Top 10 Monster Hunter Monsters

Top 10, Watchmojo, Video Games, Monster Hunter, Bosses, Elder Dragons, Monster Hunter X, Monster Hunter 4: Ultimate, Tri, Gore Magala, Deviljho, Dah’ren Mohran, Brachydios, Rathalos, Alatreon, Tigrex, Dalamadur, Lagiacrus, Zinogre,

Script written by Kurt Hvorup

Top 10 Monster Hunter Monsters

Whether they swim, run or fly, the creatures that make up the “Monster Hunter” universe are among the most fierce and awe-inspiring in video games. Welcome to and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the top 10 Monster Hunter Monsters.

For this list we'll be delving into the wide bestiary that Capcom has developed in search of monsters we feel are distinctive, creative, and are just badass overall. We're focusing strictly on base monsters, and not special variants like an Azure or Silver Rathalos.

#10: Zinogre

We’re starting the list off with a very strong entry: It's got a wolf's ferocity... and the brutality of thunder. As one of the two Fanged Wyvern monsters in existence, Zinogre is certainly unique in its world. It embodies the element of Lightning with great ease, striking quickly foes after having charged up by constantly storing electricity. Zinogre's also impressive in design, appearing lupine in shape yet at the same time standing out thanks to its green fur. For those who venture into the forest, beware – this beast's fangs and claws aren't for show. His theme is awesome too.

#9: Lagiacrus

The ocean is far less calm with this beast around. Lagiacrus made its debut in “Monster Hunter Tri”, being the first of its kind and seeming to emphasize the idea of sea-dwelling monsters. However, it is more than capable of fighting on land when pressed, relying on claw-based strikes and electricity-infused blows to bring down hunters. Lagiacrus is not easily found – dwelling only in a handful of locations – but if confronted it can make for quite the engaging combat experience.

#8: Dalamadur

Nothing quite like a honest-to-goodness dragon to make us fear for our lives. One of the largest monsters in the series, the Dalamadur belongs to the Elder Dragon species, a group of ancientmonsters capable of destroying the world. To that end, this creature is deliberately designed to be imposing – it bears a serpentine face and fangs, and is massive in scope. Adding to the intimidation effect is how Dalamadur attacks foes with a variety of flame-based attacks, from simple fire balls to sweeping fields of flame. It's at once terrifying and amazing.

#7: Tigrex

Adaptability is this monster's speciality. Introduced in “Monster Hunter Freedom 2”, the Flying Wyvern known as Tigrex is known for its habit of travelling and inhabiting different environments – deserts, forest, snowy peaks, and so forth. The one consistent element about Tigrex, is that’s its incredibly fast, often charging the hunters repeatedly, and possessing a piercing roar powerful enough that it can throw around careless players. Even Metal Gear Solid’s Big Boss can get ripped apart by one in Peace Walker.

#6: Alatreon

Best to keep one's distance and tread very carefully. Another member of the Elder Dragon species, Alatreon is something of a wild card; it suffers from elemental instability, which grants it power over four of the world's elements. This red-hued winged beast keeps a tight grip on its habitat in the Sacred Land, relying on a cavalcade of Dragon, Ice, Fire and Thunder-fuelled attacks when approached by players. Grand in scale and magnificent in appearance, it makes sense why Alatreon was selected as a late game monster online for “Monster Hunter Tri”.

#5: Gore Magala

Dark and brooding, just the way we like it. The Flagship monster of ‘Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate,’ winged monstrosity Gore Magala hues closest to the Elder Dragons by way of its six limbs and dark-toned exoskeleton. Regardless, it earns its nickname of Black Eclipse Wyvern through the use of its hairs to darken the sky, before unleashing attacks tinged with the Frenzy Virus. And the struggle doesn't end there: when sufficiently agitated, Gore Magala enters Frenzy Mode it can unleash deadly explosive energy blasts that will really ruin your day. And if you can survive all that, get ready for it to shed its skin to become the Shagaru Magala.

#4: Rathalos

Every series has some kind of mascot, and this may very well be the equivalent for “Monster Hunter”. Rathalos, alongside its female counterpart Rathian, has showed up in various games since the original “Monster Hunter” was released in 2004. Its design is simple yet elegant: bright red scales, clawed wings and a spiked tale. Yet simplicity aids it greatly; Rathalos can inhabit a variety of biomes, standing its ground thanks to its aggressive demeanour and mix of Poison and Fire attacks. Built to be both versatile and strong, Rathalos is a worthy foe for hunters.

#3: Brachydios

Whether in the heat or cold, this Brute Wyvern knows how to wreck someone's day. Brachydios stands as one of those monsters that is unmistakable in appearance – it's adorned in a shiny obsidian hide, offset by glowing green fists and horns. The glowing is a clue for players to take care in combat, as Brachydios excretes a type of explosive slime, which is able to stick onto careless hunters. Though by no means normally easy-going, an enraged Brachydios will go the extra mile to directly strike hunters with its explosive appendages. At least the explosive weapons you make from him are worth it.

#2: Dah’ren Mohran

In Monster Hunter Tri we were first introduced to the Jhen Mohren, a monster the size of a cargo ship, than required your own sandship to bring it down. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate wastes no time by setting its even deadlier counterpart as the very first monster you face in the game, before you even have any gear. When you fight this guy for real, you take him on in two different ways: utilizing the weapons on the sand ship to weaken him or by climbing up his back Shadow of the Colossus style and take out any weakpoints you can find to take down this colossal beast

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:


#1: Deviljho

Fear The Great Devourer, for it has no restraint. Deviljho, resembles a T-Rex, and for very good reason, It is nomadic in nature, travelling from region to region with only one goal - to find prey. Lore tells of Deviljho consuming their own kin, constantly searching for food and even going as far as eating creatures alive to save time. In combat, this translates into players facing a relentless beast that relies on everything from biting, to stomping the ground ferociously, to even releasing Dragon Breath. Make sure you’re fully prepared for taking this thing on, and if it finds you? Run, and don’t look back.

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