Top 10 Things You Should NEVER Do at Disney Parks
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Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Things You Should Never Do at Disney Parks. There is lots of fun to be had at Disney parks and lots to do. However, for this list, we’ll be looking at the biggest faux-pas to be aware of during your next visit! What’s your biggest no-no at a theme park? Let us know in the comments.
We get it, waiting in line sucks. And, when it comes to Disney theme parks, that waiting can sometimes span hours. Either way, that still doesn’t make it okay to cut in line. Besides being inconsiderate, we’ve also seen this action lead to violence, which could get you kicked out of the park on the spot. But don’t fret! If you hate waiting that much, there are fast-pass options for those willing to front up a little (more) cash. The new Genie+ service, for example, provides sanctioned line-skipping to members for an extra 15-20 bucks per day, per ticket.
#10: Walk & Text
This one doesn’t just apply to Disney parks, but is really just a good rule of thumb for life in general. We’ve all seen the videos of people walking and texting only to wind up hurt - either physically or at the expense of their pride. Either way isn’t great. So, while walking down Main Street USA, or anywhere else in the park, try to look where you’re going rather than your phone. You don’t want to be that person who trips on the trolly track or walks into a lamp post.#9: Bring Prohibited Items
Obviously, you don’t want to bring anything into the park that is forbidden. What some of those items are, however, might surprise you. While weapons and drugs are pretty obvious, you also can’t bring skateboards, scooters, and any shoes with wheels - we’re looking at you, Heelys. You’ll have to leave glass jars, horns, whistles, and megaphones at home too, just to name a few. The same goes for any folding chairs you were thinking about bringing into the park. The one that’s the most devastating though… Selfie sticks. Guess, you’ll just have to hand your phone to the person with the longest arms!#8: Cross the Yellow Line
The Disney parks have a tram system that transports guests from the parking lot to the entrance of the park. It’s a very helpful service; however, one must be aware of the yellow line along the side of the road at each stop, and always stand behind it as the tram arrives and takes off. In fact, if someone refuses to step behind the line, the tram will not go. Which means, you’ll be holding up the ride for everyone on board. If not for your own safety, at least follow rules for the well-being of other guests!#7: Forget to Drink Water
Whether it’s from our smart watches, our apps, our doctors, or our fitness-acclimated friends, we’re constantly being told about the importance of staying hydrated. Not drinking enough water can have negative effects on your energy levels, brain function, and physical performance. Dehydration can even cause headaches! None of these symptoms are good on the regular, but especially when you’re trying to get through a day full of walking in the unbearable Florida or California heat. So, be sure to pack up a reusable bottle (as long as it’s not made of glass). You can also go into any fast food joint in the park and they’ll give you a cup of water for free.#6: Partake in Excessive PDA
Listen, this isn’t about couples sharing a sweet kiss or a hug, or holding hands while walking from ride to ride. No cast member is going to burst your bubble when you’re basking in the magic of the parks. With that said, for the love of Mickey, refrain from anything steamy, sloppy, and/or salacious. No one wants to see it - especially not any of the children running about who are still innocent enough they haven’t realized Donald Duck isn’t wearing any pants!#5: Try to Do It All
Walt Disney World has over 50 rides and more than 100 attractions throughout the multiple theme parks that make up the resort. And, while going on every ride and seeing every attraction over the course of a single trip might be possible, it certainly isn’t recommended. Getting your money’s worth out of a Disney park isn’t just about the number of things you do, it’s also about the fun you have doing them. Rushing your way through the park in order to simply check things off a list is more energy and stress than it’s worth. So, we recommend going in with a game plan. Pick the rides you really want to do and the attractions you really want to see and enjoy those to their fullest extent!#4: Get Inebriated
When Disneyland and Disney World both opened they were completely alcohol free - just as Walt Disney himself (allegedly) intended. However, over the ensuing years and decades, the ability to purchase alcohol has made its way into various locations throughout the parks. And, while there’s certainly nothing wrong with having a drink or two, let's all try to be responsible shall we? They don’t mean “happy drunk” when they call it the “happiest place on earth”. And, you know, Snow White’s dwarfs already have the roles of Dopey, Happy, and Sleepy covered!#3: Use Flash Photography on Rides
On certain rides, such as Pirates of the Caribbean and The Haunted Mansion, the park has a policy that prohibits flash photography. As with all their rules, it’s a good idea to follow this one. We get wanting to memorialize your experience, so go ahead and snap away. Just keep the flash off! The light can not only be distracting to other guests and performers, but it can also illuminate various mechanical workings that will ruin the illusion these low-light rides are attempting to create. The good news is that many of the newer smartphones have night photography features that are able to lighten up dark photographs without using a flash.#2: Cut the Line
We get it, waiting in line sucks. And, when it comes to Disney theme parks, that waiting can sometimes span hours. Either way, that still doesn’t make it okay to cut in line. Besides being inconsiderate, we’ve also seen this action lead to violence, which could get you kicked out of the park on the spot. But don’t fret! If you hate waiting that much, there are fast-pass options for those willing to front up a little (more) cash. The new Genie+ service, for example, provides sanctioned line-skipping to members for an extra 15-20 bucks per day, per ticket.
#1: Yell at Cast Members
It might be billed as “the happiest place on earth”, but Disney doesn’t always feel that way when the heat is blistering, there are crowds everywhere, the kids are cranky, and everything is outrageously overpriced. Still, none of those are excuses to take out your frustrations on the park employees - or ‘cast members’. It’s not their fault you’ve been waiting in line for an hour and a half - and it’s definitely not their fault that your kid is too short for certain rides. Complaining to them likely won’t do a whole lot except give them grounds to have you removed from the premises. And you don’t want to berate Cinderella in front of your kids, do you? She’s already been through so much!Have an idea you want to see made into a WatchMojo video? Check out our suggest page and submit your idea.
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