Top 10 Most Mocked Movie Scenes

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Top 10 Most Mocked Movie Scenes

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for movie scenes that received a large amount of negative attention and ridicule from frequent parodies, social media commentary, jokes in pop culture, or similar teasing. Warning - there may be a few spoilers in here!

#10: Mark Wahlberg Talks to Plastic Plant

“The Happening” (2008)
M. Night Shyamalan’s sci-fi thriller about plants turning against humans received widespread critical and audience disapproval back in 2008. The criticism focused on everything from the script to the acting - particularly the performance of the film’s star, Mark Wahlberg. In one scene, Wahlberg calmly talks to a plant to let it know that they mean no harm - until he notices that it’s plastic. Although the character realizes that he’s being ridiculous, the scene was funny for all the wrong reasons. It wouldn’t be long until Mark Wahlberg was parodied talking to other things, such as animals.

#9: Voldemort Hugs Draco

“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2” (2011)
During the climax of the final “Harry Potter” film, Draco reluctantly walks over to join the Death Eaters. It’s supposed to be a very dramatic and emotional moment. And it is… until Voldemort lets out a groan of pleasure as Draco approaches. It’s a little creepy - and not the kind we expect from Voldemort. Even those in the crowd seem to be thinking to themselves, “Well, this feels grossly out of character, emphasis on the gross.” Speaking of He Who Must Not Be Named… do you remember his weird laugh? Well, folks on YouTube sure do.

#8: One on One

“Catwoman” (2004)
Are cats good at basketball? “Air Bud” taught us that dogs can hoop, but what about cats? 2004’s “Catwoman” seemed to suggest so, as Halle Berry’s Catwoman powers essentially turned her into Michael Jordan. We aren’t the only ones confused by this laughably awful scene. Many have questioned the legitimacy of the feline basketball equation - as well as a whole lot more ridiculousness that takes place in the scene. There are also plenty of YouTubers who decided to “honor” the terribleness of the moment with their own recuts and recreations.

#7: Dancing Bag

“American Beauty” (1999)
“American Beauty” is a great film that takes a dramatic and darkly comic look at beauty, love, materialism, and middle-class stagnation. However, as critically acclaimed as the film is, it’s also had its share of mocking over the years… and we’re not just talking about Kevin Spacey’s presence. The scene in which Ricky shows Jane the video of the plastic bag is a special moment that captures his idea of finding beauty in the smallest things. However, it’s also been seen by some as an overly pretentious scene that needs to be taken down a peg. Who better to do that than “Family Guy?” The series actually did an extended parody of the film, and the dancing bag wasn’t spared.

#6: Turning Back Time

“Superman” (1978)
Cher isn’t the only one who's ever wondered what it would be like if we could turn back time. For us regular folks, that question will always be rhetorical, but not for Superman. As we all saw back in 1978, the son of Krypton saved Lois Lane’s life by flying around the Earth so fast it reversed time. Now, when it comes to science fiction and especially superheroes, there’s a lot an audience can accept. But the whole ‘fly around the Earth to go back in time’ thing, isn’t one of them.

#5: Glitter Vampire

“Twilight” (2008)
When you take your shirt off in front of someone for the first time, the one thing you don’t want to hear is laughter. However, when Edward exposes his flesh to Bella in “Twilight,” that’s what happens. No, not from Bella - we’re talking about the reaction from many in the audience to Edward’s glittering chest. Okay, maybe you can watch that scene without laughing. But what about “spider monkey?” Robert Pattison actually chose the “spider monkey” line from a list he was given. Little did he know the mocking it would receive. Then again, if he thought “spider monkey” was the best line, imagine what the alternatives were!

#4: Save Martha

“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” (2016)
Thankfully, Clark Kent’s adoptive mother and Bruce Wayne's biological mother had the same name. If not for that one amazing coincidence, Batman and Superman would never have teamed up to destroy Lex Luthor in this highly disappointing crossover. The entire movie seemed to turn on one line. As Batman is preparing to deal the final blow to Superman, the Man of Steel utters the words, “Save Martha,” and that changes everything. Maybe if the movie had been better, the line wouldn’t have garnered so much ridicule. But alas, it wasn’t, and it did.

#3: “Not the Bees”

“The Wicker Man” (2006)
Nicolas Cage’s acting style has become a thing of legend - both good and bad. While it has earned him much acclaim and an Academy Award, it has also earned him internet meme immortality. One such scene that led to one great meme came in 2006’s “The Wicker Man”. Actually, it came on the DVD version - as the theatrical release didn’t have the bee scene. But, while most people have never seen the film - either in theaters or on DVD - Cage’s head-in-cage-full-of-bees has become a widely recognized and mocked movie moment.

#2: Talking Dino

“Jurassic Park III” (2001)
We’ve all had some pretty weird dreams. Honestly, a talking dinosaur doesn’t even crack the top 10 of the strangest things that have happened in ours. But, nothing from our dreams has ever led to as much unintentional audience laughter and mocking as the talking dino dream from “Jurassic Park III.” All the raptor says is, “Alan.” But seeing the mouth move and hearing the words is so dumb that one can’t help but be taken out of the movie for a moment - even once it’s revealed to be a dream.

#1: Fake Baby

“American Sniper” (2014)
Originally, they planned on using a real baby in this infamous scene. However, the child arrived and had a fever, so they couldn’t use him. They had a backup baby, but that kid never showed up. So, with options “A” and “B” off the table, Clint Eastwood went with option “C”... a doll! Eastwood has made a lot of great decisions in his life - but using a plastic doll in that scene wasn’t one of them. Bradley Cooper and Sienna Miller did their best to make it work, but their best wasn’t good enough - leading to some audiences bursting out laughing and a whole lotta mocking in the years since.

Which movie scenes do you still regularly make fun of? Let us know in the comments.

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