Top 10 Unsatisfying Deaths of Hated Movie Characters

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Top 10 Unsatisfying Deaths of Hated Movie Characters

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 unsatisfying deaths of hated movie characters.

For this list, we’ll be looking at the demises of despised movie characters or those we loved to hate that failed to live up to our expectations. Since we are talking about deaths, beware of spoilers ahead.

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#10: Ivan Vanko AKA Whiplash

“Iron Man 2” (2010)
Although Mickey Rourke looked intimidating in the role of Ivan Vanko AKA Whiplash, the villain failed to make much of an impression. Despite having a legitimate grudge against Tony Stark, the character’s one-note personality often made him the least interesting person in the room. Vanko had a chance to win us back over when he showed up in a cool suit to eliminate Tony and Rhodey. But after the heroes take him down in an extremely quick battle, Whiplash decides to blow up his armor and drones. None of these explosions seem to do serious damage to the heroes or even bystanders. In the end, Vanko’s self-destructive demise was just as much of a let down as his character was.

#9: President Coriolanus Snow

“The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2” (2015)
President Snow had no problem sending tributes from the 12 districts he ruled over into a deadly arena each year. Whenever someone threatened to upset this violent status quo, he made sure they either fell in line or were permanently removed. After seeing Snow get away with heinous crimes in multiple movies, he was sentenced to die in the last film. Hunger Games survivor Katniss was supposed to poetically take him out with an arrow. However, she fires on President Coin instead and leaves him to be attacked by the crowd. But the camera quickly moves away before we witness his last moments. While Snow's end is confirmed by a letter, it was disappointing that we didn’t see this twisted dictator fall on screen.

#8: Eddie Brock

“Spider-Man 3” (2007)
While having Eddie Brock’s Venom in a Spider-Man film should’ve been awesome, his introduction was full of problems. The most glaring issue was that he didn’t bond with the alien symbiote that gave him powers until the movie was more than halfway done. After wearing the Venom suit for a very limited time, Eddie grows to like the power it grants him. When a bomb is eventually thrown at the symbiote, he leaps towards it and perishes in the explosion. This moment could’ve worked if it had been built up. But Eddie's extremely brief time as Venom made it hard to believe he’d risk his life just to put on the suit again. His rushed conclusion made the villain’s introduction in “Spider-Man 3” feel pointless.

#7: Mia Sutton

“Death Note” (2017)
In this anime adaptation, Light Turner discovers the Death Note, a book that allows him to assassinate anyone whose name is written in it. His partner-in-crime Mia eventually uses this book to carry out twisted deeds. She even betrays Light by writing his name on a Death Note page and threatening to let him die unless she gets the book. After she takes it, he reveals a twisted plot of his own. Light had manipulated things so that if Mia grabbed the Death Note, she’d die and he’d live. Her demise also kicked off a series of complicated events that made him look innocent. Instead of Mia getting a satisfying conclusion to her evil turn, her end is stuck inside of a convoluted plot twist.

#6: General Armitage Hux

“Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker” (2019)
We initially thought General Hux was just another annoying First Order Commander. This sniveling villain’s only likeable quality was that he hated Kylo Ren. After spending most of his screen time working against resistance fighters, it's revealed that Hux was a spy for the good guys. We were excited to see where this plot line would lead. Unfortunately, Hux is unceremoniously shot by a blaster and expires only a few minutes later. While Kylo Ren's demise in the same film also had its problems, at least his final act directly helped the heroes. General Hux’s chance to be more than another faceless bad guy was ruined by a pointlessly quick demise.

#5: Elijah Glass

“Glass” (2019)
The big twist of “Unbreakable” was that comic fanboy Elijah Glass caused fatal accidents with massive casualties to find a superhero like David. Nearly two decades after he executed his terrifying and intelligent schemes, he returned in a movie named after him. He looked unstoppable after teaming up with another villain called The Beast. The two seemed poised to take down the strong David Dunn. But after the final fight kicked off, Glass gets hit by the Beast. Since Glass had a brittle body, multiple blows were fatal to him. After waiting nearly twenty years to see this evil genius rise, his fall didn’t meet our lofty expectations.

#4: Owen Davian

“Mission: Impossible 3” (2006)
Over the course of one “Mission: Impossible” movie, Owen Davian puts bombs in people’s heads, kidnaps protagonist Ethan Hunt’s wife, Julia, and aims to acquire a biological weapon. Our hero eventually manages to get in a room with Davian to stop the twisted villain once and for all. But not long after the fight begins, Ethan forces Davian to get hit by a car. When you consider every bad thing this villain did, getting struck by a vehicle and expiring off screen seems too good for him. It would’ve been great if Julia landed the final blow or if Davian got a taste of his own head explosives. But ultimately, a random car was the lame reason behind this villain’s demise.

#3: Captain Phasma

“Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi” (2017)
Despite not having much screen time, Captain Phasma established herself as a cold villain with deadly skills and incredibly cool armor. And since she had a grudge against former Stormtrooper Finn, we knew she’d eventually meet him on the battlefield. The duo finally had a climactic confrontation in “The Last Jedi”. After Phasma gets the upper hand, Finn strikes back with a satisfying blow. Before the two can continue their heated duel, the spaceship they’re on rapidly falls apart. The destruction causes Phasma to fall to her doom. It was incredibly disappointing to see a cool villain go out in such an unremarkable way. If a crumbling floor was going to take Phasma, what was the point of her fighting Finn at all?

#2: Talia Al Ghul

“The Dark Knight Rises” (2012)
Audiences spent most of the movie thinking the bulky and brilliant Bane was the mastermind behind the bad things that happened to Batman in “The Dark Knight Rises”. However, it turns out that he was following orders from Talia al Ghul the entire time. After she tries to continue her evil plot by driving away, Batman fires upon her vehicle. The heroes find the villain slumped over and too injured to move. After a few choice lines and some shallow breaths, she’s suddenly gone. The combination of her ridiculously quick demise and the bizarre cut of the scene the editors used made her death infamous. Talia stole Bane’s thunder and gave us one of the worst comic book villain ends in one fell swoop.

#1: The Kraken

“Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End” (2007)
As soon as Davy Jones sent his loathsome Kraken after an enemy ship, we knew that there wouldn’t be many survivors. The giant sea creature could strike quickly, recover from most weapons and didn’t seem to have one major weakness. It even managed to defeat the resourceful Jack Sparrow in an iconic scene. After the Kraken’s incredible showing in the second “Pirates” movie, fans were looking forward to seeing how the heroes would defeat this creature in the third film. Unfortunately, this clash never happened. It turns out that Davy Jones was forced to slay the creature off screen between films. Depriving audiences a chance to see the Kraken meet its end was crueler than anything Davy Jones ever did.

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