Top 10 MOBA Terms
MOBA, Smite, Hi-Rez Studios, Moba terms, Gank, Turret, Tower, Lanes, Carry, Jungle, Ult, Diving, Last Hitting,
Script written by Brandon Stuhr
Jumping into a new type of multiplayer game is tough, thankfully we are here to help. Welcome to, and in conjunction with Smite Developer Hi-Rez Studios we’re bringing you the top 10 MOBA terms you should know.
Unlike this our normal top 10 lists, this list isn’t necessarily a top 10 countdown as much as an introduction guide. These are the terms you need to know before starting to play a MOBA game, especially if you plan on working in a team with other experienced players.
#8: “Diving”
Top 10 MOBA Terms
Jumping into a new type of multiplayer game is tough, thankfully we are here to help. Welcome to, and in conjunction with Smite Developer Hi-Rez Studios we’re bringing you the top 10 MOBA terms you should know.
Unlike this our normal top 10 lists, this list isn’t necessarily a top 10 countdown as much as an introduction guide. These are the terms you need to know before starting to play a MOBA game, especially if you plan on working in a team with other experienced players.
#10: “Lanes, Top/Mid/Bot”
Knowing these terms is essential, since the lanes are the bread and butter of any MOBA game. The "lanes" consist of the three paths that lead to each team's base. Many players will designate which lane they wish to fight in with "Top", "Mid", and "Bot" or Left” “Mid” and “Right” depending on where they appear on the minimap. Minions or Creeps will spawn at either teams base and funnel along these paths, so players “lane” when they fight in these zones, to keep the lanes secure and gain experience. Most game variations have three paths, but you may play on some maps that have only one.#9: “Last Hitting”
Here is a technique that can be useful for earning gold quickly. Last Hitting is integral to farming, or the killing of low level enemies to quickly cash in. The technique involves not auto-attacking the enemy creeps, but have your minions do the most damage. Then when the time is right, hit the enemy creep with one final blow, scoring the kill and earning a reward. Cheap as this may seem, this will quickly boost your stats and give you necessary buffs for later in the fight.#8: “Diving”
A high risk, high reward maneuver, diving is awesome skill to have, if you don't completely suck at doing it. Towers are a primary objective, but they are tough and can kill players quickly. Your enemy thinks he is safe under his own tower right? Wrong! You chase after them in a daring assault and 'dive' into the tower's deadly range. Get the kill and get out fast but don't get too carried away however, as those towers are still very, very deadly.
#7: “Feed/Fed”
When this happens, you may be playing with someone who is really bad in a MOBA, or maybe just having a bad day. When a player is "fed" it means that the player's champion is gaining a large amount of kills on one particular player. Basically if a weaker foe keeps taking on their stronger counterpart and keeps dying, the winner keeps getting stronger. Hence, he’s weaker player is “feeding” him kills. If you are lucky enough to be fed, you can take full control of the battlefield. It is a vicious cycle.
#6: “Carry”
When it comes to MOBA games, the term "carry" has multiple meanings. The first meaning identifies a type of hero that has the potential to be power house later in the game. This hero often becomes the primary damage dealer and takes over the lanes with ease. Some hero or champions classes have more “carry” potential, in this sense. The second meaning is more general. A strong character can often "carry" a team to victory due to their powerful skills and outstanding stats.
#5: “Jungle/Jungling”
If you don't feel like leveling up in the lanes, you can always choose the jungle. The jungle is the dense forested areas between the lanes that the litter the map where visibility is often restricted, making the potential for surprise attacks all the greater. When a player says he is jungling, he is venturing into the jungle to kill the native monsters within to gain experience and buffs. There are also junglers, which are heroes and champions designed for this kind of strategy.
#4: “Turret/Tower”
Turrets or towers, depending on which game your playing, are the main defenses protecting your base along the lanes. In order for your minions to continue into the enemy base, allied champions need to "push the lane" and take out the turrets and enemies in their specific lane to reach the base. The main reason why turrets are such a helpful tool, or a pain in the ass, is because with every successful hit landed by a turret, the damage they deal to the target character is increased. Clever players use the turrets to their advantage to help kill enemy champions or seek refuge from attack.
#3: “MIA/Missing”
If you hear this term, it is time to be on the alert. Players will send the "missing" or MIA message if the enemies have disappeared and are no longer in the lane. This is important news as you don't want to be caught off guard by enemy champions and heroes creeping around the jungle or down the river, depending on which map your playing on. If you lose sight of your target, don't be afraid to let your team know; making sure your whole team can keep track of where the enemy is at all times is key to victory.
#2: “Gank!”
While ganking someone basically mean scoring a kill, calling out “Gank” refers to specific strategy, one that is incredibly useful in a pinch. When one of your teammates calls out for a "Gank!" in their lane, they want someone to come from behind enemy lines and take out the opposing player or players. Typically this is a job for an assassin hero, who could easily turn the tide in any battle. Sometimes another ally can trap enemy heroes in a pincer formation, so they can eliminate them quickly.
Before we unveil our most necessary MOBA term, here are a few honorable mentions.
“Crowd Control”
“Item Build”
#1: “Ult”
Now this is your final form. Just kidding. "Ult" refers to your ultimate attack. This skill is the last one you get access to, and is integral when fighting other heroes. Your ultimate, which changes from hero to hero, is your ace in the hole. Whether it's a powerful area of effect stun, or a massive burst of damage, these skills can turn the tide of battle. They can easily turn the tide of battle, but often have long cooldowns, so use them wisely. Alternatively, using your Ult at the wrong time, or flat out missing, is major faux pas that skilled enemies will surely take advantage of.
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