Top 20 Times Spider-Man Went Beast Mode
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Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 20 Times Spider-Man Went Beast Mode.
For this list, we’ll be looking at moments where the wallcrawler showed off his great power and great intelligence. We’ll be focusing specifically on the movies. We’ll also be going into the spoiler-verse with this list, so consider this your warning!
Is there an epic moment we missed? Swing into the comments below and tell us!
#20: Trapping Doctor Strange in the Mirror Dimension
“Spider-Man: No Way Home” (2021)At one point during the events of “No Way Home”, Peter found himself at odds with the Sorcerer. In order to prevent Peter from taking off with the Machina de Kadavus, Doctor Strange sent both of them into the Mirror Dimension. But Peter’s got a few tricks up his sleeve. He uses geometry to create a perfect web to entrap Doctor Strange. Who said math couldn’t save the day? Despite being in a trippy environment, Peter was able to outsmart Strange and temporarily trap him within the dimension. This was an awesome sequence that expertly showcased Peter’s intelligence. You’re going to have to try harder next time, Strange!
#19: Saving the Kid
“The Amazing Spider-Man” (2012)In “The Amazing Spider-Man”, Peter tries to rescue a young boy trapped in a car dangling from the bridge. He does his best but the boy is scared by Spider-Man. So in a touching moment, Peter takes off his mask to show he’s just a normal guy. And moments later, he instructs the boy to wear his mask so that it’ll give him the courage to climb out from the dangling car. It’s a beautiful scene that shows the powerful impact that our friendly neighborhood wallcrawler has. Spider-Man’s most powerful moments aren’t always when he’s fighting giant robots or angry purple aliens, sometimes they’re when he’s facing a much more personal threat. Moments like this are what Spider-Man is all about!
#18: Final Fight With Mysterio
“Spider-Man: Far From Home” (2019)Peter was all done playing games with the cunning villain Mysterio during the final stretch of “Far from Home”. All bets were off during this battle as the stakes became ultra-personal. Weaponized drones started attacking Peter, but he was able to evade the deadly machinery thanks to his Peter tingle. Peter didn’t just slip through a drone strike, he also managed to brutalize Mysterio. We even get an unexpected homage to both Captain America and Thor during all the madness. Mysterio spent the entire movie deceiving both Peter and the audience, so this beatdown was well deserved! The jig’s up, Mysterio!
#17: Escape From Alchemax!
“Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” (2018)A lot happens in this super-powered chase scene. When Peter and Miles break into an Alchemax facility and steal a computer, things just go south. The Spider-Men run for their lives from Doctor Octopus while trying to keep the super-important computer safe. It’s a great sequence that never slows down the action and also lets Peter, Miles, and Gwen show off their talents. And did we mention that a bagel Miles throws in the chaos might lead to the collapse of the multiverse? Ok well the jury’s still out on that last part, but we can all agree that the rest of this Alchemax chase was insane.
#16: Final Fight With the Green Goblin
“Spider-Man” (2002)The final fight against Green Goblin was a bloody, highly-physical battle to the death. Peter had taken quite the visceral beating from the Green Goblin but he wouldn’t back down. And eventually, he was able to get a second wind and overcome the maniacal Norman Osborn. We cheered for Peter as he finally was able to hit Green Goblin with everything he had. This was a cathartic moment. And Spidey’s backflip to avoid the Glider as it then impaled Green Goblin was a next-level Spider-Man moment. Talk about getting hoisted by your own petard there, don’t ever doubt the Spider-Sense!
#15: Peter Humiliates Flash
“The Amazing Spider-Man” (2012)Getting back at Flash Thompson is a favorite pastime of Peter Parker, regardless of which one you’re talking about. And while seeing Peter style all over the antagonist in the 2002 version is great too, we went a bit bigger with our pick. In this scene, Flash ruins a fellow student’s sign, Peter decides to get back at him on the basketball court. The newly spider-powered teen uses his newfound reflexes to embarrass Flash through fancy basketball moves before finally dunking on him - literally, instead of figuratively. An irresponsible use of his powers? Perhaps. But still amazing!
#14: Washington Monument Rescue
“Spider-Man: Homecoming” (2017)Can’t anything go right on this field trip?! When Peter and his classmates take a trip to Washington, D.C., some complications arise in the Washington Monument. With friends and faculty trapped within a dangerously dangling elevator, Spider-Man has to act quickly to save everyone! Part of the rescue plan involved scaling the giant monument and using his emblem as a detachable high-tech gadget to scan for entry points! But the day was successfully saved when Peter created a web strong enough to prevent the elevator from a seriously rough landing. It’s even more impressive considering he had to deal with some pesky police choppers, too. This scene reminded us of two things, one: Peter’s great under pressure, and two: elevators are scary!
#13: Peter Slams Sandman’s Face Into a Train
“Spider-Man 3” (2007)It’s kind of insane to think there’s a “Spider-Man” movie where half of a bad guy’s face gets torn off by a moving train. Alright sure, it’s Sandman so it’s not exactly as graphic as it sounds but it’s still pretty dark! In “Spider-Man 3”, Peter had a major attitude adjustment when he unknowingly became infected with an alien symbiote. Yeah, it turns out that cool wardrobe change had a dangerous price to pay. Who knew? Now much more unhinged, Spider-Man confronted Flint Marko, the superpowered crook who killed Uncle Ben. The fight could’ve gone either way multiple times! But when Spidey shoved Flint’s head into the side of a moving train, we pretty much knew Sandman was fighting a losing battle.
#12: The Spider-Men Fight Their Multiversal Rogues
“Spider-Man: No Way Home” (2021)There’s a valid point to be made about nostalgia being overused in film, but counterpoint? Three Spider-Men facing off against their bad guys. Come on, there is no universe where that isn’t cool. When Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield both reprised their roles as Spider-Man for “No Way Home”, we knew we were in for a treat. All three friendly multiversal Spider-Men got a chance to square off against their villains. This was a moment fans dreamed of. Everything from Andrew trading barbs with Lizard, to Tobey curing Sandman, to Tom fighting Green Goblin. This was monumental. They even got to strike some iconic poses too!
#11: Miles Evades the Spider Society
“Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” (2023)What the heck did Miles do to get hundreds of multiversal versions of Spider-Man chasing him? Well it turns out he refused to stand by and let his dad die. And it’s not exactly hard to blame him, screw canon events! The rest of the Spider Society however didn’t exactly share Miles’ opinion, especially Miguel O’Hara. Miguel instructed the Spider Society to capture the fleeing Miles and the result is an electric chase. Miles flees from all kinds of web crawlers, including a freaking T-Rex Spider-Man named Spider-Rex. The multiverse is weird…but despite the huge numbers disadvantage, Miles was still able to pull a fast one and escape all of them. Miguel and the others seriously underestimated him!
#10: School Fight
“The Amazing Spider-Man” (2012)Once Peter caught onto Doctor Curt Connors’ secret life as the Lizard, a fight broke out between the two when the Lizard confronted him on school grounds. As students fled, Peter bravely stayed back to combat the deranged scientist. If you think fighting Lizard in the sewers is hard, try in a hallway or a library. Having the fight take place in Midtown High was both unique and exciting! Peter had to dodge textbooks, chairs, and even giant tables! We also have to give some extra points to the two for not disturbing Stan Lee! Now that’s an amazing fight!
#9: Spider-Man vs Bonesaw
“Spider-Man” (2002)Speaking of Peter using his powers irresponsibly, in this film, he decides to use his newfound abilities to earn money by entering a wrestling competition. And contrary to what his opponent claims, Bonesaw is NOT ready, nor does their match last 3 minutes! Despite his bluster, Bonesaw is easily taken down by Spider-Man. The wallcrawler leaps his way around the cage and uses some well-placed kicks and a leg throw to end Bonesaw’s moment of triumph. The wrestler may have hit Spidey a few times with a chair, but even the strongest wrestler can’t take that many blows from a superhuman. He’s just lucky that Spider-Man didn’t make wrestling his career.
#8: Airport Fight (Taking Ant-Man Down)
“Captain America: Civil War” (2016)Given that it's his debut in the MCU, Spider-Man makes a big splash at the airport battle between Avengers in this film. However, arguably his best showcase is taking on Ant-Man. When the tiniest hero shocks everyone by becoming the biggest, Gi-Ant-Man manages to keep Tony Stark’s faction on their toes. However, Spider-Man repeatedly attacks the massive hero using a variety of tactics, but eventually hitting on a solution. By using his knowledge of a “really old” movie you probably haven’t heard of, he webs up Ant-Man’s legs, setting him up to get knocked down by Iron Man and War Machine. Not many people can say they’ve defeated a giant!
#7: Spider-Man vs Electro
“The Amazing Spider-Man 2” (2014)Spider-Man faces off against the electrical antagonist several times throughout this movie, but their final bout at a powerplant sees Peter go all out. To put a stop to Electro, he confronts the villain and, with some help from Gwen Stacy, manages to overload the villain’s energy supply, restoring power to the city. It’s a battle that sees this version of Spidey pushed to his absolute limit! Not only does Peter fight through pain due to repeated electrocutions, he also pulls off some incredible moves and uses his intellect to save the day! It’s this version of Spider-Man at the peak of his prowess!
#6: Peter Tries to Kill Green Goblin
“Spider-Man: No Way Home” (2021)Peter Parker has a rough go of things in this movie. But the murder of his aunt May by the Green Goblin is extremely traumatic for him. And in the final confrontation at the Statue of Liberty, Peter sees red when Norman Osborn appears. He does battle with the crazed scientist on a huge metal shield. Peter usually holds back from using his “great power,” but in this fight, he actively tries to kill his opponent, wailing on him with abandon. He even tries to stab Osborn with his own glider (unknowingly echoing his death). However, Peter-Two intervenes and stops him from going too far. Even so, before he does, this is a Spider-Man solely motivated by vengeance - even the Green Goblin himself approves!
#5: Removing the Symbiote
“Spider-Man 3” (2007)After being exposed to the Venom symbiote, Peter becomes a real jerk. But even he realizes that it has corrupted him after an altercation with Mary Jane. Determined to rid himself of it, he goes to the top of a church belltower. There, he tears the alien creature off his body. It’s incredibly difficult, even with his superhuman strength! But thanks to the sound of the nearby bell, Peter is able to weaken it enough to tear the corruption from his body. While it has some unfortunate consequences, creating yet another one of Spider-Man’s enemies, the act is still an impressive act of strength and fortitude.
#4: Lifting the Rubble
“Spider-Man: Homecoming” (2017)Peter Parker is always tough, but it’s his vulnerability that makes him such an appealing character. When he confronts Adrian Toomes, the Vulture, at his warehouse, the blue-collar villain uses his mechanical wings to collapse part of the building on top of Peter. Trapped, scared, and alone, Peter first calls for help. But he soon realizes that in this case, he needs to save himself. While the sheer power he displays in lifting half a building off himself is impressive, it’s his grit and determination that are truly incredible here. Peter Parker may have gotten trapped, but it’s Spider-Man who rises from the rubble.
#3: Miles vs Kingpin
“Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” (2018)When Wilson Fisk, a.k.a. the Kingpin, opens a breach in the multiverse, it’s up to Spider-Man, well Spider-People, to stop him. Miles Morales, the newest Spider-Man, sends the others home and takes on Kingpin himself. Their battle is an intense and wild ride, with the bizarre space inside the collider warping and bending around them. Although Kingpin seemingly beats Miles down for good, some words of encouragement from his dad leads Miles to get back up, and use his unique Spider-Man ability to electrify Kingpin. He then sends the hulking crime boss into the kill switch, shutting down the collider. Miles constantly compares himself to his fellow Spider-Men, but none of them could have saved the day this way.
#2: Activating Instant Kill
“Avengers: Endgame” (2019)The last battle against Thanos and his armies is a titanic and chaotic one. Amidst all this, the heroes try to send the Infinity Stones back to the past. And Spider-Man is one of those to whom the Infinity Gauntlet is passed. Overwhelmed by the number of deadly enemies around him, Spider-Man activates his Iron Spider suit’s instant kill mode. The feature sends his metal limbs tearing into his alien foes with deadly accuracy, but he’s still overwhelmed and needs aid getting to where he’s going. The rest of Peter’s journey through this impossibly dangerous warzone is commendable as well! We don’t think many teens could handle it as well as he does, superhero or not!
#1: Stopping a Train
“Spider-Man 2” (2004)You’re not surprised. Spider-Man and vehicles tend to be a recipe for extraordinary heroism, and while the ferry rescue is also fantastic, there’s just no beating this moment! After battling Doctor Octopus on a speeding metro train, the villain retreats, but not before ensuring the vehicle is sent hurtling for the end of the line. Spider-Man steps in to stop the train and save everyone aboard. Peter thinks fast and uses as many webs as he can sling and every ounce of strength in his body to bring the train to a halt just in time! It’s beastly, it’s heroic - it’s Spider-Man going above and beyond and creating one of the best Spider-Man moments ever put on film!
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