Top 5 GTA V Heists Videos – Let's Play Countdown
WMLPC, LPC, Let's Play, Let's Play Countdown, GTA, Grand Theft Auto, GTA 5, GTA V, VanossGaming, OfficialNerdCubed, MM7Games, Hat Films, LetsPLay, GTA V Heists, GTA Online, GTA Funny Moments, Best Let's Play Videos,
Written by Kurt Hvorup
Welcome to WatchMojo’s Let’s Play Countdown, where we count down our favorite Let’s Play videos in a specific category. Today we'll be talking about Heists – those wonderful, chaotic, and violent misadventures to be undertaken in “Grand Theft Auto V”. They've become a source for many memorable videos, of which our lineup is but a small sampling. So sit back, grab some popcorn and prepare for the madness.
Played out though the expression may be, it really feels like the third time's the charm when it comes to the virtual thievery of the NerdCubed team. At the very least, they seem to get a lot of mileage out of sheer, unadulterated chaos along the way.
Released in four parts, The Tertiary Nerd3 Heist depicts NerdCubed mainstay Dan working with his father, ObvItsAmy and Many A True Nerd to attempt to complete the Humane Labs heist. I say “attempt” because the combination of four distinct personalities turns out to be as much a liability as it is a treat – there's a great deal of talking over one another and narrowly avoiding death by sheer luck .
That's part of the charm, though: watching a group of energetic people boldly walk the razor's edge between victory and failure, going for what's fun rather than what qualifies as dignified or logical. It's somewhat lampshaded early on, when the quartet is about to lose a mission-relevant vehicle right on the cusp of success.
Sometimes a little teamwork goes a long way – a very, very long way. Such is the case for this heist, or rather heist setup, undertaken by the three... er, four Sidemen of the title .
We get to see two setup missions completed here – the Plane and Bus retrieval missions for the Prison Break Heist. By any stretch of the imagination those are simple and straight-forward tasks... which makes it all the more amusing when team member Ethan shows off his reckless bravado and unique interpretation of the word “helping”.
Setting aside the bus flipping and plane stealing, there's also some clever post-production stuff on the sidelines. For instance, epic-sounding music will start playing in the oddest of places, such as in the midst of a drive along the highway . Clearly the team – and editor – were enjoying themselves throughout the process, leading to some bizarre but absolutely chuckle-worthy visual and audio gags . Maybe it's a bit indulgent at times, but I laughed.
When a video opens with someone's anus being a vital part of a decision process, there's no denying that what's to come will be interesting .
There's quite a few things to unpack as to why Hat Films' efforts to complete the Prison Break heist are so entertaining. Early on, it's established via slick perspective shifts that we're witnessing multiple angles of a single mission, one that goes awry again... and again... and again . However, the video mainly follows team members Sips and Ross as they try to nonchalantly infiltrate a prison while disguised as a prisoner and guard respectively, with mixed results .
Once the action gets going, though, the team entertain with amusingly crude remarks and played-up displays of frustration. Still, they embrace the situation like champs – it doesn't help their odds of survival, but they're good sports about it.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them... just step aside and let the sheer unstoppable force that is the LetsPlay crew rampage through. It's safer that way.
Part 3 wraps up the Humane Labs mission line in style, complete with a new team name and the usual mistreatment of Gavin . These guys effortlessly embody a key element of GTA V– a regular shifting of tone from goofy and adventurous to deadly and serious-minded.
I enjoyed the mix of off-the-cuff banter and tight team-based tactics here, as Ryan and Ray storm the labs while Michael and Gavin acted as air support . It really lends the video an easy levity without taking away from the sheer challenge of facing down heavily-armed personnel, as well as giving each member of the team moments to stand out.
And of course, there will never be a time in which the Achievement Hunters firing flares from a moving vehicle at passersby isn't funny . They're just too good at what they do for that not to be hilarious!
Just like he did with our GTA V stunts count down, Vanoss takes the number one spot, thanks to his skill for crafting funny, well-paced and irreverent videos. Anyone looking to chuckle and gaze in wonderment at a heist handled haphazardly, this is your best bet.
For this heist, Vanoss teams up with fellow YouTubers Daithi De Nogla, Lui Calibre, and I AM WILDCAT in the hopes of pulling off every step of the Humane Labs heist. As Vanoss and company complete each stage of setup, we get a taste of all kinds of wit: snarky remarks, panicked ranting, and even an inspirational quote or two . Because who doesn't need a little advice from The Great One when they're piloting a helicopter into a fire zone?
It's not just the crew's lively commentary that makes the experience worthwhile, though. The video as a whole is surprisingly energetic and polished, thanks to some excellent musical cues, television-style visual flair and smart use of time jumps. Some of the funniest scenes come from VanossGaming's editing choices, as with Nogla's unintentional homage to Leeroy Jenkins during the boat siege .
Which dastardly heists strike your fancy? And what kind of Let's Plays should we count down next? For more lists published daily, be sure to subscribe to
Top 5 GTA V Heists – Let's Play Countdown
Welcome to WatchMojo’s Let’s Play Countdown, where we count down our favorite Let’s Play videos in a specific category. Today we'll be talking about Heists – those wonderful, chaotic, and violent misadventures to be undertaken in “Grand Theft Auto V”. They've become a source for many memorable videos, of which our lineup is but a small sampling. So sit back, grab some popcorn and prepare for the madness.
#5: The Tertiary Nerd3 Heist!
Channel: OfficialNerdCubedPlayed out though the expression may be, it really feels like the third time's the charm when it comes to the virtual thievery of the NerdCubed team. At the very least, they seem to get a lot of mileage out of sheer, unadulterated chaos along the way.
Released in four parts, The Tertiary Nerd3 Heist depicts NerdCubed mainstay Dan working with his father, ObvItsAmy and Many A True Nerd to attempt to complete the Humane Labs heist. I say “attempt” because the combination of four distinct personalities turns out to be as much a liability as it is a treat – there's a great deal of talking over one another and narrowly avoiding death by sheer luck .
That's part of the charm, though: watching a group of energetic people boldly walk the razor's edge between victory and failure, going for what's fun rather than what qualifies as dignified or logical. It's somewhat lampshaded early on, when the quartet is about to lose a mission-relevant vehicle right on the cusp of success.
#4: Sidemen Heists #1 | GTA 5 Funny Moments
Channel: MM7GamesSometimes a little teamwork goes a long way – a very, very long way. Such is the case for this heist, or rather heist setup, undertaken by the three... er, four Sidemen of the title .
We get to see two setup missions completed here – the Plane and Bus retrieval missions for the Prison Break Heist. By any stretch of the imagination those are simple and straight-forward tasks... which makes it all the more amusing when team member Ethan shows off his reckless bravado and unique interpretation of the word “helping”.
Setting aside the bus flipping and plane stealing, there's also some clever post-production stuff on the sidelines. For instance, epic-sounding music will start playing in the oddest of places, such as in the midst of a drive along the highway . Clearly the team – and editor – were enjoying themselves throughout the process, leading to some bizarre but absolutely chuckle-worthy visual and audio gags . Maybe it's a bit indulgent at times, but I laughed.
#3: GTA 5 Online Heists – Dirty Protest [PS4]
Channel: Hat FilmsWhen a video opens with someone's anus being a vital part of a decision process, there's no denying that what's to come will be interesting .
There's quite a few things to unpack as to why Hat Films' efforts to complete the Prison Break heist are so entertaining. Early on, it's established via slick perspective shifts that we're witnessing multiple angles of a single mission, one that goes awry again... and again... and again . However, the video mainly follows team members Sips and Ross as they try to nonchalantly infiltrate a prison while disguised as a prisoner and guard respectively, with mixed results .
Once the action gets going, though, the team entertain with amusingly crude remarks and played-up displays of frustration. Still, they embrace the situation like champs – it doesn't help their odds of survival, but they're good sports about it.
#2: Humane Labs Raid Part 3
Channel: LetsPlayIf you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them... just step aside and let the sheer unstoppable force that is the LetsPlay crew rampage through. It's safer that way.
Part 3 wraps up the Humane Labs mission line in style, complete with a new team name and the usual mistreatment of Gavin . These guys effortlessly embody a key element of GTA V– a regular shifting of tone from goofy and adventurous to deadly and serious-minded.
I enjoyed the mix of off-the-cuff banter and tight team-based tactics here, as Ryan and Ray storm the labs while Michael and Gavin acted as air support . It really lends the video an easy levity without taking away from the sheer challenge of facing down heavily-armed personnel, as well as giving each member of the team moments to stand out.
And of course, there will never be a time in which the Achievement Hunters firing flares from a moving vehicle at passersby isn't funny . They're just too good at what they do for that not to be hilarious!
#1: GTA 5 Heists #2 – Invisibility Glitch, Hydra Jet, Humane Labs!
Channel: VanossGamingJust like he did with our GTA V stunts count down, Vanoss takes the number one spot, thanks to his skill for crafting funny, well-paced and irreverent videos. Anyone looking to chuckle and gaze in wonderment at a heist handled haphazardly, this is your best bet.
For this heist, Vanoss teams up with fellow YouTubers Daithi De Nogla, Lui Calibre, and I AM WILDCAT in the hopes of pulling off every step of the Humane Labs heist. As Vanoss and company complete each stage of setup, we get a taste of all kinds of wit: snarky remarks, panicked ranting, and even an inspirational quote or two . Because who doesn't need a little advice from The Great One when they're piloting a helicopter into a fire zone?
It's not just the crew's lively commentary that makes the experience worthwhile, though. The video as a whole is surprisingly energetic and polished, thanks to some excellent musical cues, television-style visual flair and smart use of time jumps. Some of the funniest scenes come from VanossGaming's editing choices, as with Nogla's unintentional homage to Leeroy Jenkins during the boat siege .
Which dastardly heists strike your fancy? And what kind of Let's Plays should we count down next? For more lists published daily, be sure to subscribe to
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