Top 10 Power Rangers Weapons

power rangers, power rangers weapons, morphers, battlizer, magna sword, saba, dragon dagger, shield of triumph, fire smasher, golden power staff, quantum defender,

When hand-to-hand isn’t enough, it never hurts to have the right arsenal for the job. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Power Rangers Weapons.

For this list, we’ll be taking a look at the firearms, blades, and even morphers used to get a leg up against evil. We won’t be covering too much about the Battlizer armors, since they’re worth a list all their own.

#10: Quantum Defender
“Power Rangers Time Force” (2001)

Kicking off this list is the handgun with a little something extra. The Quantum Defender is Eric’s personal sidearm, with two built-in battle modes. In the default Blaster Mode, it is well armed with extraordinary firepower strong enough to take out anything – you’d have to be brave or crazy to get in its path. In Blade Mode, it converts into a mighty sword with an even stronger slash attack to finish off his enemies. While Eric prefers to use the sidearm himself, he’s not above letting others borrow it - especially if they need the amazing firepower to save the fate of the future.

#9: Fire Smasher
“Power Rangers Samurai” (2011) & “Power Rangers Super Samurai” (2012)

Using their specific Power Discs, the Samurai Rangers can transform their Spin Swords into their own personal weapons. Jayden’s weapon of choice is the Fire Smasher, an enormous Zanbato sword that can slice through anything –including Nighloks. But it has another trick up its sleeve, as it can convert into a powerful cannon mode – powered by the auxiliary discs, it fires the five core Power Discs at an enemy, blowing right through them. Two oversized blades are better than one, and a special Double Disc allows Jayden to wield twin Fire Smashers, adding an extra cutting edge in the war against the Nighloks.

#8: Rhino Morpher[aka Rhino Blade]
“Power Rangers Jungle Fury” (2008)

The morpher is the most important tool a Power Ranger can carry; but what if it could double as a weapon? What starts as a low-key, wooden bracelet quickly transforms into a large gauntlet blade-like morpher – the Rhino Morpher. Manufactured by RJ, not only is it helpful when Dominic ‘Rangers up,’ but it’s also his best asset in combat. It comes equipped with claws that can unleash a barrage of laser missiles, and a large blade –as sharp as a rhino’s horn with a mighty slash attack. The morpher can also combine with the other Rangers’ Claw Boosters for a power boost to cut evil down to size.

#7: Golden Power Staff
“Power Rangers Zeo” (1996)

The Golden Power Staff is the personal weapon of the Gold Ranger, which also grants him access to his Ranger powers. In addition to being a lightning fast blunt weapon, it can also fire energy beams to bring a real gold rush against the Machine Empire. In addition, the Staff can call on the power of the Pyramidas carrierzord. Also, if absolutely necessary, it can transfer the Gold Ranger powers to someone worthy of wielding them. Unfortunately, the powers aren’t fully compatible with humans, and could end up draining their life force; so only someone from the planet Triforia can successfully harness the Power Staff and the golden force within.

#6: Shield of Triumph
“Power Rangers Dino Thunder” (2004)

Only a Ranger fully in tune with their Dino Energy can command the powers of the Shield of Triumph and morph into the Triassic Ranger. In Triassic Mode, Conner can bring his enemies to the Triassic Dimension for a little one-on-one combat –and reality plays by his rules. Additionally, the shield has an extendable blade, adding extra offense to its defense. Most importantly, the Shield is the key to controlling the Mezodon Rover Zord, and its Megazord configurations. In the early episodes, the only way to activate Triassic Mode was if the others contributed a bit of their powers to the Shield, symbolizing how much they trust Conner with this weapon.

#5: Dragon Dagger
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-95)

Tommy always seemed to get the coolest gear, and this was one of his earliest – the Dragon Dagger. While handy in melee combat and able to fire energy blasts, its main functionality is as a flute used to summon and control the mighty Dragonzord. It can also be used to add a little extra protection to Tommy’s shield, and double as a projectile. However, Tommy and the other rangers better keep it safe, for ANYONE who gets hold of the Dagger can control the Dragonzord – whether good or evil. Sadly, after the Green Ranger powers were drained for good, the original Dagger disappeared as well –leaving the Dragonzord dormant to this very day.

#4: Magna Sword [aka Magna Blaster]
“Power Rangers Lost Galaxy” (1999)

The Quasar Sabers are the source of the Galaxy Rangers’ powers, and can deliver powerful attacks in tune with their Ranger’s element. However, as awesome as they are, they’re still just swords. The Magna Defender’s blade, on the other hand, can be so much more. Unsheathed, the blade is a deadly force when mixed with the Defender’s swordsmanship. When sheathed, the sword becomes an unstoppable blaster with a devastating blast. The sword/blaster served Magna Defender well -even if he didn’t always use it for good; but when he sacrificed himself, he passed it down to Mike Corbett, who wielded the weapon in honor of his predecessor.

#3: Mystic Morphers
“Power Rangers Mystic Force” (2006)

Mystic Force offered a unique take on mixing magic and technology – be it a genie lamp that doubles as a laser rifle, or a spell-casting cell phone. The Mystic Forcers were originally magic wands that could help the Rangers morph; but, to be more discreet, the wands were transfigured into cell phone morphers. To use them, the Rangers just have to dial in the spell codes to morph, turn into their Zords, and activate special weapons and power-ups, -and that’s just the beginning. New spell codes are unlocked as the Rangers perform heroic deeds and grow in wisdom… however, they should still beware about becoming too reliant on the magic.

#2: R.I.C. [aka Robotic Interactive Canine]
“Power Rangers S.P.D.” (2005)

R.I.C. is an robotic dog with dozens of handy gadgets in case of an emergency. His technology was out-of-date, but he still had the loyalty of an actual dog –so rather than be recycled, it was time for an upgrade. R.I.C. 2.0 comes equipped with even more useful features; one such allows him to morph into the Canine Cannon –a large blaster with enough firepower to contain any criminal in range. Later, R.I.C. gets a second upgrade that allows him to become part of the Red Ranger’s Battlizer armor. It just goes to show that man’s best friend can be a Ranger’s best arsenal.

Before we unveil our Number One pick, here are a few morphenomenal honorable mentions.

Spiral Saber
“Power Rangers In Space” (1998)

Sonic Fin
“Power Rangers Ninja Storm” (2003)

Rescue Bird
“Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue” (2000)

#1: Saba
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-95)

When Tommy returned as the White Ranger, his new gear included a new partner – an enchanted talking sword named Saba. While he and Tommy had a rocky start, they became an unstoppable duo in no time. In addition to his swiftness and sentience, Saba can also fly and shoot lasers from his eyes; but best of all, he could help control the White Tigerzord. Sadly, Saba couldn’t do much after the Tigerzord was destroyed, but he was still there whenever Tommy needed him. Even after Saba was left obsolete with the White Ranger powers gone, he could make a comeback when you least expect it.

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