Top 10 Sexiest Female Mutants in X-Men

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Just because some of them can destroy the world doesn’t mean they don’t look good while doing it. Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the top ten sexiest female mutants in X-Men.

For this list, we’ll be looking at the heroines and villainesses of the X-Men universe franchise – both the comics and on screen - that are downright sizzling - and we’re not just talking about the way Storm strikes toads with lightning.

#10: Shadowcat / Kitty Pryde

Meow. While phasing through solid objects might seem like a lame mutation, in the hands of this particular feline it becomes a lethal force. Originally portrayed as the sisterly archetype that just hung around with the more famous X-Men, over time Kitty Pryde has evolved into a capable fighter and a beautiful young woman. So much so that in the comics she has had romantic ties to both Colossus and Star-Lord. Ooh, someone may want to inform Chris Pratt of what he’s up against.

#9: Domino

If luck be a lady tonight, then she comes armed with a lot of firepower. A skilled mercenary whose trigger finger is bolstered by her mutant ability to shift probability in her favor, Domino has contributed to both the X-Men and their more lethal subgroup known as X-Force. Always up for a laugh and dazzling to behold, she’s a swell gal to be around - as long as you’re not one of her targets. This is especially true if you’re Cable or Wolverine, given how luck was in their favor when each had their time as her lover. So she’s been with one of world’s most powerful mutants and a razor-clawed death machine? Domino must like the bad boys.

#8: Jean Grey / Phoenix

One of the biggest tragedies to befall the X-Men was the loss of this elegant telepath, who was one of its core-members. She was a motherly figure to some, a friend to all, and had won the hearts of both Cyclops and Wolverine. When Jean became the uncontrollably powerful Dark Phoenix, she was just as hot as before, but now came with an added ferocity, and the ability to set whole planets ablaze or destroy entire galaxies. Of course, that might be a draw for some guys.

#7: X-23

First things first, we are not talking about the version that appeared in “Logan.” She’s a tiny badass. We’re actually talking about her comic incarnation, the cloned daughter of Wolverine. Trained to be nothing more than a killing machine, she somehow has even less humanity than her dear old papa, though she did eventually take over his mantle. Unfortunately, flirting with her would probably end with you getting your guts torn out. Still, it’s fair to say that for a supposed animal with only the mission in mind, she is stunning. Again, just don’t say it to her face.

#6: Scarlet Witch / Wanda Maximoff

Able to bend reality to her will, this X-Men/Avenger is utterly radiant to behold, even with her rather unique choice in clothing. But never forget that this supposed daughter of Magneto is so powerful that in her grief she nearly wiped all mutants from the face of the planet. She’s a fractured soul whose life has been mired by tragedy, but even as we watch the cataclysmic aftermaths of her untapped power, we can’t help but find her utterly bewitching. Don’t think you’ve got a chance though, gents - she’s only got eyes for Vision…or her brother if you read the Ultimate comics, but we’re not touching that one.

#5: Mystique / Raven Darkhölme

Even in her natural blue-skinned state, there’s just something about this shapeshifter that’s irresistible. Maybe it’s the way those legs are catching your eye one minute and snapping your neck the next. Or it could be how she can quite literally make your every fantasy come true via her endless transformations, but would rather spend her time bringing humanity down a peg. Either way, we can’t help but love her. Oh, and she’s also the mother of Nightcrawler and adoptive mom of Rogue so…we guess that makes her the quintessential mutant MILF? Not that we’d ever say that out loud, we still value our lives.

#4: Psylocke / Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock

Originally just your average British telepath, the Betsy Braddock we all know and love came into being after her consciousness was transferred into the body of a female Japanese ninja. That not only granted her all the physical skills she could ever need but also a whole new exotic look that made more than a fair few jaws drop. Don’t get too distracted, mind you, or that psychic knife of hers will slice and dice you before you know it. Good thing she’s on the side of the X-Men…at least when she’s not being used as a pawn by the Hand.

#3: Rogue

She is the forbidden fruit. While all kinds of gorgeous, Rogue’s mutation has acted much like a curse - because if she comes into contact with anyone for too long she drains their life force. In the case of humans, this can send them into comas, while with mutants she (usually) temporarily steals their powers. As you might have guessed, this can make relationships kind of difficult, but for the heart of this Southern Belle many have risked it. While Gambit easily comes to mind, 2017 saw a romance bloom between Rogue and…Deadpool?! Nice one, Wade!

#2: Storm

In the country she was raised, she was revered as a goddess for her mastery of the elements - though you can tell she’s all kind of divine just by looking at her. As a veteran X-Man, Storm is well-respected among both mutants and humans alike. She even earned the love of the King of Wakanda himself, Black Panther, who wasted no time in making her his Queen… for a time anyway. She’s bound to blow you away with her smouldering looks, even if you’re an enemy of hers…except that she might also blow you away via tornado.

Before we reveal our number one pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Dazzler / Alison Blaire

Silver Fox

Rachel Grey-Summers

#1: Emma Frost

If you’re going to get over someone as fiery as Jean Grey, you might as well go the other way to a frosty extreme. While she has walked the line as both an enemy and ally of the X-Men, there can be no denying that this telepath is an absolute diamond. The former White Queen managed to ensnare the heart of Cyclops to the point where they were even engaging in psychic sexual affairs. Whether you figure her an adversary, a leader or something in-between, Ms Frost will undoubtedly have you seeing the beauty in the cold before you know it.

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