Top 20 Times Family Guy Made Fun of The Simpsons

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Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 20 Times Family Guy Made Fun of The Simpsons. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most memorable, and sometimes infamous, scenes and episodes that cracked jokes at “The Simpson’s” expense. Who do you think is winning the battle? Let us know in the comments below!

#20: Quahog Doesn’t Want Homer

“The Juice Is Loose”

This episode is centered around notorious football player O. J. Simpson, who was infamously acquitted of murder in 1995. Peter befriends Simpson and brings him to Quahog, earning the ire of many residents. One of them is Mayor Adam West. West says that they don’t want Simpson in their town and “don’t love him like [they] did back in 1993.” Naturally, viewers assume he’s talking to O. J, but the camera reveals that he was actually addressing Homer. It’s not only a great visual gag, but plays on the reputations of both. Like O. J., “The Simpsons” had a stellar reputation in 1993 and was at the height of its cultural power. But now, well…not so much.

#19: The Chalkboard Gag

“The Birthday Bootlegger”

One of the most famous hallmarks of “The Simpsons” are the chalkboard gags that open every episode. They consist of Bart Simpson writing a short and witty remark on a chalkboard while serving detention at school. In this episode, Stewie meets Bart in detention, and sure enough, he’s writing on the board. This particular message reads “It’s a pleasure to work for the Disney Corporation.” Stewie then takes the joke one step further by speaking with the voice of Mickey Mouse. This gag is a reference to both “The Simpsons” and “Family Guy” being aired on Fox, which has been owned by Disney since 2019. Something tells us that neither Bart nor Stewie were being entirely earnest…

#18: Lois Goes as Marge for Halloween

“Must Love Dogs”

The third episode of season twenty opens on Halloween night. Lois is passing out candy while dressed as Marge Simpson, complete with her green dress and wild blue hair. She also speaks in Marge’s signature raspy voice, and when Peter refuses to help hand out candy, she imitates the iconic grumble of disappointment. It’s a nice little nod to Marge, but it leaves us kind of confused. Does “The Simpsons” exist as a TV show in the “Family Guy” universe? Obviously not, because the Griffins met the Simpsons in Springfield. So that means Lois dressed as a woman from another town? Why did she think that was an appropriate Halloween costume? Was that crossover episode not canon? We’re delightfully bewildered.

#17: The Simpsons Font

“Dial Meg for Murder”

Sometimes “Family Guy” is respectful of its obvious influence … and sometimes, well, not so much. After getting out of prison, Meg makes a so-so joke about Wesley Snipes and his movie “Passenger 57.” Peter then sarcastically makes a note to always end on a strong joke before the credits roll. These credits are written in the iconic yellow font used at the end of every “Simpsons” episode. The suggestion seems to be that “The Simpsons” sometimes ends on weak jokes. Ironically, by making fun of “The Simpsons,” the episode does end on a strong note, despite Peter’s cynicism.

#16: The Deluded Fan

“Lois Kills Stewie”

Originally, this episode included a version of the ‘little list’ song from comic opera “The Mikado” with new lyrics, as President Stewie lists off “undesirable elements”. It was cut from the TV broadcast for time, but appears on the season six DVD. One of Stewie’s “undesirables” is a guy who loved “The Simpsons” back in 1994, and still finds it funny today, despite the obvious disappointment of his friends. “The Simpsons” has long been criticized for its decline in quality, and this has to be one of the most vicious jabs of them all.

#15: Peter Uses the Wrong Catchphrase

“Big Man on Hippocampus”

When Peter begins to suffer from amnesia, Lois has to re-introduce him to his own family. The second person she presents is Meg, but when she tells Peter that Meg is his daughter, he issues Homer’s iconic “D’oh!” Lois has to inform him that “D’oh” isn’t his catchphrase. It is, of course, Homer Simpson’s, and has become one of the most famous catchphrases in the history of television. It serves as a nice little double joke, as we get Peter referencing Homer while also playing into his dislike of Meg.

#14: Crude Origins


“Family Guy” is famous for its cutaways, and this one is quite a deep cut. Peter mentions that the Griffin family were once cartoon sketches on “The Tracey Ullman Show”. The reference, with its subsequent cutaway, is a dig at how “The Simpsons” began life. The Springfield family first appeared on Tracey Ullman’s variety show in a series of shorts. Creator Matt Groening provided only basic sketches, and the animators decided to just trace over the top, resulting in a crudely drawn appearance. The shorts were eventually adapted into “The Simpsons,” and with the move came more refined animation and voice acting.

#13: Meme, Not a Meme

“Coma Guy”

Peter and Ernie the Giant Chicken get into a street race, but Peter swerves into a tree and falls into a coma. Lois puts “The Simpsons” on the television while Peter lays in his hospital bed. This causes Peter to envision both himself and Homer entering and emerging from a hedge, with Homer saying “meme” and Peter saying “not a meme”. This is a reference to the “Homer Simpson Backs Into Bushes” meme, taken from the “Simpsons” episode “Homer Loves Flanders.” It’s a great gag that honors the legacy of “The Simpsons” and its place in internet culture. Plus, how awesome was it for them to get Dan Castellaneta just to say the word “meme”?

#12: Stealing All the Emmys

“Emmy-Winning Episode”

As the title suggests, “Emmy-Winning Episode” is all about Peter’s dedication to winning “Family Guy” an Emmy. He mentions that the show is often ignored at the ceremony, prompting Lois to condemn “The Simpsons.” She breaks the fourth wall and mentions that they are never doing another crossover episode, as it only brought more attention to “The Simpsons”. In a way, the gag makes fun of both shows, insinuating that “The Simpsons” invited shame for stooping down to their level. “Family Guy” is throwing the negative reception back in the face of its friendly rival.

#11: Quagmire Kills the Simpsons

“Movin' Out (Brian's Song)”

While “The Family Guy’s” jabs at “The Simpsons” are usually pretty good-natured, this infamous ‘gag’ was not, and got the show in trouble. It begins with Quagmire sexually assaulting Marge. The show has Marge deciding that she enjoyed it … which is already really disturbing. Subsequently, Quagmire shoots and kills the Simpsons family. Geez … Fox refused to air the ‘gag’, if we can call it that, believing that it crossed a line in terms of the feud between the shows. MacFarlane wasn’t happy, but Fox stuck to their guns. The ‘gag’ was however included in Adult Swim broadcasts and the DVD.

#10: “The Simpsons” Characters on Jury Duty

“Cool Hand Peter”

In an episode that was mostly devoted to making fun of Georgia’s law enforcement system, there was a succinct moment of self-aware jibing. After a “traffic stop,” Peter, Quagmire, Cleveland and Joe find themselves judged by a jury of their peers. Or at least, a group of familiar characters who Peter sees as his peers - although, as Joe points out––that’s probably not how they see themselves. It’s a quick moment that cleverly adds another layer to the argument over whether “Family Guy” is inspired by, or stealing from, “The Simpsons”––something that fans of both shows wouldn’t be able to settle until a crossover episode three seasons later.

#9: Beating Homer Simpson to the Punch

“Ratings Guy”

A season after sentencing Peter to the Dungarees County Work Camp, Homer Simpson dashes onto Family Guy for another quick cameo. Again, poking fun at the commentators who insist Seth MacFarlane is ripping off “The Simpsons,” Homer runs into the Television Producers Guild to announce that he thinks he has “broken television.” The Springfield native is a little too late this time however, as Peter is already there to set up the exposition for his story. Fun fact: Dan Castellaneta makes his Family Guy debut in this episode, with his trademark Homer panicked voice. Though, it isn’t the first time Homer is seen or referenced in the show...

#8: Stewie Griffin’s “Mr. Plow” Rant

“8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter"

“Call Mr. Plow, that’s my name, that name again is Mr. Plow.” It may seem overly simplistic now, but in 1992––everybody found Homer’s little jingle hilarious. Those of us who are old enough to remember can recall just how often it was sung, as reciting the words was hardly a memory task for the ages. But once it was stuck in your head it wasn’t coming out, and you’d be singing it allllllll day… We all love Mr. Plow, including Stewie––however his jealous rant takes a potshot at people who insist on singing the eleven-word long tune as though it’s some big deal. You know the type of people? The… actually, we’ll let Stewie describe them...

#7: Peter Griffin Admits It

“Guy, Robot”

In Vino Veritas––in wine, there’s truth. Or in Peter Griffin's case, it’s more likely to be where there’s Pawtucket Patriot Ale. A drunk Peter’s words are a sober Seth’s thoughts in this instance from season 14, where Peter flat out admits, whilst inebriated, that “they” (the Family Guy creators,) take a lot of inspiration from the other animated family comedy on Fox. Obviously, they wouldn’t admit it, of course. Less of a shot at The Simpsons, and more self-deprecating humor, MacFarlane and Groening had previously sat down together for an interview with Entertainment Weekly, during which “The Simpsons” as well as “All in the Family” were indeed named as MacFarlane’s main influences for Family Guy. Veritas, indeed.

#6: Police Superintendent Chalmers


By the time season 18 aired, any suggested animosity between “The Simpsons'' and “Family Guy” was clearly in the eyes of the critics, and nowhere else. Most main cast members from both shows had been present for the cross-over, and some later cameos were voiced by their Simpsons respective voice actor. This would’ve been the case for Superintendent Chalmers and Hank Azaria… except technically this isn’t a cameo. Police Superintendent Chalmers may sound like his Springfield-raised estranged twin brother, despite being from Quahog, but this is an entirely new character. There’s no explicit teasing being made at the Simpsons’ expense here, but it’s still a fun little appearance from the veteran voice artist that needed to be mentioned.

#5: Mr. Burns & Smithers Cameos

“Pawtucket Pete”

However, some cameos are simply not to be, and it’s left to Seth MacFarlane to fill the void––and on this occasion, he’s pretty darn close! Again, another jibe at the who-copied-who brigade, Family Guy stokes the fire a little more with its implication that Peter Griffin is “pretty much” Homer Simpson. In fact, so much so that he confuses characters from the other show. This is more a recent cameo, of which the airing coincided with the “The Simpsons” episode "'Tis the 30th Season" in which “Family Guy” was referenced, too. Mr. Burns and Waylon Smithers’ cameos could be a jibe aimed at Harry Shearer, who is the only Simpsons voice actor not to appear in Family Guy thus far...

#4: Stewie’s Simpson-esque Sell-out

“Mother Tucker”

It’s not hard to see why people would have assumed there was a rivalry between the two shows however, especially given the rather sharp early jab that “Family Guy” took at “The Simpsons’” endorsement of Butterfinger during the nineties. Again, for those who are––shall we say––advanced enough in years to remember, there was a Simpsons character endorsing practically every product out there. On early merchandise, Bart would, for some reason, be seen sporting a blue colored shirt and often throwing out an “ay Caramba” or a “don’t have a cow, man” for almost anything. Season 5 of Family Guy has Stewie fronting his own campaign––forcefully quoting Bart’s lines and Homer’s catchphrase as though his soul was sold long before filming started...

#3: Peter’s “Jaundice”

“New Kidney in Town”

This is also another blink-and-you’ll-miss-it reference, but the jury’s out on whether the show is making fun of “The Simpsons,” or actually paying tribute to its longevity. Much has been made of the yellow-shaded design of the Simpsons characters, but it’s never been suggested that it is simply jaundice. Although not a direct reference by name, Peter’s face turning a shade of yellow and then claiming he could go “twenty years or more” can only be comparing him to one other, decades-long running, animated show. It’s a light-hearted moment in an otherwise more somber episode, in which Brian volunteers to sacrifice his own life to give Peter his kidneys.

#2: Simpson Hit & Run


In an homage to one of the funniest comedies in history, season four’s classic episode “PTV” opens with Stewie falling out of a cave “Frank Drebin” style, and on to his tricycle as Ira Newborn’s Police Squad theme plays. However, initially looking only to be a tribute to the Naked Gun films, Stewie pulls into a rather familiar looking garage and chases Homer Simpson into his house a la “The Simpsons” intro. The double parody is topped off by Peter not even knowing who Homer is, despite all of the previous references to him. Actually, we say double parody, but Stewie also drives through the Overlook Hotel, The Land of Oz, a level from Doom and Hoth from The Empire Strikes Back, amongst others.

#1: The Crossover

“The Simpsons Guy”

Where do we start with this crossover? The courthouse filled with characters sitting beside counterparts? “Family Guy’s” James Woods meeting “The Simpsons’” James Woods? Pawtucket Patriot Ale ripping off Duff in a not-so-thinly-veiled MacGuffin… or was it Peter and Homer's fight, stemming from the fact that Griffin says something that many viewers who have drifted from the aging show feel: that he is––quote––”over” the Simpsons? Once more, the question is begged of just who is being made fun of here. Though “The Simpsons” had been accused of being stale for years, in recent times, so too is “Family Guy.” Perhaps the latter is a mirror of the former, after all. Still, after seeing Radioactive Homer and Peter duking it out? Who cares...

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