Top 10 Funniest Movie Outbursts

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Top 10 Funniest Movie Outbursts

Yelling makes everything funnier. Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Funniest Movie Outbursts.

For this list, we’ll be going over some of the most hilarious sudden eruptions from film characters, whether they’re out of anger, excitement, fear or another emotion. Those with headphones on may want to turn the volume down, because it's about to get loud!

#10: Crazy Pills

“Zoolander” (2001)
Jacobim Mugatu is a flamboyant and eccentric fashion designer, and while he may have invented the piano key necktie, the guy has a hard time staying as cool as his creation. Although we were tempted to discuss him berating his assistant about a foamy latte, the climax of the film is definitely the peak for him. Fed up with his plan being foiled, Mugatu goes on a rant about Derek Zoolander only having a single look, despite it having different names, which he’s exasperated that no one has noticed; feeling as if he’s taking crazy pills, and decrying Zoolander as being “NOTHING!” Will Ferrell is one of the masters of swinging between calm and hysteria, and this is one of his funniest examples.

#9: Jesus

“Bean” (1997)
If Mr. Bean is involved, chances are disaster and yelling are soon to follow, though not from the man himself. While staying with art curator David Langley, Bean accidentally defaces the painting “Whistler’s Mother,” and tries to badly fix it by drawing over it. Needless to say, it doesn’t work. When Bean shows the ruined painting to David, his reaction is to loudly and repeatedly say “Jesus” in a variety of ways, to the point where Christ’s ears are probably burning. David’s panicked ramblings about losing his job are also pretty funny, but it’s his gut reaction that makes our list.

#8: Sailboat

“Tommy Boy” (1995)
The late Chris Farley was an actor who specialized in hilarious yelling, but one of the most amusing outbursts from arguably his best movie, is actually done by someone else. When Farley’s character, the eponymous Tommy Boy, and his love interest Michelle go for a ride on a sailboat, they’re disappointed with the lack of wind. Additionally, Tommy is mocked relentlessly for his weight by a trio of kids on the shore. Although Tommy’s increasingly angry rejoinders are funny in themselves, the real kicker happens when Michelle stands up and threatens the boys; sending them scampering off the beach and leaving Tommy speechless.

#7: Tarantula Terror

“Home Alone” (1990)
While we were tempted to give a nod to Kevin’s mom in the sequel, as her scream and faint upon realizing she’s left Kevin (again), is quite funny, we’ll be talking about Kevin’s frequent tormentors, the Wet Bandits, from the first film instead. These two thieves’ slapstick attempts to rob the McCallister household are consistently thwarted by the young Kevin, whose traps lead to all manner of comedic hijinks. Towards the end of the proceedings, Marv catches hold of Kevin. Unfortunately for him, the family’s pet tarantula is within reach and it gets dropped onto Marv’s face, leading to one of the funniest screaming movie outbursts you’ll ever hear.

#6: “You’re Gonna Die, Clown!”

“Happy Gilmore” (1996)
Contrary to his name, Happy Gilmore has quite a few anger management issues. The hockey player turned golfer may be able to hit the ball crazy far, but it’s his short game that leads to plenty of frustration. While being coached on putting at a mini golf course, Happy’s temper gets one of its biggest tests from an animatronic clown obstacle that repeatedly blocks or rejects his putts. This leads to Happy spectacularly losing his cool and telling the inanimate object that it’s “gonna’ die.” We are too, though it’ll probably be from laughter.

#5: Fake Fight

“National Treasure: Book of Secrets” (2007)
Nicolas Cage’s part as Ben Gates, treasure hunter, in the “National Treasure” films is one of the frequently over-the-top actor’s more serious roles…for the most part. While trying to recover something from Buckingham Palace, Gates is called on to create a distraction, which he does in grandiose style by causing a scene with his estranged girlfriend Abigail. Gates takes the opportunity to act like, well, Nicolas Cage in any other movie; screaming at the top of his lungs, doing a silly walk, and generally being as obnoxious as possible. Not only is it funny, it also helps him and his team pull off their mission.

#4: Blue Pen

“Liar Liar” (1997)
Jim Carrey does outbursts like nobody else in show business, and while we considered talking about his Niagara Falls meltdown in “Bruce Almighty,” we’re focusing on an earlier film in the actor’s career. In “Liar Liar,” Carrey plays the not-so-honest lawyer Fletcher Reede who finds himself stopped from being able to tell a lie. This leads to all sorts of moments throughout the movie where he is dropping truth bombs left and right. One of the funniest happens when he tries to lie about something small – the color of his pen. While trying to say that the blue pen is red, he practically destroys his office as he loses both vocal and motor control in a hilarious bit of comedy.

#3: Hysterical

“The Producers” (1967)
This Mel Brooks classic follows a scheming producer, Max Bialystock, who convinces his nervous accountant Leo Bloom to help him cover up his fraud. While doing the books, Max realizes a way to make more money on a flop play than with a hit. Max’s tyrannical excitement at making money this way has him bullying Leo into the idea. This sends Leo into hysteria: jumping about and unable to stop screaming his every word, which eventually leads to his shouting about how hysterical he is. Max’s attempts to calm him down only lead to more hysterical outbursts about his hysteria.

#2: “Where’s the Tylenol?”

“National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” (1989)
Clark Griswold is generally pretty positive, despite facing annoying relatives and plenty of stress throughout the holiday season. One of these stresses is whether he’ll receive his Christmas bonus from his boss, Frank, as he desperately needs it to pay off a pool he’s bought. However, rather than his anticipated bonus, Clark receives a membership for the “jelly of the month” club instead. After boiling with anger, Clark explodes, going into an extended rant about his boss that includes several creative and profane insults directed at Frank - whom he really wants to insult to his face. Isn’t this outburst truly emblematic of the season of giving?

Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:

“You Are a Toy!” - “Toy Story” (1995)
He May Be a Sad Strange Little Man, But He Earns Our Laughter

“I’m Not Shouting!” - “Clue” (1985)
It’s Always Good to Be Self-Aware

“Loud Noises!” -“Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” (2004)
This List in Literal Form

“You See What Happens, Larry?!” -“The Big Lebowski” (1998)
If Anything, the Censored Version Is Even Funnier

“There’s No Crying in Baseball!” - “A League of Their Own” (1992)
Every World Series Winning Team Would Probably Disagree

#1: “You’re Tearing Me Apart!”

“The Room” (2003)
This bizarre cult movie has its fair share of non-sequitur outbursts from its director/writer/star Tommy Wiseau, such as his rambling on the rooftop that just kind of…fizzles out. But our choice for the funniest couldn’t be anything else than this meme-worthy masterpiece. When Lisa, Johnny’s “future wife,” accuses him of hitting her to stir up drama, Johnny tries to get to the bottom of it by confronting her. However, his tone shifts rapidly throughout the scene, culminating in his loud declaration that she is “tearing him apart.” We’re right there with her – we don’t know why he’s hysterical either, but it’s incredibly funny.

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