s the butt of a never-ending joke at work, Jerry always wears a smile knowing that his beautiful, loving family is waiting for him at home. Being well-endowed probably boosts his self-esteem too.

#9: Newman
“Seinfeld” (1989-98)

Lex Luthor to Jerry’s Superman, Newman is a nemesis unparalleled in sitcom TV. A slimeball in both personality and physical appearance, it’s never made clear what started this feud. But the U.S. postal worker gleefully goes out of his way to inconvenience his neighbor’s life. Jerry naturally despises the chubby, little rat who’s constantly out to get him. George and Elaine aren’t huge fans either. Actually, the only one who tolerates Newman is Kramer, as they share a mutual love for crazy get-rich-quick schemes. But other than him, it’s hard to believe anybody could possibly like Newman.

#8: Gob Bluth
“Arrested Development” (2003-06; 2013)

The Bluths are essentially one big family of black sheep. But among the disreputable herd, none is a bigger screw-up than Gob. This failed magician might think that everyone else is against him, but in reality he’s his own worst enemy. Gob makes a hobby of alienating everyone he encounters through his paranoia, massive ego, and unrelenting need to be adored. The eldest Bluth son will never make any friends, though, until he first accepts the fact that he isn’t perfect and learns to laugh at himself.

#7: Arnold Rimmer
“Red Dwarf” (1988-99; 2012-)

Even in death, some people are still total buzzkills. After perishing with the rest of his crew, Arnold Rimmer is brought back as a hologram to keep the Red Dwarf’s lone survivor, Lister, company. As far as companionship goes, however, Lister might’ve been happier bunking with a mutton vindaloo beast. Granted, Rimmer is only trying to maintain order while his shipmates slack off. But does he have to be such a pompous fuddy-duddy in the process? We know you’re technically not alive, Rimmer, but try to live a little.

#6: Kimmy Gibbler
“Full House” (1987-95)

There was an “annoying neighbor” on, like, all ‘90s sitcoms. “Full House” had its fair share of annoying characters, but Kimmy Gibbler was the only intentionally annoying one. As if having this quirky, bagpipe-playing girl as a neighbor wasn’t bad enough for the Tanners, she was also DJ’s best friend, meaning she was around the house all the time. The family would scream at the sight of Kimmy and cringe at the smell of her feet. Since the Tanners can’t resist disgustingly sentimental moments, though, every once and a while they’d give Kimmy one of their trademark hugs. Awwwwwwwwww.

#5: Dwight Schrute
“The Office” (2005-13)

What’s worse than a teacher’s pet? How about a teacher’s pet that’s evolved into an office pet? Whenever his co-workers tease him, Dwight Schrute is always ready to tattle to the boss. Even the obnoxious Michael Scott seems embarrassed to be seen with this whiny man-child who takes everything way too seriously. As much as Dwight attempts to uphold the rules, he’s ironically a prime source of the office’s ongoing chaos. Unless you’re trying to survive a zombie apocalypse, Dwight’s one person you definitely never want to work beside.

#4: Butters Stotch
“South Park” (1997-)

It’s really easy to dislike a character like Eric Cartman: he’s a fatass who relishes insulting his classmates’ social classes, disabilities and religions. But the sweet, simple, stuttering Butters is just so unassuming, it makes no sense how mean everyone is to him – even his own parents. This caused him to develop a painfully low self-esteem, which manifests in many ways. Gullible and child-like where the other kids of South Park are more conniving and devious, Butters doesn’t even really swear. You just know that one day, this kid is gonna snap and… create an evil alter ego to get his revenge.

#3: Steve Urkel
“Family Matters” (1989-98)

Carl Winslow made the biggest mistake of his life when he set his daughter up on a date with this four-eyed dweeb. Urkel interpreted this gesture as an invitation to drop by the Winslow household whenever he wanted and to inadvertently destroy it with his inventions. To make matters worse, he followed-up every destructive action with his unforgettable catchphrase, “Did I do that?” And, when Urkel wasn’t costing the Winslows thousands in property damages, he was tormenting them with his accordion.

#2: Dr. John A. Zoidberg
“Futurama” (1999-2013)

This Decapodian’s incompetence, atrocious appearance, sporadic inking, and ghastly table manners are reason enough to scorn him. What makes Zoidberg especially frustrating is that he’s also the company doctor at Planet Express. With zero understanding of human anatomy or anatomy in general, Dr. Zoidberg only creates problems and rarely solves them. You can’t blame the crew for hating a physician who’s lost more lives than he’s saved. At the same time, Zoidberg is so lonely and pathetic that you can’t help but smile whenever somebody does show him empathy.

Before we hate on our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:

- Lemongrab
“Adventure Time” (2010-)

- Janice Litman Goralnik
“Friends” (1994-2004)

- J.D. Lutz
“30 Rock” (2006-13)

- Cory & Trevor
“Trailer Park Boys” (2001-08; 2014-)

#1: Meg Griffin
“Family Guy” (1999-2003; 2005-)

Meg started off as a teenage outcast desperate to fit in. Over the years, however, she became less of a drama queen and more of a punching bag for her family. Each Griffin has emotionally and physically abused Meg on multiple occasions, treating her like one gigantic mistake. Such abuse has driven Meg to regularly cut herself in a cry out for help. If this were any other character in any other show we might feel sorry for her, but let’s be honest: a part of us all wants to fart in Meg’s stupid face.

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