Top 20 Greatest Animaniacs Songs
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Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the top 20 “Animaniacs” songs.
For this list, we’ll be going over the best musical numbers from both the original beloved series and the reboot.
If we were totally insane-y to leave your favorite song off our list, let us know in the comments!
#20: “Reboot It!”
“Jurassic Lark/Suspended Animation Part 1/Of Mice and Memes/Suspended Animation Part 2”
“Animaniacs” has always reveled in meta-humor, and its 2020 revival knocks so hard on the 4th wall that it probably cracks with this ditty! The first episode of the new series concludes with this song, similar to “Good Morning” from “Singin' In The Rain.” In it, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot sing about shows and other properties that have been rebooted, revived, and remade. Their tongue-in-cheek mockery of the very practice that got their own show brought back is hilarious. It features everything from Dot making eyes at David Duchovny to the ghost of Bea Arthur! Way to come back in style!
#19: “Multiplication”
“This Pun for Hire/Star Truck/Go Fish/Multiplication Song”
While sitting in class with his siblings, Yakko is asked by their teacher, Ms. Flamiel, to multiply 47 times 83. Yakko then launches into a musical number explaining to the audience how to do the multiplication problem step by step. His breathless, run-on singing is not only entertaining, it’s also educational…at least for the kids and not-so-mathematically-inclined adults watching. There are also some fun little moments like Yakko interacting with portraits of Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton. And if this catchy song doesn’t stick in your head, you can always follow Yakko’s advice and buy a calculator!
#18: “The Senses Song”
“Useless Facts/The Senses Song/The World Can Wait/Kiki's Kitten”
Only the Warners would think to sing a song about the five senses set to the tune of “The Irish Ballad” by Tom Lehrer. Well, them, and the writers of “Animaniacs!” Although the Warners begin the ballad by listing the five senses of the human body and what they do, things go off the rails quickly. After discussing the supposed sixth sense of ESP, the Warners begin singing about anything and everything that has the word “sense” in it, from dollars and cents to a sense of duty. Eventually they and the audience realize that the whole thing has been nonsense, but it doesn’t have to make sense to be a great song.
#17: “Bonding”
“Bun Control/Ex Mousina/Bloopf”
Pinky and the Brain may be out to take over the world, but they’ve got musical chops every bit as much as the Warner siblings. In one episode of the revival, Brain builds a robot in his image which he begins treating like a son. What follows is a surprisingly sweet song about Brain bonding with his robot child and engaging in diabolical twists on typical father/child activities. Pinky even gets a few verses to express his jealousy over feeling left out of their fun…as well as lamenting his cold pizza roll. Sentiment isn’t usually the “Animaniacs” style, so “Bonding” makes for a refreshing change of pace, while still retaining a humorous twist.
#16: “Suffragette City”
“Warners Unbound/How to Brain Your Dragon/Suffragette City”
Primarily sung by Dot, “Suffragette City” begins as one of “Animaniacs”’ typical historical ditties, detailing how American women lobbied to secure their right to vote. It also shows the early suffragettes with superpowers for some reason. However, after Dot learns that cartoons don’t have the right to vote, the song quickly turns into a crusade to secure the ‘toon vote. Featuring cameos from a plethora of “Looney Tunes,” Warner Bros., and Hanna-Barbera characters, “Suffragette City” is a catchy call to action as well as a hilarious take on civil rights. And that’s all, folks!
#15: “The Planets”
“Chairman of the Bored/Planets Song/Astro-Buttons”
Short and sweet, this song features Yakko in a spaceship listing the planets of the solar system in order from their distance from the sun. Oh, and he also mentions Pluto, but we’re not gonna touch that whole debate! Snappy and memorable, “The Planets” song jaunts along so fast that it’s over before you know it…and also before Yakko’s named all of them, considering he forgets one in particular, in order to end the number on one of the show’s typical subversive innuendos. And on that note, we’ll say “goodnight everybody!”
#14: “I Am the Very Model of a Cartoon Individual”
“H.M.S. Yakko/Slappy Goes Walnuts/Yakko's Universe”
While on a pirate ship, a pirate captain is surprised by the Warners shooting him with a comically large cannon they seemingly created out of nothing. To explain this phenomenon, Yakko proceeds to sing a song parodying the “I am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General” from “The Pirates of Penzance.” Yakko and his siblings demonstrate various cartoon physics, such as body alterations, pulling large objects out of nowhere, and even stopping time. Wonderfully self-aware and memorable, “I Am the Very Model of a Cartoon Individual” is the very model of an “Animaniacs” song.
#13: “The Monkey Song”
"De-Zanitized / The Monkey Song / Nighty-Night Toon"
Let’s begin our list with a song from the very first episode of “Animaniacs!” Right from the start, this melody set the tone for many of the tunes that followed, as it’s based on a classic song, in this case “Monkey,” popularized by Harry Belafonte. The “Animaniacs” version sees the Austrian psychiatrist, Dr. Scratchansniff, contending with the Warner siblings, whom he calls monkeys, pestering him; leading to a chase around the Warner movie lot. The visuals feature cameos from nearly every other main character in the show, and the tropical beat and repetitive chorus help make the song a catchy one.
#12: “Variety Speak”
"Variety Speak / Three Tenors and You're Out / Bingo"
While waiting to see the aforementioned psychiatrist in one episode, Yakko asks to borrow a paper, as part of a gag that Wakko is a dog and isn’t housebroken. When Wakko is puzzled by the language used in the entertainment paper, Variety, Yakko and Dot launch into a song explaining the strange lingo often employed by Hollywood. What follows is a snappy song that takes shots at the movie industry and those who review films. Full of Meta references and entertaining lyrics, “Variety Speak” is a wonderfully memorable musical parody of Hollywood.
#11: “A Quake, A Quake”
"Super Strong Warner Siblings / Nutcracker Slappy / Wakko's New Gookie / A Quake, a Quake!"
Set to the tune of Robert Schumann’s “The Happy Farmer,” “A Quake, A Quake” is about the 1994 Northridge earthquake that occurred in Los Angeles, California. Despite being about a natural disaster, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot manage to sing a song that is both funny, as it comically exaggerates the consequences of a quake and the dangers of living in California, while also being surprisingly informative. The rapid-fire lyrics and visuals are a treat and the simple melody will make you want to shake at least one part of your body.
#10: “A Zit!”
“A Zit!/1001 Narfs/Manny Manspreader”
When Dot learns she has a zit before a photoshoot, naturally she freaks out in typical Warner fashion: with a song! Her lyrical lament over acne is all too relatable, and she’s soon joined by Yakko and Wakko, whose attempts to make her feel better don’t go over well. Things then take a strange turn when it turns out her zit turns out to be alive and just as embarrassed to have her growing out of him! The duo eventually come to like each other and spend time enjoying activities together, before the zit inevitably “dies” a week later. Surreal, surprisingly dark, and featuring a great tempo, “A Zit” is far from a “blemish” on “Animaniacs.”
#9: “What If?”
“The Cutening/Close Encounters of the Worst Kind/Equal Time”
“Animaniacs” songs often take inspiration from older showtunes, but this song from the revival deviates from that trend in a big way! An adorable pop song, “What If?” features Dot transforming the world into a cuter version of itself. Dot’s lyrics about making mundane objects, animals, and locations “a little more kawaii” are both creative and super-catchy. The song concludes with the Warners getting sick of the experience and doing something incredibly gross to make it all stop. Still, while it lasts, “What If?” is like a cross between a K or J-Pop song and a Lisa Frank store and it’s so sweet that you’ll want to listen to it until you get sick of it yourself!
#8: “The Ballad of Magellan”
"Wakko's 2-Note Song / Panama Canal / Hello Nurse / The Ballad of Magellan / The Return of the Great Wakkorotti / The Big Wrap Party Tonight"
Led by Yakko, the Warners sing this educational song about the titular Portuguese explorer to the tune of the classic Western song “Git Along, Little Dogies.” Chronicling the famed explorer’s voyages to locate the East Indies, “The Ballad of Magellan” pairs the rollicking melody with comedic lyrics that make light of the lengthy and arduous journey by showing Magellan’s increasing frustration at his lack of success, with a surprisingly dark ending; given that they cover Magellan’s death at the hands of islanders. “The Ballad of Magellan” marries the Warner’s irreverent mockery, an old melody, and educational material, which all make for an excellent “Animaniacs” song.
#7: “I’m Mad”
"I'm Mad / Bad Mood Bobby / Katie Ka-Boom: The Blemish / Fake"
Another musical interlude featuring Dr. Scratchansniff, this time the distraught doctor attempts to herd the Warner siblings into a day trip to an amusement park, with Yakko and Dot arguing the whole way and Wakko complaining constantly. The song’s length, back-and-forth rhyming dialogue, manic energy, and tone that evokes a feeling of increasing madness or irritation help make it an especially memorable experience. “I’m Mad” was actually aired in theaters as a theatrical short before appearing in the show proper, making it one of the few “Animaniacs” appearances on the big screen.
#6: “Catch Up Song”
“Jurassic Lark/Suspended Animation Part 1/Of Mice and Memes/Suspended Animation Part 2”
In the first episode of the revived series, the Warners are understandably a bit out of touch after a few decades. However, Yakko eating a tablet leads to a musical number catching up themselves, and the audience, on the intervening time. The humorous look at the politics, pop culture, and technology of the last 20 years is great and brings the “Animaniacs” into the 21st century. However, due to it supposedly being written in 2018, they ultimately decide to speculate on what the next two years will be like as well, leading to increasingly outlandish ideas. A mix of old and new, the “Catch Up Song” is the perfect transition between the show’s classic roots and its modern iteration.
#5: “Yakko’s Universe”
"H.M.S. Yakko / Slappy Goes Walnuts / Yakko's Universe"
Likely inspired by the “Galaxy Song” from “Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life,” “Yakko’s Universe” sees the title character singing first about the planet Earth, then the solar system, then the Milky Way galaxy, then the entire universe, all while emphasizing how small we all are in the grand scheme of things (and taking repeated shots at Mickey Rooney’s height in the process), before being joined by Wakko and Dot for the finale. Informative, enchanting, philosophical, and ultimately optimistic, “Yakko’s Universe” is a rollicking romp through the cosmos that you won’t soon forget.
#4: “The Presidents Song”
"The Presidents Song / Don't Tread on Us / The Flame Returns, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow"
Arranged to the tune of the famous opera overture turned popular American marching song, the “William Tell Overture,” “The Presidents Song” features the Warners singing about each President of the United States of America in chronological order, at least up until Bill Clinton, while also touching on world or national events the head of state had to contend with. At times informative, while others comedic, “The Presidents Song” is an irreverent look at the history of the U.S. and its leaders couched in a familiar, patriotic melody that you may just find yourself singing to yourself the next time you hear the theme it’s based on.
#3: “Wakko’s America”
“The Flame / Four Score and Seven Migraines Ago / Wakko's America / Davy Omelette”
While receiving an unusual lesson at school where they play a version of “Jeopardy” akin to the real game show, Wakko is asked to name all the United States of America and their capital cities. While playing the fiddle to the tune of the famous folk song “Turkey in the Straw,” Wakko proceeds to do just that, using fun facts about the locales and some creative license with pronunciation and word order to get the whole thing to rhyme. “Wakko’s America” combines an energetic and familiar song with instructional visuals to create a song that had us tapping our toes and helped many of us pass U.S. geography.
#2: “Animaniacs Theme”
As great as all of these songs are, it doesn’t get much more memorable than the “Animaniacs” theme song, as it begins basically every episode. The Warner siblings sing this incredibly catchy song, providing exposition on their basic characters, as well as those of the rest of the main cast. Peppered throughout are clever rhymes and gags that break the fourth wall, which really helps set the tone for the entire show. Plus, there’s a variable lyric towards the end that changes between episodes! This isn’t just the most memorable song from “Animaniacs,” it’s also one of the catchiest cartoon theme songs ever! Those are the facts!
#1: “Yakko’s World”
"Yakko's World / Cookies for Einstein / Win Big"
One of the most famous and memetic songs to come out of “Animaniacs,” “Yakko’s World” features Yakko Warner singing the names of the countries of the world in rapid succession to the tune of “Jarabe Tapatío” a.k.a. “The Mexican Hat Dance” song. The song proved so popular it was referenced several times in the show itself, such as the similar song that sees Yakko try to sing, “All the Words in the English Language.” Yakko’s breathless delivery may contain several omissions and errors, and certainly isn’t up to date, but it’s still immensely fun to sing. Plus, Yakko’s actor Rob Paulsen has sung an updated version more recently with some of the countries created since it was originally written!
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