Top 10 Funniest Moments in Christmas Movies

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Top 10 Funniest Moments in Christmas Movies

Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re looking at the most laugh-out-loud scenes that helped turn Christmas comedies into classics.

#10: First Shift
“Bad Santa” (2003)

It’s time for Willie T. Soke’s Christmas tradition of playing Santa at a mall so he can case the joint for a heist. His foul mouth and heavy drinking are a riotous liability, but he needs all the liquid courage he can get for this job. On his first shift, one kid immediately sneezes chocolate ice cream into his face. And the children that follow aren’t much better, stepping on Willie’s toes and annoying him with confusing requests. By the end, the unconventional Santa meets little Thurman, who just plain disturbs him with his dead-eyed stare. It’s an awkward beginning to a friendship that will ultimately turn Willie’s life around, and the perfect punctuation to his hilariously disastrous first shift.

#9: Tripping in Church
“The Night Before” (2015)

Seth Rogen parties Christmas Eve away in "The Night Before,” with his character, Isaac Greenberg, staying true to his Judaism with a Hanukkah sweater. His Catholic girlfriend then drags him to midnight mass. Having consumed an excess of drugs throughout the night, Isaac has a paranoia-fueled trip. His hallucinations of a judgmental baby are especially intense. The service finally falls silent when Isaac jumps out of the pews and gets sick in the middle of the church. While he can't totally explain the situation to the parishioners, he does take the opportunity to assert that Jesus wasn't actually killed by fellow Jews. Even if an interfaith family gathering can get more uncomfortable, it probably can't get funnier.

#8: Mall Montage
“A Bad Moms Christmas” (2017)

Overwhelmed yet again during Christmastime, the Bad Moms crew decides to get together and cut loose. Heading to the mall, they waste no time matching the messiness of the first movie. Their shopping spree quickly turns into a rampage set to Outasight’s “Do Something Crazy”. Carla gets especially wild, spiking drink samples and hijacking the PA system. The montage is so memorable that one of its scenes, in which the moms give Santa a lap dance, was even used for the film’s poster. Before leaving, they steal a Christmas tree, making true to their vow to “take back Christmas” and kicking the chaotic festivities off with a bang.

#7: Waiter on Fire
“Scrooged” (1988)

Bill Murray's mastery of the straight face is on full display when sleazy executive Frank Cross meets with colleagues at an upscale restaurant. Christmas spirits had been distorting his grasp on reality, causing him to hallucinate a waiter catching fire while lighting a flambé. Despite nobody else reacting, Frank panics and dumps a bucket of ice on the poor man. Realizing his mistake, he casually remarks: ["Y’know, I thought you were Richard Pryor."] Thankfully, even Pryor made light of once setting himself on fire. It seemed like the perfect punctuation to the gag, until Murray accidentally slipped on the puddle at the end of the take. The iconic blooper just had to make the cut, epitomizing Murray's professional composure and Frank's delightful awkwardness.

#6: Sick People!
“Jingle All the Way” (1996)

Howard and Myron’s feud for a Turbo-Man action figure gets sidetracked by a common enemy: the police. They seem to be cornered after breaking into a radio station, but then mailman Myron pulls out a package that he claims has a bomb in it. This bluff allows both of them to escape the cops. Surprisingly, the package does, in fact, explode. Betcha didn’t see that one coming! Thankfully, no one is seriously injured, even if the joke may be considered a little dark for a family movie. The classic shock gag is a pitch perfect addition to “Jingle All the Way”s cynical Christmas satire.

#5: Whobilation Invitation
“How the Grinch Stole Christmas” (2000)

Cindy Lou Who makes a surprising nomination for Holiday Cheermeister at the annual Whobilation. When the young girl goes to the Grinch's remote lair to invite him to the event, he makes every effort to scare her off, eventually ejecting her through a trapdoor. He apparently has a busy week of sitting around the house. Eventually, he comes around to the idea, but can’t decide on a ridiculous outfit to wear. The ensuing sequence perfectly encapsulates Jim Carrey’s bombastic interpretation of the Grinch as a lonely loon. Cleanly pulling the tablecloth, then going back and smashing everything, was particularly brilliant. Though Ron Howard’s “The Grinch” is a controversial Christmas classic, Carrey is in top slapstick form with this party prep.

#4: Ralphie Meets Santa
“A Christmas Story” (1983)

Ralphie’s dreams of getting a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas seem dashed by grown-ups’ concern that he’d shoot his eye out. But he still hopes he can count on Santa Claus, who is making an appearance at Higbee’s, to fulfill his wish. The visual of Santa meeting children at the top of a slide is already pretty surreal, but nothing is scarier to Ralphie than meeting the big guy. The kid is starstruck silent. He ultimately works up the nerve to catch himself on the slide and ask for the BB gun. Santa’s response? [“You’ll shoot your eye out, kid.”] The perfect callback is followed by Santa slowly kicking the kid down the slide. It’s hard to not scream alongside Ralphie, albeit more enthusiastically.

#3: Throne of Lies
“Elf” (2003)

Having worked under the man himself, Buddy the Elf feels like he’s the only one at Gimbels who can see through the deception of the department store Santa. He even tries to blow the man’s cover in front of kids, gradually getting more dramatic in his accusations. The fake Santa understandably starts to get less jolly as he goes on. When Buddy finally pulls down the fraud’s beard, the confrontation escalates to violence. It may be an obvious gag for a movie about one of Santa’s helpers, but Will Ferrell and Artie Lange’s commitment to the absurdity make this scene a true Christmas comedy gem.

#2: Kevin vs. the Burglars
“Home Alone” (1990)

Accidentally left home for the holidays, Kevin McAllister must fight off “Wet Bandits” Harry and Marv. The boy uses his superior wit to arm the house with a number of elaborate booby traps. What ensues is a massive slapstick set piece that leaves the Bandits battered, bruised and burned. Who'd have thought that such violence would become a staple of wholesome holiday viewing? Its iconic status is due, in part, to cinematographer Julio Macat, who shot the phenomenal labyrinth of props with an infectious energy. And Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern’s painstaking commitment makes it so much sweeter! The climax to “Home Alone” may also be one of the most memorable sequences of modern slapstick.

#1: Clark’s Bonus
“National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” (1989)

If you’re looking for a holiday-themed laugh, “Christmas Vacation” is the perfect choice. In a movie full of stand out scenes, one of our favorites is when Clark Griswold goes on a rant about his boss. The only thing that kept him going through a chaotic family reunion was his excitement for his yearly bonus. So when he sees that the bonus is a “Jelly of the Month” club membership, he snaps. Chevy Chase's explosive, partially improvised rant may not be the most family-friendly joke, but it’s a masterpiece of unhinged hilarity that perfectly displays Clark’s breakdown. While it’s a relief when he convinces his boss to reinstate the bonus checks, the mishap gave viewers a priceless comedic gift for all seasons.

What are your favorite holiday comedy movies and scenes? Laugh all the way in the comments.

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