Top 10 Video Game Plot Holes You Can't Explain

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Top 10 Video Game Plot Holes You Can't Explain

Sometimes writers have really good reasons for keeping us in the dark about vital plot information, and sometimes they don't. Welcome to and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 10 video game plot holes you can't explain.

For this list, we're looking at plot holes which were not explained in the initial versions of these games upon their release -- some may have been resolved using behind-the-scenes content but if it wasn't explained in the game itself it still counts as a plot hole. And it goes without saying that there are major spoilers ahead.

#10: Queen Myrrah

You'd think that given how winning the endless war against the Locust Horde is the main aim of the Gears series, Epic Games wouldn't skimp out on explaining who the enigmatic leader of this army was -- except that they did. Throughout Gears of War 3, it's hinted at that the leader of the Locusts may in fact be main character Marcus Fenix's own mother. When players finally came face to face with Queen Myrrah they were all expecting this reveal, but it never came. We still don't know who Myrrah really was, nor how a human came to be commander in chief of the entire Locust Army.

“Gears of War 3” (2011)

#9: Eli Steals Sahelanthropus

We all know that the main focus of the Metal Gear series is destroying the various Metal Gear mechs capable of launching nuclear weapons and ultimately ending the world, so for sure child-soldier Eli stealing one of them near the end of Metal Gear Solid V should be a major issue. And yet, the game seems to completely forget that this ever happened, it just ends without addressing the stolen war machine. This plot hole is a result of developer Hideo Kojima's feud with publisher Konami -- the game was rushed to release and the final mission that resolves this was omitted, essentially leaving Liquid Snake in possession of a doomsday device.

“Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain” (2015)

#8: Pandora's Box

Kratos needs to absorb the power of Pandora's Box in order to kill Ares; the first time he tries to do this, Ares kills him instead and sends him to the Underworld, where he only escapes thanks to a Grave Digger later revealed to be Zeus in disguise. But by the third game, the central plot is that Zeus has become obsessed with killing Kratos in order to stop him using Pandora's Box a second time to defeat him. This begs the question of why, in the first game, did Zeus even help Kratos retrieve Pandora's Box to begin with, especially since Pandora's box is famously never supposed to be opened?

“God of War” (2005)

“God of War III” (2010)

#7: Not Recognizing Makarov

The "No Russian" mission of Modern Warfare 2's campaign was one of the most controversial things Call of Duty ever did, but more controversial than the player mowing down hundreds of innocent civilians in a terrorist attack is the glaring plot hole this mission creates. Namely, the fact that nobody in the airport recognizes Makarov, one of the most well-known terrorist leaders in the world, as he marches in with a heavily armed entourage and starts killing people without wearing a mask. How exactly did they get into the airport without being caught by police or security in the first place? Infinity Ward just decided to skip that detail.

“Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2” (2009)

#6: Ethan's Blackouts

Ethan Mars is the tortured father of one dead son and one missing son who suffers frequent blackouts. During these blackouts, he randomly shows up at another location holding an origami figure in his hand, convincing both Ethan and the players that he may be the Origami Killer. But since he isn't the Origami Killer, these blackouts are a red herring which were never explained during Heavy Rain. Instead, bonus content on the game disc revealed that the blackouts were part of Ethan's paranormal connection to the Killer, allowing him to make origami and see the Killer's victims, but this was removed before release and no other explanation was offered in its place.

“Heavy Rain” (2010)

#5: 35% Unemployment, and Society is Fine

Another game from Heavy Rain's developers Quantic Dream, Detroit: Become Human, also has a major plot hole at its core. Throughout the game we're told that androids are stealing human jobs and that unemployment is at 35%. This would be the highest unemployment rate in US history, with the previous highest rate being 25% during the Great Depression. Despite this, all we see of these problems are a few protestors and some resentful lines of dialogue; 2030's Detroit remains a futuristic metropolis. Unemployment rates also don't impair people's ability to afford the expensive androids causing the unemployment in the first place; jobless Todd manages to buy two androids and also fund a drug habit.

“Detroit: Become Human” (2018)

#4: Tourist Trap?

Apparently, vacationing in an empty town once known for its evil, sun-god-worshipping murder cult is par for the course for the people in the Silent Hill games; Silent Hill 2 tells us that James and Mary Sunderland's favourite vacation spot before her death, their "special place", was Silent Hill. However, Silent Hill 2 was set in 1993, which is at least 15 years after the demise of the cult and the abandonment of the town according to the game's own canon. With this in mind, it makes no sense that James and Mary would visit Silent Hill when it's little more than a creepy ghost town.

“Silent Hill” (1999)

"Silent Hill 2" (2001)

#3: Jack the Orphan

Over the course of BioShock, you discover that you are playing as Jack, Andrew Ryan's genetically warped two-year-old son, aged up to 19 after being given growth hormones by Tenenbaum and Suchong. He becomes a sleeper agent who is ultimately brought back to Rapture, killing both Ryan and Frank Fontaine. But one question the game fails to answer is how Jack survived after being launched up to the surface of the ocean in a bathysphere, since despite his age he was still essentially a two-year-old with no life experience and only a bunch of fake memories for comfort.

#2: Phoenix Downs

The Final Fantasy series, like pretty much every RPG ever, has revive potions that you can use to resurrect your fallen allies in battle, called Phoenix Downs. The existence of these potions means that death essentially becomes meaningless -- except when it's convenient for the plot, that is, like when Aeris dies at the end of Final Fantasy VII. While you'll have used hundreds of Phoenix Downs during your campaign, now that there's actual story reliant on a major character death suddenly nobody has the idea to just bring Aeris back to life using one of them.

"Final Fantasy VII" (1997)

#1: Once Bitten You Are Not Infected

Everybody knows that when a zombie bites you, you also turn into a zombie. That's true for literally every piece of zombie media out there, including video games. So why is it that when you, the protagonist, are bitten, you don't join the undead hordes? While, admittedly, it's explained that the main characters are immune in the Dead Island games, in series like Dead Rising and Resident Evil as long as you have food or some herbs on you you're pretty much completely safe from ever turning into a zombie, no matter how many times you're exposed to the virus.

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