Top 10 Cringe Inducing Movie Scenes

Top 10, List, Movies, Film, Scene, Cringe, disgusting, awkward, There's Something About Mary, Swingers, Killer Joe, Taxi Driver, The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Spider-Man 3, Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, Twilight, Superbad, Sixteen Candles, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Wedding Crashers, American Pie 2, cum, ear, hair gel, phone, answering machine, painful, date, porn film, dance, emo, peter parker, padme, pregnant, anakin, breast punch, becca, boob punch, michael cera, grandma, breast exam, WatchMojo,

Sometimes, even the best movies are hard to watch. Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Cringe-Inducing Movie Scenes.

For this list, we’re looking at those big screen scenes that were just too awkward to watch without squirming.

#10: Grandma & Grandpa’s Breast Exam
“Sixteen Candles” (1984)

Most people have had an awkward conversation with a grandparent at some point, but this is on a whole different level; this… is scarring. Sam is cornered by her grandfather for some awkward one-sided banter. The arrival of grandma Helen looks like it’ll be Sam’s saving grace, but then, to the horror of both her and the audience, things go from awkward to downright creepy. Spotting Sam’s teenage breasts, the grandparents can’t help but fixate and comment on her developing womanhood. The magnifying glass joke is bad enough, but it’s grandma’s eagerness to put her hands right on Sam’s chest that makes this moment downright painful.

#9: A Breast Punch for Becca
“Superbad” (2007)

Finally making a bold move in the unforgiving world high school dating, Evan offers to buy some vodka for Becca. Though he fumbles his way through the offer with awkwardly old-fashioned mannerisms, the relative success of the exchange seems to bolster Evan’s confidence enough for him to attempt a little physical contact in the form of a friendly tap or punch on the shoulder. Then… disaster strikes in the form of a passing student, who knocks Evan’s well-intentioned hand straight into Becca’s breast. All the sexual tension between them comes rushing back in the worst possible way. You can tell by the look on both of their faces that they wish they could simply disappear.

#8: Edward Calls Bella “Spider Monkey”
“Twilight” (2008)

Blockbuster success though the franchise proved to be, Twilight’s become infamous for being heavy handed with the drama and romance. With the dialogue… the writers seemingly held NOTHING back. As Edward and Bella’s relationship starts to take shape, the vampire shows his teenage flame more and more of the upsides to his peculiar condition, at the same time revealing that he’s not above some sickeningly sweet pet names. Throwing Bella on his shoulders, Edward leaps onto a tree, ready to climb storeys high as a romantic gesture. Something about calling Bella a spider monkey, however - especially given the parental undertones of such imagery - manages to make it both cheesy and creepy at the same time.

#7: I’m So In Love with You
“Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith” (2002)

In surprisingly high spirits considering the minefield of secrets they’ll need to navigate in order to be a family, Padmé whimsically outlines where and how they’ll raise their baby together. When Anakin compliments Padmé’s beauty, she quickly chalks it up to sheer love for Anakin. Returning the sentiment in a way that would make even the most clingy of partners uncomfortable, he insists it’s actually his love for her. All the more stilted and unnatural is Padmé’s negative reaction. It’s clearly meant to be playful, but after everything else that’s been said, it’s the final nail in the coffin of one the most awkward exchanges in the history of the galaxy.

#6: Spidey’s Street Strut
“Spider-Man 3” (2007)

Not all of the evil Peter’s dance moves are as smooth as jazz. Letting his inner freak out thanks to the alien symbiote, Peter walks down the street, showing off some moves better left at home. Finger guns blazing, Peter struts down the sidewalk stopping other pedestrians with his ridiculous glide moves. Earning laughs earnestly, Peter’s pointing and come-hither glances crank the cringe factor to 11. Once he steps outside again after suiting up, he delivers some off-putting pelvic thrusts, claps and arm spins that somehow made the final cut. After the much-loved Spider-Man 2, this was a dark turn for the franchise, and not in the gritty sense.

#5: Andy Describes His “Freak”
“The 40-Year-Old Virgin” (2005)
Andy isn’t exactly a cool customer when the poker game convo shifts towards odd sex stories. He tries desperately to fit in, but ends up going a little overboard describing what he thinks would make for a kinky sex fiend. Thanks to his virtually non-existent knowledge of knocking boots, he confuses everyone, starting off his story in a mostly vanilla way. Andy’s imaginary woman sounds mostly believable, albeit unremarkable, until a particular quote sets his friend on a hunt for the truth. Floundering to describe breasts, Andy gives general details before claiming they felt like sand. At that, his friends quickly realize he’s a virgin - and just in time. Viewers likely couldn’t have taken much more of Andy’s stories.

#4: Travis’ Bad Date
“Taxi Driver” (1976)

When sociopath Travis Bickle finally finds a woman, his attempt at being a gentleman is surprisingly normal for him. Mellowing out a lot of his eccentric and aggressive behavior, he dresses up and buys his date Betsy a record, even suggesting listening to it later. All of Travis’ hard work starts to unravel, however, as he and Betsy arrive at an adult theatre. With Betsy already uncomfortable before they go inside, the movie goes from scientific to full-on pornographic jarringly. Betsy is squirming so much it’s hard to keep watching, as her obvious discomfort ripples through to the audience.

#3: Chickenuendo
“Killer Joe” (2011)

Advertised as “A Totally Twisted Deep-Fried Texas Redneck Trailer Park Murder Story”, Killer Joe lives up to its name - particularly the “twisted” and “deep-fried” parts, thanks to this scene. The titular Joe reveals photos of a woman cheating, as well as the details of her double-crossing insurance scam, then viciously punches her in the nose before she can explain. Taking the already haunting scene WAY too far, Joe demands Sharla get on her knees and suck on a chicken leg in mock fellatio. And we’ll just say: Joe enjoys it way too much. In fact, his pleasure is so disturbing that Sharla’s husband vomits at the disgusting sight. Something tells us that audience members felt similarly nauseated.

#2: Mike Tries to Leave a Message
“Swingers” (1996)

After meeting a nice girl at a club, an anxious Mike attempts to follow-up. Getting her voicemail, he leaves her a bashful but endearing message, only to have the last digit of his number get cut off. But when he calls back to finish, things start falling apart as he begins to ramble, progressively losing his cool more and more. After missing the number AGAIN, he calls back with his digits and goes totally off the rails. You’d think he’d call it quits there, but nope! What follows is a series of deeply sad and increasingly emotional messages that together make for a seriously painful spiral to watch.

Before we get to our top pick, here a few less than honorable mentions:
- When the Parents Walk In
“American Pie 2” (2001)

- “I Call It Celebration”
“Wedding Crashers” (2005)

- Brad’s Interrupted Fantasy
“Fast Times at Ridgemont High” (1982)

#1: Ted’s Testicular Trauma
“There’s Something About Mary” (1998)

Ted’s prom date with Mary gets off to a bad start when his family jewels get stuck in his fly. Receiving unsolicited help from Mary’s stepfather Charlie, his vocalized shock at the damage only grabs more attention. Charlie’s wife soon joins, followed by a cop responding to reports of a woman’s scream, making things both unbearably awkward and aggressively inquisitive. The scene reaches its embarrassing climax when a firefighter bursts into the already crowded bathroom. Finally showing the squirm-inducing mess of Ted’s unmentionables, the police officer’s attempt to dislodge them goes about as well as you’d expect. Talk about a painful experience for all parties involved.

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