Top 5 Strange Laws in the World You Won't BELIEVE

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Script written by Susan Faile.

Top 5 Strange Laws in the World You Won't BELIEVE

They probably seemed like a good idea at the time… Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 5 weird laws in the world.

For this list, we are excluding more serious human rights issues like the infamous Saudi Arabia law that prevents women from driving, or China’s one-child policy. This video is intended to list the lesser-known, more bizarre, generally funnier and irreverent laws, focusing on current or outdated weird laws… Some of which may no longer exist or spread as a result of word of mouth. In other words, in some cases, it’s tough to confirm whether or not he laws truly exist on the books, but it’s fun to consider them nonetheless.

#5: Sagging Pants Law
Flint, Michigan, USA

Some people get embarrassed by visible panty lines. Others intentionally show off their boxers or briefs by wearing their pants well below waist-level. The style has become a point of contention between folks who like their pants low and those who say it’s called “underwear” for a reason. There are some legislators around who think this fashion statement should be illegal – and they’ve taken action. Namely, those in Flint, Michigan, who began prosecuting saggers under the law. Even U.S. President Barack Obama weighed in on the topic, and if it’s good enough for heads of state, it’s good enough for this list.

#4: Public Masturbation Law

Although it’s a common fodder for jokes in many cultures, petting the one-eyed snake is a deadly serious matter for others – literally. Okay not literally, but we wouldn’t blame you if you believed the rumors that the punishment for masturbating in public in Indonesia is decapitation. You see, Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country, and there are different schools of thought in the religion regarding the permissibility of this private act, with some forbidding all sexual activities outside of intimate relations with one’s spouse. Truth be told, the worst thing that can happen to you if you publicly choke the chicken in Indonesia is a 32-month jail sentence.

#3: Napoleon Pig Law

French law prohibits insulting heads of state, and pig namesakes apparently apply. As a result, it’s evidently illegal to call a pig Napoleon. Although the evil pig in the classic novel “Animal Farm” was named Napoleon, there are actually some pig characters who are much more positive role models. Looking at it from this angle, the name Napoleon could actually be seen as insulting to pigs based on characters like super intelligent Arnold Ziffel from the 1960s TV show “Green Acres” and the title character from the movie “Babe,” who demonstrated great leadership – depending on your opinion of Napoleon, of course.

#2: Guns & Sex Law
Connorsville, Wisconsin, USA

Hey, watch where you’re pointing that thing! The authorities in one rural community in “America’s Dairyland” obviously believe that firearms and romance don’t mix. During sexual intercourse, rumor has it that it’s against the law for a man to fire a gun while the woman is having an orgasm. Of course, in a small town where everyone probably knows everyone else, there’s a possibility that this law was merely designed to protect the privacy of local women and end the over-the-top bragging practices of their men. Frankly, there’s a good chance this one isn’t true, but don’t ya kinda wish it were?

#1: Drinking & Driving Law
San Salvador, El Salvador

Drinking and driving is always a bad idea and is a dangerous thing to do. To curb the number of times DUI laws are broken, penalties have gotten stricter in many countries – including the U.S. and Canada. Even so, there are places that make those North American laws seem insignificant. In El Salvador’s capital city, motorists will be met by an unfriendly firing squad if they’re found driving under the influence. The fact that Happy Hour could apparently end up being your last hour if you’re charged with a DUI in this Central American city secures this law’s spot on our list.

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