Top 10 Star Wars Video Games

Star Wars, Empire, Rebellion, Rebel Alliance, Video Games, Gaming, Top 10, Countdown, List, Best, Jedi, Sith, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, KOTOR, Knights of the Old Republic, Dark Forces, Rogue Squadron, Lego, SNES, N64, PC,

Top 10: Star Wars Video Games

There have been countless battles against the dark side, but only some of these adventures to a galaxy far, far away have been strong with the force. Make the jump to as we count down the Top 10 Star Wars video games ever made.

Just to temper expectations, don’t be surprised to find out if just one of these have anything to do with the prequels. Sorry Jar Jar fans!

Number 10: Star Wars Trilogy Arcade (1998)

Starting off our list is the coin operated 3D rail shooting sensation. Players experienced cutting edge graphics, a full sensory experience only a sit-in cabinet can provide. This bad boy drained our pockets of anything that even resembled a quarter.

Number: 9: Star Wars Shadows of the Empire (1996)
You may not have had a lightsabre, but at least you could trip the Imperial Walkers on Hoth. One of the first games for the 64, this mix of on foot and in ship action told a surprisingly good tale that attempted to fill in the gaps between the movies. He may have been a poor man’s Han Solo, but Dash Rendar and his robot pal Leebo are still A-okay in our books, even if they have stupid names.

Number 8: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (2003)
The third game in the incredible Jedi Knight series, players took on the role of a new student at Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Academy set up after the fall of the Empire. Improving upon Jedi Outcast, this game gave players their light saber right from the get-go and let them create their own custom Jedi. Academy is widely regarded as the best lightsabre intensive action game.

Number 7: Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (2007)
Okay, this was originally released in two packages for the two trilogies. Thankfully, it was re-launched on one disk. Nothing is too surprising here, except for the amount of personality and humor that was added to the old tale, retold as a co-op adventure. Besides, Lego and Star Wars are our two favorite playthings, so best to combine them into a delicious intergalactic smoothie.

Number 6: Super Star Wars Trilogy (1992-1995)
Before the series garnered spectacular 3D action, the original trilogy blasted its way onto the SNES as three separate game instalments. These generous retellings allowed players side scroll their way through iconic locations and relive their favorite moments from the movies, only with more shooting and no talking.

Number 5: Star Wars: Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2 (2001)
Lucas Arts and Factor brought us three rebellion fighter-based arcade-style games, but this one is clearly the best and most cinematic of the group. Despite being completely devoid of any flight sim elements, this is probably best way to get your fill of mindless dog-fighting action. With Lasers!

Number 4: Star Wars: Dark Forces (1995)
This first person shooter is the first of several adventures to star Kyle Katarn, a rebel mercenary turned Jedi Knight. Here, gamers discover and must destroy the Empire’s “Dark Storm Trooper Project.” Enough about the story, this was doom with star wars! What else did you need to know? Stormtroopers? Check. Authentic sound effects? Check. We’re done here.

Number 3: Star Wars Jedi Knight- Dark Forces II (1997)
A follow-up to the previous game, this adventure is set one year after the events of Return of the Jedi, and re-introduces us soon to be Jedi Kyle Katarn. Despite blocky graphics, this game was proved to be revolutionary by giving players their first taste of first person force power action. Being able to force pull the blaster out of a stormtrooper’s hands was about as cool as it got in 1997.

Number 2: Star Wars: Tie-Fighter
There have been countless Star Wars space simulators, and this one is widely regarded as the best. Featuring many dramatic improvements over its predecessor “X-Wing”, this one lets you be the bad guys. Here, you take on the role of a sympathetic rookie Tie Fighter pilot. Since space sim’s are pretty much entirely based off and inspired by Star Wars, it makes sense that this game is considered one of the best Space Sims to ever grace computer monitors.

Number 1: Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
You knew it was coming! Created by modern RPG masters Bioware, many fans will attest that not only was this the best role playing game to have come out in years, but also the best Star Wars story as well. Featuring a deep, complex combat and character system, with a story that would make M. Night Shyamalan jealous, this game the complete package. A true classic in every sense of the word, Knights of the Old Republic is our number 1 Star Wars game of all time.

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