Top 10 Video Game Compilations
Top 10, Watchmojo, Video Games, Compilation packs, trilogy packs, remasters, Super Mario All Stars, The Orange Box, Portal, Half Life, Rare Replay, Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, Metal Gear Solid HD collection, Halo The Master Chief Collection,
Script written by Nick Spake
There’s nothing like getting multiple great games for the price of one. Join as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Video Game Compilations.
For this list, we’re taking a look at the finest video game collections that bring together several classic titles, with priority given to collections that went the extra mile to modernize the games, rather than just slap some games together and call it a collection.
Before all you Xbox One owners play “Halo 5: Guardians,” be sure to binge the Master Chief’s previous four adventures with this awesome set. “The Master Chief Collection” reminds us what a game changing first-person shooter the original “Halo” was and how each sequel lived up to exceedingly high expectations. This collection would have placed even higher on our list had it not been for some technical issues with the multiplayer. But, seeing those revamped Halo 2 cutscenes definitely makes up for that.
A lot of gamers likely missed out on this epic run and gun series growing up. That’s exactly what video game compilations are for, however, and “Metal Slug Anthology” is one of the best out there. Comprised of seven games, this collection encompasses all the glorious 2D graphics, addictive button mashing, and shoot-em-up action a gamer could possibly desire. If you held onto your Wii, PS2, or PSP, be sure to pick up a copy and clear your schedule for several hours of side-scrolling bliss.
Sony really likes to remaster their properties a lot, so this was a tough choice between the Jak and Daxter and the Ratchet and Clank compilations, but regardless, we’ve decided to single out one of PlayStation’s more underappreciated platform heroes: Sly Cooper. “The Sly Collection” features the original PS2 trilogy in all its glory. While all three games are relatively short, each entry is a blast from start to finish with inspired stealth gameplay, a unique art style, and delightful characters. Complete with remastered graphics and mini games, this collection is literally a steal.
If only the “Metal Gear Solid HD Collection” included the original PlayStation masterpiece, we might have boosted it up several spots. That being said, its still hard to go wrong with a compilation that features “Sons of Liberty,” “Snake Eater,” and “Peace Walker”, all remastered in HD. Having the first two MSX2 “Metal Gear” games is also a nice bonus. Countless hours of stealth, action, and plot twists are to be had on this single disk as you relive some of Solid Snake’s finest missions. You’ll definitely get plenty of bang for your buck, especially if you fork of the cash for the PS3 exclusive “Legacy collection” which also featured MGS4 unchanged, and a download code for MGS1 unchanged.
Purists may prefer to collect every individual “Mega Man” game cartridge. Those who wish to save a couple hundred dollars, however, are better off purchasing the triumphant “Mega Man Anniversary Collection.” This set is a dream come true with the original eight “Mega Man” games, in addition to two other titles that had previously never been released outside of Japan. Then once you’ve blasted through those ten titles, gear up for the equally amazing “Mega Man X Collection.” What more could we ask for?
It’s hard to believe there was actually a time when we doubted Retro Studio’s ability to transform the “Metroid” series into a first-person shooter. The then unknown developer would go on to make three thrilling, atmospheric, and mind-blowing games starring Samus Aran, however, which have been immortalized with this must-own compilation. Taking full advantage of the Wii’s motion controls, fans were treated to an immersive experience that really made them feel like an intergalactic bounty hunter. Shooting up Metroids has never been this engaging or fun.
Sonic games may not be what they once were, but at least we can relive the blue hedgehog’s glory days with “Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection.” The compilation not only includes several of Sonic’s greatest hits, but numerous other retro classics like “Golden Axe” and “Streets of Rage.” With 40 games total and five unlockable extras, it’s a Sega library in one box. If you sold your Genesis years ago and have been feeling nostalgic, look no further. All that’s missing is “Sonic CD,” although that technically wasn’t for Genesis.
Like Sonic, Rare has been in a slump as of late. Looking over the game list for “Rare Replay,” however, we’re reminded what a phenomenal developer Rare was. The collection includes numerous old school titles like “Jetpac” and “Battletoads.” Of course the Nintendo 64 classics are the real highlights here with “Perfect Dark,” “Conker’s Bad Fur Day,” and both “Banjo-Kazooie” games brought together. Granted, it’s disappointing that “GoldenEye 007” and the “Donkey Kong Country” trilogy aren’t available due to licensing issues. Nevertheless, we’re more than content with these thirty games.
“The Orange Box” is a true gaming treasure. Even if it only included “Half-Life 2” and its two stand-alone expansions, this collection still would have easily made our list. Valve didn’t stop there, though. They were also generous enough to throw in “Team Fortress 2” and introduced us to a little puzzle masterpiece called “Portal.” “The Orange Box” is the definition of a bargain and a textbook example of how every developer should produce compilations. It’s so incredible that you’ll briefly forget Valve still hasn’t made “Half-Life 3.”
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
“Mass Effect Trilogy” (2012)
“Taito Legends” (2005)
“Midway Arcade Treasures” (2003)
“SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1” (2008)
“Command and Conquer: The First Decade” (2006)
“The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection” (2011)
This legendary compilation forever solidifies Mario’s place as a video game all-star unlike any other. Not only are the original three “Super Mario Bros.” games given beautiful makeovers, but they also come equipped with an always welcome save feature. On top of that, it finally treated gamers to the real “Super Mario Bros. 2” with “The Lost Levels.” Then just when it seemed like this collection couldn’t get any more perfect, a second version was released with “Super Mario World” too. “Super Mario All-Stars” truly has the whole package.
Do you agree with our list? What’s your favorite video game compilation? For more entertaining Top 10s published every day, be sure to subscribe to
Top 10 Video Game Compilations
There’s nothing like getting multiple great games for the price of one. Join as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Video Game Compilations.
For this list, we’re taking a look at the finest video game collections that bring together several classic titles, with priority given to collections that went the extra mile to modernize the games, rather than just slap some games together and call it a collection.
#10: “Halo: The Master Chief Collection” (2014)
Before all you Xbox One owners play “Halo 5: Guardians,” be sure to binge the Master Chief’s previous four adventures with this awesome set. “The Master Chief Collection” reminds us what a game changing first-person shooter the original “Halo” was and how each sequel lived up to exceedingly high expectations. This collection would have placed even higher on our list had it not been for some technical issues with the multiplayer. But, seeing those revamped Halo 2 cutscenes definitely makes up for that.
#9: “Metal Slug Anthology” (2006)
A lot of gamers likely missed out on this epic run and gun series growing up. That’s exactly what video game compilations are for, however, and “Metal Slug Anthology” is one of the best out there. Comprised of seven games, this collection encompasses all the glorious 2D graphics, addictive button mashing, and shoot-em-up action a gamer could possibly desire. If you held onto your Wii, PS2, or PSP, be sure to pick up a copy and clear your schedule for several hours of side-scrolling bliss.
#8: “The Sly Collection” (2010)
Sony really likes to remaster their properties a lot, so this was a tough choice between the Jak and Daxter and the Ratchet and Clank compilations, but regardless, we’ve decided to single out one of PlayStation’s more underappreciated platform heroes: Sly Cooper. “The Sly Collection” features the original PS2 trilogy in all its glory. While all three games are relatively short, each entry is a blast from start to finish with inspired stealth gameplay, a unique art style, and delightful characters. Complete with remastered graphics and mini games, this collection is literally a steal.
#7: “Metal Gear Solid HD Collection” (2004)
If only the “Metal Gear Solid HD Collection” included the original PlayStation masterpiece, we might have boosted it up several spots. That being said, its still hard to go wrong with a compilation that features “Sons of Liberty,” “Snake Eater,” and “Peace Walker”, all remastered in HD. Having the first two MSX2 “Metal Gear” games is also a nice bonus. Countless hours of stealth, action, and plot twists are to be had on this single disk as you relive some of Solid Snake’s finest missions. You’ll definitely get plenty of bang for your buck, especially if you fork of the cash for the PS3 exclusive “Legacy collection” which also featured MGS4 unchanged, and a download code for MGS1 unchanged.
#6: “Mega Man Anniversary Collection” (2004)
Purists may prefer to collect every individual “Mega Man” game cartridge. Those who wish to save a couple hundred dollars, however, are better off purchasing the triumphant “Mega Man Anniversary Collection.” This set is a dream come true with the original eight “Mega Man” games, in addition to two other titles that had previously never been released outside of Japan. Then once you’ve blasted through those ten titles, gear up for the equally amazing “Mega Man X Collection.” What more could we ask for?
#5: “Metroid Prime Trilogy” (2009)
It’s hard to believe there was actually a time when we doubted Retro Studio’s ability to transform the “Metroid” series into a first-person shooter. The then unknown developer would go on to make three thrilling, atmospheric, and mind-blowing games starring Samus Aran, however, which have been immortalized with this must-own compilation. Taking full advantage of the Wii’s motion controls, fans were treated to an immersive experience that really made them feel like an intergalactic bounty hunter. Shooting up Metroids has never been this engaging or fun.
#4: “Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection” (2009)
Sonic games may not be what they once were, but at least we can relive the blue hedgehog’s glory days with “Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection.” The compilation not only includes several of Sonic’s greatest hits, but numerous other retro classics like “Golden Axe” and “Streets of Rage.” With 40 games total and five unlockable extras, it’s a Sega library in one box. If you sold your Genesis years ago and have been feeling nostalgic, look no further. All that’s missing is “Sonic CD,” although that technically wasn’t for Genesis.
#3: “Rare Replay” (2015)
Like Sonic, Rare has been in a slump as of late. Looking over the game list for “Rare Replay,” however, we’re reminded what a phenomenal developer Rare was. The collection includes numerous old school titles like “Jetpac” and “Battletoads.” Of course the Nintendo 64 classics are the real highlights here with “Perfect Dark,” “Conker’s Bad Fur Day,” and both “Banjo-Kazooie” games brought together. Granted, it’s disappointing that “GoldenEye 007” and the “Donkey Kong Country” trilogy aren’t available due to licensing issues. Nevertheless, we’re more than content with these thirty games.
#2: “The Orange Box” (2007)
“The Orange Box” is a true gaming treasure. Even if it only included “Half-Life 2” and its two stand-alone expansions, this collection still would have easily made our list. Valve didn’t stop there, though. They were also generous enough to throw in “Team Fortress 2” and introduced us to a little puzzle masterpiece called “Portal.” “The Orange Box” is the definition of a bargain and a textbook example of how every developer should produce compilations. It’s so incredible that you’ll briefly forget Valve still hasn’t made “Half-Life 3.”
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
“Mass Effect Trilogy” (2012)
“Taito Legends” (2005)
“Midway Arcade Treasures” (2003)
“SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1” (2008)
“Command and Conquer: The First Decade” (2006)
“The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection” (2011)
#1: “Super Mario All-Stars” (1993)
This legendary compilation forever solidifies Mario’s place as a video game all-star unlike any other. Not only are the original three “Super Mario Bros.” games given beautiful makeovers, but they also come equipped with an always welcome save feature. On top of that, it finally treated gamers to the real “Super Mario Bros. 2” with “The Lost Levels.” Then just when it seemed like this collection couldn’t get any more perfect, a second version was released with “Super Mario World” too. “Super Mario All-Stars” truly has the whole package.
Do you agree with our list? What’s your favorite video game compilation? For more entertaining Top 10s published every day, be sure to subscribe to
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