Top 5 Mononoke Moments

By alexcrillymckean,

Forming An Opinion? Want The Truth? You Won’t Regret Watching This Anime!

While some may claim it’s more style over substance, this horror anime has still managed to carve its own dazzling mark on the community. It’s certainly blinding when it comes to its visuals, and one might consider it more unnerving instead of downright terrifying, but that doesn’t lessen the impact or the beauty that Mononoke brings to the table!

Trust us, you’re going to want a taste of The Medicine Seller’s merchandise.

Following said enigmatic figure as he hunts down the dangerous entities known as Mononoke, the series that certainly knew how to revel in its traditional Japanese art design, tempered by a mixture of the occult detective genre and some stunning action scenes.

So ready your Sword of Exorcism because we are counting down the top ten most mesmerising moments from this eerily serene anime!

Fair warning, there are MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!

#5: Suicide

In a rather tragic twist, The Medicine Seller’s apparent efforts to free an abused young woman from the lust of a masked Mononoke is revealed to be just a performance to make her realise that she herself has become a Mononoke due to suicide. While not exactly a pleasant note to end on, seeing The Medicine Seller help her find peace is a perfect example of what the anime is all about.

#4: The Wood Did It!

Following the murder of a young lady, The Medicine Seller and her three suitors find themselves competing for control of a supposed mystical piece of wood known as the Toudaiji. As it happens, the suitors have been dead for a long time, each of them killed by the Toudaiji which is in itself is a Mononoke. Seeing through the trickery, The Medicine Seller lets loose his inner lumberjack.

#3: What Do You Truly Fear?

While not as malicious as a Mononoke, this encounter with a spirit known as a Ayakashi demands that each of the passenger on a ship divulge their greatest fear. From there we see some of the series’ most unsettling imagery. A man coughs up massive fish, a young woman gives birth to a demonic-looking child, and a samurai finds himself being devoured by an even bigger fish.

#2: Playing Detective

The finale of the series was by far its greatest episode, as it sprung our nameless protagonist into what appeared into the 1920’s. While aboard a train, a small group of civilians are haunted by a cat-like Mononoke. Through various flashbacks we see that each had a hand in the murder of a young woman, leading The Medicine Seller to locate the true culprit before they are all crushed by the vengeful spirit.

#1: Transformation

Undoubtedly the highlight of each segment, when the The Medicine Seller unleashes his inner self you know that its about to go down! Upon learning of a Mononoke’s form, truth and regret, he is able to unlock his omnipotent sword, all the while undergoing quite the flashy change in appearance. This brief moment of action isn’t only exhilarating, but also offers some truly staggering and breathtaking visuals!


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