Top 10 Greatest Metal Gear Bosses
Top 10, Watchmojo, Video Games, Boss Battles, Metal Gear Solid, MGS, Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Solid V, The Phantom Pain, Solid Snake, Guns of the Patriots, Sons of Liberty, Snake Eater, Metal Gear Rising: Reve,
Script Written by Alex Crilly-Mckean
You didn’t think you’d be able to sneak n’ choke your way through the whole game did ya? Welcome to and today we are counting down the top ten greatest metal gear bosses!
For this list we are taking a look at the boss battles from the iconic series and ranking them based on a mixture of popularity, fan-votes and our own personal choices. This list isn’t just limited to the Metal Gear Solid title along, so be sure to look out for a few spin-off characters as well! Oh, it should go without saying that this list is bursting at the seams with spoilers, so Spoiler Alert!
She may be beautiful but make no mistake, this sharpshooter will snuff the life out of you with the pull of a trigger and without a second thought. A member of FOXHOUND, she makes her rather gruesome introduction by putting a bullet in Meryl and forcing Snake to battle on her terms. After a couple of fierce sniper duels, one of which you probably handled with a Stinger Missile, she laments her life and gives us a powerful death scene. One thing is for sure, she was no dog, but a proud wolf.
The Metal Gears themselves have always been a highlight of the series: mechanical tanks with unique designs and armed with world-ending weaponry make for some of the best boss battles! This latest addition is no exception. A bipedal monstrosity armed with everything from flamethrowers, railguns and even a freaking sword. Under the beck and call of Skull Face, you don’t find many weapons crazier than this. The sheer scope of his 2nd battle in particular is incredible, and really shows how epic a boss fight on an open world map can truly be.
Sibling rivalries don’t get bloodier than this. Much like his Solid counterpart, Liquid was a clone of Big Boss who possessed all the skills to make him the perfect soldier. Unfortunately he suffered from a horrible inferiority complex which led to him to arming the titular Metal Gear with nuclear weapons and assemble to FOXHOUND Unit. Needless to say the battle against him atop a burningMetal Gear Rex with nothing but your fists is an epic boss fight not to be ignored. And by god is that over-the-top British accent hilariously awesome!
Players first encountered Ray back in second instalment of the series, where it was revealed to be a sleeker looking Metal Gearboasted to be able to crush its predecessors. While it was a thrill to layer a trio of Rays with stinger missiles later in the game, we feel its crowning moment comes in Guns of the Patriots, where it took on Metal Gear Rex in a battle fanboys had only dreamt of! Bullets, missiles and mashed metal galore ensures that this one was hell of a battle. It also goes to show that newer doesn’t always mean better!
You thought there were only two snakes? Well say hello to Solidus! Leader of the Sons of Liberty and former President of the United States, this third clone of Big Boss is the ultimate freedom fighter, as his mission revolve around the destruction of the Patriots, the A.I that control and govern the entire world. That’s not to say he’s a good guy, anyone who crosses him is a dead man and he’s not above acts of terrorism. The fact he was also the one who adopted protagonist Raiden when he was a child soldier adds that extra edge that made him an iconic Metal Gear boss!
While silent sniper known as Quiet made a hell of an impact in the game’s latest instalment, we had to go with the older generation. A member of the Cobra Unit and hailed as the father of sniping, The End is constantly bordering on the brink of death due to being over a century old. He’s often regarded as one of the most clever boss battles in gaming history and it’s not hard to see why. .He can heal himself via photosynthesis, snipe from anywhere at any time, hide from thermal imaging, you name it. However, those are patient with this fight know that time is the one thing that isn’t on the End’s side.
Revolver Ocelot and Liquid Snake are two of the greatest villains to ever step out of the Metal Gear franchise, so imagine our surprise when the two of them (physically and mentally) became one being. What’s unique about this fight is not only is its emotional and raw climax, but just how nostalgic the gameplay is. The battle has four stages to it, each mirroring the styles of the previous games, mechanics included! Even if you aren’t a fan of the revelations and plot-twists post-fight, there’s no denying Liquid Ocelot was truly worthy of being called Snake’s equal!
Politicians are an easy target when it comes to villains in video games, but we’re struggling to think of one as entertaining, and as manly, as Senator Steven Armstrong! The final boss of the highly successfully Metal Gear spin off that sees Raiden hacking and slashing his way to the top of a world-ending conspiracy. This senator’s motivations may seem slightly one dimensional, but we dare you to find a better example of testosterone filled insanity. Be careful, he played football in college!
Not only is this gas-mask wearing telepath an iconic Metal Gear antagonist, but also stands out as one of the defining boss battles of all time. One of the pioneers of fourth wall breaking in video games, newcomers were blown away when this telekinetic “read” their memory cards, vibrated their controllers, caused their television screens to go haywire and force played to switch controllers so he couldn’t predict their attacks. A memorable villain in both aesthetic and function, we don’t need to be psychic to say that Psycho Mantis won’t soon be forgotten.
Before we get to our number one pick, here are a few honourable mentions.
"Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance" (2013)
Jetstream Sam
"Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance" (2013)
"Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater" (2004
Vulcan Raven
"Metal Gear Solid" (1998)
No battle has held a greater emotional impact than between mentor and student. This would have made the top our list purely for the on-edge battle as you desperately try to outclass The Boss in a field filled with beautiful white flowers while the amazing soundtrack plays in the background. But then it goes a step further and gives us one of the most tear-jerking death scenes in all of video games, where you the player have to pull the final trigger. And then to top it off there’s a heart-breaking twist, which we’ve already spoiled on other lists so we won’t do it here. Emotionally exhausting on every level, there really is no better Metal Gear boss than The Boss herself!
Do you agree with our list? What’s your favourite Metal Gear Boss? For more top tens published every day be sure to subscribe to!
Top 10 Greatest Metal Gear Bosses
You didn’t think you’d be able to sneak n’ choke your way through the whole game did ya? Welcome to and today we are counting down the top ten greatest metal gear bosses!
For this list we are taking a look at the boss battles from the iconic series and ranking them based on a mixture of popularity, fan-votes and our own personal choices. This list isn’t just limited to the Metal Gear Solid title along, so be sure to look out for a few spin-off characters as well! Oh, it should go without saying that this list is bursting at the seams with spoilers, so Spoiler Alert!
#10: Sniper Wolf
"Metal Gear Solid" (1998)She may be beautiful but make no mistake, this sharpshooter will snuff the life out of you with the pull of a trigger and without a second thought. A member of FOXHOUND, she makes her rather gruesome introduction by putting a bullet in Meryl and forcing Snake to battle on her terms. After a couple of fierce sniper duels, one of which you probably handled with a Stinger Missile, she laments her life and gives us a powerful death scene. One thing is for sure, she was no dog, but a proud wolf.
#9: Metal Gear Sahelanthropus
"Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain" (2015)The Metal Gears themselves have always been a highlight of the series: mechanical tanks with unique designs and armed with world-ending weaponry make for some of the best boss battles! This latest addition is no exception. A bipedal monstrosity armed with everything from flamethrowers, railguns and even a freaking sword. Under the beck and call of Skull Face, you don’t find many weapons crazier than this. The sheer scope of his 2nd battle in particular is incredible, and really shows how epic a boss fight on an open world map can truly be.
#8: Liquid Snake
"Metal Gear Solid" (1998)Sibling rivalries don’t get bloodier than this. Much like his Solid counterpart, Liquid was a clone of Big Boss who possessed all the skills to make him the perfect soldier. Unfortunately he suffered from a horrible inferiority complex which led to him to arming the titular Metal Gear with nuclear weapons and assemble to FOXHOUND Unit. Needless to say the battle against him atop a burningMetal Gear Rex with nothing but your fists is an epic boss fight not to be ignored. And by god is that over-the-top British accent hilariously awesome!
#7: Metal Gear Ray
"Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots" (2008)Players first encountered Ray back in second instalment of the series, where it was revealed to be a sleeker looking Metal Gearboasted to be able to crush its predecessors. While it was a thrill to layer a trio of Rays with stinger missiles later in the game, we feel its crowning moment comes in Guns of the Patriots, where it took on Metal Gear Rex in a battle fanboys had only dreamt of! Bullets, missiles and mashed metal galore ensures that this one was hell of a battle. It also goes to show that newer doesn’t always mean better!
#6: Solidus Snake
"Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty" (2001)You thought there were only two snakes? Well say hello to Solidus! Leader of the Sons of Liberty and former President of the United States, this third clone of Big Boss is the ultimate freedom fighter, as his mission revolve around the destruction of the Patriots, the A.I that control and govern the entire world. That’s not to say he’s a good guy, anyone who crosses him is a dead man and he’s not above acts of terrorism. The fact he was also the one who adopted protagonist Raiden when he was a child soldier adds that extra edge that made him an iconic Metal Gear boss!
#5: The End
"Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater" (2004)While silent sniper known as Quiet made a hell of an impact in the game’s latest instalment, we had to go with the older generation. A member of the Cobra Unit and hailed as the father of sniping, The End is constantly bordering on the brink of death due to being over a century old. He’s often regarded as one of the most clever boss battles in gaming history and it’s not hard to see why. .He can heal himself via photosynthesis, snipe from anywhere at any time, hide from thermal imaging, you name it. However, those are patient with this fight know that time is the one thing that isn’t on the End’s side.
#4: Liquid Ocelot
"Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots" (2008)Revolver Ocelot and Liquid Snake are two of the greatest villains to ever step out of the Metal Gear franchise, so imagine our surprise when the two of them (physically and mentally) became one being. What’s unique about this fight is not only is its emotional and raw climax, but just how nostalgic the gameplay is. The battle has four stages to it, each mirroring the styles of the previous games, mechanics included! Even if you aren’t a fan of the revelations and plot-twists post-fight, there’s no denying Liquid Ocelot was truly worthy of being called Snake’s equal!
#3: Steven Armstrong
"Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance" (2013)Politicians are an easy target when it comes to villains in video games, but we’re struggling to think of one as entertaining, and as manly, as Senator Steven Armstrong! The final boss of the highly successfully Metal Gear spin off that sees Raiden hacking and slashing his way to the top of a world-ending conspiracy. This senator’s motivations may seem slightly one dimensional, but we dare you to find a better example of testosterone filled insanity. Be careful, he played football in college!
#2: Psycho Mantis
"Metal Gear Solid" (1998)Not only is this gas-mask wearing telepath an iconic Metal Gear antagonist, but also stands out as one of the defining boss battles of all time. One of the pioneers of fourth wall breaking in video games, newcomers were blown away when this telekinetic “read” their memory cards, vibrated their controllers, caused their television screens to go haywire and force played to switch controllers so he couldn’t predict their attacks. A memorable villain in both aesthetic and function, we don’t need to be psychic to say that Psycho Mantis won’t soon be forgotten.
Before we get to our number one pick, here are a few honourable mentions.
"Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance" (2013)
Jetstream Sam
"Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance" (2013)
"Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater" (2004
Vulcan Raven
"Metal Gear Solid" (1998)
#1: The Boss
"Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater" (2004)No battle has held a greater emotional impact than between mentor and student. This would have made the top our list purely for the on-edge battle as you desperately try to outclass The Boss in a field filled with beautiful white flowers while the amazing soundtrack plays in the background. But then it goes a step further and gives us one of the most tear-jerking death scenes in all of video games, where you the player have to pull the final trigger. And then to top it off there’s a heart-breaking twist, which we’ve already spoiled on other lists so we won’t do it here. Emotionally exhausting on every level, there really is no better Metal Gear boss than The Boss herself!
Do you agree with our list? What’s your favourite Metal Gear Boss? For more top tens published every day be sure to subscribe to!
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