Top 10 Seinfeld Episodes

Seinfeld, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David, Seinfeld episodes, sitcoms, TV, television, The Contest, The Soup Nazi, The Puffy Shirt, The Marine Biologist, The Chinese Restaurant, The Parking Garage, The Boyfriend, The Hamptons, The Limo, The Bubble Boy,

Top 10 Seinfeld Episodes

It’s the top 10 about nothing. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 episodes of “Seinfeld.”

For this list, we’re taking aim at those episodes of “Seinfeld” that are most influential, most iconic and most funny. Now, find your favorite booth at Monk’s and let’s dig in.

#10: “The Junior Mint”
Season 4, Episode 20

Self-centered as ever; Jerry can’t remember his date’s name, and tries everything to figure it out. Elaine’s got the hots for her slimmed-down ex, Roy. But the episode’s title comes from an incident when Jer and Kramer are observing Roy’s surgery, and Kramer’s brought along some Junior Mints as a snack. However, even with all that going on, our favorite part is when Jerry finally realizes his lady-friend’s name.

#9: “The Bubble Boy”
Season 4, Episode 7

After learning of his illness, Jerry begrudgingly agrees to visit one of his fans on his way to a cabin with Elaine, George and Susan. But Jer gets lost. Hijinks ensue as he and Elaine stop at a diner and give another fan a signed picture, while George plays an ill-fated game of Trivial Pursuit with the Bubble Boy. And where’s Kramer? Oh, just burning down the cabin.

#8: “The Limo”
Season 3, Episode 19

As risky and edgy today as it was when it premiered in 1992, this episode sees George pretending to be a man named O’Brien so he and Jerry can snag a limo ride home from the airport. Yada yada yada, turns out O’Brien is a high-profile Neo-Nazi who’s supposed to be on his way to give a speech near Madison Square Garden. Guns, rioting and George screams follow.

#7: “The Hamptons”
Season 5, Episode 21

This episode changed the meaning of the word “shrinkage.” While in the Hamptons to visit their friend’s “breathtaking” newborn, Jerry, Elaine and Kramer see George’s new girlfriend topless, Elaine’s confused by a cute doctor’s choice of words, Kramer’s arrested for poaching lobsters, and George is caught with his pants down. It’s classic, comical and it spawned a catchphrase – what more could you want?

#6: “The Boyfriend”
Season 3, Episodes 17-18

Jerry strikes up a bromance with Keith Hernandez – but gets jealous when his idol starts dating Elaine. Kramer and Newman won’t shut-up about their hatred of the Mets star, which culminates in a perfect, JFK-style explanation. But our fave quote of this two-parter comes in George’s storyline: after lying to the unemployment agency about his job prospects with Vandelay Industries, George is caught with his pants down again.

#5: “The Chinese Restaurant”
Season 2, Episode 11

This simple concept changed how sitcoms were written – but it was initially rejected by the NBC brass. Jerry, George and Elaine stop for dinner on their way to a movie. That’s it. If any episode proves “Seinfeld” is a show about nothing, it’s this one. Sure, there are shenanigans – but, similar to the later episode “The Parking Garage,” the crew ends up essentially in the same place as when they begin.

#4: “The Marine Biologist”
Season 5, Episode 14

A favorite of Seinfeld himself, this episode has George pretending to be a marine biologist, Elaine fighting an angry Russian author who likes throwing stuff out windows, and Kramer playing golf at the beach. Ridiculous? Obviously, but it proves the show can take any concept, no matter how silly, and make it funny. But we gotta say: the greatest payoff in this episode is George’s closing monologue.

#3: “The Puffy Shirt”
Season 5, Episode 2

“Seinfeld” picks apart personality quirks with skill, this time inventing the “low-talker.” In this case, the low-talker is Kramer’s girlfriend, who just so happens to be a fashion designer interested in starting a new trend. When Jerry unknowingly agrees to wear one of her creations on “The Today Show,” things don’t go according to plan. For anybody. Including George the new hand model, which is the episode’s sub-plot.

#2: “The Soup Nazi”
Season 7, Episode 6

Even if you never watched “Seinfeld,” you know one phrase. While Jerry and his girlfriend are busy using baby talk, the gang finds a joint that serves the city’s best soup – but there’s a catch. Elaine doesn’t buy into the Soup Nazi’s rules, and gets herself banned from his store – leading her on a crusade to bring him down. And, thanks to some trouble with an armoire, Kramer and street toughs, she does it.

Before we reveal which pick we find the most sponge-worthy, here are a few honorable mentions:
- “The Parking Garage” (Season 3, Episode 6)
- “The Merv Griffin Show” (Season 9, Episode 6)
- “The Opposite” (Season 5, Episode 22)
- “The Jimmy” (Season 6, Episode 19)
- “The Betrayal” (Season 9, Episode 8)

#1: “The Contest”
Season 4, Episode 11

Breaking barriers as always, the writers of “Seinfeld” somehow made masturbation inoffensive and appropriate for prime time. George’s mother, in her first appearance, discovers George treating his body like a… We’ll let her tell you. So, the four friends make a bet to see who can go the longest without self-gratification. With virgins, Kennedys, hot nurses and naked ladies running wild, this Emmy-winning episode proves that, in the world of sitcoms, Seinfeld is master of his domain.

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