Top 10 Sounds 2000s Kids Will Remember Forever

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Top 10 sounds 2000s kids will remember forever.

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 sounds 2000s kids will remember forever.

For this list, we’ll be looking at various sounds and themes that were prominent throughout the 2000s. We will not be including songs.

Which of these sounds do you most fondly remember? Let us know in the comments below!

#10: Windows XP Startup

When it comes to technological game changers, nothing beats Windows XP. Released in 2001, XP served as many people’s introductions to the world of personal computing. And those who were experimenting in the wonderful world of the internet were met with the most glorious sound. The XP startup noise was bright and inviting, welcoming its users with open arms. This sound elicits many memories, whether it’s booting up to surf the web, play a game, or chat with your friends on MSN. XP was eventually replaced by Vista, and while it was a technological step-up, it just doesn’t elicit the same kind of memories.

#9: “Angry Birds” Theme

Coming in at the very tail end of the 2000s was “Angry Birds,” perhaps the biggest mobile phenomenon to ever sweep the world. This game just barely squeaked into the decade, having been released on December 11, 2009. And while this was arguably more of an early 2010s phenomenon, 2000s kids definitely remember it well. Anyone who grew up during that time will instantly recognize the game’s theme, which has a playful, bouncy style similar to a children’s cartoon. It promised tons of fun, it promised finally beating that frustrating level, and yes, it probably proved that you were indeed addicted to the game. Few video game themes are as universally recognized as that of “Angry Birds.”

#8: PS2 Startup

While Microsoft went warm and inviting with Windows XP, Sony took the opposite approach with the PlayStation 2. Released in October of 2000, the PS2 became an instant worldwide phenomenon and is still the highest-selling video game console ever. When users booted up the console, they were met with the future. A cold, gray-blue light and silver towers met their eyes while a spacey noise emanated from the speakers. This noise is instantly recognizable for millions around the globe, and it immediately conjures memories of the era’s greatest games. Gaming has technically gotten better over the years, but nothing will ever beat the nostalgia so many of us share for the PS2.

#7: The Piracy PSA

Officially called “You Wouldn't Steal a Car,” this PSA was made in 2004 to combat online piracy. Of course, it didn’t really do that, and it only became the subject of memes and parodies. Perhaps the most recognizable thing about the PSA is its very 2000s music. A theme steeped in the rock and electronic mix of genres that was popular at the time, the PSA has a driving beat that really worms its way into the head. All it takes is the first couple of notes to instantly recognize the theme and the PSA it comes from. Memes aside, there’s something endearing about this piece of work. We all secretly love it and remember it fondly, and the music is a big part of that.

#6: The Wii Home Screen

We don’t know if it’s nostalgia or what, but there’s just something about 2000s consoles that modern ones are lacking. Perhaps it’s a certain personality and charm. The home screen of Nintendo’s Wii is a masterpiece in sound design. Everything about it works. The boot-up sound promises innocent fun, and the various clicks, whooshes, and boops that accompany movements have been permanently seared into our memories. Millions of kids were raised on the Wii, and millions have fond memories of the joyous sounds that its menu generated. When even the home screen is a cultural phenomenon, you know you’ve got yourself a great console.

#5: “Guitar Hero” Clicking

“Guitar Hero” and its many sequels were very fun for those who were actually playing. It wasn’t so much fun for the person in the next room. The strum bars on the plastic guitars emitted a horrible and very loud clicking noise whenever they were pressed. This wasn’t so bad with the music, but it still tended to grate on the nerves after a while. The problem was made even worse with good players, as they played at a speed that required constant strumming. We still have great memories of the games themselves, but they could have done something about that incessant clicking - at least for later installments.

#4: Nintendo DS Startup

Nintendo really has a thing for making killer startup noises. Released during the 2004 holiday season, the Nintendo DS was a revolutionary handheld console. Its touchscreen was a huge step up from the Game Boy Advance, and it helped the console sell millions. The people who bought it were instantly met with the most glorious startup sound of the 2000s gaming landscape. It was quick, but it was hugely impactful. Many people have a strong sense of yearning for those bell-like dings, and they generate memories of late school nights spent with their favorite Pokémon. This is the innocent sound of childhood right here.

#3: The iPod Click Wheel

The iPhone ringtone is obviously iconic, but we’re giving this spot to the click wheel. While the first iPod was released in 2001, it wasn’t until the fourth generation in 2004 that it introduced the iconic click wheel. The click wheel was taken from the iPod Mini, which had been released earlier that year. Not only was the click wheel a ton of fun to use, but it also utilized a brilliant sound that we can still hear today. The click wheel earns its name because, well, it clicks. Every time you cycled through a song or an artist, the iPod would respond with a brief but chunky clicking noise. Modern touch screens just aren’t the same.

#2: THX

Dang that THX sound. Modern moviegoers just don’t understand our pain. THX is a company founded by George Lucas that revolutionized cinematic audio. Theaters with THX capabilities displayed the company’s logo at the start of every movie. And to prove the brilliance of the audio engineers, the logo was accompanied by what was seemingly the loudest, sharpest sound ever heard by humankind. It certainly sounded cool, especially for those interested in audio design. But it was loud as heck, and many people braced for impact when they saw the THX logo appear on screen. We can all still hear it resonating to this day.

#1: MSN Sounds

There was simply nothing like getting home from school, throwing your bag into a corner, and logging in to MSN. Initially released in the summer of 1999, MSN Messenger really blew up in the early 2000s before being rebranded as Windows Live Messenger in 2005. It just didn’t have the same ring. Virtually every sound produced by the instant messaging client is still ingrained in the brains of everyone who used it. The sounds of “contact online” and “new message” still produce excitement, and the jangly noise of a nudge still makes us smile in amusement. It’s amazing how decades-old sounds still have the power to generate emotion in their listeners.

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