Taylor Swift Confirms New Album About to Drop

By moses-eckman,


Taylor Swift is like, well. . . . the Taylor Swift of modern music. She’s hip, huge and happening, even when she’s been out of the limelight for awhile.

And El Swifto has now confirmed that she is releasing a new album, called reputation (there’s some controversy over whether it’s supposed to be a lower case “r” or not).

New Album Cover Revealed


From Variety:

The wait for Swifties is finally over.

After much, much speculation, Taylor Swift finally announced her sixth studio album, “Reputation,” on Wednesday. The album will be released on Nov. 10, with its first single dropping on Thursday night. Swift posted the cover art for “Reputation” on her social media accounts. Multiple sources told Variety that new music was coming this week, although Swift was expected to make the announcement on Friday.The popstar had kept fans on their toes since last week. Last Friday, the third anniversary of the day she announced her first pop album — “1989” — and unveiled its debut single — “Shake It Off” — she deleted every post on her Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts. This past Monday, she shared a cryptic 10-second video of a reptilian tail on social media.


What about all the negative nellies and haterz? Hey, TS has been pretty upfront:


Not to mention, she has her patented approach to dealing with less-than-optimal critical feedback. . .


Furthermore, as Vox notes:

MTV’s Video Music Awards are this Sunday, and while Swift isn’t technically on the roster, it’s widely rumored that she’ll be making a surprise appearance. It would be a very Swiftian move, if so. The VMAs were the site of Swift’s infamous 2009 encounter with Kanye West, which was the moment in which Swift was perhaps most thoroughly in control of her publicity narrative, and they’ll be hosted this year by Katy Perry, with whom Swift has a well-documented feud — all of which would mean headlines galore for Swift. By releasing a song now, Swift is in the perfect position to give it its live debut at the VMAs this weekend, summoning all the associated publicity that would come with it.

Oh, it’s on.

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