Top 10 Most Powerful Video Game Bosses
most powerful video game bosses, strongest video game bosses, hardest video game bosses, hardest boss battles, toughest video game bosses, toughest boss battles, Mewtwo, Pokemon, Calamity Ganon, Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild, Sephiroth, Final Fantasy VII, Diablo, Mass Effect, Mortal Kombat 11, God of War, Bayonetta, Earthbound, Azura's Wrath, Video Games, First Person Shooter, Third Person Shooter,
Script written by Nick Steinberg
These video game villains definitely have power levels over 9000! Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Powerful Video Game Bosses.
For this list, we’ll be looking at video game bosses who may not have put up the hardest fight, but who wield awe-inspiring power.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Top 10 Most Powerful Video Game Bosses
These video game villains definitely have power levels over 9000! Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Powerful Video Game Bosses.
For this list, we’ll be looking at video game bosses who may not have put up the hardest fight, but who wield awe-inspiring power.
#10: Mewtwo
“Pokémon” series (1996-)
Across multiple generations of legendary Pokemon, Mewtwo remains the greatest test trainers have faced. Especially for those who went in unprepared. Any player who didn’t bring a Master Ball to catch this powerful psychic faced a tough, protracted battle with little hope of success. Armed with genius-level intellect and an array of devastating psychic abilities, Mewtwo was genetically designed to be the strongest of all Pokemon. While other legendaries such as Mew and Celebi give him a run for his money, there is arguably no Pokemon who better symbolizes raw power than Mewtwo.#9: Sephiroth
“Final Fantasy VII” (1997)
Sephiroth is a villain so iconic, he’s tested players’ abilities in two different franchises. This master swordsman made his debut in the classic RPG Final Fantasy VII, where he quickly established himself as one of gaming’s most detestable villains by killing the magic-wielder Aerith. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the remake establishes that he’s able to break the flow of destiny, hinting at the possibility that this version of Sephiroth might be a time traveller. No matter where he shows up, this silver-haired menace is always a powerful adversary who doesn’t go down easy.#8: Calamity Ganon
“The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” (2017)
When it comes to the Zelda franchise’s main villain Ganon, there are no shortage of appearances to choose from. However, in terms of raw power and menace, it’s hard to think of a more imposing iteration than Breath of the Wild’s Calamity Ganon. Known as the last Scourge, Calamity Ganon is a malevolent force who managed to doom Hyrule to a century of misery and hopelessness. In a cataclysmic event known as the Great Calamity, Ganon thwarted his enemies, killing the Champions Daruk, Mipha, Revali and Urbosa, taking control of their Divine Beasts, and laying waste to Hyrule Castle. Although Link and Zelda are able to defeat Calamity Ganon a century later, the generational devastation he caused is almost too painful to contemplate.#7: Diablo
“Diablo” series (1997-)
Hideous demons are a dime a dozen in video games but few rival Diablo, the Lord of Terror. The titular villain of Blizzard’s popular dungeon-crawling series may be the youngest of the Three Prime Evils, but Mephisto and Baal’s baby brother is by far the most dangerous. Diablo possesses power over terror itself, meaning he’s not only incapable of feeling fear but can weaponize it against his enemies. He literally feeds on terror, growing more powerful with each mortal he possesses and corrupts. Oh and he also can’t be killed, at least not in the conventional sense. The only way to defeat Diablo is to seal him away in a soulstone, but that can only keep this archdemon and his devastating red lighting down for so long.#6: The Reapers
“Mass Effect Trilogy” (2007-12)
While the Reapers lack the charisma of some of gaming’s most memorable villains, they make up for it through their relentless pursuit of a single goal: the destruction of all sentient life. Essentially a highly-advanced race of murderous starships, the Reapers are an ancient cyclical threat that return every 50,000 years to harvest all advanced lifeforms in the Milky Way galaxy. Making matters worse, they have the ability to transmit indoctrination waves into select individuals, to make civilizations fight each other, rather than the Reapers. No wonder it took a gigantic alliance of every species in the galaxy and a last ditch effort from Commander Shepard and his crew to finally put a stop to this mechanical menace.#5: Kronika
“Mortal Kombat 11” (2019)
In a franchise that regularly pits human opponents against literal Gods, finding the most powerful combatant is no easy task. Or at least, it was until Kronika made her debut. A Titaness with mastery over time and space, Kronika’s powers are so vast, she makes franchise heavyweights like Raiden and Shao Kahn look weak by comparison. As a boss battle, Kronika is no pushover, using her time-travel abilities to warp in other characters to make life miserable for players. While Kronika’s power puts her in a class all of her own, it’s her fatality that truly shows off her terrifying abilities. Using time manipulation, Kronika rips her opponents in half over and over, creating an endless loops of stomach-churning agony. Excuse us while we throw up.#4: Zeus
“God of War” series (2005-)
Any character who holds titles like “King of Olympus” and “God of the Sky, Thunder, Lightning, and the Heavens” is bound to pack a punch. In a franchise loaded with all-powerful Gods, Zeus stands a cut above. Driven by paranoia and pride, Zeus is so confident in his rule of the Greek Pantheon that it takes God of War protagonist Kratos the better part of two games to take down his estranged father. In addition to his trademark lightning bolts, Zeus wields a vast array of powers and abilities befitting the King of the Gods, including super strength, teleportation, and astral projections. Basically, he’s the ultimate power-mad deity and doesn’t go down easy.#3: Jubileus the Creator
“Bayonetta” (2010)
Bayonetta is a series overflowing with over-the-top boss battles, so it’s impressive that Jubileus stands out as much as she does. Known as the Maker of the Heavens, Jubileus is the principle deity of the Bayonetta universe and this status is on full display in her battle with the titular heroine. As the original Bayonetta’s final boss encounter, Jubileus pulls out all the stops with an epic clash set on the very edges of the solar system. She fires missiles from her hair. She throws punches that cause her opponents to briefly revert to a child form. She can only be defeated by being thrown into the sun. Yeah, Jubileus is a lot but we wouldn’t change one thing about her six (yes, six) stage boss fight.#2: Giygas
“Earthbound” series (1989-94)
Even if you’ve never heard of Giygas, titles like “the embodiment of evil” and “universal cosmic destroyer” tell you everything you need to know about this nigh-unstoppable villain. The main antagonist of the Earthbound series, Giygas is a being of pure evil and unimaginable power who attempts to destroy reality itself. According to Earthbound creator Shigesato Itoi, Giygas was inspired by a traumatic event from his childhood, in which he accidentally viewed a horror movie at a theater. Fittingly, Giygas’s appearance at the end of Earthbound represents one of the most frightening tonal flips in gaming history, as this bright, whimsical adventure turns into a psychedelic nightmare. Who says Nintendo can’t make scary games?Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” (2011)
The Only Thing Cooler Than a Dragon Is a Dragon God.Vergil
“Devil May Cry Series” (2001-)
Because He Wields a Cool Katana and Has Demon Blood.Void Termina
“Kirby Star Allies” (2018)
Because His Nickname is the Destroyer of Worlds.The Lich King
“Warcraft” series (1994-)
So Powerful, He Brought the Horde and Alliance Together.Solaris
“Sonic the Hedgehog” (2006)
Because even the worst games have cool bosses that can eat dimensions for lunch.#1: Chakravartin the Creator
“Asura’s Wrath” (2012)
Chakravartin is undoubtedly one of the most powerful video game bosses ever conceived. In a game where you already play as a god capable of punching a living planet in the face, Chakravartin makes his fellow deities look puny by comparison. As the most powerful being in the universe, Chakravartin is capable of pretty much any feat imaginable. And like any good anime villain, he only gets stronger with each new form he takes. His final Creator form is almost comically absurd, as he’s capable of ridiculous feats such as destroying Asura’s arms with just a single finger. Video games have given players more difficult bosses to defeat, but none can rival Chakravartin in the raw power department.Have an idea you want to see made into a WatchMojo video? Check out our suggest page and submit your idea.
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