Top 10 Cool Movie Hairstyles

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Script written by Q.V. Hough.

Top 10 Cool Movie Hairstyles

The art of mop-top innovation. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 cool hairstyles in movies.

For this list, we’re focusing on desirable haircuts or those that spark positive interest. In other words, the devastating bowl cut of Javier Bardem in “No Country for Old Men” did not make the cut. Our apologies to anyone currently sporting this look!

#10: Effie Trinket
“The Hunger Games” franchise (2012-)

She leads warriors to their deaths but makes them smile with her futuristic hairstyles while doing so. Effie Trinket’s multi-colored wigs serve as the cherry on top of all her glorious monochromatic looks. She’s the sensational love child of Marilyn Monroe and David Bowie, and her ginormous pieces of head-flair demand attention. No other female character in movies can rock elderly grey or urine-yellow like good ol’ Effie. Outrageous? Yes. Outrageous, but innovative. She’s got curls for days!

#9: Jules Winnfield
“Pulp Fiction” (1994)

This poetic gangster is one bad (bleep) and can wear whatever the (bleep) he wants. With a “Soul Glo” Jheri curl top, bushy chops and a complimentary Fu Manchu, Jules Winfield’s style lets the world know that he’s prepared for success. He’s both physically dangerous and dangerously sharp. Look at the symmetry. Just look at it. No other Quentin Tarantino character managed to combine the retro with modern GQ like Mr. Winnfield. Let your soul glo, Jules. Just let it shine through.

#8: Jenny Hanley
“‘10’” (1979)

She’s got cornrows and she knows how to use them. This sensuous character flaunted her gorgeous curves and magnificent smile, but it was her creative ‘do that made Dudley Moore’s obsessed character lose his mind. Adding to the stunning mane was the exquisite arrangement of beads and the plaited style, which ultimately made Bo Derek a household name. Booty, boobs and braids: Jenny Hanley was the epitome of natural Beverly Hills swag.

#7: Cruella de Vil
“101 Dalmatians” (1996)

She’s an animated antagonist and a cinematically adapted live-action PETA nightmare. Ok, perhaps Ms. De Vil may ruffle a few feathers – or rather fur – but what’s not to love about her skunky style? It takes a lot of guts to glance in the mirror and say, “Yeah, I look good” and not give a rat’s ass about what anyone else thinks. Such a bold fashion statement demands respect even if you’d rather not touch Cruella’s hair in person. With such a floppy mop, she could store items on top of her head, or maybe there’s another world of wonder in there that we don’t even know about yet. Elegant and stunning.

#6: Captain Jack Sparrow
“Pirates of the Caribbean” franchise (2003-)

It’s a common misconception that pirates have it easy, but nobody knows how difficult it can be to establish your own personal identity. Captain Jack Sparrow boasts a “hipster of the sea” look, featuring his mangy yet magnificent hairstyle, which incorporates prized possessions throughout the dread-tastic affair. To top it all off, Mr. Sparrow boasts a double-braid goatee to announce his creativity to the world – and wears it with supreme honor. He’s not homeless; he’s our brother from another pirate mother.

#5: Tyler Durden
“Fight Club” (1999)

The first rule of Tyler Durden’s hair is that YOU DON’T TALK ABOUT TYLER DURDEN’S HAIR. Ok, we’re breaking protocol by acknowledging this spikey plethora of movie hairstyle magic. This look is often imitated by hipsters rolling around too much in bed; however, the key to Durden’s look is carrying yourself with confidence. And to do that you must…well, you’ll have to watch “Fight Club” to find out. Nobody dominates the thin goatee and ruffled madness on top like Mr. Durden.

#4: Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander
"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" (2011)

This brash computer hacker may not be comfortable speaking with human beings, but she’ll make damn sure that she looks sexy and somewhat psychotic. Boom. Bowl-cut-slash-fauxhawk. For social events, she lets her bangs drop…at least on one side. Lisbeth Salander’s adaptable style may not be for everybody, but that’s the point. It’s unique hacker glam; a style to admire but not to imitate. It’s Louise Brooks after an all-night bender. She’s the girl with the dragon tattoo and the crazy/beautiful do.

#3: Princess Leia
“Star Wars” franchise (1977-83)

Any woman with a name like Leia Organa Solo must have an appropriately wild haircut. Call it what you want: the double bun, the earmuffs or even the roundness, this princess rocks her look like, well, a princess. Ok, she may not be able to hear what you say, but her carefully prepared hairstyle often leaves people speechless anyways. She’s not wearing Beats By Dre, she’s wearing a style that made Han Solo pitch an interstellar tent. That’s quite an accomplishment. She’s proud of her buns and she damn well should be.

#2: Travis Bickle
“Taxi Driver” (1976)

This character’s look jumped off the screen and made life much easier for hairstylists. Travis Bickle wears a normal do throughout the majority of Martin Scorsese’s “Taxi Driver,” which made his sudden transformation to this both eerie and awkwardly intriguing. He’s a punk rock outcast even if he’s not necessarily sure what punk rock even is. Mr. Bickle rocked out with his hawk out and made everyone nervous along the way.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- Merida
“Brave” (2012)
- Danny Zuko
“Grease” (1978)
- Holly Golightly
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” (1961)
- Edward Scissorhands
“Edward Scissorhands” (1990)
- Leeloo
“The Fifth Element” (1997)

#1: Ace Ventura
“Ace Ventura” franchise (1994-95)

He’s well groomed and wants to help you find your dog. Who wouldn’t trust a man with such command over his own personal style? It’s obvious Ace Ventura takes pride in his appearance, and his lofty side-flip screams out “I’m more than just a simple man.” He’s mysterious, he’s clever and he’s a blow dryer extraordinaire. The curves and dimensions of his hairstyle seem to reflect life itself, so that in Ace Ventura’s remarkable style, we can find answers to our problems, if only briefly!

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