Top 10 Worst Things Harley Quinn Has Done

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Top 10 Worst Things Harley Quinn Has Ever Done

And you thought the Joker was bad news. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Things Harley Quinn Has Ever Done.

For this list, we’re focusing exclusively on Harley’s comic book escapades and excluding all of the nasty things she’s done in TV shows, films, video games and web series.

#10: Smacking Supergirl with Her Mallet

Harley Quinn’s weapon of choice has long been a cartoonish, oversized mallet that would make Wile E. Coyote giddy with excitement. Well, in DC’s “Superman/Batman” Vol 1, issue #19 she used it to great, if evil effect in a fight with Supergirl and Batgirl. Fighting alongside her long-time BFF Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn smashed Supergirl in the face, sending her flying into a glass window. While the beatdown was short-lived, seeing as how Supergirl is, well, Supergirl, she nevertheless remarked that it did some damage. Not bad for a mere mortal like Quinn!

#9: Having a Horrible Newspaper Column

Once a brilliant psychiatrist working at Arkham Asylum, now Harley Quinn is more likely to be a patient in Gotham’s looney bin than an employee. As the Joker’s right-hand girl / lover she’s proven on multiple occasions that she’s more than a little unhinged. So, it stands to reason that she would be the LAST person you’d want to take advice from. Well, in “Harley Quinn” #14 she tricked Perry White into giving her a job as an advice columnist for the Daily Planet. As you can probably imagine this did not go well for anyone who chose to read her twisted pieces of advice. In the pantheon of her dastardly deeds this one may not seem especially evil, but it was definitely dangerous!

#8: The “Scatapult”

Harley Quinn has found herself in all manner dangerous and wacky situations and always finds a way to get herself out of them. However, how she chooses to do so can sometimes be a little, well, wacky and dangerous. Take for example the time she needed to get her wounded ally Red Tool to safety as fast as possible. Any sane person would call an ambulance. But not Harley Quinn. Instead she loads the person into a rooftop catapult of her own making and launches them in the general direction of help. It may sound counterintuitive but that’s because, uh, it is. Oh well!

#7: When She Poisoned Captain Carrot

Whenever Harley Quinn gets to be the center of attention things tend to get a little…weird. Take the time she squared off against the equally cartoonish Captain Carrot. The two characters threw down in an amusement park and after they both managed to land an assortment of wacky blows, accompanied of course by some equally wacky one liners, the two appeared to have reconciled their difference. However, we wouldn’t be writing about this issue if that’s how it ended. Quinn winds up slipping Captain Carrot a poisoned, wait for it…carrot! If poisoning a beloved character like this doesn’t make the list, we don’t know what will!

#6: Putting the Joker’s Face on Deadshot

The reason this one made the list should be pretty self-explanatory. In Suicide Squad (Vol 4) #7 the gang is tasked with infiltrating a police station and taking down a rogue Harley Quinn (as if there’s any other kind). Harley quickly subdues Savant and then turns her attention to Deadshot. She winds up tying him to a chair and proceeds to put the Joker’s face (which had previously been removed by the Dollmaker) on top of his own. Harley then starts talking to Deadshot as if he’s The Clown Prince of Crime. Deadshot begrudgingly plays along, waiting for the right moment to take Harley down. It’s a sick and twisted moment from a woman who practically breathes them.

#5: Creating Child Soldiers

Turning kidnapped children into murderers is never a good look. In New Suicide Squad #12 Harley and the rest of her baddie team members are responsible for taking down a terrorist organization that bears more than a passing resemblance to ISIS. The group had been kidnapping children from across the region with the goal of turning them into child soldiers. Harley ends up imprisoned with the frightened children but then winds up using them to help her escape. In doing so the kids end up participating in all kinds of over the top violence, effectively turning them into the child soldiers that the terrorists originally wanted. Talk about doing the wrong thing for the right reasons!

#4: Throwing Duela Dent into Oncoming Traffic

Duela Dent aka the Joker’s Daughter was born into a well-to-do family but was eventually thrown out for her sadistic antics. She eventually happened across the Joker’s face in a sewer and started wearing it in order to exert fear and dominance over her enemies. Naturally this pissed of Harley Quinn and the two ended up throwing down. Duela kind of had it coming, as she continuously goaded Harley with a litany of insults. The fight ended with Harley chucking Duela into oncoming traffic, cementing her place in the comic as the nastiest female fighter around!

#3: Attempting to Kill Batman

Everyone knows that Batman’s arch enemy is the Joker, but in the classic comic “The Batman Adventures: Mad Love” it’s Harley Quinn that tries to dispatch of The Dark Knight once and for all. Upset that Batman has continuously gotten in the way of her relationship with her puddin’ – a fact that incredibly causes Batman to laugh - Harley captures Batman had dangles him above a tank filled with 1000 piranha’s. From his upside-down perspective their jawlines look like smiles, so by dropping him in he will die by what Harley calls “The Death of 1000 Smiles”. It’s a pretty gruesome murder attempt and it winds up getting foiled by none other than the Joker himself, who wanted to kill Batman a better way.

#2: Kidnapping a Family

Perhaps more so than any other comic book character Harley Quinn has consistently straddled the line between good and evil, but in Harley Quinn #4 she goes full-baddie. The issue sees her kidnap the suburban family of one of her former Arkham patients after they inform Harley that they were mistreated by them for years. The whole thing winds up being a big misunderstanding, with the patient wrongly remembering their own past thanks to a little condition called Alzheimer's. Even so, it was a pretty low moment, even by Harley Quinn’s standards.

#1: Killing Children

In Detective Comics (Vol 2) #23.2 Harley is no longer a member of the Suicide Squad and begins to wonder if she should go back to her old life as Dr. Harleen Quinzel. A battle of the minds ensues, and Harley decides that she must kill Harleen once and for all. Her plan for doing so involves handing out video games with built in explosive devices to the children of Gotham. She then proceeds to find a good lookout point and detonates the bombs, killing untold amounts of children in the process. Her complete lack of empathy makes it clear who won the battle of wills. Harley was right about one thing, you can’t come back from a deed as evil as this one!

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