Top 20 Celebrities Family Guy ROASTS The Most
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Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 20 Celebrities Most Often Made Fun of on “Family Guy.” For this list, we’ll be looking at celebs the show has most frequently taken jabs at. Which of these parodies do you find funniest? Let us know in the comments below!
Kiss plays a small role in the “Family Guy” canon, as Lois dated Gene Simmons before he was famous. They clearly still have some sort of connection, as seen in “Don’t Make Me Over” when Gene uncoils his hilariously long tongue and… says hello to Lois. They do however play a major role in 2002’s episode “Road to Europe,” where Ace Frehley is portrayed as a bumbling doofus and Peter argues that no one wants to dress like Peter Criss. And who can forget the iconic fictional TV show “Kiss Saves Santa,” where the band is portrayed as corny sellouts reduced to doing a stupid Christmas movie. Then again, it doesn’t get much cornier than Kiss…
Having both evolved in the 2000s, “Family Guy” has had a front-row seat to Jimmy Fallon’s career and they love to call out his quirks. Back in 2005, Peter beat Jimmy on the set of “Saturday Night Live” for laughing and glancing at the camera too much, a criticism that was often directed towards him at the time. When Fallon became host of “The Tonight Show,” the jokes were aimed at his safe and corporate image. After failing to make a viral video, Peter mentions that they should’ve gotten Fallon to do literally anything instead, and in “HTTPete,” Peter watches “The Tonight Show” where Jimmy emasculates Al Pacino by making him play a childish game. We don’t think they care too much for his hosting duties. Or his acting, for that matter.
On the show, Alec Baldwin is picked on for his eating habits. The first jab comes in Season 4’s “I Take Thee Quagmire,” when Baldwin (in one of the most disturbing cutaways in the show’s history) is seen getting milked by his younger, less successful siblings. It’s just weird. In “Ratings Guy,” Peter plays a game called “Hungry Hungry Alec Baldwins,” where, in place of hippos, several Alecs gleefully devour the colored balls without Peter’s involvement. And finally, in the “Star Wars”-inspired episode “It’s a Trap!,” C-3PO Quagmire mistakes Jabba the Hutt as Alec Baldwin.
This comedian enjoyed a career resurgence with “Community,” playing the old-fashioned and very un-PC Pierce Hawthorne. But his trajectory had stalled through much of the ‘90s and 2000s, and “Family Guy” was there to poke fun at it. In “Brian the Bachelor,” Brooke and Brian take multiple stabs at Chase, referring to his vices and decline in income. “Stu & Stewie's Excellent Adventure” shows a clip from “The Chevy Chase Show,” his infamously short-lived talk program from 1993 that lasted just six weeks. And at the end of “Don’t Make Me Over,” Peter claims that their thoughts are with Chase, which is likely a reference to his dead career. Of course, the jokes stopped once he landed the role of Pierce.
Once upon a time, it was really cool to make fun of Justin Bieber, and “Family Guy” definitely jumped on that bandwagon. His biggest appearance is in Season 11’s “Lois Comes Out of Her Shell,” when she attends his concert. A woman in the audience talks about his gender-fluid appeal, and once Peter takes over on stage, he presents Conway Twitty with an old-school Bieber haircut. In another instance, a futuristic, elderly Stewie comments on Bieber (and Katy Perry) being “real music” in a hilarious jab at misaimed nostalgia. Bieber is later described in “An App a Day” as a celebrity that became successful despite exposing himself and finally, in the song “Thank the Whites,” Peter states that the Biebs talks and dresses like he’s Black.
“Family Guy” seems obsessed with rumors around John Travolta's sexual orientation. The first jab comes in “Petergeist,” when a cutaway shows Travolta getting confused during his wedding vows. In “Mr. and Mrs. Stewie,” Peter grows incensed over Lois buying twin beds and makes a questionable comparison to the Travoltas’ supposed sleeping arrangements. In “Bigfat,” Quagmire invokes Travolta when explaining how he nabbed a private plane. And finally, a cutaway in “Peter’s Def Jam” shows Travolta as a pilot encouraging his passengers to come out of the closet. Geez, the “Family Guy” writers are so obsessed with Travolta’s sex life you’d think THEY have something to hide…
“Family Guy’s” writers and producers clearly aren’t touched by Coldplay’s music. In one hilarious cutaway, Peter is kicked out of the band after suggesting they change up their signature style. In “Valentine’s Day in Quahog,” Meg’s date confidently states his opinion of Coldplay in reference to his own personal style. The writers also take a dig at their overly sentimental music, as “Clocks” can be heard playing during a cliché fictional movie about a busy corporate woman finding love. Having endured criticism in the past for being overly sensitive, Coldplay are no strangers to jokes like these and they certainly take them in stride.
When it comes to making fun of Tom Cruise, nothing is off the table for the “Family Guy” writers. They go after his bizarre “Oprah” appearance. They go after Scientology, like showing Katie Holmes escaping from an ankle bracelet. She proceeds to free multiple prisoners, all of whom are male. The episode “Meet the Quagmires” shows a theory about why Cruise runs in all his movies. And of course, they go after his height. The so-called “director’s cut” of “Mission: Impossible V” shows Cruise using a step stool, and the recurring character Tiny Tom Cruise is an obvious jab at his surprisingly short stature.
Jenner came out as a trans woman in 2015 and subsequently underwent a very public transition. And you know “Family Guy” - they like to provoke. As a result, the show has gone after Jenner on numerous occasions. In fact, there were references to Jenner’s gender long before she revealed her transgender status to the world. For example, in the 2009 episode “We Love You, Conrad,” Stewie says the following. Later, Stewie and Brian meet a prisoner who made critical remarks about Jenner. There are certainly more jokes, but they’re mosty too rude or offensive to show here. Needless to say, “Family Guy” has never been a show to avoid sensitive subjects - or to handle them sensitively.
Like with Tom Cruise, “Family Guy” goes after many different aspects of Madonna’s persona. Some of the jokes are quite crude, like when Peter, Brian, and Francis call her “stupid.” Other jokes are aimed at her supposedly selfish behavior, like when Meg’s date brings Madonna a human heart. And yes, there are a plethora of jokes aimed at her age. During a game of truth or dare, Peter refuses to say that she looks old. When Peter is looking for the Fountain of Youth, he surmises that he’s nowhere close after stumbling onto a Madonna concert. And in “Peter’s Progress,” Madonna is shown to be a settler of Quahog in the 17th century.
The late Robin Williams was no stranger to “Family Guy,” and while there was some respectful stuff sprinkled here and there, many jokes are still made at his expense. In “McStroke,” Peter listens to Williams’s manic stand-up for about thirty seconds before growing annoyed and going outside for a break. In “Family Guy Viewer Mail No. 2,” Jeff Ross claims that he wants to punch Williams in the face while watching his movies. And speaking of movies, Peter refuses a free copy of “What Dreams May Come” in “Brian’s Got a Brand New Bag.” And in what’s perhaps the darkest joke aimed at Williams, there’s the whole “Patch Adams” bit.
As the star of “Back to the Future,” Michael J. Fox has appeared numerous times on “Family Guy,” as the show either references or parodies the character of Marty McFly. But they’ve also made fun of Fox himself, and, well, prepare to get sad. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 1991, and the disease is referenced multiple times on the show. He makes a very poor letter Z in a remake of “Zorro,” and Stewie warns Fox about his disease in “The Juice Is Loose.” Perhaps the biggest joke is the one-two punch seen in “Tiegs for Two,” in which Fox spills wine on Peter’s shirt and then writes him an uncashable check.
Reynolds is one of the most beloved actors of our time, and even “Family Guy” can’t resist falling for his charms. But they do so, of course, in their own way. In the episode “Follow the Money,” Quagmire’s parent, Ida Davis, is shown sarcastically complimenting him. In “Farmer Guy,” Peter is portrayed as the owner of a failed video store that only rented copies of Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock’s movie “The Proposal.” Reynolds’s major appearance, however, comes in Season 10’s “Stewie Goes for a Drive,” where he actually voices a homoerotic version of himself. Throughout the episode, Reynolds spends most of his time implying that he is attracted to Peter. He draws attention to his low-riding pants, tries to get his lower abdomen tickled, and gets way too intimate at dinner. If Ryan’s not the best sport, we don’t know who is!
This celebrity’s infamous murder case is parodied numerous times on the show. The white Bronco chase is referenced twice, both when Cleveland helps Peter and Lois escape and when Griffin ancestors flee from the law on a literal white bronco. There have also been at least two cases in which a Griffin has been revealed to be involved in the infamous crime. In “Long John Peter,” Peter does the deed and Simpson is blamed, and another episode shows a drunk Stewie planting the idea in Simpson’s head. And finally, the episode “The Juice is Loose” is based entirely on Peter befriending Simpson and encountering resistance from the angry citizens of Quahog. And that’s just a small taste of the barrage.
Serving as president from 2001 to 2009, George W. Bush ran the country through much of “Family Guy”’s glory years. And let us tell you, they weren’t shy about taking pot shots. Bush is a recurring character on the show, having appeared in countless cutaways. Most of the jokes are aimed at his supposed incompetence as president, general foolishness, and childish behavior. The latter is captured in numerous jokes, like getting excited about a Slinky going down the stairs and crying after knocking over a snow globe. And in one of the show’s best jabs, Bush shows up to Vietnam comically late. Something tells us that the writers weren’t fans.
Like George Bush, Tom Brady is a recurring character on “Family Guy,” likely owing to Quahog being in New England. Brady’s biggest appearance comes in “Patriot Games,” as he voices himself and helps Peter get a job on the team. Peter is also a huge fan of Brady and mentions him numerous times. But not everything is nice. The episode “Love Story Guy” makes reference to Deflategate, as Brady purchases some deflated footballs. “Cutawayland” also makes reference to Brady’s past friendship with Donald Trump, as Peter and Lois are disappointed by his MAGA hat. And perhaps the darkest joke sees a drunk Peter offering to give Chris a “Tom Brady kiss,” a reference to Brady controversially kissing his eleven-year-old son on the lips.
Another late night host, Jay Leno doesn’t get off any easier. In fact, he arguably gets it worse. For one thing, they make fun of his physical appearance, as fictionalized Leno always appears with a massively exaggerated chin. They also take digs at his high-pitched voice, bizarre laugh, and delivery style in episodes “I Dream of Jesus” and “Screams of Silence: The Story of Brenda Q.” Ironically, (or perhaps sarcastically) Stewie is portrayed as a fan of Leno’s when seen vehemently defending him after Peter makes fun of his terrible sense of humor in “The King Is Dead.” And don’t think that his fashion is off limits either, as Season 14’s “Underage Peter” takes a swipe at Leno’s obsessive love of denim. So be thankful, Jimmy Fallon. It could be a lot worse!
Being one of the most influential bands in music history doesn’t shield you from parody. And “Family Guy” is here to prove it. The Beatles and its individual members have long been targets of the show, and the jokes range far and wide. There’s a jab at Yoko Ono breaking up the band, as Stewie introduces her to John Lennon. There are jokes about Paul McCartney’s ex-wife, Heather Mills. There are references to their iconic appearance on “Ed Sullivan.” And yes, there are multiple jokes aimed at poor Ringo. Even these vary in theme, with shots taken at his physical looks and his inferior contributions to the band, like when his song is put on the fridge like a children’s drawing.
Even before Bill Cosby’s infamous downfall, he was a recurring target on “Family Guy.” Most of the jokes centered around Cosby’s wacky facial expressions and unique way of speaking, like when Stewie appears on “Kids Say The Darndest Things.” Of course, the jokes got a lot darker once the allegations came to light, like when he appears in a “Princess Bride” parody with Stewie. The joke is taken even more literally in “V Is for Mystery,” which shows a group of women sleeping at the dinner table. Or how about the “Cosby Show” opening that has Cosby dancing around the passed out cast members? No, “Family Guy” was not afraid of going there.
Unlike Adam West, James Woods actually plays himself, albeit with a few major caveats. James first appeared in Season 4’s “Peter’s Got Woods” as an insanely jealous, petty and neurotic person. His clash with Peter and Brian was so memorable, it led to him becoming a regular antagonist on the show. He steals Peter’s identity, ruins Brian’s TV pilot, and even transfuses the life force of a 17-year-old girl so he can return from the dead. It was all very hilarious, but things seem to have turned sour between Woods and the show’s producers over his controversial tweets and his issue with some of their scripts. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted!
#20: Kiss
Kiss plays a small role in the “Family Guy” canon, as Lois dated Gene Simmons before he was famous. They clearly still have some sort of connection, as seen in “Don’t Make Me Over” when Gene uncoils his hilariously long tongue and… says hello to Lois. They do however play a major role in 2002’s episode “Road to Europe,” where Ace Frehley is portrayed as a bumbling doofus and Peter argues that no one wants to dress like Peter Criss. And who can forget the iconic fictional TV show “Kiss Saves Santa,” where the band is portrayed as corny sellouts reduced to doing a stupid Christmas movie. Then again, it doesn’t get much cornier than Kiss…
#19: Jimmy Fallon
Having both evolved in the 2000s, “Family Guy” has had a front-row seat to Jimmy Fallon’s career and they love to call out his quirks. Back in 2005, Peter beat Jimmy on the set of “Saturday Night Live” for laughing and glancing at the camera too much, a criticism that was often directed towards him at the time. When Fallon became host of “The Tonight Show,” the jokes were aimed at his safe and corporate image. After failing to make a viral video, Peter mentions that they should’ve gotten Fallon to do literally anything instead, and in “HTTPete,” Peter watches “The Tonight Show” where Jimmy emasculates Al Pacino by making him play a childish game. We don’t think they care too much for his hosting duties. Or his acting, for that matter.
#18: Alec Baldwin
On the show, Alec Baldwin is picked on for his eating habits. The first jab comes in Season 4’s “I Take Thee Quagmire,” when Baldwin (in one of the most disturbing cutaways in the show’s history) is seen getting milked by his younger, less successful siblings. It’s just weird. In “Ratings Guy,” Peter plays a game called “Hungry Hungry Alec Baldwins,” where, in place of hippos, several Alecs gleefully devour the colored balls without Peter’s involvement. And finally, in the “Star Wars”-inspired episode “It’s a Trap!,” C-3PO Quagmire mistakes Jabba the Hutt as Alec Baldwin.
#17: Chevy Chase
This comedian enjoyed a career resurgence with “Community,” playing the old-fashioned and very un-PC Pierce Hawthorne. But his trajectory had stalled through much of the ‘90s and 2000s, and “Family Guy” was there to poke fun at it. In “Brian the Bachelor,” Brooke and Brian take multiple stabs at Chase, referring to his vices and decline in income. “Stu & Stewie's Excellent Adventure” shows a clip from “The Chevy Chase Show,” his infamously short-lived talk program from 1993 that lasted just six weeks. And at the end of “Don’t Make Me Over,” Peter claims that their thoughts are with Chase, which is likely a reference to his dead career. Of course, the jokes stopped once he landed the role of Pierce.
#16: Justin Bieber
Once upon a time, it was really cool to make fun of Justin Bieber, and “Family Guy” definitely jumped on that bandwagon. His biggest appearance is in Season 11’s “Lois Comes Out of Her Shell,” when she attends his concert. A woman in the audience talks about his gender-fluid appeal, and once Peter takes over on stage, he presents Conway Twitty with an old-school Bieber haircut. In another instance, a futuristic, elderly Stewie comments on Bieber (and Katy Perry) being “real music” in a hilarious jab at misaimed nostalgia. Bieber is later described in “An App a Day” as a celebrity that became successful despite exposing himself and finally, in the song “Thank the Whites,” Peter states that the Biebs talks and dresses like he’s Black.
#15: John Travolta
“Family Guy” seems obsessed with rumors around John Travolta's sexual orientation. The first jab comes in “Petergeist,” when a cutaway shows Travolta getting confused during his wedding vows. In “Mr. and Mrs. Stewie,” Peter grows incensed over Lois buying twin beds and makes a questionable comparison to the Travoltas’ supposed sleeping arrangements. In “Bigfat,” Quagmire invokes Travolta when explaining how he nabbed a private plane. And finally, a cutaway in “Peter’s Def Jam” shows Travolta as a pilot encouraging his passengers to come out of the closet. Geez, the “Family Guy” writers are so obsessed with Travolta’s sex life you’d think THEY have something to hide…
#14: Coldplay
“Family Guy’s” writers and producers clearly aren’t touched by Coldplay’s music. In one hilarious cutaway, Peter is kicked out of the band after suggesting they change up their signature style. In “Valentine’s Day in Quahog,” Meg’s date confidently states his opinion of Coldplay in reference to his own personal style. The writers also take a dig at their overly sentimental music, as “Clocks” can be heard playing during a cliché fictional movie about a busy corporate woman finding love. Having endured criticism in the past for being overly sensitive, Coldplay are no strangers to jokes like these and they certainly take them in stride.
#13: Tom Cruise
When it comes to making fun of Tom Cruise, nothing is off the table for the “Family Guy” writers. They go after his bizarre “Oprah” appearance. They go after Scientology, like showing Katie Holmes escaping from an ankle bracelet. She proceeds to free multiple prisoners, all of whom are male. The episode “Meet the Quagmires” shows a theory about why Cruise runs in all his movies. And of course, they go after his height. The so-called “director’s cut” of “Mission: Impossible V” shows Cruise using a step stool, and the recurring character Tiny Tom Cruise is an obvious jab at his surprisingly short stature.
#12: Caitlyn Jenner
Jenner came out as a trans woman in 2015 and subsequently underwent a very public transition. And you know “Family Guy” - they like to provoke. As a result, the show has gone after Jenner on numerous occasions. In fact, there were references to Jenner’s gender long before she revealed her transgender status to the world. For example, in the 2009 episode “We Love You, Conrad,” Stewie says the following. Later, Stewie and Brian meet a prisoner who made critical remarks about Jenner. There are certainly more jokes, but they’re mosty too rude or offensive to show here. Needless to say, “Family Guy” has never been a show to avoid sensitive subjects - or to handle them sensitively.
#11: Madonna
Like with Tom Cruise, “Family Guy” goes after many different aspects of Madonna’s persona. Some of the jokes are quite crude, like when Peter, Brian, and Francis call her “stupid.” Other jokes are aimed at her supposedly selfish behavior, like when Meg’s date brings Madonna a human heart. And yes, there are a plethora of jokes aimed at her age. During a game of truth or dare, Peter refuses to say that she looks old. When Peter is looking for the Fountain of Youth, he surmises that he’s nowhere close after stumbling onto a Madonna concert. And in “Peter’s Progress,” Madonna is shown to be a settler of Quahog in the 17th century.
#10: Robin Williams
The late Robin Williams was no stranger to “Family Guy,” and while there was some respectful stuff sprinkled here and there, many jokes are still made at his expense. In “McStroke,” Peter listens to Williams’s manic stand-up for about thirty seconds before growing annoyed and going outside for a break. In “Family Guy Viewer Mail No. 2,” Jeff Ross claims that he wants to punch Williams in the face while watching his movies. And speaking of movies, Peter refuses a free copy of “What Dreams May Come” in “Brian’s Got a Brand New Bag.” And in what’s perhaps the darkest joke aimed at Williams, there’s the whole “Patch Adams” bit.
#9: Michael J. Fox
As the star of “Back to the Future,” Michael J. Fox has appeared numerous times on “Family Guy,” as the show either references or parodies the character of Marty McFly. But they’ve also made fun of Fox himself, and, well, prepare to get sad. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 1991, and the disease is referenced multiple times on the show. He makes a very poor letter Z in a remake of “Zorro,” and Stewie warns Fox about his disease in “The Juice Is Loose.” Perhaps the biggest joke is the one-two punch seen in “Tiegs for Two,” in which Fox spills wine on Peter’s shirt and then writes him an uncashable check.
#8: Ryan Reynolds
Reynolds is one of the most beloved actors of our time, and even “Family Guy” can’t resist falling for his charms. But they do so, of course, in their own way. In the episode “Follow the Money,” Quagmire’s parent, Ida Davis, is shown sarcastically complimenting him. In “Farmer Guy,” Peter is portrayed as the owner of a failed video store that only rented copies of Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock’s movie “The Proposal.” Reynolds’s major appearance, however, comes in Season 10’s “Stewie Goes for a Drive,” where he actually voices a homoerotic version of himself. Throughout the episode, Reynolds spends most of his time implying that he is attracted to Peter. He draws attention to his low-riding pants, tries to get his lower abdomen tickled, and gets way too intimate at dinner. If Ryan’s not the best sport, we don’t know who is!
#7: O. J. Simpson
This celebrity’s infamous murder case is parodied numerous times on the show. The white Bronco chase is referenced twice, both when Cleveland helps Peter and Lois escape and when Griffin ancestors flee from the law on a literal white bronco. There have also been at least two cases in which a Griffin has been revealed to be involved in the infamous crime. In “Long John Peter,” Peter does the deed and Simpson is blamed, and another episode shows a drunk Stewie planting the idea in Simpson’s head. And finally, the episode “The Juice is Loose” is based entirely on Peter befriending Simpson and encountering resistance from the angry citizens of Quahog. And that’s just a small taste of the barrage.
#6: George W. Bush
Serving as president from 2001 to 2009, George W. Bush ran the country through much of “Family Guy”’s glory years. And let us tell you, they weren’t shy about taking pot shots. Bush is a recurring character on the show, having appeared in countless cutaways. Most of the jokes are aimed at his supposed incompetence as president, general foolishness, and childish behavior. The latter is captured in numerous jokes, like getting excited about a Slinky going down the stairs and crying after knocking over a snow globe. And in one of the show’s best jabs, Bush shows up to Vietnam comically late. Something tells us that the writers weren’t fans.
#5: Tom Brady
Like George Bush, Tom Brady is a recurring character on “Family Guy,” likely owing to Quahog being in New England. Brady’s biggest appearance comes in “Patriot Games,” as he voices himself and helps Peter get a job on the team. Peter is also a huge fan of Brady and mentions him numerous times. But not everything is nice. The episode “Love Story Guy” makes reference to Deflategate, as Brady purchases some deflated footballs. “Cutawayland” also makes reference to Brady’s past friendship with Donald Trump, as Peter and Lois are disappointed by his MAGA hat. And perhaps the darkest joke sees a drunk Peter offering to give Chris a “Tom Brady kiss,” a reference to Brady controversially kissing his eleven-year-old son on the lips.
#4: Jay Leno
Another late night host, Jay Leno doesn’t get off any easier. In fact, he arguably gets it worse. For one thing, they make fun of his physical appearance, as fictionalized Leno always appears with a massively exaggerated chin. They also take digs at his high-pitched voice, bizarre laugh, and delivery style in episodes “I Dream of Jesus” and “Screams of Silence: The Story of Brenda Q.” Ironically, (or perhaps sarcastically) Stewie is portrayed as a fan of Leno’s when seen vehemently defending him after Peter makes fun of his terrible sense of humor in “The King Is Dead.” And don’t think that his fashion is off limits either, as Season 14’s “Underage Peter” takes a swipe at Leno’s obsessive love of denim. So be thankful, Jimmy Fallon. It could be a lot worse!
#3: The Beatles
Being one of the most influential bands in music history doesn’t shield you from parody. And “Family Guy” is here to prove it. The Beatles and its individual members have long been targets of the show, and the jokes range far and wide. There’s a jab at Yoko Ono breaking up the band, as Stewie introduces her to John Lennon. There are jokes about Paul McCartney’s ex-wife, Heather Mills. There are references to their iconic appearance on “Ed Sullivan.” And yes, there are multiple jokes aimed at poor Ringo. Even these vary in theme, with shots taken at his physical looks and his inferior contributions to the band, like when his song is put on the fridge like a children’s drawing.
#2: Bill Cosby
Even before Bill Cosby’s infamous downfall, he was a recurring target on “Family Guy.” Most of the jokes centered around Cosby’s wacky facial expressions and unique way of speaking, like when Stewie appears on “Kids Say The Darndest Things.” Of course, the jokes got a lot darker once the allegations came to light, like when he appears in a “Princess Bride” parody with Stewie. The joke is taken even more literally in “V Is for Mystery,” which shows a group of women sleeping at the dinner table. Or how about the “Cosby Show” opening that has Cosby dancing around the passed out cast members? No, “Family Guy” was not afraid of going there.
#1: James Woods
Unlike Adam West, James Woods actually plays himself, albeit with a few major caveats. James first appeared in Season 4’s “Peter’s Got Woods” as an insanely jealous, petty and neurotic person. His clash with Peter and Brian was so memorable, it led to him becoming a regular antagonist on the show. He steals Peter’s identity, ruins Brian’s TV pilot, and even transfuses the life force of a 17-year-old girl so he can return from the dead. It was all very hilarious, but things seem to have turned sour between Woods and the show’s producers over his controversial tweets and his issue with some of their scripts. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted!
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