Top 10 Games that Trolled the Cheaters & Pirates
Top 10, Top 5, List, Rank, Gameplay, Video Game, Cheating, Cheater, Pirate, Piracy, Ripped, Got back, Punished, Trolled, Pranked, DRM, Copy Protection, GTA IV, Grand theft auto, Game dev tycoon, The Sims, Crysis Warhead, Arkham Asylum, Talos Principle, Da,
Top 10 Ways Games Have Punished You for Cheating & Piracy
It’s not a bug in the game’s code; it’s a bug in your moral code. Welcome to, and today, we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Ways Games Have Punished You for Cheating & Piracy.
For this list, we’re recognizing some of the most unique (and sometimes, hilarious) methods of countering pirates and cheaters. These techniques include save wipes or frequent nuisances. Either way, it’s enough to shame or irritate the most heartless of digital thieves.
In many games, there are always those enemies that are irritating from how hard they are to kill. You got the Iron Knuckle from “The Legend of Zelda”, the Regenerators in “Resident Evil”, and the Xenomorphs from “Aliens vs. Predator”. Developer Croteam took this piece of game design and cranked the difficulty to “Holy crap, this is impossible”, literally. If you are caught playing a cracked copy of “Serious Sam 3”, you will be hunted down by an unkillable Arachnoid. While frightening at first, he will quickly get on your nerves, only provoking you into wasting more ammunition. And we thought the Beheaded Kamikazes were a pain in the ass…
This game is all about speed and precision. Owning a pirated copy encourages some honesty, too. Illegal copies of “Mirror’s Edge” contain an intentional bug in the game where our protagonist, Faith, will slow down before making big leaps across buildings. It’s almost as if she’s having second thoughts on her career path as courier. Think you can just chance your jumps or find a way around it? Fat chance. Quite a number of jumps are crucial for maximum speed in order to progress, making this game practically unbeatable. Just chip in the twenty-five dollars. It’s better for everyone.
If “Doom” has an Ultra-Nightmare difficulty, we cannot describe what “Earthbound” has in store for pirates. Cracked copies are bugged with a near-impossible difficulty curve, where it doesn’t matter how good you are at the game because it will make sure you never finish. From the moment you start playing, the number of enemies you’ll encounter increases to absurd levels, even in area’s that shouldn’t have them. If you somehow manage to make to the end (and find the time to trudge through all the battles), right at the climax of the story, the game will freeze and force you to reset the game. What you’ll come back to will be all your save files deleted, that’s brutal.
One franchise that has fallen victim of frequent cheaters is FromSoftware’s “Souls” series. As if the game wasn’t brutal enough, cheaters have been known for invading other players’ games and kill off their characters with status-afflicting weapons. Now, cheating isn’t a crime, but that doesn’t mean we can’t treat it as such in the game industry. Many games have what they call “prison servers”, and “Dark Souls 2” follows suit of that. However, there is a twist. Bandai Namco will let you keep your crummy, game-breaking weapons, but the only people you can encounter invasions from are other cheaters. Did we call this a prison? Sounds more like a private hell.
Croteam strikes again in this puzzle game about an android on a quest to enlightenment. Between maze running and locating sigil pieces, you’ll get to enjoy the phenomenal high-speed thrill of…elevator rides, which serve as points of relief in-between stages. Pirates, beware because Croteam is just as cruel as our irritating arachnoid friend. Cracked copies are equipped with a trap. At some point during one of the elevator rides, the elevator will stop with no chances of escape! As usual, pirates took to the forums and tried to make it sound like legit copies were getting this bug. Nice try, guys.
Before we found the assortment of bugs in “Batman: Arkham Knight”, we got to experience an anti-piracy bug in the first game of the Arkham series back in 2009. After taking out a room of enemies, you must glide across while avoiding the poison gas. For pirates, this challenge is too damn hard since the ability to glide is non-existent. Upon discovering this, one pirate made the idiotic mistake of revealing himself by going to the official Eidos message board and asking about the bug. The answer he got was a simple phrase that fits with this entire list, “It’s not a bug in the game’s code; it’s a bug in your moral code.”
#4: Drunken Cameraman “Grand Theft Auto IV” (2008)
It’s not a bug in the game’s code; it’s a bug in your moral code. Welcome to, and today, we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Ways Games Have Punished You for Cheating & Piracy.
For this list, we’re recognizing some of the most unique (and sometimes, hilarious) methods of countering pirates and cheaters. These techniques include save wipes or frequent nuisances. Either way, it’s enough to shame or irritate the most heartless of digital thieves.
#10: Invincible Enemies “Serious Sam 3: BFE” (2011)
In many games, there are always those enemies that are irritating from how hard they are to kill. You got the Iron Knuckle from “The Legend of Zelda”, the Regenerators in “Resident Evil”, and the Xenomorphs from “Aliens vs. Predator”. Developer Croteam took this piece of game design and cranked the difficulty to “Holy crap, this is impossible”, literally. If you are caught playing a cracked copy of “Serious Sam 3”, you will be hunted down by an unkillable Arachnoid. While frightening at first, he will quickly get on your nerves, only provoking you into wasting more ammunition. And we thought the Beheaded Kamikazes were a pain in the ass…
#9: Close, But No Cigar “Mirror’s Edge” (2008)
This game is all about speed and precision. Owning a pirated copy encourages some honesty, too. Illegal copies of “Mirror’s Edge” contain an intentional bug in the game where our protagonist, Faith, will slow down before making big leaps across buildings. It’s almost as if she’s having second thoughts on her career path as courier. Think you can just chance your jumps or find a way around it? Fat chance. Quite a number of jumps are crucial for maximum speed in order to progress, making this game practically unbeatable. Just chip in the twenty-five dollars. It’s better for everyone.
#8: Brutal Spitefulness “Earthbound” (1995)
If “Doom” has an Ultra-Nightmare difficulty, we cannot describe what “Earthbound” has in store for pirates. Cracked copies are bugged with a near-impossible difficulty curve, where it doesn’t matter how good you are at the game because it will make sure you never finish. From the moment you start playing, the number of enemies you’ll encounter increases to absurd levels, even in area’s that shouldn’t have them. If you somehow manage to make to the end (and find the time to trudge through all the battles), right at the climax of the story, the game will freeze and force you to reset the game. What you’ll come back to will be all your save files deleted, that’s brutal.
#7: Cheaters Purgatory “Dark Souls 2” (2014)
One franchise that has fallen victim of frequent cheaters is FromSoftware’s “Souls” series. As if the game wasn’t brutal enough, cheaters have been known for invading other players’ games and kill off their characters with status-afflicting weapons. Now, cheating isn’t a crime, but that doesn’t mean we can’t treat it as such in the game industry. Many games have what they call “prison servers”, and “Dark Souls 2” follows suit of that. However, there is a twist. Bandai Namco will let you keep your crummy, game-breaking weapons, but the only people you can encounter invasions from are other cheaters. Did we call this a prison? Sounds more like a private hell.
#6: Halting Progress “The Talos Principle” (2014)
Croteam strikes again in this puzzle game about an android on a quest to enlightenment. Between maze running and locating sigil pieces, you’ll get to enjoy the phenomenal high-speed thrill of…elevator rides, which serve as points of relief in-between stages. Pirates, beware because Croteam is just as cruel as our irritating arachnoid friend. Cracked copies are equipped with a trap. At some point during one of the elevator rides, the elevator will stop with no chances of escape! As usual, pirates took to the forums and tried to make it sound like legit copies were getting this bug. Nice try, guys.
#5: Lack of Abilities “Batman: Arkham Asylum” (2009)
Before we found the assortment of bugs in “Batman: Arkham Knight”, we got to experience an anti-piracy bug in the first game of the Arkham series back in 2009. After taking out a room of enemies, you must glide across while avoiding the poison gas. For pirates, this challenge is too damn hard since the ability to glide is non-existent. Upon discovering this, one pirate made the idiotic mistake of revealing himself by going to the official Eidos message board and asking about the bug. The answer he got was a simple phrase that fits with this entire list, “It’s not a bug in the game’s code; it’s a bug in your moral code.”
#4: Drunken Cameraman “Grand Theft Auto IV” (2008)
We’ve seen some good ideas on this list so far, but you can always count on the classic glitch of wonky controls and, more notably, an incredibly drunk cameraman. What you get is camerawork worse than that of a typical action movie. Just from watching footage alone, it’s easy for us to get nauseated and disoriented. To make matters worse, vehicles will start smoking as soon as you hop in and will only be able to be driven in one direction. Just like our friend from “Batman: Arkham Asylum”, pirates went online to the developers asking about a “bug”. When will they learn?
#3: Chicken Ammunition “Crysis Warhead” (2008)
As a badass soldier, all you want to do is unload all bullets into your soon-to-be-swiss-cheese enemies. But, you know what’s even better? Shooting chickens that do absolutely no damage. Not to worry, pirates. “Crysis Warhead” is still in a beatable condition, but, like “Earthbound”, you’re gonna end up pulling your hair out from the time it takes to beat and how many times you will most likely die. Progress will only be achieved if you put up your dukes and punch your way through like Brock Lesnar taking on a bison stampede.
#2: Bad Graphics “The Sims 4” (2014)
One of the most hilarious parts of “The Sims 4” is through its self-censorship. If a Sim chooses to use the toilet or shower, their body will be heavily pixelated. But, have you ever found a glitch where that pixilation never recedes? Well, congratulations, you scummy pirate! You have illegally downloaded “The Sims 4”. Now, witness as your game gradually transforms into a large masterpiece of abstract pixel art. The only way to fix it? There isn’t, making it hard to play and figure out what the hell your Sims are doing. What makes matters worse is that players tried reporting this as a bug in legitimate copies before it was proven otherwise. How many times has this happened now?
Before we cheat to our top pick, here are a few Honorable Mentions:
Cheater Segregation
“Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds” (2011)
South African World Cup Edition
“Michael Jackson: The Experience” (DS Version) (2010)
Everyone Dies!
“Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2” (2000)
#1: Your Game Gets Pirated “Game Dev Tycoon” (2012)
Ever wondered what the definition of irony was? Look no further than “Game Dev Tycoon”, a business simulator that lets you run your very own game studio. You’ll learn how to deal with fan feedback, critic reviews, and managing costs on projects and contracts. Should you not want to chip in the insanely cheap ten dollars, you’ll get an exclusive challenge in an illegal copy of the game; praying that your games aren’t pirated. If such a thing were to happen, you will receive a message informing you of the situation, causing your studio to go bankrupt and shutdown. The real kicker? Some pirates dared asked if it was possible to include Copy Protection in their games.
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