Top 30 Most Satisfying Revenge Kills in TV History

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Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most memorable television moments where despicable villains got exactly what was coming to them. To keep things on a level playing field, we’re only considering live-action works, and limiting ourselves to one entry per series. Oh, and obviously, beware of spoilers. What’s your favorite TV revenge death? Let us know if it made our list in the comments below!

#30: June Kills High Commander Winslow

“The Handmaid's Tale” (2017-)
This guy’s first mistake was trying to force himself on June. His second was thinking she’d roll over and let him. Ironically, it turned out to be his last mistake, ever. With nothing more than anger, heart, and a very sharp pen, June violently told Commander Winslow to keep it in his pants. It sounds brutal, but that’s not even how he dies. To seal the deal, June whacks him upside the head with a decorative statue. Considering what he tried to put her through, it’s only fitting that Winslow spends his final moments groveling before it all ends with a satisfying splat.

#29: Omar Kills Savino

“The Wire” (2002-08)
By the end of this scene, Savino Bratton is in a body bag. Whether he’s innocent or not is besides the point. After the corrupt Stanfield Enforcers brutally murdered Omar’s friend, Butchie, the stick-up man goes on a blood-soaked warpath. And, unfortunately for Savino, he’s on the hit list. For what it’s worth, Savino goes to his grave asserting he wasn’t at the scene of the crime. But, his connection to those who were is enough for Omar to pull the trigger. It may not be a very fair trial, but since it’s the closest thing to justice Butchie gets, we’ll take what we can get.

#28: Patrick Jane Kills Red John

“The Mentalist” (2008-15)
For ten, long years, this consultant to the California Bureau of Investigation hunted the person who killed his family. It took over a hundred episodes, but eventually, Patrick Jane got his hands around Red John’s throat - and he didn’t let go. Instead of bringing him in or using his gun, Jane decides to end his vengeful quest with an up-close and personal execution. It’s not quick, it’s not easy, and it’s not painless. But, after a decade as one of the world’s most notorious serial killers, it is completely deserved. “The Mentalist” knew what it was doing here; there’s no other way Red John could’ve gone out.

#27: Bonnie Shoves Perry to His Death

“Big Little Lies” (2017-)
As early as the series’ opening minutes, everyone knows that someone isn’t leaving this banquet alive. Despite Celeste’s best efforts, it looks like she’s the one on the chopping block. Once her violent husband, Perry, discovers her plan to run away, he decides that if he can’t have her, no one can. The rest of the girls try to fend him off, but it’s Bonnie who rushes in to deliver the final blow. He falls down some stone steps, and that’s that. Trust us, no one’s shedding tears for Perry Wright. If Bonnie hadn’t acted when she did, Celeste would’ve been at the bottom of those stairs, instead.

#26: Dillard Kills Bushmaster’s Friends & Family

“Luke Cage” (2016-18)
Trying to burn someone alive is bound to sour any relationship. In Mariah Dillard’s case, it turned Bushmaster from a thorn in her side into her personal most wanted. So, what did she do? Pay Bushmaster’s closest friends and family a bloody visit, of course. She even burned down their restaurant, just for good measure. Now, setting fire to everything your arch-rival holds dear may sound extreme. But, then again, Bushmaster started it when he picked a fight with Mariah Dillard. Even though this restaurant massacre is completely over the top, it still elicits more cheers than groans. After all, all’s fair in love, war, and “Luke Cage.”

#25: Mi-nyeo Brings Deok-su Down with Her

“Squid Game” (2021-)
Trying to make it across a high bridge of breakable glass is a good metaphor for these player’s relationship. Throughout “Squid Game,” Mi-nyeo and Deok-su - better known as players 212 and 101 - had a bizarrely romantic alliance. That is, until 101 realizes Mi-nyeo is too much of a threat. However, the only thing his betrayal accomplishes is giving her a major bone to pick. In the next game, Mi-nyeo decides to take her former ally down with her - literally. As far as poetic deaths go, seeing Deok-su pulled to his grave by the person he just betrayed is easily at the top of the list.

#24: Teal'C Kills Cronus

“Stargate SG-1” (1997-2007)
Despite what the people of Juna believe, the System Lords are not Gods. Cronus can die just like anyone else - a fact that Teal’C is all-too eager to prove. It doesn’t come without its fair share of hardships, though. Even with a robotic duplicate to back him up, Cronus nearly ends up killing Teal’C the exact same way he killed the warrior’s father all those years ago. But, thanks to a few quick blasts in the back, it’s Cronus who ends up taking his last breath. To really rub it in, Teal’C’s duplicate caps off this long-overdue death with a perfect one-liner. Who knew robots were so good with words?

#23: Aiden Kills Trask

“Revenge” (2011-15)
In a show quite literally named after vengeance, it shouldn’t come as a shock that most of these characters have some anger to work through. Chief among them, Aiden Mathis. In order to avenge his dead sister and friend, he tracks down the man responsible and starts swinging around a gun. A weasel to the end, though, Trask has a dead-man’s switch that will immediately alert the authorities to his murder. Luckily, Aiden finds a workaround, and all we’ll say is that it involves his bare hands, instead. It’s not for the faint of heart, but that just proves that no one does revenge like, well, “Revenge.”

#22: Spartacus Kills Batiatus

“Spartacus” (2010-13)
Let’s get this straight: Lentulus Batiatus ordered Sura’s death, left her in captivity, and then released her at the last second just so her husband, Spartacus, could watch her die. Yeah, this guy’s cruel to the point of excess. But, what he fails to realize is that Spartacus holds a grudge. Big time. Credit where it’s due, even after being woefully embarrassed in combat, Batiatus still tries to have the last word. But, despite his efforts, Spartacus taking a sword to his head is a pretty definitive note to end on. The only thing sweeter than Sparatcus avenging his wife is knowing that Batiatus brought this upon himself.

#21: Captain Flint Kills Peter Ashe

“Black Sails” (2014-17)
They say a captain goes down with their ship. Well, in this case, the governor went down with his city. It’s only fair when you learn that Ashe built his entire candidacy on lies, corruption, and dead bodies - including that of Captain Flint’s former lover, Miranda. As retribution, Flint doesn’t just ransack Charles Town, he makes Ashe watch it burn. Flint’s a reasonable guy, though. If Ashe doesn’t like that view, the captain has another option for him: Miranda’s rotting corpse. Keep in mind, at this point, Ashe is already mortally wounded. And yet, the fear in his face is more vindicating than a mere execution would’ve been any day.

#20: Madison Kills the Frat Boys

“American Horror Story: Coven” (2013-14)
Apparently, no one taught these guys that you should always ask for consent. Especially when dealing with young, vengeful witches. After experiencing one of the most traumatizing things imaginable, Madison gets even the only way she knows how: with cold, hard magic. Also known as flipping their entire bus on its side. Madison doesn’t utter a word throughout the whole thing, but the boy’s screams say plenty. The next day, a news report confirms that all but two of the frat brothers died in the crash. Madison doesn’t seem too choked up about it, and all things considered, we don’t blame her one bit.

#19: Akane Kills the Shogun

“Westworld” (2016-22)
This Western sci-fi series features a slew of deaths, although not all of them stick since the robot characters can just be repaired and rebooted. Things become a whole lot deadlier however when the angry androids revolt, unleashing mayhem throughout Westworld and the other parks. In Shogun World, the malfunctioning shogun captures a young geisha named Sakura, prompting an elder geisha, Akane - who may or may not be her “mother” - to attempt a rescue. But the shogun sees through her plan and demands that the two geisha dance for him . . . then murders Sakura before they can even start. In revenge, Akane uses the dance to get close to the shogun, then brutally kills him by sawing off the top of his head.

#18: Jessica Jones Kills Kilgrave

“Jessica Jones” (2015-19)
Super powered P. I. Jessica Jones spends her first season facing off against the deranged Kilgrave - a man who can control other people’s minds through verbal commands. The only one immune is Jessica, who broke free from his control after months as his sex slave. Although she has opportunities to kill him, she tries in vain to bring him to justice in a - mostly - legal way. However, a final showdown with several hostages, including her adopted sister Trish, forces her hand. Pretending to be controlled as she was previously, Jessica lulls Kilgrave into a false sense of security, before finally snapping the villain’s neck. Although not done solely for vengeance, Jessica still had her revenge on her tormentor.

#17: Mr. Gold Kills Tamara

“Once Upon a Time” (2011-18)
The manipulative Mr. Gold makes plenty of questionable decisions throughout “Once Upon a Time” but he’s often motivated by love for those dear to him. When his son’s fiancée Tamara seemingly murders her husband-to-be, Gold is heartbroken; to make matters worse, Tamara then kidnaps Gold’s grandson Henry. Chasing after them, Gold soon comes across a wounded Tamara - giving him the perfect opportunity for revenge. Although Gold first heals her injuries, and Tamara begs him for forgiveness, he ultimately exacts his vengeance by tearing out her heart and turning it to dust.

#16: Dean Winchester Kills Azazel

“Supernatural” (2005-20)
Over the course of their lengthy career as hunters of the supernatural, the Winchester brothers have faced a wide variety of villains. But arguably their most personal foe is the yellow-eyed demon Azazel, who killed their mother when they were children, and had a hand in their father’s death as well. At the end of season two, with the help of their father’s ghost, Dean manages to use the mystical revolver known as the Colt to shoot down Azazel. In doing so, he gets revenge for the deaths of their parents, as well as plenty of other victims as well. There’s nothing quite so satisfying as killing a smug, over-confident demon who robbed you of your parents. Right?

#15: Phil Coulson Kills Grant Ward

“Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” (2013-20)
Though some fans were holding out for Ward’s redemption, there’s no arguing that he’d done some terrible things. A spy for HYDRA, he betrayed his team; even dropping Fitz and Simmons out of a plane. The crime that gets him killed however is the murder of Phil Coulson’s new ladylove Rosalind. Coulson becomes a man on a mission and pursues Ward with such fervor that he actually skydives through a portal to an alien planet where Ward has travelled to. Once there, Coulson fights with Ward and ends up crushing the traitor’s chest with his robot hand. For fans, it was a truly shocking end, and one that inspired a lot of debate.

#14: Eric Northman Kills Talbot

“True Blood” (2008-14)
Sometimes revenge takes a while to achieve, but this is easily the longest on our list, at around 1,000 years! Eric Northman was a Viking whose entire family was killed by werewolves, at the direction of vampire Russell Edgington. After becoming a vampire himself, Eric at last manages to find his family’s killer in the present day. Ingratiating himself with Russell and his husband Talbot, Eric sleeps with Talbot and stakes him through the back during the act. Thus, Eric brutally avenges his family by taking away Russell’s. He’d eventually finish what he started by killing Russell too a few seasons down the line.

#13: Octavia Kills Pike

“The 100” (2014-20)
In the post-apocalyptic world of “The 100,” there’s no shortage of grudges and revenge killings - though given the state of things on future Earth, they make up just a small fraction of the total bloodshed. A ruthless leader of the Sky People, Charles Pike ordered the killing of 300 Grounders, as well as Lincoln, Octavia’s love interest, whom he executed personally with a shot to the head. Though circumstances force Octavia to work with Pike shortly thereafter, as soon as their battle is won, she takes the opportunity to avenge Lincoln’s death by impaling Pike. Considering Pike’s ruthless ways, this was payback that many fans had been dying to see.

#12: Jax Kills Gemma Teller Morrow

“Sons of Anarchy” (2008-14)
If you think your family’s messed up, try spending a day with the Tellers. In her quest for power, matriarch Gemma killed her own daughter-in-law, Tara. In return, Jax, Gemma’s son and Tara’s widow, picks up his own gun. Like mother, like son, right? As you can imagine, Gemma’s goodbye is an emotionally charged scene for everyone involved. And yet, it feels oddly right at the same time. After what she did, the fact that Jax lets her peacefully die in the flower garden is the closest thing to mercy Gemma could’ve asked for. While not a particularly jovial farewell, Gemma’s death is still a great sendoff to an even greater character.

#11: Mike Ehrmantraut Kills Fensky & Hoffman

“Better Call Saul” (2015-22)
Stalwart fixer Mike Ehrmantraut used to be a cop, but even then he wasn’t on the right side of the law. His whole precinct was dirty, except for his son Matty. After corrupt cops approached Matty, Mike urged him to accept a bribe, but the cops killed Matty anyway just for hesitating. It took Mike a while to figure out whodunnit, but when he did, he didn’t mince words. Pretending to be drunk, he tells Fensky and Hoffman that he knows what they did. When the cops lay out their plan to kill him, Mike turns the tables, and guns them down instead.

#10: Sawyer Kills Anthony Cooper

“Lost” (2004-10)
After being orphaned at a young age, James Ford - or Sawyer, as he likes to be called - spent most of his adult life searching for the man responsible. Although, he probably didn’t expect to run into him while stranded on a mysterious island. But, not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Sawyer doesn’t waste his opportunity. Since Cooper doesn’t have any remorse for the lives he ruined, it’s hard to feel any for him now. Especially because this is everything Sawyer’s ever wanted. In fact, you can practically see the years of rage of trauma as he wraps his arms around Cooper’s neck. Hopefully Sawyer agrees it was worth the wait.

#9: Ragnar Blood Eagles Jarl Borg

“Vikings” (2013-20)
While he’s away raiding in England, “Vikings” series protagonist Ragnar Lothbrok returns home to find his wife and children driven from their homes by his former ally Jarl Borg. In retaliation, Ragnar burns Borg’s men alive, and decides to execute Borg with the legendary torture method, the blood eagle. We’ll spare you the details, but suffice it to say it’s hella grisly. Although Ragnar’s sons mete out the same punishment to his eventual killer, we had to give it to the original blood eagle, because of the scene’s haunting music and atmosphere, as well as the fact that, despite his treachery, Borg somehow manages to endure it all without screaming: like a true Viking.

#8: Rick & Company Kill the Hunters

“The Walking Dead” (2013-20)
In one, glorious scene, the predators finally became the prey. And, no, we don’t mean zombies. Gareth and his lackeys were straight up cannibals, and since they’re no better than walkers, Rick and his team didn’t show them any mercy. Without getting into the specifics, we’ll just say this church is not sacred ground anymore. Although, from Rick’s squad, that’s to be expected. You could say they have some experience doling out payback. Remember when Michonne and Lily killed the Governor? After everything these guys have been through, one thing is abundantly clear. Whenever Rick’s crew wants to get even, you know you’re in for a bloody good time.

#7: Hector Salamanca & Walter White Kill Gustavo ‘Gus’ Fring

“Breaking Bad” (2008-13)
Few rivalries on TV quite can compete with that of Walter White and his boss/nemesis Gustavo Fring. The finale of Breaking Bad’s fourth season sees Walter backed into a corner with nowhere to turn but to an old enemy: Hector Salamanca. Although the pair despise each other, Hector hates Gus even more than Walter does, given that Gus has helped orchestrate the deaths of Hector’s family and fellow cartel members - including Don Eladio, another revenge kill that deserves a mention. While Walt’s trunk machine gun in the finale is also legendary, nothing tops the moment when Hector lures Gus into his rigged nursing home - killing himself and Gus in an explosive, iconic scene.

#6: Willow Destroys Warren

“Buffy the Vampire Slayer” (1996-2003)
One of the most terrifying revenge kills on this supernatural show happens at the hands of one of its heroines. When violent genius Warren Mears attacks Buffy, a stray bullet accidentally strikes Tara, the girlfriend of Buffy’s friend Willow. Unfortunately for Warren, Willow is a witch who’s been struggling with an addiction to dark magic, and Tara’s death has her literally seeing red. Willow embarks on a rampage of revenge, finally capturing Warren and torturing him with the bullet that killed Tara, before flaying him alive and incinerating him.

#5: Frank Castle Kills William Rawlins

“The Punisher” (2017-19)
Frank Castle, better known as the Punisher, is basically revenge incarnate. His whole reason for becoming a violent, criminal killing vigilante is the murder of his wife and children at the hands of criminals. Although it was tempting to include his various kills of the men directly responsible for their deaths, like Carson Wolf or the Blacksmith, ultimately we gave it to Frank’s brutal killing of the mastermind behind it all, William Rawlins, a.k.a. Agent Orange. After Rawlins tortures Frank and pumps him full of adrenaline, Frank’s former friend Billy sets him free, leading Frank to beat the ever-loving crap out of Rawlins, stab him, and finish by gouging out his eyes!

#4: Tony Soprano Kills Tony Blundetto

“The Sopranos” (1999-2007)
This is a tale of two Tony’s. Soprano, for all his shortcomings, knew how to keep a low profile. His cousin, Blundetto, however, did not. His penchant for murder put a major target on the family’s back. So much so, Soprano had to step in to resolve matters with a shotgun. It sounds overblown until you realize this is the same crime boss who killed Ralph Cifaretto over a horse. With that in mind, it makes sense why Soprano wouldn’t risk his own skin for a loose cannon of a cousin. Plus, given what the bounty hunters were going to do to Blundetto, Soprano’s methods were getting off easy.

#3: Jack Bauer Kills Nina Myers

“24” (2001-10)
Throughout this series, Agent Jack Bauer faces down a plethora of terrorists and other threats to the U.S., but one of the villains that arguably hurts him the most is Nina Myers. A colleague with whom he was having an affair while estranged from his wife, Nina turns out to be a double agent. As if that weren’t enough, she kills Jack’s wife. Over the first few seasons, Nina remains a perpetual thorn in Jack’s side. While captured and under interrogation, Nina escapes and is confronted by Jack and his daughter. After deducing that Nina has no more useful information, Jack kills her, finally avenging his wife.

#2: Dexter Kills Arthur Mitchell

“Dexter” (2006-13)
Though he would later get to help a friend, Lumen, get revenge later on, Dexter’s own revenge killing was an unknowing one. In most cases, Dexter Morgan murders serial killers as soon as he possibly can. Like say, the time he killed Oliver Saxon with a lone pen. However, Dexter befriends the Trinity Killer, real name Arthur Mitchell, to learn more about him, and even saves his life! Eventually though, Arthur Mitchell ends up on Dexter’s table just like the others. This kill is so effective because Dexter is ignorant of the knowledge that would have made him want to exact revenge – Arthur killed Dexter’s wife, Rita. It’s only after returning home from killing Arthur that Dexter discovers her body.

#1: Avenging the Red Wedding

“Game of Thrones” (2009-19)
This series is packed with revenge kills, from Tyrion killing his father, to Cersei poisoning Ellaria’s daughter, to Jon hanging his own murderers. Don’t forget Sansa feeding Ramsay Bolton to the hounds. But, despite it all, we have to go with this one. The infamous Red Wedding was a shocking, traumatic event for both the characters and the audience. When Walder Frey betrays and butchers Robb Stark, his pregnant wife Talisa, and mother Caitlyn, Arya Stark swears revenge. After training with a group of face-changing assassins, the first thing she does upon returning home is kill Walder Frey’s sons and feed them to him before slitting his throat. She then takes his appearance and poisons the rest of the Freys. It may have taken years, but Arya’s deed finally proved that revenge can be a dish served any old how, as long as it’s with a smile.

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