Top 10 Green Rangers From Power Rangers

Green Rangers From Power Rangers, Best Green Rangers, Green Rangers Ranked, Best Power Rangers, Green Rangers Worst to Best, Green Rangers Actors, Tommy Oliver Green Ranger, Ziggy Grover Green Ranger, Trip Green Ranger, Adam Park Green Ranger, Cam Watanabe Green Ranger, Joel Rawlings Green Ranger, Riley Griffin Green Ranger, Trek Green Ranger, Bridge Carson Green Ranger, Xander Bly Green Ranger, Power Rangers, Green Ranger, Black Ranger, TV, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, Joey Turner,

These are the heroes that really go for the green. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Green Rangers From Power Rangers.

For this list, we’ll be looking at some of our favorite emerald warriors who know a thing or two about handling a blade -whether they’re the comic relief, the extra muscle, or just a good alternative for the Black Rangers, why do Black & Green colors alternate? (There’s a simple explanation for that) . If you’ve never seen these Rangers in action, expect SPOILERS ahead.

#10: Xander Bly
“Power Rangers Mystic Force” (2006)

Originally an Australian native, Xander’s made his new home in Briarwood as an employee of the Rock Porium and the Green Mystic Ranger. Before diving headfirst into battle, he usually tries “Plan Xander”, where he attempts to reason with his foes… but it comedically backfires. Despite what he may think, Xander is NOT perfect – he’s vain, occasionally lazy, and his ego’s too big for his helmet. Regardless, he knows the value of friendship and when he needs to step up his game, he’ll do it no questions asked. Once the war was over, Xander rightfully earned the position as manager of the Rock Porium, but he’s more than willing to return to his Ranger duties whenever he’s needed.

#9: Bridge Carson
“Power Rangers S.P.D.” (2005)

He’s the cadet who loves his toast buttery. Bridge is a member of S.P.D.’s B-Squad who started his Ranger career in green. His teammates tend to not take him seriously since he can be a little quirky and his answers usually just leave us with MORE questions. Despite his eccentricities, Bridge is more clever than he appears, and his aura-reading ability allows him to see the good or evil in others. He served his rank well before being promoted to Blue Ranger in the season finale and later returning as the Red Ranger, but he’s still the same weirdo we love.

#8: Trek (A.K.A. Psycho Green)
Boom Studios “Power Rangers” (2016-)

Ordinarily, we don’t include perpetually evil Rangers on these color-coded lists, but this story from the comics is too good to ignore. Trek was originally the Supersonic Green Ranger, and was alienated from his team out of fear. That fear turned out to be PERFECTLY justified since Trek ended up orchestrating his team’s demise, and then allowing the evil Dark Spectre to transform him into the OG Psycho Ranger – Psycho Green. Needless to say, Psycho Green is a juggernaut – spiteful, cunning, and able to slaughter not one, but TWO Ranger teams without a second thought. Even if someone CAN incapacitate him, he never stays down for long for he is fueled by vengeance… and his own feelings of abandonment.

#7: Riley Griffin
“Power Rangers Dino Charge” (2015-16)

One day near his family’s ranch, Riley discovered the Green Energem while clashing with Fury and was chosen to become the Green Dino Charge Ranger. When he isn’t showcasing his ace swordsmanship, Riley can usually rely on his sharp wit to solve any problem and outsmart any foe. If he has any shortcomings, they’re likely from him being a little too competitive and eager to prove himself – stemming from being constantly belittled and bullied as a kid. Regardless, Riley is logical and disciplined through and through, and definitely someone you can trust to either solve your way out of a jam or literally cut a monster down to size.

#6: Joel Rawlings
“Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue” (2000)

For his incredible skills in the air, Joel the “Sky Cowboy” was hand-chosen by Lightspeed Rescue to protect Mariner Bay as the Green Ranger. While he’s definitely a contender, he’s also a bit of a show-off who doesn’t always play by the rules. While being a Ranger is a breeze, winning over Ms. Fairweather – the scientist romantic interest of his dreams - is an impossible feat thanks to her playing hard to get. Thankfully, as the series progressed, Joel’s attitude improved and Fairweather got to see the good guy he really is – always willing to do his part… even after the battle’s over. Sorry, Cowboy, but you can’t walk away from being a Ranger THAT easily.

#5: Cameron "Cam" Watanabe
“Power Rangers Ninja Storm” (2003)

As the Sensei’s son, Cam initially started out on the sidelines as the team’s snarky tech genius. Even though he can hold his own, his father forbade him from becoming a Ranger out of concern, which made him a little jealous of the actual chosen Rangers. However, when he travels back in time to retrieve an amulet to save his friends, he comes back with something extra – the Green Samurai powers. Cam definitely earned his place on the team, and when he was no longer confined in the base, he was able to bring his A-game where he truly belongs – out on the battlefield alongside his fellow Rangers fighting back Lothor’s evil.

#4: Adam Park
“Power Rangers Zeo” (1996) & “Power Rangers Turbo” (1997)

We all know Adam as the second Mighty Morphin Black Ranger and one of the longest-lasting rangers in the series. However, once his Mighty Morphin days were done, Adam swapped colors as the Green Ranger for both the “Zeo” and “Turbo”. Even after changing hues, Adam still remains one of the most dependable and resilient members on both teams – welcoming new challenges such as boxing, stunt shows, and becoming second-in-command of the Turbo Rangers. Halfway through “Turbo”, Adam finally retires and passes the torch to his soccer pupil, Carlos. While Adam makes several much-appreciated returns in later seasons, we barely get to see him in Green again as he usually chooses to come back in black, even though he rocks both colors.

#3: Trip
“Power Rangers Time Force” (2001)

Born on the planet Xybria, Trip is one of the Time Force officers sent back in time to capture Ransik and save the future as the Time Force Green Ranger. Being a tech wiz, he’s built some of the Rangers’ gear as well as Circuit, the team’s trusty robotic owl guide. Being the young one of the team, Trip can be a little naïve – which can land him into trouble if he’s not careful. However, the gem on his forehead allows him to read minds and see someone’s true intentions. He may not always believe in himself, but he’s brave enough to stand up for what he believes in no matter the risk, which makes him an irreplaceable Ranger and friend.

#2: Ziggy Grover
“Power Rangers RPM” (2009)

Ok Ziggy is arguably the least qualified person to be a Power Ranger. He’s clumsy, cowardly, gets his axe stuck on his first day as a ranger, and runs his mouth off way too much. Despite his shortcomings, Ziggy’s big heart is always in the right place – he’s friendly and wants to help in any way he can. The only reason he became a Ranger was by accident to protect the morpher from falling into evil hands. Arguably his biggest challenge was earning Dr. K’s respect – a near-fruitless effort, but it was all worth it to prove his worth and make her smile. Plus, we give major props to Ziggy for asking what we’ve all been wondering for years – what’s with the gigantic explosions when they morph?

#1: Thomas “Tommy” Oliver
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-96; 2010)

Ok yeah, this one was obvious. But come on, it’s Tommy! We all know his story by now – the new kid in town brainwashed by Rita Repulsa into becoming her evil Green Ranger. He easily walked through the OG Rangers in every battle until they broke the spell and gained their most dependable ally to date. While he wasn’t on the battlefield as often, he was always there whenever his friends needed backup. Even when his powers were extinguished he proved his might not just as the Green Ranger, but as plain old Tommy. Of course, he’d make several comebacks in White, Red, and Black, but we must never forget the Green roots of the most legendary Ranger of them all.

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