Top 10 Jedi Who Survived Order 66
Movies, film, star wars, jedi, trilogy, lightsaber, Kai Hudorra, Empatojayos Brand, K’Kruhk, Rahm Kota, A’Sharad Hett, Quinlan Vos, Kanan Jarrus, Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Master Yoda, top 10, watchmojo,
Script written by Michael Wynands
The force is strong in these ones, even if they have gone into hiding. Welcome to, and today we’ll be counting down the Top 10 Jedi Who Survived Order 66.
These are the greatest Jedi to have survived Order 66, which called for the death of all Jedi, as carried out by the clone troopers. We’re including characters from the Star Wars Expanded Universe, re-dubbed “Legends” under Disney, given that the newly established canon hasn’t been around long enough to provide any concrete answers to this question.
A Jedi Master and General during the Clone Wars, he was among the few Jedi to survive a direct attack from his clone troopers. Thanks to selfless sacrifice of a fellow Jedi, Master Simms, he managed to escape. Seeing so many Jedi cut down, Hudorra cast aside his lightsaber and walked away from the Jedi path, later becoming the owner of the Lucky Twi’lek Casino on Kestavel, where he was well - respected and much loved by his employees. Unfortunately, Darth Vader tracked him down. Taking up his lightsaber once more, Hudorra battled Vadar, only to perish, but managed to save many lives in the process.
On the run following Order 66, this Jedi Knight was left for dead when his ship crashed following an attack by Darth Vader. Despite many fatal injuries, Empatojayos survived, thanks to the local Ganathan people who rescued him and outfitted him with extensive prosthetics, including robotic arms, and a spherical repulsor based body. He lived as King of Ganath for years until 10ABY, when a damaged Millennium Falcon landed on his planet, introducing him to Princess Leia and Han Solo, who told him of Luke’s New Jedi Order. He joined them in their fight, and played a crucial role in defeating the resurrected Emperor Palpatine.
This male Whiphid Jedi master is right up there with Yoda as one of the oldest jedi. K’Kruhk overhead Order 66 when it was given to a clone trooper standing nearby and thus was able to respond immediately. He killed the surrounding clones, saved himself and many younglings, and went into hiding, taking the younglings with him. K’Kruhk survived the Galactic Civil war, the Yuuzhan Vong Wars, and pulled a repeat performance when the Jedi Order was massacred on Ossus, once again escaping. His force meditation allows him to enter a state of healing hibernation often mistaken for death by his opponents.
At 18 years old, Rahm Kota was well beyond the acceptable age to begin training as a jedi, but Mace Windu saw great potential in him. He went on to become a fiercely loyal Jedi, always volunteering for the most dangerous yet crucial missions on behalf of the Order. He and his militia supported Senator Bail Organa following the fall of the Republic and he made it his personal mission to destroy Vader. Unfortunately, Vader sent his secret apprentice, Starkiller, to battle Kota instead, leaving Kota defeated, blind, but alive. Later, he would go on train Starkiller, seeing the potential for good in him.
A’Sharad Hett was a charismatic leader in the clone wars. Surviving Order 66, he returned to his home planet of Tatooine and became the leader of the Tusken Raiders, among whom he grew up. Here he began a personal war against the Empire, but his duties to the Tuskens led him into conflict with local farmers, and eventually Obi-Wan Kenobi, who, sensing the Dark side growing in him, cut off his arm and exiled him. Hett became a bounty hunter, until the discovery of a Sith Holocron led him down the path of the Sith. He took the name Darth Krayt and founded the new One Sith order.
Here’s a Jedi that we hope to be seeing more of. Quinlan Vos was actually briefly seen in The Phantom Menace, sitting in the background at a cantina while on an undercover mission in Mos Espra. He received more screentime in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, teaming up with Obi-Wan, and was a central character of the 2015 novel Dark Disciple, in which he teamed up with Assajj Ventress and became romantically involved with her. Known to be a maverick among the jedi, he often goes beyond the council’s instructions to do what he thinks is right. He’s also a master tracker.
Like many others who escaped order 66, the jedi formerly known as Caleb Dume only survived thanks to the selfless sacrifice of his master, Depa Billaba. Kanan managed to avoid the purge by denying his jedi heritage and living the life of a smuggler, freighter pilot, bounty hunter and frontier ranger. He disguised his force sensitivity and swapped out his blue lightsaber for a less noteworthy blaster. Eventually, fate led him back into the struggle against the Empire, and by the age of 28, he was the leader of the rebel ship Ghost. He rarely reveals himself to be a jedi unless absolutely necessary.
Season 1 of Star Wars Rebels ended with a big reveal… the introduction of Ahsoka Tano. Having followed her journey all throughout The Clone Wars animated series, her presence provides a much needed sense of continuity between the two series. Seeing a mixture of horror and deep sadness spread across her face as she recognizes Darth Vader as her former master, Anakin Skywalker, is easily one of the most affective scenes in the show thus far. From the young, unruly padawan fondly known as Snips, to the full-fledged, mature Jedi seen in Star Wars Rebels, Ahsoka Tano not only survives, but continues to fight.
Immediately following Order 66, Obi-Wan fought Anakin, who had recently taken the title of Darth Vader. Obi-Wan defeated his former padawan and left him for dead. He then brought Anakin’s son, Luke, to live with relatives on Tatooine, where he watched over the boy from a distance, under the identity of Ben Kenobi, the hermit. Obi-Wan was easily one of the best lightsaber combatants when the Jedi Order fell, and gave Luke his first lightsaber and lessons in the ways of the jedi. He died at the hands of Darth Vader, choosing to sacrifice himself to save Luke and the crew of the Millennium Falcon.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Drun Cairnwick
Ferus Olin
A Jedi master that needs no introduction, Yoda lived for over 900 years and was known for his wisdom, lightsaber skills and extremely powerful connection to the force. He lived as a Jedi for centuries, actively helping it to reach the height of its power as a peacekeeping force, and was there to bear witness when it was destroyed. Yoda escaped Order 66 after losing a duel to Darth Sidious, and went into self- imposed exile on the planet Dagobah. Before passing on and becoming one with the force, he trained Luke Skywalker and in doing so, planted the seeds of the New Jedi Order.
Do you agree with our list? If you could go for a drink with one jedi who survived Order 66, who would it be? For more legendary top 10s published every day, be sure to subscribe to
Top 10 Jedi Who Survived Order 66
The force is strong in these ones, even if they have gone into hiding. Welcome to, and today we’ll be counting down the Top 10 Jedi Who Survived Order 66.
These are the greatest Jedi to have survived Order 66, which called for the death of all Jedi, as carried out by the clone troopers. We’re including characters from the Star Wars Expanded Universe, re-dubbed “Legends” under Disney, given that the newly established canon hasn’t been around long enough to provide any concrete answers to this question.
#10: Kai Hudorra
A Jedi Master and General during the Clone Wars, he was among the few Jedi to survive a direct attack from his clone troopers. Thanks to selfless sacrifice of a fellow Jedi, Master Simms, he managed to escape. Seeing so many Jedi cut down, Hudorra cast aside his lightsaber and walked away from the Jedi path, later becoming the owner of the Lucky Twi’lek Casino on Kestavel, where he was well - respected and much loved by his employees. Unfortunately, Darth Vader tracked him down. Taking up his lightsaber once more, Hudorra battled Vadar, only to perish, but managed to save many lives in the process.
#9: Empatojayos Brand
On the run following Order 66, this Jedi Knight was left for dead when his ship crashed following an attack by Darth Vader. Despite many fatal injuries, Empatojayos survived, thanks to the local Ganathan people who rescued him and outfitted him with extensive prosthetics, including robotic arms, and a spherical repulsor based body. He lived as King of Ganath for years until 10ABY, when a damaged Millennium Falcon landed on his planet, introducing him to Princess Leia and Han Solo, who told him of Luke’s New Jedi Order. He joined them in their fight, and played a crucial role in defeating the resurrected Emperor Palpatine.
#8: K’Kruhk
This male Whiphid Jedi master is right up there with Yoda as one of the oldest jedi. K’Kruhk overhead Order 66 when it was given to a clone trooper standing nearby and thus was able to respond immediately. He killed the surrounding clones, saved himself and many younglings, and went into hiding, taking the younglings with him. K’Kruhk survived the Galactic Civil war, the Yuuzhan Vong Wars, and pulled a repeat performance when the Jedi Order was massacred on Ossus, once again escaping. His force meditation allows him to enter a state of healing hibernation often mistaken for death by his opponents.
#7: Rahm Kota
At 18 years old, Rahm Kota was well beyond the acceptable age to begin training as a jedi, but Mace Windu saw great potential in him. He went on to become a fiercely loyal Jedi, always volunteering for the most dangerous yet crucial missions on behalf of the Order. He and his militia supported Senator Bail Organa following the fall of the Republic and he made it his personal mission to destroy Vader. Unfortunately, Vader sent his secret apprentice, Starkiller, to battle Kota instead, leaving Kota defeated, blind, but alive. Later, he would go on train Starkiller, seeing the potential for good in him.
#6: A’Sharad Hett
A’Sharad Hett was a charismatic leader in the clone wars. Surviving Order 66, he returned to his home planet of Tatooine and became the leader of the Tusken Raiders, among whom he grew up. Here he began a personal war against the Empire, but his duties to the Tuskens led him into conflict with local farmers, and eventually Obi-Wan Kenobi, who, sensing the Dark side growing in him, cut off his arm and exiled him. Hett became a bounty hunter, until the discovery of a Sith Holocron led him down the path of the Sith. He took the name Darth Krayt and founded the new One Sith order.
#5: Quinlan Vos
Here’s a Jedi that we hope to be seeing more of. Quinlan Vos was actually briefly seen in The Phantom Menace, sitting in the background at a cantina while on an undercover mission in Mos Espra. He received more screentime in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, teaming up with Obi-Wan, and was a central character of the 2015 novel Dark Disciple, in which he teamed up with Assajj Ventress and became romantically involved with her. Known to be a maverick among the jedi, he often goes beyond the council’s instructions to do what he thinks is right. He’s also a master tracker.
#4: Kanan Jarrus
Like many others who escaped order 66, the jedi formerly known as Caleb Dume only survived thanks to the selfless sacrifice of his master, Depa Billaba. Kanan managed to avoid the purge by denying his jedi heritage and living the life of a smuggler, freighter pilot, bounty hunter and frontier ranger. He disguised his force sensitivity and swapped out his blue lightsaber for a less noteworthy blaster. Eventually, fate led him back into the struggle against the Empire, and by the age of 28, he was the leader of the rebel ship Ghost. He rarely reveals himself to be a jedi unless absolutely necessary.
#3: Ahsoka Tano
Season 1 of Star Wars Rebels ended with a big reveal… the introduction of Ahsoka Tano. Having followed her journey all throughout The Clone Wars animated series, her presence provides a much needed sense of continuity between the two series. Seeing a mixture of horror and deep sadness spread across her face as she recognizes Darth Vader as her former master, Anakin Skywalker, is easily one of the most affective scenes in the show thus far. From the young, unruly padawan fondly known as Snips, to the full-fledged, mature Jedi seen in Star Wars Rebels, Ahsoka Tano not only survives, but continues to fight.
#2: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Immediately following Order 66, Obi-Wan fought Anakin, who had recently taken the title of Darth Vader. Obi-Wan defeated his former padawan and left him for dead. He then brought Anakin’s son, Luke, to live with relatives on Tatooine, where he watched over the boy from a distance, under the identity of Ben Kenobi, the hermit. Obi-Wan was easily one of the best lightsaber combatants when the Jedi Order fell, and gave Luke his first lightsaber and lessons in the ways of the jedi. He died at the hands of Darth Vader, choosing to sacrifice himself to save Luke and the crew of the Millennium Falcon.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Drun Cairnwick
Ferus Olin
#1: Master Yoda
A Jedi master that needs no introduction, Yoda lived for over 900 years and was known for his wisdom, lightsaber skills and extremely powerful connection to the force. He lived as a Jedi for centuries, actively helping it to reach the height of its power as a peacekeeping force, and was there to bear witness when it was destroyed. Yoda escaped Order 66 after losing a duel to Darth Sidious, and went into self- imposed exile on the planet Dagobah. Before passing on and becoming one with the force, he trained Luke Skywalker and in doing so, planted the seeds of the New Jedi Order.
Do you agree with our list? If you could go for a drink with one jedi who survived Order 66, who would it be? For more legendary top 10s published every day, be sure to subscribe to
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