Top 10 Hilarious Phoebe Moments on Friends

Friends, Freinds, Phoebe Buffay (Fictional Character), Phoebe Buffay, Tv show, Warner Bros. Entertainment (Production Company), Banna hammock, Rachel, Cox, Diana, ross, Best Friends, Chandler, Joey, best of, regina filange, quotes, funny, funniest, laughter, Best Of Friends (TV Program), Joke, Fun, Humor, Comedy, Laugh, Jokes, Hilarious, MsMojo, top 10, top 5, youtube,

Top 10 Hilarious Phoebe Moments from Friends

The quirkiest of the “friends” never stops making us laugh. Welcome to MsMojo and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Hilarious Phoebe Moments from Friends.

For this list, we’re looking at the funniest Phoebe scenes rather than the most touching, so we’re excluding pivotal moments like her wedding to Mike and her giving birth to the triplets.

#10: Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock
“The One with Princess Consuela”

Phoebe dates a lot of questionable guys before finally finding her Prince Charming. We didn't think it was possible that she would find someone as wonderfully weird as she is, but she and Mike make a perfect match. Of course, when Phoebe goes to change her last name after getting married and finds out that there are no limitations on what your legal name can be, hilarity ensues. While Phoebe’s antics are funny, it’s almost too much to handle when she and Mike end up getting competitive over who can pick a weirder name. What’s even funnier is that Phoebe has no idea what a banana-hammock really is.

#9: Being an Extra on Joey's Soap Opera
“The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work”

Lisa Kudrow may be a great actress, but she sure can play a bad one on TV. In Season 9 when she’s a little short on cash, Phoebe takes Joey up on an offer to work as an extra on “Days of Our Lives.” She ends up being incredibly nervous and completely messes up her takes, escalating the chaos in every scene she’s in. Joey tries to give her acting advice to help her out, but she takes the whole thing a bit too seriously. Sorry, Phoebe, but we think you should stick to your day job.

#8: Her Sexy Phlegm
“The One With Joey's New Girlfriend”

Never one to miss a good opportunity, Phoebe decides to capitalize on her illness when she comes down with a cold that affects her singing voice. At first, she’s upset that she won’t be able to perform while her vocals are compromised, but after giving a successful performance with her new raspy voice, she decides to keep it up even after she’s no longer under the weather. In the end, she becomes so desperate to get her sensual voice back that she goes as far as kissing Gunther to make it happen. They say laughter is the best medicine and Phoebe definitely delivered the laughs both here and when she got Chickenpox in Season 2.

#7: Meeting Mike's Parents
“The One with Ross’ Inappropriate Song”

Phoebe has had a rough past and difficult family life, so she’s understandably nervous when it comes to meeting her new boyfriend’s parents for the first time. This is amplified by the fact that Mike’s parents are very wealthy and Phoebe worries she won’t be able to connect with them. The persona she creates to try to fit in with the Hannigans is over-the-top and just ridiculous enough to make it totally endearing. Of course, her attempts to seem normal don’t exactly go as planned and Theodore and Bitsy aren’t quite taken with her. This is the perfect opportunity though for Mike to reveal what a great boyfriend he really is.

#6: The Fire Alarm
“The One Where They're Up All Night”

In this classic episode, all six characters pull an all-nighter for various reasons. While all the storylines are comical, Phoebe's definitely takes the cake. She is plagued by the sound of her fire alarm while she tries to sleep and can’t figure out how to silence it. Even after dismembering it, the noise still won’t stop, so she resorts to throwing it down her building’s trash chute. Since it’s illegal to throw away a smoke detector, though, Phoebe ends up having a run-in with a local firefighter. What makes this especially hilarious is that we can all relate to the nuisance of fire alarms, which can admittedly be more trouble than they’re worth.

#5: Trying to Teach Joey How to Speak French
“The One Where Joey Speaks French”

When Joey tells the gang he has to speak French for an upcoming audition, Phoebe volunteers to help him because of course she is somehow fluent in French. Joey’s attempts are embarrassingly bad, so much so that it seems like he can’t even simply repeat the sounds Phoebe is making. He’s clearly a lost cause. The real kicker comes at the end of the episode when Phoebe goes to see the casting director and gives him an explanation for Joey’s atrocious language skills. It’s almost as bad as the time Phoebe tried to teach Joey how to play the guitar.

#4: Running with Rachel
“The One Where Phoebe Runs”

The way that Phoebe runs is a perfect exemplification of her entire personality. She does what makes her happy and doesn’t care what anyone thinks. When new roommates Rachel and Phoebe decide to take up running together, Rachel is shocked at Phoebe’s flailing, spazzy running style. At first, she is so embarrassed that she makes excuses to avoid jogging with her, but in the end, Rachel realizes how freeing it is to run with no abandon and without a care in the world that anyone is watching.

#3: Seducing Chandler
"The One Where Everybody Finds Out"

In what might be arguably the funniest “Friends” episode of all time, the gang grapples with the secret that Chandler and Monica have been secretly dating and trying to hide it from everyone. Joey has known for a while about what’s going on and has been struggling to help them keep it under wraps. The situation culminates in Joey, Rachel, and Phoebe coming up with a ploy to try to trick Chandler into admitting that he and Monica are together. Their genius idea is that Phoebe will attempt to seduce him, forcing him to stop her and admit the truth. What follows is pure comedy gold, complete with lotion, bras, and an incredibly unsexy kiss.

#2: Bagpipes
“The One with Joey's New Brain”

When Monica and Chandler are planning their wedding in Season 7, Ross volunteers his musical skills for the occasion. No, we’re not talking about Ross’ “sound,” we mean his newfound bagpiping abilities. When he prepares a trial performance for Monica, Chandler, Rachel, and Phoebe, it sounds so abominably bad that they can hardly keep a straight face. Phoebe, however, recognizes the song he’s attempting and decides to sing along in her own enthusiastic and screechy rendition of Kool & The Gang’s “Celebration.” As you might expect, her accompaniment doesn’t make Ross sound any better, but it does add another layer of hilarity to the scene.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Swearing About Ms Pac-Man
“The One Where Joey Dates Rachel”

Pick Up the Sock!
“The One with Phoebe's Birthday Dinner”

Finding Out Her Twin Is a Porn Star Using Her Name
“The One Where Chandler Can't Cry”

#1: Smelly Cat
“The One Where Eddie Moves In”

There is nothing that Phoebe is more known for than her delightfully strange songwriting skills. And there is no song more famous than the unforgettable “Smelly Cat.” Any real “Friends” fan knows all the lyrics by heart even if they haven’t watched the show in years. Viewers first heard the song in Season 2, but it comes back time and time again, whenever you least expect it. The funniest moment of all just might be a “Smelly Cat” music video. While the staff writers may have come up with the lyrics for Smelly Cat, Lisa Kudrow claims that she created the melody all on her own. Come on, you know you want to sing along.

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