Top 20 WORST Scenes in Parody Movies

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Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 20 Worst Scenes in Parody Movies. For this list, we’ll be looking at the gags in funny movies that fell flat. While comedy is subjective, these scenes still earned enough groans from viewers to be considered here. What parody movie do you remember most? Let us know in the comments.

#20: Nightmare Fuel Chipmunks

“Disaster Movie” (2008)
To avoid getting caught up in the chaos of the outside world, the main characters take refuge inside a building. They soon discover they’re sharing the hideout with three chipmunks. Before you have time to question why these animal parodies are here, they go from being vaguely cute to absurdly terrifying. They also attack the characters because they all have rabies. Not only does the fight scene drag on too long, but it also legitimately terrified younger viewers who happened to stumble onto this scene. While this chipmunk sequence could work in a twisted Chucky spin-off, it felt out of place in “Disaster Movie”.

#19: A Weak Yo Mamma Battle

“Meet the Spartans” (2008)
During this “300” parody, a bunch of Greek warriors had to face off against the Persian army in a “Yo Mamma” insult battle. Admittedly, the idea behind this is legitimately funny and was a great parody of the MTV competition show that was airing at the time. But the problem lies in the execution. Most of the yo mamma jokes fall pretty flat. Even though the scene features talented comedians like Tiffany Haddish, the writing lets her and the rest of the cast down. We’d much rather watch the MTV show than sit through this cringeworthy yo mamma battle.

#18: Missing a Mystique Joke

“Epic Movie” (2007)
As the narrator is informing us that the mutant Peter is an outcast, the loner suddenly spots his classmate Mystique. The movie instantly grinds to a halt so we can watch her dance seductively to “Promiscuous Girl”. We guess that the writers were trying to make fun of the fact that Mystique tends to be a bit oversexualized in the “X-Men” films. However, the gag doesn’t really work because the parody does exactly what it’s calling out without adding anything to it. What really makes the scene feel pointless is that there’s absolutely no connection to the story. If the scene was cut, it wouldn’t change a single thing. Mystique’s dance routine ultimately becomes an awkward detour that lacks any subtlety or actual humor.

#17: A Sensual…Autopsy?

“Holmes & Watson” (2018)
If you want to solve the mystery of why Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly couldn’t make this Sherlock parody work, just look at one of the movie’s worst bits. After a dead body falls out of a cake, Watson conducts an autopsy on the victim with his romantic interest Grace. The two end up neglecting their jobs so they can flirt with each other. We definitely got that the bit was meant to parody moments like the pottery scene from “Ghost”. However, the concept of two people playing with the icing on a victim’s body is just too strange. And it doesn’t help that the joke goes on way too long. It’s elementary why the writers should’ve cut this scene completely.

#16: An Inconvenient Store Stop

“Plump Fiction” (1997)
The best parodies are able to poke fun at a wide variety of properties during their runtime. But a scene in this maligned comedy tried to take shots at too many things in one scene. During this “Pulp Fiction” parody, main character Mimi risks getting in a car accident to grab tacos. When she arrives in the store, the movie suddenly turns into a “Clerks” parody. They temporarily abandon the premise with tasteless jokes about overeating and a random wig change. Suddenly, the movie decides to make the original ending of “Clerks” by having her shoot the employees. The lack of rhyme or reason in this scene made it so head scratching that we didn’t feel like laughing.

#15: Paranormal Bedroom Activity

“A Haunted House” (2013)
While Malcolm’s partner was getting ready for bed, he turned to the camera to express how excited he was at the prospect of getting intimate. He then took the scene into bizarre territory by using a stuffed animal to help demonstrate what he’s going to do. Although there’s no nudity in the scene, we still can’t show much of it here because of its raunchy nature. And honestly, you’re not missing much. Malcolm plays around with the stuffed animals for a solid minute straight without any cuts to other characters. Viewers have no choice but to sit awkwardly through the squirm-inducing scene until the movie remembers that it exists to make fun of horror films.

#14: Please Stop Believin’

“The Comebacks” (2007)
We could be here all day naming all the gags in this sports movie that aged like milk. However, there was one joke that never worked. When the sports team at the heart of the flick goes through a rough patch, they decide to get back on track by singing together. The first people to sing can’t exactly hold a tune. Although the movie thankfully switches to a recorded version of “Don’t Stop Believin'”, the scene still becomes grating due to its absurd length. The sequence goes on for around two minutes. While they try to throw in some visual gags along the way, they never commit to a bit long enough. This patience testing musical sequence hit all the wrong notes.

#13: A Terrible First Kiss

“Not Another Teen Movie” (2001)
Shortly after Sadie reveals that she has no kissing experience, the extremely oversexualized character Catherine offers to help. The duo then steps aside for a one on one chat. This scene could’ve been a funny dig at “Cruel Intentions “and “Never Been Kissed”. Unfortunately, it’s completely ruined when Sadie and Catherine go in for a more advanced makeout. The scene starts tame before getting progressively grosser by the second. While it's meant to induce laughs, it just inspires nausea instead. The disgusting makeout is far and away one of the hardest scenes to watch in the mostly solid parody.

#12: A Nightmare Sequence

“Breaking Wind” (2012)
Just minutes into yet another “Twilight” parody, we open up on Edward romantically staring at Bella while she makes an extremely cringe worthy joke about dating. The scene bizarrely veers into an extended bit where the vampire offers to change her diapers. Before we can process any of this, Bella’s grandmother arrives and starts hooking up with Edward in graphic detail. It’s disclosed that the entire sequence was a dream before she reveals she’s still asleep. Outside of the visual similarities, nothing in this pointless nightmare sequence is specific to “Twilight”. It felt like the writers took random prompts from mad libs and smashed them together. Even the Bella actress seemed eager to move on from the gag.

#11: Introducing Stephen Hawking

“Superhero Movie” (2008)
Viewers went into this takedown of the superhero genre expecting the writers to make fun of our favorite icons. But nothing could’ve prepared them for this left field Stephen Hawking appearance. During a scene set at a high school science fair, the scientist arrives to give a speech to the students. The sequence takes an extremely dark and ableist turn when he jokes about wanting to take his own life due to his medical condition. After that horribly unfunny piece of dialogue, the fake Hawking talks about his obsession with sex and smoking. The entire scene comes off as an unwarranted and mean spirited dig at the scientist. And since his appearance doesn’t significantly affect the plot, the entire detour felt unnecessary.

#10: Inappropriate Indiana Jones

“Disaster Movie” (2008)
“Disaster Movie” follows the immature Will as he fights off pop culture references while trying to prevent the apocalypse. After discovering he can save the world by placing a crystal skull on an altar, he meets “Indiana Jones”. Jones explains that he’s Will’s father before feeling up his son’s girlfriend. Between the assault being played for laughs and jokes about how promiscuous Will’s mother was, the scene comes off as sexist and cringeworthy. But when Jones dies shortly after his introduction, the whole sequence becomes pointless. We’d rather watch the critically panned “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” before sitting through this disastrous scene again.

#9: Too Many Kicks

“Meet The Spartans” (2008)
When King Leonidas kicked an enemy messenger into a pit in “300”, an iconic scene was born. But when “Meet the Spartans” parodied the epic moment, the audience fell into a hole of unfunny comedy. After imitation Leonidas kicks his enemies into a pit, a Britney Spears caricature shows up and is knocked in too. Spears’ appearance is followed by a cheap joke about singer Sanjaya, a cowardly Ryan Seacrest, and an unoriginal bit about the American Idol judges. These random “cameos” fall flat and make the joke drag on way longer than necessary. The editors should’ve thrown this tired scene into a pit.

#8: Harry Potter and the Horrible Parody

“Epic Movie” (2007)
Creators Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer have dominated on this list so far. Their unfunny reign continues with a scene from their fantasy satire, “Epic Movie”. When the main characters discover a certain magical school, they meet a perverted Harry Potter, a pregnant Hermione, and a balding Ron with no distinct personality. Outside of Harry’s inappropriate groping, the main problem here is that the writers don’t even try to make fun of the beloved characters. Instead, Harry and friends are replaced with creepy and offensive stereotypes. There are tons of clever Potter parodies. Try any of those before suffering through this uninspired writing.

#7: Making Fun of Harmful Diets

“Scary Movie 5” (2013)
For reasons only known to this movie’s writers, they decided to parody the psychological ballet movie “Black Swan” three years after the drama was released. Main character Jody is placed in several groan worthy dance scenes. But the worst joke about her ballet career touches on a serious issue. While Jody is sitting down to eat, she reveals that her lunch consists of a single cheerio. She also body shames herself before pointing out a dancer that was on such a strict diet that she became a stick figure. And they really hammer home the joke by making fun of bulimia. While this series of scenes was trying to highlight a real issue, they became a part of the problem by going too far.

#6: Immature Names

“The Starving Games” (2013)
The odds were not in the audiences’ favor when Friedberg and Seltzer reunited for 2013’s “The Starving Games.” In one of the worst scenes, the citizens of District 12 wait for their representative Effoff to select two tributes to compete in a battle to the death. When she reaches into the bowl of names, she keeps pulling out fake monikers like “Phil Mahooters” and “Dean Gulberry”. The wordplay is supposed to be funny, but the joke is too juvenile to earn anything but groans. As final proof that this comedic bit is bad, Effoff criticizes the joke during the movie.

#5: Jersey Shore Reference

“Vampires Suck” (2010)
The “Twilight” movies have been criticized for their melodrama, romance and cheesy lines. This “Vampires Suck” scene ignored all those flaws in favor of a weak pop culture reference. When main character Becca is being told about the various students in her new school, she spots Edward Sullen. The camera pans over to reveal that…he’s standing behind a cast of Jersey Shore impersonators? Although their cameo lasts less than ten seconds, it feels like a nonsensical waste of time. The movie does nothing with the cast except point in their direction and expect us to laugh for recognizing them. It’s the epitome of lazy writing.

#4: “Pimp My Ride” Montage

“Date Movie” (2006)
Alyson Hannigan was somehow convinced to wear a fat suit to play Julia in Friedberg and Seltzer’s “Date Movie”. After Julia asks a love doctor for romantic advice, she’s taken to a car garage for a makeover. We get a disgusting montage of mechanics waxing Julia’s back, buffing her toenails and literally sucking mayonnaise out of her. The aggressively insulting “Pimp My Ride” parody also features a pointless “Star Wars” joke and awkward camera shots that linger for way too long. We know to expect offensive, excessive and unfunny writing from Friedberg and Seltzer, but it’s still astounding to see how low they can go.

#3: The Never-Ending Fart

“Extreme Movie” (2008)
Since “Extreme Movie” is entirely composed of sketches from different writers, the tone and humor is inconsistent from scene to scene. But there was one vignette that stank more than the rest. In the scene, a young woman passes gas while making out. After her partner insists that it’s okay, she continues to fart...for forty uninterrupted seconds. The young woman’s flatulence goes from gross to unrealistic, but never manages to be funny. When she’s finished cutting the cheese, her partner comments it was nasty. The scene then ends so abruptly that it feels like the movie itself wanted to move on from this toilet humor.

#2: Blackface Makeover

“Dance Flick” (2009)
Although “Dance Flick” parodies a wide selection of movies, it takes a lot of its inspiration from “Save The Last Dance”. In both movies, the Caucasian main character has an African-American friend that gives them a quick makeover in a car. However, “Dance Flick” crosses the line when the Caucasian Megan emerges from the car in blackface. Her shocking makeup is made worse when she changes her voice and mannerisms to play into negative Black stereotypes. This jarring scene may have been intended for comedy, but it’s hard to find humor when historically troubling makeup is used as a cheap throwaway gag.

#1: The Abusive Mrs. Robinson

“Fifty Shades of Black” (2016)
“Fifty Shades of Black” constantly tows the line between risqué and flat-out offensive. Although the scene where characters are served meals based on their race is extremely cringeworthy, Christian Black’s backstory is much worse. Black explains that his BDSM lifestyle started with his piano teacher, Mrs. Robinson. We then flashback to Mrs. Robinson showing a 16-year-old Black how to have sex. When he messes up, Mrs. Robinson ridicules him with insults and physical harm. At the scene’s conclusion, it’s revealed that more “boys” are waiting for her lessons. The problem here is simple: Physical, emotional and child abuse isn’t funny, and neither is this scene.

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