Top 10 Strongest Saiyans in Dragon Ball

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Script by Jonathan Alexander

Top 10 Strongest Saiyans in Dragon Ball

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Strongest Saiyans in Dragon Ball

For this list, we’ll be looking at the most powerful members of the warrior race from the whole series.

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#10: Cabba

He may not have one himself, but Universe 6’s Saiyan starter can still kick some serious tail. Sure, his inaugural bout with Vegeta may imply otherwise, but Cabba’s definitely a quick learner. At least, as far as turning Super Saiyan goes. He was already one of his universe’s strongest combatants, but thanks to some tough love from Vegeta, his time in the “Tournament of Power” pushed him to even greater heights. Also known as Super Saiyan 2. He’s certainly good enough to put some respect on Universe 6. Plus, he single handedly introduced Super Saiyans to his galaxy, which has gotta count for something.

#9: Goten

In classic second child fashion, Goku’s youngest hasn’t always gotten the attention he deserves. But, that doesn’t mean he can’t hold his own in the ring. Case in point, Goten attained Super Saiyan younger than anyone else in his family. Since he’s starting a higher baseline, it stands to reason he could even surpass them once he grows up a bit. Though, he’s already plenty useful in a fight - especially when he links fingers with Kid Trunks and fuses into Gotenks. While that power isn’t totally his, it’s still yet another reason to keep Goten in the fight. You know, aside from the fact that saving the world kind of runs in his family.

#8: Kid Trunks

Sure, Vegeta’s son may be a bit spoiled, but at least he takes after his Dad in every way it counts. Since their father-son bonding comes in the form of intense training sessions, Kid Trunks reached Super Saiyan at a remarkably young age. Plus, it can’t hurt Vegeta’s Saiyan pride that his son beat Goku’s in the World Martial Arts tournament. Although, most of Trunk’s resume actually comes from when he’s fighting with Goten, not against him. Gotenks aside, it’s clear that Vegeta’s one and only is on the right track. If his future self is any indication, his strength is literally a matter of time.

#7: Caulifla

The golden hair isn’t even the scariest part of the first female Super Saiyan. No, that belongs to the fact that she’s just getting started. Admittedly, her spunk makes her a worthy adversary even without any power-ups. Outnumbered, outmatched, or outmaneuvered, she’s also bound to leave a few strikes with that silver tongue. But, her real claim to fame is how quickly she mastered Super Saiyan. Right after Cabba showed her how to transform, Calufila almost immediately surpassed him. If this is what she can accomplish within forty eight hours, there’s no telling how high she’ll raise her power level with some real training.

#6: Kale

Broly, who? Redundant skill set aside, this beefed out blondie still more than lived to her title of Legendary Super Saiyan. To prove it, right after Cabba taught her how to go gold, she repaid him by nearly putting him and Caulifla six feet deep. That uncontrolled ferocity is a pretty glaring weakness - except when it’s pointed at an enemy. Even Goku himself had to retreat and reevaluate when up against her unwavering might. Once Kale finally learned to control her power, she decisively proved that yellow hair isn’t out of style just yet. After all, the only thing scarier than a Saiyan with something to prove is one that can put their “Legendary” status to good use.

#5: Future Trunks

In his very first appearance, this time-traveling Saiyan went blonde, chopped Frieza into finger food, and then blew the remains to smithereens. At the time, it was an unprecedented display of strength, and Trunks has only maintained that reputation ever since. Especially the part about bisecting villains. In fact, he further refined the technique in “Super” by using a Spirit Sword instead. Add in his new Super Saiyan Rage form, and it’s no wonder he succeeded where even Goku and Vegeta failed. Sure, this Trunks didn’t have as cushy of a childhood as his Kid version, but what didn’t kill him definitely made him stronger.

#4: Gohan

Goku’s oldest has always been a good student, but he really went above and beyond this time. He aced his first iconic transformation against Cell, and then found some worthy extra credit in his fight with Buu. “Super” was a tough one, but he managed to pass that one, too. Now, just for good measure, Gohan has shattered his limits once more with white hair, red eyes, and a Special Beam Cannon that definitely made Piccolo proud. Though, after that spine-tingling power-up roar, the flashy finisher feels a bit like overkill. Either way, Gohan definitely showed the new Cell who’s really at their max.

#3: Broly

Outside of literal deities, there’s precious few combatants in the entire cosmos who could take on Goku and Vegeta at the same time. Let alone someone who hasn’t had any real combat experience. And yet, none of that stopped Broly from thrashing Super Saiyan Blue like it was a Saibamen. The fact he pressured even Vegeta into fusion speaks for itself. Quite frankly, if this is what Broly’s capable of with just Super Saiyan, there’s no telling what he could do with red or blue hair. For the sake of Earth, fingers crossed he’s still still on the Z-Fighters side when that happens.

#2: Vegeta

Since his iconic first bout with Goku, the Saiyan Prince has never been content lingering behind for long. That drive has kept him trying out new hair colors on a pretty regular basis, usually just a step or two behind Goku himself. But, now that Vegeta’s officially started branching off into his own transformations, his potential is pretty much limitless. Sure, the Evolved Blue look was plenty cool, but that pales in comparison to his wholly original God form. Plus, a transformation with ego in the name is a perfect match for this Saiyan and his pride. The fact it comes with power to match even Ultra Instinct is just the Big Bang on top.

#1: Goku

This guy’s donned every kind of Super Saiyan out there. Gold, red, blue, and beyond. In fact, he’s cycled through so many that he’s had to abandon that naming scheme altogether. Nowadays, it’s all about Ultra Instinct. Which he’s also on the road to mastering, by the way. That’s not even mentioning the epic Spirit Avatar he pulled out against Moro. That’s right, autonomous movement still isn’t enough to satiate Goku’s need to get stronger. Now that he’s inching closer to actual godhood, deities themselves may want to watch out. After all, if history is any indication, it’s only a matter of time before Goku surpasses them, too.

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