Top 10 Sexiest Horror Game Villains
sexiest villains, sexiest video game characters, sexiest horror game characters, hottest villains, hottest video game characters, most attractive characters, sexy characters, sexiest character, sexy, Resident Evil Village, Lady Dimitrescu, Bloodborne, Resident Evil, System Shock, Outlast, Haunting Ground, Dead Space, Evil Within, Parasite Eve, Silent Hill, Pyramid Head, Video Games, Horror, Single Player,
Script written by Mark Sammut
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Sexiest Villains in Horror Games.
For this list, we’ll be looking at those villains that show you can be scary and sexy.
Which horror villain is the most attractive? Let us know in the comments!
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Top 10 Sexiest Villains in Horror Games
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Sexiest Villains in Horror Games.
For this list, we’ll be looking at those villains that show you can be scary and sexy.
Which horror villain is the most attractive? Let us know in the comments!
#10: Pyramid Head
“Silent Hill” franchise (1999-2014)
The embodiment of James Sunderland's guilt, Pyramid Head is a terrifying and thematically complex villain that has become an icon for Konami's horror franchise. A masculine specimen, Pyramid Head comes built like a lean tank that never skips out on training his core at the gym. Six-pack aside, the villain does, admittedly, have a somewhat quirky fashion sense and has a habit of showing up in a smock that is in desperate need of a wash. Still, Pyramid Head embraces his look with such confidence that it kind of works, at least until he begins stabbing people with spears.#9: Mitochondria Eve
“Parasite Eve” (1998)
A villain with a history of making people feel hot under the collar, Eve could give any "Final Fantasy" villain a run for their money in the style department. As a parasite, Eve's looks largely depend on its unfortunate host; in the case of Square's horror game, the villain's victim is Melissa Pearce, an actress and opera singer. Eve twists Melissa's natural good looks into a haunting nightmare that almost seems to mock the host's humanity and beauty. The villain's lengthy arms and tail are an acquired taste, but Eve does have a wicked hairdo and a fantastic wardrobe.#8: Ruvik Victoriano
“The Evil Within” (2014)
Despite having a pretty tragic story that involves a dead sibling and third-degree burns, Ruvik is not an especially sympathetic villain. The character proves more than willing to do anything in the pursuit of his research. A brainy villain, Ruvik has a lot of screen presence and very much dresses like someone who does not care what other people think. With his stomach exposed for everyone to see and a voice that could pass for cultured, Ruvik manages to be enthralling and charismatic without sacrificing any of his creep factor.#7: Nicole Brennan
“Dead Space” franchise (2008-13)
While alive, Nicole was a good person who developed a strong bond with Isaac; unfortunately, the Titan Maker used that to its advantage. A hallucination born from Isaac's dementia, Nicole tends to either show up as a bloodied abomination that is all kinds of intense or in her default human form. Although the villain's freakish smurf look leaves quite an impression, Nicole is more effective as a supportive blonde who can manipulate Isaac with kindness and comfort. As far as hallucinations go, Nicole comes across as very real, even when light is shooting out from her eyes.#6: Daniella
“Haunting Ground” (2005)
One of four stalkers that pursue Fiona in Capcom's "Haunting Ground," Danielle seeks to be a complete and perfect woman. Unpredictable and unnerving, Danielle is a psychologically distraught and complicated figure. The maid is even slightly sympathetic, at least when Danielle isn't chasing Fiona around with a fire poker. As Fiona herself points out, Danielle has absolutely no reason to hate the way she looks, as the stalker is tall and conventionally attractive. In another lifetime that did not involve Lorenzo, Danielle could have graced billboards and theatre screens. “Haunting Ground’s” sister series, “Clock Tower,” also has its very own stalker with looks that kill.#5: Eddie Gluskin
“Outlast: Whistleblower” (2014)
Clothes really do make the man. A serial killer obsessed with finding or creating his ideal bride, Eddie Gluskin often presents himself as a polite gentleman. However, that facade of chivalry can collapse at a moment's notice and it’s never pretty when it does. Putting aside all of his many, many crimes, Eddie is quite the dapper Variant, and a lot of that has to do with his chic suit and well-groomed hair. When it comes to Mount Massive Asylum's residents, Eddie Gluskin certainly stands out as the most presentable of all the Variants.#4: SHODAN
“System Shock” franchise (1994-)
As an AI, SHODAN does not have a physical body, which suits the villain just fine. Known for treating humans like dirt, SHODAN is a constantly evolving entity, one with ambitious and genocidal goals and the self-belief to pull them off. Typically manifesting as a cyberized female face, SHODAN presents herself as something far beyond human reach, a being that embodies intelligence, beauty, and perfection. While the AI's look is certainly unique, SHODAN's distorted voice is her true calling card. SHODAN practically never has a nice thing to say, but the villain speaks with such a malicious elegance that she can easily get under anyone's skin.#3: Albert Wesker
“Resident Evil” franchise (1996-)
A researcher with ambitions of world domination, Albert Wesker radiates arrogance from every fiber of his being. If a character aspires to become a god, then they have to present themselves with a certain degree of grandeur, and Wesker certainly demands attention whenever he makes an appearance. In "Resident Evil 5," Wesker reaches his apex as a villain, with his midnight look being the epitome of over-the-top coolness. With slick blonde hair, a long coat, and those iconic shades, Wesker’s look grew more ‘90s the further removed from the decade the series became. But... the dude somehow made it work.#2: Lady Maria
“Bloodborne: The Old Hunters” (2015)
This boss is much easier on the eyes than Father Gascoigne or Gehrman, but this hunter should not be underestimated. Sharing a striking resemblance with the Workshop's Doll, Lady Maria is a soft-spoken and fair hunter with a dark past and a tendency to play dead. As this is "Bloodborne: The Old Hunters," the boss battle is naturally amazing, and a lot of that has to do with Lady Maria's enchanting and deadly demeanor. From the pre-fight cutscene to the hunter's visceral attack, Lady Maria takes people on a surprisingly intimate journey.Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Excella Gionne, “Resident Evil 5” (2009)
Because She Looks Like a Million BucksKirie Himuro, “Fatal Frame” (2001)
Because This Shrine Maiden Is Hauntingly BeautifulChaos Witch Quelaag, “Dark Souls” (2011)
Because This Boss Will Leave Arachnophobes Feeling Very Confused#1: Alcina Dimitrescu
“Resident Evil Village” (2021)
Since 1996, "Resident Evil'' has been exploring the art of crafting unbelievably attractive but still intimidating villains. After more than two decades, Capcom's efforts finally produced perfection, and her name is Alcina Dimitrescu. Classy and sharp, Lady Dimitrescu completely overshadows her daughters, and that is not just because the Countess literally towers over them. Everything about the Mistress of Castle Dimitrescu is mesmerizing, from Alcina's immaculate white dress and pitch-perfect makeup, to her sophisticated but threatening voice. Being skewered by massive claws is probably not a fun way to go, but at least Alcina makes it memorable.Have an idea you want to see made into a WatchMojo video? Check out our suggest page and submit your idea.
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