Top 10 Satisfying Deaths of Cartoon Characters
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Script written by Nick Spake
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Satisfying Deaths of Cartoon Characters.
For this list, we’ll be looking at characters from animated shows that got what they had coming to them, leaving audiences to rejoice. Of course, these demises won’t be nearly as satisfying if we spoil them. So, proceed with caution.
Which cartoon character’s death filled you with satisfaction? Let us know in the comments.
#10: Toffee
Don’t let the goofy name fool you. Toffee possesses echoes of a dark overlord, a Shakespearan villain, and a crafty businessman. As slick as he is slimy, Toffee may be the most intimidating foe that Star ever went up against. Toffee seemingly met his end at the conclusion of the first season, but only his physical form was destroyed. Biding his time, Toffee made a comeback during the Battle for Mewni. His unwavering confidence in the wake of his apparent victory makes it all the more satisfying when Star taps into her mewberty form, blasting the villain into a gooey pulp. Toffee remains self-assured until his grotesque end. Considering everything Toffee put Ludo through, it’s fitting that he delivers the final blow.
#9: The Lich
The Lich is a unique case, being the incarnation of all things eventually dying. How do you defeat an embodiment of death? With life, naturally! As the Lich delivers a haunting monologue, it appears Finn may meet the same grim fate as Billy and Prismo. Finn finds the Lich’s weakness when he gets slapped with guardian blood. Its regenerative properties turn the Lich into his exact opposite, an innocent - albeit giant - baby. His downfall is epic and absurd, which we’ve come to expect from “Adventure Time.” This isn’t the last we see of the Lich, as he attempts to act through Sweet P and has a brief stint as New Death. Every time the Lich is put back down, though, we breathe a sigh of relief.
#8: Tammy Guterman
After traumatizing Morty and the audience, we all cheered when Rick turned King Jellybean into… well, jelly. We have to give this spot to Tammy, however, as our hatred of her was built up over multiple episodes. Summer’s classmate and Birdperson’s love interest, Tammy seems like a minor character. Not even Rick could’ve predicted Tammy being an undercover Galactic Federation agent. Using her wedding to assemble the Federation’s enemies, Tammy shoots Birdperson and turns him into her secret weapon. Tammy finally gets her comeuppance two seasons later. It’s highly satisfying that Summer gets the drop on Tammy, as she betrayed her trust and friendship. It’s just as gratifying that Rick finishes Tammy off, having made him go to a wedding… amongst other things.
#7: Count Vlad Dracula Țepeș
Be it the original NES classic or “Castlevania III,” it’s always rewarding when the player defeats Dracula. The standoff against Dracula towards the end of “Castlevania” season 2 is every bit as intense as a video game boss fight. While the outcome is satisfying, it’s also much sadder than we would’ve expected. Overpowering his son, Dracula is reminded of what he once had and realizes what he’s about to destroy. Repenting for his sins, the vampire allows Alucard to stake him. Rotting away, Dracula attempts to give his son a hug goodbye, but he isn’t permitted such a luxury. It’s a devastating demise and we wouldn’t have it any other way, even if Dracula does get resurrected down the line.
#6: The Earth Queen
Despite the unforgivable deeds that he committed, a part of us did shed a tear for Amon when Tarrlok took his brother’s life as well as his own. The same can’t be said about Hou-Ting, aka the Earth Queen. Where many of the other villains in this universe are sympathetic to an extent, the Earth Queen is simply an arrogant ruler who puts her ego before her kingdom and the rest of the world. Her oppressive treatment of airbenders and vendetta against Team Avatar further fuels our disdain for her. That doesn’t mean that we’d go as far as Zaheer does. Still, there is poetic justice in seeing the airbender take the Earth Queen’s breath away, resulting in arguably the franchise’s most graphic death.
#5: Bill Cipher
“Gravity Falls” had one of the most satisfying finales ever, and Bill Cipher’s defeat is one of the many reasons why. Creepy, funny, and relishing in all of the chaos he unleashes, Bill is everything you could want in a villain. When anyone threatens Dipper and Mabel, though, they’ve got to go. On the verge of victory, Bill convinces Ford to let him inside his mind in exchange for his family. Bill may be manipulative, but Stan is the ultimate conman. Tricking Bill into entering his mind, Stan punches the dream demon’s daylights out while Ford fires up the Memory Gun. All that remains of Bill is a statue, leaving us to wonder if he’s truly gone for good. Perhaps a mystery for another day.
#4: Darth Maul
We all thought Darth Maul fell to his doom in “The Phantom Menace,” but that wasn’t even the half of it. The Zabrak warrior resurfaces in “The Clone Wars,” and meets his final resting place in “Rebels.” It’s only appropriate that Maul’s last stand is against Obi-Wan, given their history. Unlike their previous battles, however, this standoff is more like something out of a classic western or samurai duel. While Maul hasn’t changed much since they last met, Obi-Wan is much wiser. As such, Obi-Wan attempts to impart some words of wisdom until he’s given no choice but to draw his lightsaber. Learning from Qui-Gon’s defeat, Obi-Wan bests Maul, who takes some solace in knowing that the Chosen One will bring about Darth Sidious’ end.
#3: Super Shredder
Throughout the numerous iterations of “Ninja Turtles,” Shredder has been portrayed as either silly or sinister. The 2012 incarnation definitely leans towards the latter, becoming more unhinged each season. Once he becomes Super Shredder, any humanity that might’ve remained in Oroku Saki is consumed by power and vengeance. In a reverse of the 1990 “Ninja Turtles” movie, Master Splinter falls from a rooftop to his demise at the hands of his nemesis. The following episode mirrors “Secret of the Ooze,” but instead of merely getting crushed by a dock, Super Shredder receives the bombastic sendoff he deserves. It’s the ultimate final battle that utilizes most of the major characters, culminating with Leo avenging his father. It’s hard to imagine the franchise ever topping this.
#2: Aku
Since the first episode, this series has been building towards Jack defeating the Shapeshifting Master of Darkness. It took five seasons and about sixteen years, but fans were finally granted the rousing finale they were promised. Even with the support of his allies, Jack’s efforts appear futile against the relentless Aku. Ashi proves to be the key in her father’s undoing, as she discovers the power to take Jack back to where his journey started. Returning to when he first faced Aku, Jack is given an advantage. It’s a clever solution capped off by a thrilling final confrontation. As Jack plunges his sword at a helpless Aku, we all take a deep breath, knowing that this long-time rivalry is about to meet its heart-pounding conclusion.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Diane Simmons, “Family Guy” (1999-2003; 2005-)
A Death Worthy of a Hitchcockian Thriller
Lasombra, “Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie” (2017)
Putting the Fall in Downfall
Anti-Pops, “Regular Show” (2010-17)
A Tale of Two Brothers Comes to a Bittersweet End
Admiral Zhao, “Avatar: The Last Airbender” (2005-08)
See Ya In the Fog of Lost Souls
#1: The Joker
Throughout the DCAU, the Joker has survived numerous brushes with death. With the censors constantly on their tails, we never thought this creative team would get to deliver a true Joker death. We also never expected to see this Joker warp Robin’s mind and learn Batman’s secret identity. This film went all out, giving us a confrontation we’d always wanted. It all boils down to a tormented Tim Drake choosing between Joker and Batman. While two versions of the scene exist, the one that sticks with us sees Tim fire at the Joker, who for once has nothing funny to say. It may be the most satisfying Joker death across any incarnation, although the Clown Prince of Crime still has a trick up his sleeve.
Top 10 Satisfying Deaths of Cartoon Characters
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Satisfying Deaths of Cartoon Characters.
For this list, we’ll be looking at characters from animated shows that got what they had coming to them, leaving audiences to rejoice. Of course, these demises won’t be nearly as satisfying if we spoil them. So, proceed with caution.
Which cartoon character’s death filled you with satisfaction? Let us know in the comments.
#10: Toffee
“Star vs. the Forces of Evil” (2015-19)
Don’t let the goofy name fool you. Toffee possesses echoes of a dark overlord, a Shakespearan villain, and a crafty businessman. As slick as he is slimy, Toffee may be the most intimidating foe that Star ever went up against. Toffee seemingly met his end at the conclusion of the first season, but only his physical form was destroyed. Biding his time, Toffee made a comeback during the Battle for Mewni. His unwavering confidence in the wake of his apparent victory makes it all the more satisfying when Star taps into her mewberty form, blasting the villain into a gooey pulp. Toffee remains self-assured until his grotesque end. Considering everything Toffee put Ludo through, it’s fitting that he delivers the final blow.
#9: The Lich
“Adventure Time” (2010-18)
The Lich is a unique case, being the incarnation of all things eventually dying. How do you defeat an embodiment of death? With life, naturally! As the Lich delivers a haunting monologue, it appears Finn may meet the same grim fate as Billy and Prismo. Finn finds the Lich’s weakness when he gets slapped with guardian blood. Its regenerative properties turn the Lich into his exact opposite, an innocent - albeit giant - baby. His downfall is epic and absurd, which we’ve come to expect from “Adventure Time.” This isn’t the last we see of the Lich, as he attempts to act through Sweet P and has a brief stint as New Death. Every time the Lich is put back down, though, we breathe a sigh of relief.
#8: Tammy Guterman
“Rick and Morty” (2013-)
After traumatizing Morty and the audience, we all cheered when Rick turned King Jellybean into… well, jelly. We have to give this spot to Tammy, however, as our hatred of her was built up over multiple episodes. Summer’s classmate and Birdperson’s love interest, Tammy seems like a minor character. Not even Rick could’ve predicted Tammy being an undercover Galactic Federation agent. Using her wedding to assemble the Federation’s enemies, Tammy shoots Birdperson and turns him into her secret weapon. Tammy finally gets her comeuppance two seasons later. It’s highly satisfying that Summer gets the drop on Tammy, as she betrayed her trust and friendship. It’s just as gratifying that Rick finishes Tammy off, having made him go to a wedding… amongst other things.
#7: Count Vlad Dracula Țepeș
“Castlevania” (2017-21)
Be it the original NES classic or “Castlevania III,” it’s always rewarding when the player defeats Dracula. The standoff against Dracula towards the end of “Castlevania” season 2 is every bit as intense as a video game boss fight. While the outcome is satisfying, it’s also much sadder than we would’ve expected. Overpowering his son, Dracula is reminded of what he once had and realizes what he’s about to destroy. Repenting for his sins, the vampire allows Alucard to stake him. Rotting away, Dracula attempts to give his son a hug goodbye, but he isn’t permitted such a luxury. It’s a devastating demise and we wouldn’t have it any other way, even if Dracula does get resurrected down the line.
#6: The Earth Queen
“The Legend of Korra” (2012-14)
Despite the unforgivable deeds that he committed, a part of us did shed a tear for Amon when Tarrlok took his brother’s life as well as his own. The same can’t be said about Hou-Ting, aka the Earth Queen. Where many of the other villains in this universe are sympathetic to an extent, the Earth Queen is simply an arrogant ruler who puts her ego before her kingdom and the rest of the world. Her oppressive treatment of airbenders and vendetta against Team Avatar further fuels our disdain for her. That doesn’t mean that we’d go as far as Zaheer does. Still, there is poetic justice in seeing the airbender take the Earth Queen’s breath away, resulting in arguably the franchise’s most graphic death.
#5: Bill Cipher
“Gravity Falls” (2012-16)
“Gravity Falls” had one of the most satisfying finales ever, and Bill Cipher’s defeat is one of the many reasons why. Creepy, funny, and relishing in all of the chaos he unleashes, Bill is everything you could want in a villain. When anyone threatens Dipper and Mabel, though, they’ve got to go. On the verge of victory, Bill convinces Ford to let him inside his mind in exchange for his family. Bill may be manipulative, but Stan is the ultimate conman. Tricking Bill into entering his mind, Stan punches the dream demon’s daylights out while Ford fires up the Memory Gun. All that remains of Bill is a statue, leaving us to wonder if he’s truly gone for good. Perhaps a mystery for another day.
#4: Darth Maul
“Star Wars: Rebels” (2014-18)
We all thought Darth Maul fell to his doom in “The Phantom Menace,” but that wasn’t even the half of it. The Zabrak warrior resurfaces in “The Clone Wars,” and meets his final resting place in “Rebels.” It’s only appropriate that Maul’s last stand is against Obi-Wan, given their history. Unlike their previous battles, however, this standoff is more like something out of a classic western or samurai duel. While Maul hasn’t changed much since they last met, Obi-Wan is much wiser. As such, Obi-Wan attempts to impart some words of wisdom until he’s given no choice but to draw his lightsaber. Learning from Qui-Gon’s defeat, Obi-Wan bests Maul, who takes some solace in knowing that the Chosen One will bring about Darth Sidious’ end.
#3: Super Shredder
“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” (2012-17)
Throughout the numerous iterations of “Ninja Turtles,” Shredder has been portrayed as either silly or sinister. The 2012 incarnation definitely leans towards the latter, becoming more unhinged each season. Once he becomes Super Shredder, any humanity that might’ve remained in Oroku Saki is consumed by power and vengeance. In a reverse of the 1990 “Ninja Turtles” movie, Master Splinter falls from a rooftop to his demise at the hands of his nemesis. The following episode mirrors “Secret of the Ooze,” but instead of merely getting crushed by a dock, Super Shredder receives the bombastic sendoff he deserves. It’s the ultimate final battle that utilizes most of the major characters, culminating with Leo avenging his father. It’s hard to imagine the franchise ever topping this.
#2: Aku
“Samurai Jack” (2001-04; 2017)
Since the first episode, this series has been building towards Jack defeating the Shapeshifting Master of Darkness. It took five seasons and about sixteen years, but fans were finally granted the rousing finale they were promised. Even with the support of his allies, Jack’s efforts appear futile against the relentless Aku. Ashi proves to be the key in her father’s undoing, as she discovers the power to take Jack back to where his journey started. Returning to when he first faced Aku, Jack is given an advantage. It’s a clever solution capped off by a thrilling final confrontation. As Jack plunges his sword at a helpless Aku, we all take a deep breath, knowing that this long-time rivalry is about to meet its heart-pounding conclusion.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Diane Simmons, “Family Guy” (1999-2003; 2005-)
A Death Worthy of a Hitchcockian Thriller
Lasombra, “Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie” (2017)
Putting the Fall in Downfall
Anti-Pops, “Regular Show” (2010-17)
A Tale of Two Brothers Comes to a Bittersweet End
Admiral Zhao, “Avatar: The Last Airbender” (2005-08)
See Ya In the Fog of Lost Souls
#1: The Joker
“Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker” (2000)
Throughout the DCAU, the Joker has survived numerous brushes with death. With the censors constantly on their tails, we never thought this creative team would get to deliver a true Joker death. We also never expected to see this Joker warp Robin’s mind and learn Batman’s secret identity. This film went all out, giving us a confrontation we’d always wanted. It all boils down to a tormented Tim Drake choosing between Joker and Batman. While two versions of the scene exist, the one that sticks with us sees Tim fire at the Joker, who for once has nothing funny to say. It may be the most satisfying Joker death across any incarnation, although the Clown Prince of Crime still has a trick up his sleeve.
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