Top 5 Mass Effect Romances

By alexcrillymckean,

In Space, No One Can Hear You Bump Hips

With Bioware pouring all their time and resources into Anthem and Dragon Age 4, along with the recent reveal that Andromeda’s DLC will be concluded in book form, it seems like the Mass Effect franchise is going into cryostasis for the foreseeable future. So what better time to reflect back on one of the series’ greatest triumphs; the way it handled its romances.

From the character-building, the dialogue, the importing from one sequel to the next, over time we truly came to care for Shepard’s crew-mates, especially that one special alien who we could give our hearts to. Lets be honest, the humans were rather bland most of the time.

So in order to celebrate this beloved component of the series, we’re counting down what we believe to be the top five romance interests in the Mass Effect series!

Fair warning, there are MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!

#5: Samantha Traynor

While Mass Effect 3 certainly had its issues, its exploration into same-sex relationships was a welcome addition, especially thanks to the characterisation of Specialist Traynor. She was quirky, nerdy, a delight to be around and had an odd fondness for showers. Despite just sneaking into the series last minute, the relationship she shared with FemShep was a rather sweet one.

#4: Thane Krios

Falling in love with a dying man makes for a complicated situation no matter how you look at it, but thanks to Thane’s nuanced character and the genuine affection brought about in their conversations, the whole ordeal turned out to be one of Mass Effect’s most bittersweet moments. Throw in his death and funeral scene from Mass Effect 3, and you have a doomed romance that’s likely to bring a tear to your eye.

#3: Liara T’Soni

She’s been there from beginning and stood at Shepard’s all the way to the end. A genius Asari who would go onto become the galaxy’s most dangerous broker, Liara’s descent into the fringes of the law made her a deeply compelling character, whose romance with Shepard held many highs and lows. If you’re looking for a complete romantic experience over the course of a trilogy, then you can’t go wrong with these two. Embrace eternity.

#2: Tali’Zorah vas Normandy

If there’s one character whose gone through the most changes over the course of the trilogy, as both a character and a romance option, it’s Tali. Going from a naive girl on her pilgrimage all the way to Admiral of the Quarian Fleet, Tali’s journey ran parallel to Shepard’s, allowing for a beautiful and heartfelt romance to blossom between the pair. Which is pretty impressive given how her genetic biology ensured that physical contact was all but a death sentence for her.

#1: Garrus Vakarian

It says a lot about the character when they can simultaneously be the best bro as well as the most fulfilling romance in an entire video game series. Shepard’s right hand man, Garrus didn’t just go from officer to Space-Batman, but also a tortured soul in need of finding love in a life that had become overcome with death and shame. His banter is always on point, he’s an expert shot, he can dance like nobody’s business, and most importantly he’s got that reach and flexibility! And calibrations. Lots of calibrations.

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