Top 10 Most Powerful Guns in Movies
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Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Powerful Guns in Movie History.
For this list, we’ll be looking at iconic guns from movies that stand above the rest. Compared to one another and in the context of the worlds in which they appear, these guns are the best of the best.
Did we miss the target on any of these entries? Let us know in the comments below!
#10: Auto 9
“RoboCop” franchise (1987-)The world’s first cyborg cop needs a sidearm that can keep up with his enhanced abilities. In the world of “RoboCop,” that weapon is the Auto 9. The Auto 9 is an experimental machine pistol that RoboCop keeps in a hidden compartment in his leg. It’s a select-fire weapon, with single-fire mode or three-round bursts. The Auto 9 has a fifty-round magazine and several types of ammo. When RoboCop is in a benevolent mood, he can use non-lethal rounds. When up against violent street gangs and corrupt power brokers of futuristic Detroit, there are other options. From flechettes, to armor-piercing rounds, to explosive rounds, RoboCop is ready for every situation.
#9: M41A Pulse Rifle
“Alien” franchise (1979-)There’s a reason why the xenomorph from the “Alien” franchise is an all-time, classic movie villain. They were engineered to be the perfect apex killer. Xenomorphs are swift, stealthy, and vicious, with no conscience and acidic blood. Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley is barely able to take one out in 1979’s “Alien.” In the sequel, she finds herself facing an army of them. Her colonial marine colleagues arm her with the M41A pulse rifle. A short-range combat rifle, the M41A uses armor-piercing rounds to take out alien threats. Its ninety-nine-round capacity comes in handy, as a horde of xenomorphs takes out the marines one by one.
#8: ARC Gun
“District 9” (2009)In 2009, South African director Neill Blomkamp released his sci-fi masterpiece “District 9.” In the film, a race of insectoid alien refugees - called “prawns” - settle in a section of Johannesburg, South Africa. They’re treated terribly, facing xenophobia, segregation, and poverty. When a human, Wikus, begins to mutate into a prawn, he becomes the subject of his employer’s experiments with alien weapons. To defeat his former comrades, Wikus arms himself with a Prawn gun, nicknamed the “Mulcher.” The Mulcher is an ARC gun, discharging a powerful electric current. When it hits a person, the Mulcher’s current superheats their body, causing it to explode. Wikus eventually gets a mech suit with a mulcher attachment and takes on an entire squad of mercenaries.
#7: BFG
“Doom” (2005)In 1993, id Software released “Doom,” a first-person shooter that’s inspired decades of video games. Twelve years later, Karl Urban and the Rock starred in the movie adaptation. The film isn’t particularly well-liked by either fans or critics. But it does capture one important aspect of the game. Nineties babies who grew up on that generation of video games get to see one of their favorite weapons come to life: the Big Freaking Gun, only the “F” doesn’t stand for “Freaking.” The BFG is a massive rifle, firing huge balls of deadly plasma. It’s the biggest, baddest gun in the “Doom” franchise. Whether you need to annihilate a single demon or take out an entire squad of them, the BFG is the tool of choice.
#6: Good Samaritan
“Hellboy” franchise (2004-)When Rasputin leads a band of Nazis in an unholy rite to summon a demon to win the war, most people would try to kill that demon. Professor Broom, though, decides to adopt it instead, raising him to become Hellboy, a monster hunter. Any giant, super powered monster-killer needs an appropriate weapon. Enter the Good Samaritan, a large, four-round revolver that would be unwieldable for any normal human. It fires 22mm, custom-made bullets that are powerful enough to pierce even the toughest monster’s hide. The gun is forged from Irish church bells, cold, iron crucifixes, and blessed silver. The grip is carved from fragments of the true cross. It’s basically indestructible and packs a holy wallop that will stop most monsters right in their tracks.
#5: Han Solo’s DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
“Star Wars” franchise (1977-)Han Solo’s heavy blaster is arguably one of the most famous weapons in cinema history. In the world of “Star Wars,” the DL-44 is well-respected. It’s considered to be one of the most powerful pistols in the galaxy. Han’s version is heavily customized, sometimes including a scope for better accuracy at long range. Han’s blaster is twice as strong as a normal blast pistol, allowing him to take on all kinds of threats - especially when he shoots first. When fighting side by side with Chewbacca and his overcharged bowcaster, the two smugglers become a deadly, unbeatable duo.
#4: EM-1 Railgun
“Eraser” (1996)Arnold Schwarzenegger is no stranger to on-screen arsenals. For two decades, he was the box office king of action blockbusters. He arms himself with his mightiest weapon in the 1996 movie “Eraser.” Schwarzenegger plays U.S. Marshal John Kruger working for their secretive witness protection program. One of his protectees, played by Vanessa Williams, stumbles upon a corrupt arms-dealing syndicate. A defense contractor develops and decides to sell handheld EM-1 Railgun weapons. It’s a game-changer, as John explains, because most railguns are huge and normally mounted on battleships. Railguns are electromagnetic weapons that use magnetism to launch metal projectiles. In “Eraser,” the EM-1 rifles have special x-ray scopes, allowing the user to both see and shoot through walls.
#3: Phaser
“Star Trek” franchise (1979-)“Star Trek” portrays a utopian future for humanity. Hunger and poverty are eliminated, and humans strive to live in harmony with their galactic neighbors. But, when exploration gives way to self-defense and warfare with hostile aliens, the Federation is prepared. Its pseudo-military arm, Starfleet, is armed with many futuristic weapons, but the phaser is its bread and butter. Large versions are the primary weapon of Starfleet vessels, but the handheld phaser has been a staple of pop culture since the 1960s. As peace-lovers, Starfleet officers engage the stun setting whenever possible. But when things get deadly, the phaser can literally vaporize a creature with the flick of a switch and the pull of a trigger.
#2: Lawgiver
“Judge Dredd” (1995) & “Dredd” (2012)Dredd and his fellow Judges of Mega-City One are charged with being cops as well as judges, juries, and executioners. As such, they’re equipped with the best weapons that the government has to offer. The standard Judge sidearm - the Lawgiver - is the most versatile pistol in movie history. At first glance, it seems like a standard albeit powerful handgun. But the Lawgiver has many hidden features. It’s coded to the DNA of a specific Judge, so any other user faces a deadly booby trap. The Lawgiver’s voice-activation feature is what sets it apart. With a single word, the user can switch between different types of ammunition and multiple combat modes.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Noisy Cricket, “Men in Black” franchise (1997-)
This Tiny Pistol Packs a Big Wallop & Can Blow a Hole Through Anything
.44 Magnum, “Dirty Harry” franchise (1971-88)
On the Mean Streets of San Francisco, Criminals Fear Harry’s Hand Cannon
My Little Friend, “Scarface” (1983)
Tony Montana Says Hello With an M16 & M203 Grenade Launcher Combo
Cherry Darling’s Leg Gun, “Planet Terror” (2007)
Cherry Will Kick Your Butt With Her Bushmaster Grenade Launcher Leg
Pfläger-Katsumata Series D 5223, “Blade Runner” (1982)
Rick Deckard’s Sidearm Is Powerful Enough to Permanently Retire Military-Grade Androids
#1: ZF-1 Pod Weapon
“The Fifth Element” (1997)“The Fifth Element” is a fantastical space adventure from the mind of French writer-director Luc Besson. Like any space opera, “The Fifth Element” features a memorable bad guy, Zorg, played by Gary Oldman at the peak of his ‘90s wackiness. No classic movie villain is complete without an epic weapon. Zorg comes armed with the ZF-1. As he explains, the gun is an ambidextrous weapon, capable of being used by many species of aliens. It can’t be detected by x-ray scanners, and utilizes a 3,000 energy round clip. It fires homing rounds, arrows, rockets, flames, and freeze gas. But user beware: press the big, shiny red button at your own risk.
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